Submissions from 2012
Consonance and Dissonance in Visual Music, Bill Alves
Submissions from 2010
Correspondences and Complementarity in Visual Music, Bill Alves
Comparative Environmental Politics: Beyond an Enclave Approach, Paul F. Steinberg
Submissions from 2009
Institutional Resilience Amid Political Change: The Case of Biodiversity Conservation, Paul F. Steinberg
Submissions from 2008
The Tuning of Lou Harrison - Por Gitaro: Suites for Tuned Guitars, performed by John Schneider, Bill Alves
Submissions from 2007
Causal Assessment in Small-N Policy Studies, Paul F. Steinberg
Submissions from 2005
Digital Harmony of Sound and Light, Bill Alves
The Electro-Acoustic Music of Frederick Lesemann, Bill Alves
Bringing Political Science to Bear on Tropical Conservation, Paul F. Steinberg
From Public Concern to Policy Effectiveness: Civic Conservation in Developing Countries, Paul F. Steinberg
Submissions from 2003
Understanding Policy Change in Developing Countries: The Spheres of Influence Framework, Paul F. Steinberg
Submissions from 2002
Review: Insatiable Appetite: The Unided States and the Ecological Degradation of the Tropical World, Paul F. Steinberg
Submissions from 2001
Imbal-Imbalan, Bill Alves
Submissions from 1998
Consensus by Design, Policy by Default: Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity, Paul F. Steinberg
Submissions from 1997
Pleng: Composing for a Justly Tuned Gender Barung, Bill Alves
Submissions from 1996
The Role of Local Government in the Conservation of Rare Species, Daniel Press, Daniel F. Doak, and Paul F. Steinberg
Submissions from 1995
Review of Chanting the Light of Foresight: Imbas Forasnai by Terry Riley and the Rova Saxophone Quartet, Bill Alves
Submissions from 1990
Key Characteristics and Pitch Sets in Composing with Just Intonation, Bill Alves
Submissions from 1989
The Just Intonation System of Nicola Vicentino, Bill Alves