Document Type
Environmental Analysis (Pitzer)
Publication Date
Claremont, land development, environmental justice, Claremont Colleges
Founded on the Oxford model of a cluster of institutions, the Claremont Colleges has periodically established a new school. In the Spring of 1997, the Board of Fellows of the Claremont University Center charged with policy-making for the consortium-voted to establish a seventh college; the Keck Graduate Institute of applied life sciences. or bioengineering. Despite other landholdings, including a golf course and a non-operational gravel quarry, the Board of Fellows voted to site the New Venture on a portion-approximately eleven acres--of the Bernard Biological Field Station. (Pitzer's vote was cast against building on the Field Station.)
Rights Information
© 1999 Paul Faulstich. Posted with permission.
Recommended Citation
Faulstich, Paul. Land Development and Biotechnology at the Claremont Colleges. The Other Side. 2/1999: 10-13.
Included in
Environmental Health and Protection Commons, Environmental Studies Commons, Urban, Community and Regional Planning Commons
Originally published by The Other Side.