Graduation Year
Document Type
Open Access Senior Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts
Reader 1
Colleen Rosenfeld
Reader 2
Aaron Matz
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© 2022 Ethan Widlansky
I set out to write about eating distress in Virginia Woolf. I wanted to write about mothers, too, in her fiction and essays, because, as Chris Kraus puts it, “Mother is Food.” I began by investigating one of Woolf’s fictional letters, written in Jacob’s Room. There, the letter arrives at breakfast. This coincidence followed me into my other readings on mothering and food, so I decided to discuss Woolf’s fictional epistolary form for an entire chapter. And then, after winter break, an entire chapter became an entire thesis.
Recommended Citation
Widlansky, Ethan, "Post(al) Apocalypse: A Letter About Virginia Woolf's Fictional Letters" (2022). Pomona Senior Theses. 294.