Changing Stories, Changing Lives
Document Type
Book Review
English (Scripps)
Publication Date
English Language and Literature | Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | Fiction
These two very different books both offer new ways of reading women's writing; both provide a wealth of information about twentieth-century women writers, their lives, concerns, backgrounds -information of the sort we are not likely to acquire in the usual course of degree-taking in literature, where women writers continue to be marginalized by curricula still largely based on a male-centered canon; and both contribute to the reformation of the canon which is a major objective of feminist criticis.
Rights Information
© 1985 Old City Publishing, Inc.
Recommended Citation
Greene, Gayle. “Changing Stories, Changing Lives.” The Women's Review of Books, vol. 2, no. 12, 1985, pp. 17–18.