Graduation Year


Document Type

Campus Only Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Middle East Studies

Reader 1

Lara Deeb

Reader 2

Sumita Pahwa

Rights Information

2021 Emma S Hagle


Refugee reproduction can be viewed as co-produced fertility. Women’s reproductive choices are affected and informed by a number of sovereign powers, not just their own desire. Host-nations and humanitarian organizations define and control family planning options and access, as well as refugee’s personal experiences and surrounding environments. Formal and informal negotiations between these three actors determine Syrian refugee fertility outcomes.

This co-produced, structurally informed reproduction is not unique to refugees, but the specific roles of host-nation and humanitarian organization are distinctive within refugee experiences. This thesis examines each actor’s perspective on refugee fertility (host-nation, humanitarian complex, and Syrian refugee), and analyses their relationships with each other—ultimately producing reproductive outcomes.

This thesis is restricted to the Claremont Colleges current faculty, students, and staff.
