Graduation Year


Document Type

Open Access Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Politics and International Relations

Reader 1

Sumita Pahwa

Reader 2

Tomás Summers Sandoval

Terms of Use & License Information

Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

Rights Information

2023 Leah A Hurwitz


Women have actively participated in various social movements across different times and locations, contributing their efforts in diverse capacities. The Long Sixties was a period of social activism, particularly for young, antiwar American college students. Literature shows that women and young students engaged for varying reasons against the Vietnam War. However, there is less research regarding the explicit role women played in the antiwar movement on women’s college campuses, specifically concerning how their relevant identities shaped their activism. Using a case study and network analysis alongside archival research, I perform an analysis of the political opportunity structures, framings, and networks related to antiwar activism on women’s college campuses. I find that Scripps women largely engaged with the issue of the Vietnam War as students and Americans rather than as women. Scripps women did reconstitute their gender identities through their activism and the cultural changes in the Long Sixties, challenging traditional notions of women’s activism. Scripps women did utilize available networks within the Claremont Colleges and at the national level to gain recognition and validation in their community and from the institutional leaders.
