Graduation Year


Document Type

Campus Only Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Art History

Reader 1

Daniel Hackbarth

Reader 2

Juliet Koss

Terms of Use & License Information

Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

Rights Information

2024 Stella M Markey


In this paper, I will be focusing on Rosler’s photomontage series: House Beautiful: Bringing the War Home (1967-72) as a critical response to the Vietnam War and the media’s portrayal and complicity in the conflict. In this series, Rosler interweaves harrowing photographs from the Vietnam War published in Life magazine with photographs of well-decorated homes from shelter magazine, House Beautiful, creating disconcerting and thought-provoking photomontages that prompt viewers to reconsider their relationship to the Vietnam War and other world events. Will argue that Rosler not only challenges mainstream media, specifically Life’s, distorted representation of the Vietnam War, but also reveals the political undertones of supposedly apolitical publications like House Beautiful.

This thesis is restricted to the Claremont Colleges current faculty, students, and staff.
