Graduation Year


Document Type

Campus Only Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



Reader 1

Joshua Rosett

Reader 2

Roberto Pedace

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© 2023 Mihika V Desouza


This paper examines the effects of the June 24th, 2022, Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade on contraceptive-producing firms. Specifically, I used an event study methodology to examine the abnormal returns during two windows: the information leak (May 3rd) and the actual decision date (June 24th). After running regressions for individual stocks in my contraceptive firm set (M_Pharm), I found that the stocks with the highest t-test significance focused solely on contraceptives in their product offering. This led me to hypothesize that their business models were most significantly impacted by the overturn. I found the cross-sectional t-tests to be more statistically significant for the decision date than the leak date. For the second section portion, I performed regressions to understand how the SCOTUS decision impacted other firms in the connected industries. The contraceptive firms set experienced a more considerable boost in asset turnover and ROA than the other firms in the set. I ran the same tests for ROE; however, they were not statistically significant. Likely due to the variation of total equity between firms in the set.

This thesis is restricted to the Claremont Colleges current faculty, students, and staff.
