Graduation Year


Document Type

Campus Only Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Politics and International Relations

Second Department


Reader 1


Reader 2


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© 2024 Jiayu Hou


This thesis explores the impact of migration on the feminist awakening of rural women workers in China by focusing on some major provinces in China that send and receive migrant workers. The research methodology is mainly qualitative analysis based on collected interviews. These provinces include Anhui, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Sichuan, so the interviews were mainly collected in these provinces. The results of the study show that migrating to the city to work and live has had a significant impact on the personal thoughts and life attitudes of female workers, especially the new generation after the 2000s. These female migrant workers' thoughts about marriage, career development, and life patterns have been changed in the process of migration to be closer to the independence and freedom advocated by feminism. However, factors such as traditional rural ideas toward marriage and parental supervision continue to be obstacles for rural female workers to move toward a more modern life and marriage.

This thesis is restricted to the Claremont Colleges current faculty, students, and staff.
