Graduation Year


Document Type

Campus Only Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Humanities: Interdisciplinary Studies in Culture

Second Department

Hispanic Studies

Reader 1

Marina Peréz de Mendiola

Reader 2

Carmen Sanjuan Pastor

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Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

Rights Information

© 2024 Katherine A Remaklus


In this thesis, I will delve into the realm of horror within feminist, contemporary Central and Latin American literature. I explore the works of Ojeda, Enríquez, and Dávila and the ways in which they distinctly interact with patriarchal taboos and fears, disrupting the power dynamics that lie beneath the facade of patriarchal horror and their present realities. This is done in contrasting and, sometimes, contradictory and controversial ways. This thesis navigates these very contradictions. Important questions that will be reckoned with and considered are: how does feminist horror challenge patriarchal norms? Is feminist horror’s replication of female trauma ethical and/or effective? How are these three, distinct feminist authors in conversation with one another over the years? How does the feminist horror genre reflect the female experience? And, is the horror genre the best genre to accomplish this?

This thesis is restricted to the Claremont Colleges current faculty, students, and staff.
