Graduation Year


Document Type

Open Access Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



Reader 1

Stacey Wood

Reader 2

Theodore Bartholomew

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Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

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© 2023 Clara Spitz


Very little research has been done to examine the efficacy of treatments for adolescents with selective mutism (SM). Although cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been distinguished as one of the optimal treatment styles for SM, a significant portion of research in this area has focused on children. Additionally, it often incorporates play therapy, which may not necessarily apply as effectively to older populations. Dance therapy has emerged as a promising and innovative treatment for various anxiety and communication issues. Although specific studies on its application to SM are limited, existing research suggests its potential effectiveness in addressing this condition as well. This study aims to explore how a CBT intervention will compare to a multi-modal CBT and dance movement therapy (DMT) intervention in treating symptoms of SM in adolescents. Participants will be randomly sorted into two intervention groups and the severity of their SM symptoms will be assessed prior to, midway through, and following the treatment intervention. Treatment will consist of individual and group CBT sessions along with group DMT sessions. It is anticipated that the multi-modal CBT and DMT treatment will be significantly more effective in improving symptoms of SM than the solely CBT treatment.
