Graduation Year


Document Type

Open Access Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



Reader 1

Kevin Williamson

Reader 2

Abdiel Jacobsen

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Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

Rights Information

© 2024 Loren Mello


The femme fatale remains a staple icon in the media zeitgeist – a power-hungry woman unafraid to wield her sexuality as a weapon against unsuspecting men. While this character has usually represented a socially unacceptable version of womanhood, this narrative feels particularly relevant within our current sociopolitical context – one in which repressive, “traditional” notions of womanhood and, more specifically, female sexuality are being promoted on the national stage. This thesis seeks to further develop the femme fatale character by offering insight into her personal experience of pursuing empowerment within a patriarchal structure that seeks to violently silence her, exposing a side of this character not usually seen by audiences – emotional complexity. This project culminated in a choreographed dance piece performed in a concert dance setting, drawing on both heels dance and modern dance techniques.

Included in

Dance Commons
