Senior Theses from 2014
Reexamining the 1950s American Housewife: How Ladies Home Journal Challenged Domestic Expectations During the Postwar Period, Margaret Bonaparte
Their Idea of Tragedy: A Deconstruction of Intersections of Gender and Disability in Virginia Woolf, Amy M. Borsuk
“This Is Seattle”: Parents Involved In Community Schools And The Grassroots Fight Against Busing, Colleen N. Broderick
Investigating the Function of Selfish Satellite Sequences through Expression Profiling in the Jewel Wasp testis, Hanna F. Brody
Remotely Administered Immunocontraception as an Effective and Humane Management Tool for Feral Horses (Equus caballus) in Overpopulated Rangelands, Hilary A. Bruegl
Exemplary Equines: Gazes and Gesture of Bovine Animals in Trecento Fresco, Elsa L. Bruno
Hyper-Kloosterman Sums in Supercharacter Theories, Madeleine C. Bulkow
The Intersection of Perceptions: An Investigation of Children’s Personal Narratives, Meridith Burchiel
Real Tweets of Beverly Hills, Chelsea Carlson
Feminist Women’s Health Movement Practices, Mindfulness, Sexual Body Esteem, and Genital Satisfaction, Amanda N. Carter
Delight in Possibility: Female Community and Elizabeth Gaskell, Alexandra M. Cauley
Xing: Sex, Gender and Revolution in Contemporary Chinese Art, Nicole E. Chan
A Volumetric Study of Aqueous Butanol Solutions, Priyanka P. Chary
Restoring, Rewriting, Reimagining: Asian American Science Fiction Writers and the Time Travel Narrative, Joanne Chern
Correlation Between Crime, Oxytocin, and Generosity, Alexa R. Clark
The Plight of the 'Girl' Gamer: Deconstructing the Stereotypes of Women in Gaming, Allison Comrie
The Pleasure Gap: Harnessing Pleasure to Increase Global Condom Use, Claire Courtney
Oxygen Tension Modulates Growth Of Ovine Newborn Pulmonary Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells, Belen A. Cruz
Shoulder Impingement in Water Polo Players, Kelly A. Davis
‘Nadie la puede besar’: El Arquetipo Mujer Araña , de Ovidio a Manuel Puig, Charlotte Day-Reiss
“Of the Woman First of All”: Walt Whitman and Women's Literary History, Vivian Delchamps
Cultural Factors in Mental Health Referral Among Asian Americans, Ishani Deo
Psychological Processes Involved in Skilled Golf Performance, Elizabeth Diebel
Pseudodemocratic Rhetoric and Social Hierarchies: The Relative Lack of Influence of Rousseau's Radical Egalitarianism on Early American Political Thought, Summer Dowd-Lukesh
Mad Love and Narrative Uncertainty in the Twentieth Century: A Study of the Good Soldier and Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein, Rose DuCharme
Structure, Composition, and Emplacement History of Orbicular Granites and Comb Layering, Sierra and Sequoia National Forests, CA, Jane L. Eisenberg
The Sharing Economy: Exploring the Intersection of Collaborative Consumption and Capitalism, Ellyn E. Erving
Be Heard: Narratives of Sexual Assault and Rape, Stephanie H. Feldman
Holocaust Memorialization: Perceptions of the Workplace, Translation of Memory, and Personal Experiences of Museum Staff and Volunteers, Rachel L. Fidler
Using Radio Relics to Constrain the Dynamics of 1 RXS J0603.3+4214, Emily Q. Finney
Soy Latina and My Story Matters: Negotiating My Experiences at a Women's College, Jacqueline A. Flores
The Use of Facebook per Patterns of Attachment, Ann A. Franklin
Disidentified Masculinities, Jacqueline Hope Freedman
Disidentified Masculinities, Jacqueline Hope Freedman
A Comparitive Study of the Impact of Special Economic Zones on Economic Development in China and India, Sweta Garapati
Cross Cultural Predictors of Blame Attribution in Marital and Non- Marital Rape, Nikita Gettu
"Other than Dead": Queering Vampires in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Interview with the Vampire, and The Gilda Stories, Megan E. Gianniny
Politicizing Apollo: Ovid's Commentary on Augustan Marriage Legislation in the Ars Amatoria and the Metamorphoses, Tara N. Godzich
The Foraging Areas of Attine Ants at the Firestone Reserve, Costa Rica, Elana A. Goldstein
Clinton Connected: A Qualitative Analysis of the Portrayals of Hillary Clinton on Online News Blogs during the 2008 Presidential Primaries, Jessica Gonchar
The Great Galactic Oversight - Characterizing the Most Numerous Stars in the Galaxy, Alexandria Gonzales
“Am I Sexy Yet?”: Contextualizing the Movement of Exotic Dance and Its Effects on Female Dancers’ Self-image and Sexual Expression, Maximanova O. Greenberg
How Attention is Affected by Anxiety Among Individuals with Social Phobia, Mary Willa A. Green
The Impact of Sea Surface Temperature on Outbreaks of Acanthaster planci on the Great Barrier Reef, Laura A. Grossman
What it Means to be Singaporean: Nation-Building, National Identity and Ethnicity in Twentieth Century Singapore, Sharmishtha Gupta
"The Footprint of the Monster": California and the American Nightmare, Lauren Halberg
Vitamin D and Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis, Celina Hayashi
Effects of Diet on Escherichia Coli O157:h7 Growth and Nutritional Content of Beef, Genevieve G. Heger
Hope for Appropriation, Katrina Heger
Juror Decision Making: The Influence of Personal Beliefs When Deciding Rape Cases, Asia B. Henderson
La Educación Como Camino Hacia la Revitalización de Lenguas Indígenas: Problemas y Prospectivas, Isabella Hendry
What Is the Impact of the Technology Boom on Housing in San Francisco?, Ina Herlihy
Urban Farm and Community Garden Hybrid Models: A Case Study of the Huerta del Valle Community Garden, Leah Hochberg
Willa Cather's Pioneer Spirit: Ecofeminism on the Frontier, Catherine T. Holcombe
Kitchen Justice: Gender Difference in Building Common Ground, Julia Howard
The Biomorphic Grotesque in Modernist and Contemporary Painting, Audrey Howell
Seattle Public Schools Educators' Perceptions of the Efficacy of Autism Inclusion Programs, Roslyn Clare Hower
Soup, Fins, and Exploitation: An Analysis of the Current State of Shark Finning, Katie Huang
Cutting Out Worry: Popularizing Psychosurgery in America, Antonietta Louise Iannaccone
Gals Getting "Reno-Vated": Individual Transformation and National Change During the Rise and Fall of the Reno Divorce Ranches, Theresa M. Iker
Cold War in the Courtroom: The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg and the Development of the Cold War, Janessa Ingram
Effects of Phylogeny on Structural Correlations of Vertebrate Eyes, Amanda YL Jacobs
Let’s Talk about Sex: An Examination of Sexual Discourses at the Claremont Colleges, Laura R. Jeddeloh
The Effects of Matching/mismatching Learning Style and Learning Task on Academic Self-efficacy in College Students, Elizabeth K. Jones
Criminal Stigma to Activist Authority Among the Formerly Incarcerated, Laura R. Jones
Troika of Fortune Tellers, Sophia D. Kalin
Effects of Delivery Mode on Initial Infant Gut Colonization And Subsequent Immune System Development, Christina Kang
Politicized Historiography and the Zionist-Crusader Analogy, Emma Kellman
Chemical Dental Plaque Control: Chlorhexidine Tooth Staining and Efficacy of Common Whitening Procedures, Zoe Kiklis
The Effect of Religiosity on the Economic Performance of the United States of America, May F. Kim
"Playthings of a Historical Process": Prostitution in Spanish Society from the Restoration to the Civil War (1874-1939), Ann Kirkpatrick
Farmworkers and Strawberry Cultivation in Oxnard, California: A Political Economy Approach, Jean Larsen
The Plots of Alexanderplatz: A Study of the Space that Shaped Weimar Berlin, Carrie Grace Latimer
The Y-Word: The Development of Anglo-Jewish Identity as Evidenced by Tottenham Hotspur Soccer Club's "Yid Army" Supporters, Blake Laufer
Reconciliation and The Rule of Law: The Changing Role of International War Crimes Tribunals, Oriana H D LaVilla
Understanding the Luxury Handbag Market: Do Used Handbags Make Viable Investments?, Aileen Le
Gendered Souls: Female Religious and Imperial Power in Early Byzantium, Jessica R. Lee
Factors of Achievement and Persistence of Minorities in Physics, Pejing Lee
Designing A Better Internet Search Engine Based On Information Foraging Theory, Szeyin Lee
An Ethnographic Inquiry: Contemporary Language Ideologies of American Sign Language, Anya A. Leyhe
The Crisis of Migrant Motherhood: Exploring the Cultures of Servitude embedded within North Indian Domestic Work, Emery Lieberman-Auerbach
Feminist Stereotypes: Communal vs. Agentic, Emily R. Lindburg
The Pacific Crest Trail: A History of America’s Relationship with Western Wilderness, Jenn Livermore
Early Life Epigenetic Programming and Later Psychological Ramifications: Programming Positivity, Sarah E. K. Loebner
The Effects of Music Therapy on Stress Induced Muscle Pain, Jamie Lowe
How the Myth Was Made: Time, Myth, and Narrative in the Work of William Faulkner, Katherine A. MacDonnell
The City and The Stage: Ethics of Performance in Ex-Yugoslavia, Julia MacNelly
The Effects of CpG Methylation on BI-BII Equilibrium in DNA, Georgia A. Macy
Heart Rate Variability and Oxytocin: Measures of Parasympathetic Control, Amelia Mainardi
La Tirania de la Invisibilidad: La Necesidad de Reconocer y Analizar la Violencia de Genero en la Argentina, Laura Mallison
"Sea Water Fish in a Freshwater Pond:" An Institutional Approach to Understanding Cooperative Scarcity in the United States, Caroline E. Malone
Looking Back, Moving Forward: The Role of Gandhian Economic Philosophy in India's Development, Sanggeet Mithra Manirajah
Keeping Iran from the Bomb: The Obama Administration and the Puzzle of the Iranian Nuclear Program, Kaitlin E. Marshall