
An Incomplete Style Guide for The Journal of Humanistic Mathematics [1]

Even though The Journal of Humanistic Mathematics has no general rules about the formatting of articles upon initial submission, we appreciate contributors who take the time to follow the suggestions below. Some of these will make the refereeing / reviewing process simpler and as a result more time-efficient, while others will just be ensuring that your manuscript aligns with our expectations for what we consider appropriate style and will thus make the final formatting / typesetting process much easier. We will also probably be in a better mood while we review your submission…

In general

  1. Every submission (except poetry) should include a brief (no longer than 150-200 words) abstract / synopsis, describing to the reader what to expect from the work. For poetry submissions, poets might include a postscript to situate or contextualize their work.
  2. Submit your manuscript, including tables, figures, appendices, etc., as a single file (Word or PDF files are accepted). Make sure to check whether the PDF created by the journal online system is readable before you log out.
  3. Because this Journal publishes electronically, page limits are not as relevant as they are in the world of print publications. We are happy, therefore, to let authors take advantage of this greater "bandwidth" to include material that they might otherwise have to cut to get into a print journal. That said, authors should make sure that the length is justified and is appropriate for the purposes of the manuscript.
  4. Please include page numbers in your submitted manuscript. Avoid headers or footers.
  5. If you are writing in LaTeX, using a standard document class such as article (and not doing too much with formatting) will be fine. If you are using Word, please ensure that:
    1. Page size should be 8.5 x 11-inches.
    2. All margins (left, right, top and bottom) should be 1.5 inches (3.8 cm), including your tables and figures.
    3. Text should be single (or at most one-and-a-half) spaced.
    4. For layout, a single column layout with both left and right margins justified should be used.
    5. The main body text should be in 12 pt Times or the closest available font.
    6. The footnote text should be in 10 pt Times or the closest available font.
  6. We prefer footnotes to endnotes, and prefer none to either.
  7. We use the Oxford (serial) comma.
  8. Commas and periods go inside the quotation marks.
  9. Use a period inside parentheses only if the enclosed material is meant to stand alone as a sentence. Use other punctuation marks inside parentheses only if the punctuation is part of the parenthetical material.[2]
  10. Do not overuse italics, boldface, and capitalization in order to emphasize. Do not use underlining for emphasis.
  11. We use the following, now commonly accepted, forms of spelling: "email," "website," “blog,” and "online," not "e-mail," "web site," “weblog,” or "online." For other words, we will check a dictionary. We accept both the English and the American spelling for a word, as long as the choice is made consistently throughout the manuscript.
  12. We encourage the use of sections and subsections, numbered and titled, to signpost and help the reader.
  13. If figures are included, use high-resolution figures and provide captions for them.
  14. Copyedit your manuscript.
  15. If possible, there should be no pages where more than a quarter of the page is empty space.
  16. Don't "widow" or "orphan" text (i.e., ending a page with the first line of a paragraph or beginning a page with the last line of a paragraph).
  17. We can happily include a paragraph about the author(s) as a first page footnote. If you would like us to do so, let us know after your work has been accepted for publication.

Formatting References

  1. It is the author's obligation to provide complete references with the necessary information.
  2. Journal and book titles should be italicized; all journal names should be given in full. Please do not use any abbreviations for journal names no matter how well-known the journal or its abbreviation is in your field. The Journal of Humanistic Mathematics is read by a diverse group of people and we do not assume familiarity with publications of any particular discipline.
  3. We do not replicate MathSciNet's reference format, so don't cut and paste from that site.
  4. References must be in alphabetical order by author last name and numbered.
  5. If you use more than one article/book by an author (or multiple authors), please spell out the author name in the same way in each occurrence.
  6. Use complete first names and middle names if at all possible. If you need to use initials, there should be a single space between them, e.g., E. C. not E.C. (see #10). The initials for a hyphenated first name, e.g., Jean-Paul, should also be hyphenated: J.-P.
  7. If the city where the publisher is located is obscure, please include the two-letter abbreviation for the state, e.g., Mineola NY. Do not use periods in DC (District of Columbia). Do not use a comma to separate city and state. If there is more than one location listed for a publisher, include only the first city.
  8. The first letters of words in book titles are capitalized. With the exception of proper names, only the first word in the title of an article from a journal is capitalized, unless the title includes a colon followed by a second title, in which case the first word following the colon is capitalized.
  9. For publishers of books, do not use “Co.”, Inc.”, “& Sons”, etc. “Press” is fine. Watch out for Macmillan (not MacMillan); Birkhäuser; and A K Peters (no periods after the "A" and "K").
  10. Journal volume numbers are in bold; use issue numbers if possible, but especially for journals such as Mathematical Intelligencer (see #2 below) which number each issue separately.
  11. We don't include page numbers for books in the references; if you want to refer to specific page numbers, include that information in the body of the text, e.g., [1, pages 67-71]. However, for articles that are published in the proceedings of a conference or in an edited collection of papers, you should give page numbers (see #8 and #12 below).
  12. References to personal communications should be included in the body of the paper, e.g., "… reformulation is due to Michael Eisermann (personal communication, 2008)."
  13. The Chicago Manual of Style's latest edition warns against using just a web site address and recommends more complete information on URLs, i.e., the author's name, title of the page, a brief description, and the year of "publication" to the web (see example 14). The rationale is that a URL may become obsolete and/or inactive, so it is important to have basic information included. MathWorld (example 16) is a different case. Make sure to also include a last access date for online sources.
  14. Please write page or pages instead of p. or pp. to improve readability.

Some Examples for Bibliographic Entries

  1. Journal article:

    Thomas Schmeltzer and Robert Baillie, “Summing a curious, slowly convergent series: A mathematical adventure,” American Mathematical Monthly, Volume 115 (2008), pages 525-540.

  2. Article in Mathematical Intelligencer (or any journal in which page numbers begin with 1 in each issue):

    Robin Hartshorne and Ronald Van Luijk, “Non-Euclidean Pythagorean triples, a problem of Euler, and rational points on K3 surfaces,” Mathematical Intelligencer, Volume 30 Number 4 (2008), pages 4-10.

  3. Journal article also available at a web site:

    Jean-Marc Bonnet-Bidaud, Francois Colas, and Jean Lecacheux, “Search for companions around Sirius,” Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 360 (2000), pages 991-996; available at http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0010032 ,accessed on July 12, 2012.

  4. Book:

    Stanislaw Lem, The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age, Harcourt, Inc., New York NY, 1974.

  5. Book (edited):

    John Ewing, ed., A Century of Mathematics: Through the Eyes of the Monthly, Mathematical Association of America, Washington DC, 1994.

  6. Book (translated):

    Isaac Newton, The Principia (trans. A. Motte), Prometheus Books, Amherst NY, 1995.

  7. Book in a series:

    John G. Ratcliffe, Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 149, Springer-Verlag NY, 1994.

  8. Book in a multivolume work:

    Michael Reed and Barry Simon, Methods of Mathematical Physics, vol. I, Functional Analysis, Academic Press NY, 1980.

  9. Symposium Proceedings:

    William Fulton and Rahul Pandharipande, “Notes on stable maps and quantum cohomology,” in Algebraic Geometry—Santa Cruz 1995, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, vol. 62, American Mathematical Society, Providence RI, 1997, pages 45-96.

  10. Second edition:

    E. C. Titchmarsh, The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press NY, 1986.

  11. Reprint:

    Stanislaw Saks, Theory of the Integral, Dover, New York, 1964; reprint of the 2nd revised ed., G. E. Stechert, Warsaw, 1937.

  12. Corrected reprint of earlier edition:

    Stephen D. Fisher, Complex Variables, Dover, Mineola NY, 1999; corrected reprint of 2nd ed. (1990).

  13. Chapter in an edited book:

    Abraham A. Ungar, “Möbius transformations of the ball, Ahlfors' rotation and gyrovector spaces,” in Nonlinear Analysis in Geometry and Topology, T. M. Rassias, ed., Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor FL, 2000, pages 241-287.

  14. Book review:

    Scott Walter, Book Review: Beyond the Einstein Addition Law and its Gyroscopic Thomas Precessions: The Theory of Gyrogroups and Gyrovector Spaces by Abraham A. Ungar, Foundations of Physics, Volume 32 (2002), pages 327-330.

  15. Web site:

    Daniel J. Velleman, American Mathematical Monthly, submission guidelines and information for the Monthly (2007); available at http://www.cs.amherst.edu/~djv/monthly/, accessed on July 12, 2012.

  16. Collection of papers on a web site:

    Peter S. Bullen, Nonabsolute integrals in the twentieth century, in AMS Special Session on Nonabsolute Integration, P. Muldowney and E. Talvila, eds., University of Toronto, Toronto (2000); available at http://www.emis.de/proceedings/index.html, accessed on July 12, 2012.

  17. Citing MathWorld:

    Eric Weisstein, Fibonacci Numbers—From MathWorld; available at http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FibonacciNumber.html,accessed on July 12, 2012.

  18. Citing ArXiv:

    Brandilyn Stigler and Alan Veliz-Cuba, “Network topology as a driver of bistability in the lac operon” (2008), available at http://arxiv.org/abs/0807.3995, accessed on July 12, 2012.

  19. Citing Wikipedia:

    Wikipedia contributors, Zeckendorf's theorem, Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia; available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeckendorf's_theorem, accessed on July 12, 2012.

  20. Citing an online news source:

    CNN.com, "California ballot official, ready to print," August 14, 2003, available at http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/08/13/calif.recall/index.html, accessed on July 12, 2012.

  21. Citing a newspaper with author byline:

    D. Dilby, “Syndicate strikes again to win €275,000 Dublin home,” The Sunday Times (London), May 8, 2005.

  22. Citing a newspaper w/o author byline:

    The Washington Post, Va. “Lotto payoff approved,” March 11, 1992.

  23. To appear (or preprint):

    G. Davidoff, A generalization of Littlewood’s theorem (to appear).

  24. Ph.D.dissertation (or Master's thesis):

    Nathan Christopher Ng, Limiting Distributions and Zeros of Artin L-Functions, Ph.D. dissertation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2000.

  25. A little bit of everything:

    Leonhard Euler, De fractionibus continuis dissertatio, Comm. Acad. Sci. Petropol. 9 (1744) 98-137; also in Opera Omnia, ser. I, vol. 14, Teubner, Leipzig, 1925; English translation by M. Wyman and B. Wyman, An essay on continued fractions, Math. Systems Theory 18 (1985) pages 295-328.

[1] This style guide was adapted from the one for The College Mathematics Journal, with permission from its editor Michael Henle. Updated 4/29/13.

[2] For this and more, you might find the companion website for The Penguin Handbook and The Brief Penguin Handbook by Lester Faigley useful. This is available as of April 27, 2013, at http://wps.ablongman.com/long_faigley_penguinhb_1/7/1976/505961.cw/index.html.