- Philosophy of Journal of Humanistic Mathematics
- Who Can Submit?
- General Submission Rules
- Submission Categories
- Formatting Requirements
- Rights for Authors and Scholarship @ Claremont
Philosophy of Journal of Humanistic Mathematics
We hope to serve the whole mathematical community and we wish to encourage the development and sustenance of an equitable and welcoming environment for all individuals, independent of their status within and relationship to the community. Occasionally some of our content might make some readers uncomfortable. We welcome reader responses to content that provokes disagreement.
The author(s) of each article/work that appears in this Journal is/are solely responsible for the content thereof. The publication of an article shall not constitute or be deemed to constitute any representation of the views and opinions of the Editors or the Journal. This also applies to the actions and attitudes depicted in works of fiction and poetry. In general, publication in JHM does not imply the endorsement of individual authors' behaviors, philosophical stances, or ideological perspectives.
For more information, please see Journal of Humanistic Mathematics Aims and Scope page.
Who Can Submit?
Anyone who has some unusual mathematics to share or something interesting to say about matters mathematical can submit to the JHM. JHM authors are typically affiliated with an academic institution, but we have also published many manuscripts penned by non-academics. We welcome authors from all walks of life as long as their manuscripts aim to initiate a thoughtful discussion about mathematics or to contribute creatively and constructively to an existing one. There are no author processing charges, submission fees, or publication charges associated with publication in JHM.
General Submission Rules
There are no author processing charges, submission fees, or publication charges associated with publication in JHM.
By submitting a paper to JHM, the author asserts that it has not been previously published, that it is not currently under consideration for publication at another journal, and that the author will not submit it elsewhere for consideration before JHM makes its editorial decision. (In rare circumstances, these conditions may be waived; please contact the editors to inquire about your case before you submit.)
JHM uses a double anonymous review process. Authors should take care to submit an anonymized version of their manuscript to support this process. In particular no author information should be on the original submission, including in the references. Authors who want to cite their prior relevant work can refer to themselves as [AA] -- Anonymous Author.
The editors perform an initial review of all submitted manuscripts and may reject papers that are clearly outside of the scope of the journal. Manuscripts within the scope are typically sent to at least two reviewers. Submissions which straddle multiple disciplinary perspectives will often require more reviewers.
Reviewers do not receive and cannot view any documentation or metadata that includes individually identifiable author information. Authors are provided with similarly anonymized reviewer comments to aid in the revision of their manuscripts.
The review process takes, on average, ten to fifteen weeks. Submissions which straddle multiple disciplinary perspectives may require more time. We urge authors to contact us if they do not hear from us within six months of submission.
If you have concerns about the submission terms for The Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, please contact the editors..
Submission Categories
JHM publishes an eclectic selection of articles, essays, reviews, reports, and creative works. Below you will find a preliminary description of the manuscript categories we use. If you are not sure what category to use for your submission, feel free to contact the editors or simply submit in the category that you think works best. The editors will make the final decision on the category each manuscript belongs.
Article: In an article we assume that you are making an argument. Most JHM articles fall into one of a few types: an article that could be published in a disciplinary journal (in mathematics, philosophy, history, mathematics education, sociology, etc) but the authors and the editors believe fits well within the scope of JHM; an article that crosses boundaries between the many disciplinary fields that touch upon the humanistic aspects of mathematics (such as an article on the psychological dimensions of teaching mathematics, or another that uses historical evidence to argue for a particular philosophical stance, or another that uses mathematical tools to investigate mathematical collaborations); an article that brings a body of scholarship into communication with another in the context of humanistic mathematics; an article that describes in detail a collaboration between mathematicians and humanists in a scholarly fashion. This is by no means an exhaustive list. However in all our articles we expect a scholarly stance and approach, an intentional engagement with a body of scholarly literature, and a clear and well developed thesis. JHM articles that are not purely mathematical or historical typically engage with the literature of a scholarly discipline and tend to work with various theoretical frameworks or constructs as they engage with human stories.
Math in the Time of COVID: .Started in Volume 11 Issue 2 (July 2021), this category includes essays, reflections, poetry, and artwork that responds to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on mathematical lives. See Math in the Time of COVID: An Open Call for Contributions for more details.
Report: Typically those manuscripts that do not make a concrete argument but rather provide an overview or a survey of a topic. We are always on the lookout for people interested in writing reports! See WANTED:Journalists of Humanistic Mathematics/ for more details.
Exposition: Manuscripts that describe and explain a mathematical idea, a theoretical construct, or a philosophical or historical artifact in an accessible manner.
The World of Mathematics: This is a flexible category that contains an eclectic selection of articles, essays, and other content that raise important issues, explore a range of humanistic questions about mathematics, and are often written in a relaxed and personable voice. Papers in this category do not always have a simple concrete thesis. Often when they are making an argument, this will be more expansive than work that one scholarly paper can complete. At other times they will not be making concrete arguments per se and will instead be more personal or reflective or provocative.
Activity: Contributions that could be used as classroom resources or special activities with students in specific contexts.
Communities: Contributions about the many diverse communities of mathematics around the world and throughout history.
Memories and Remembrances: Started in Volume 10 Issue 2 (July 2020), this category aims to capture submissions that share thoughts and recollections about specific mathematical people. These can be somewhat autobiographical in nature.
Interview: Interviews with people whose stories might be of interest to our readership.
Perspective: This label is assigned to provocative, argumentative, and possibly controversial pieces. Usually these are explicitly argumentative, but occasionally more personal contributions also fall within this category.
Book Review: Book reviews that might be of interest to our audience.
Review: Reviews of materials that might be of interest to our audience that are not books (such as blogs, apps, and so on).
Poetry Folder: Collections of five or more poems by one poet or a selection of poets on a theme or a series of related themes.
Poetry: Poems that explore the various dimensions of mathematics.
Fiction: Short stories that explore the humanistic dimensions of mathematics.
Artwork: Mathematical artwork that will engage our readership.
Recreation: This category is a forum for puzzles and other diversions, including humor and short, snappy pieces of writing that make a single point and entertain and intrigue at the same time.
Announcement: Announcements of upcoming events or calls for papers that might be of interest to our readers.
Formatting Requirements
Journal of Humanistic Mathematics has no general rules about the formatting of articles upon initial submission. At that stage we currently accept high-quality PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format) files created using LaTeX, or Microsoft Word files which can, through our online system, be converted to a PDF file. The final formatting and typesetting process is also done in house at this time. However, we suggest that authors make use of footnotes and references as opposed to endnotes, italicize as opposed to underline, use sections and subsections and avoid the use of jargon in their text as much as is feasible. See An Incomplete Style Guide for The Journal of Humanistic Mathematics for more details.
It is understood that the current state of technology of Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) is such that there are no, and can be no, guarantees that documents in PDF will work perfectly with all possible hardware and software configurations that readers may have.
Rights for Authors
As described in our copyright permission and submission agreement form, in consideration for publication of the article, authors agree to the condition that Journal of Humanistic Mathematics (JHM) applies the Creative Commons License (CCL) to all works we publish. Authors choose one of the six CCL licenses. Under the CCL, authors retain ownership of the copyright for their work and specify if readers may download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, and/or copy articles in JHM, so long as the original authors and source are cited. Works by authors choosing CC-BY-NC or CC-BY-SA will not be included in commercial databases or aggregators. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers.
Authors may archive the published version/pdf or link to the open access published version on author's personal website, departmental website, institutional website or institutional repository. If archiving the Publisher's version/PDF, the publisher source must be acknowledged and a link to the publisher version with DOI must be included.
This broad license was developed to facilitate open access to, and free use of, original works of all types. Applying a standard Creative Commons license to your work will ensure your right to make your work freely and openly available. Learn more about open access. For queries about the license, please contact us.
Attribution and Usage Policies
Reproduction, posting, transmission or other distribution or use of the article or any material therein, in any medium is permitted by Journal of Humanistic Mathematics but requires credit to the author and journal.
General Terms and Conditions of Use
Users of the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics or Scholarship@Claremont website and/or software agree not to misuse the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics or Scholarship@Claremont service or software in any way.
The failure of Scholarship@Claremont to exercise or enforce any right or provision in the policies or the Submission Agreement does not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any term of the Submission Agreement or these policies is found to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision and the other provisions of the Submission Agreement and these policies remain in full force and effect. These policies and the Submission Agreement constitute the entire agreement between Journal of Humanistic Mathematics or Scholarship@Claremont and the Author(s) regarding submission of the Article.