Document Type



Community and Global Health (CGU)

Publication Date



Medicine and Health Sciences | Mental and Social Health | Psychology | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Substance Abuse and Addiction


Sensations derived from initial exposure to nicotine are a potential indicator of an individual's vulnerability to nicotine. This study assessed whether sensations experienced during the first lifetime exposure to nicotine could predict current and established cigarette smoking. Data from 210 respondents who reported having ever tried cigarette smoking in Wuhan, China, were obtained for this study from 610 students in 10th grade at two schools. Subjects were participants in a multipurpose pilot survey for an adolescent smoking prevention trial. The survey was administered in a classroom setting using a paper-and-pencil questionnaire. Sensations reported were cigarette smell (59.2%), coughing (54.1%), dizziness (52.1%), nausea (42.5%), relaxation (19.1%), and pleasurable buzz/rush (9.0%). After controlling for confounders, multiple logistic regression analyses identified three sensations significantly associated with smoking: (a) Cigarette smell (OR for days smoked in the past 30 days=2.93, ppOR for 100-cigarette smoking=5.40, pb) pleasurable buzz/rush (OR for 100-cigarette smoking=11.09, pc) relaxation (OR for past 30-day smoking measures ranged from 3.69 to 4.48, pOR for 100-cigarette smoking=4.12, p

Rights Information

© 2003 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco
