Graduation Year


Date of Submission


Document Type

Campus Only Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



Reader 1

Heather Antecol

Terms of Use & License Information

Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.


Using data from the World Bank and the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, I examine the effects the US and the EU sanctions, and Russian countersanctions have had on the domestic consumption of various Russian dairy products. I find that the consumption of all the dairy products pre- versus post-sanctions is the same irrespective of the dairy product type considered (all dairy, fluid milk, nonfat milk, dry whole milk powder, butter, or cheese). I also find that exports (imports) negatively (positively) influenced dairy consumption for all dairy products besides for fluid milk. Lastly, dairy consumption decreased for the population aged 15-64 and greater than 65 except for cheese and dry whole milk powder, as consumption for those two only decreased for the population aged 65 and older.

This thesis is restricted to the Claremont Colleges current faculty, students, and staff.
