Graduation Year


Date of Submission


Document Type

Open Access Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



Reader 1

Jay Conger

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© 2024 Danielle J Beder


Mindfulness and meditation offer many benefits to people in all aspects of life. This paper provides insight to how mindfulness and meditation can affect an individual’s performance. Mindfulness and mediation has emerged as a very popular tool in western therapies in the last 60 years. Through reviewing lots of prior research and literature, the results show that mindfulness can help increase performance. This is done through three mechanisms: emotional regulation, flow state, and cognitive functions. Mindfulness increases an individual's emotional regulation systems through reduced depression and anxiety, increased happiness, and development of emotional intelligence. Mindfulness also increases the frequency of the flow state for an individual. Lastly, it helps maximize optimal cognitive functions such as increased awareness and concentration, better memory, reduced fatigue, and better decision making. When all of these pieces are combined, it helps an individual perform better. This is seen through performance in the classroom, workplace, and athletics.
