Submissions from 2020
Dynamic Control of Probabilistic Simple Temporal Networks, James C. Boerkoel Jr., Michael Gao, and Lindsay Popowski
Quantifying controllability in temporal networks with uncertainty, James C. Boerkoel Jr., Lindsay Popowski, Michael Gao, Hemeng Li, Savana Ammons, and Shyan Akmal
Submissions from 2016
Simulating Surfactant Spreading: Impact of a Physically Motivated Equation of State, Dina Sinclair '17, Rachel Levy, and Karen E. Daniels
Submissions from 2015
Could Polyp Pulsation be the Key to Species Boundaries in the Genus Ovabunda (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea: Xeniidae)?, Catherine S. McFadden, Anna Halàsz, Yehuda Benayahu, Robert Toonen, and Alexandra M. Reynolds
Submissions from 2014
Energy Driven Pattern Formation in Planar Dipole-Dipole Systems in the Presence of Weak Noise, Jaron P. Kent-Dobias '14 and Andrew Bernoff
Application of DNA Barcoding to Biodiversity Studies of Shallow-Water Octocorals: Molecular Proxies Agree with Morphological Estimates of Species Richness in Palau, Catherine S. McFadden, A. S. Brown, Leen P. van Ofwegen, C. Brayton, and C. B. Hunt
Submissions from 2013
Barred Preferential Arrangements, Connor Thomas Ahlbach '13, Jeremy Usatine '14, and Nicholas Pippenger
Mathematical Modeling of the Regulatory T Cell Effects on Renal Cell Carcinoma Treatment, Lisette G. de Pillis, Trevor Caldwell '12, Elizabeth Sarapata '13, and Heather Williams '12
Stochastic Service Systems, Random Interval Graphs and Search Algorithms, Patrick Eschenfeldt '12, Ben Gross '13, and Nicholas Pippenger
On a Family of K3 Surfaces with S₄ Symmetry, Dagan Karp, Jacob Lewis, Daniel J. Moore '11, Dmitri Skjorshammer '11, and Ursula Whitcher
Social Aggregation in Pea Aphids: Experiment and Random Walk Modeling, Christa Nilsen, John Paige, Olivia Warner, Benjamin Mayhew, Ryan Sutley, Matthew Lam '15, Andrew J. Bernoff, and Chad M. Topaz
Self-healing Dynamics of Surfactant Coatings on Thin Viscous Films, Stephen L. Strickland, Matthew Hin '13, M. Richard Sayanagi, Cameron Conti, Karen E. Daniels, and Rachel Levy
Synthesis of cis- and trans-Davanoids: Artemone, Hydroxydavanone, Isodavanone, and Nordavanone, Kanny K. Wan '11, Corwyn D. Evans-Klock '13, Brian C. Fielder '14, and David A. Vosburg
Submissions from 2012
An Extreme Case of Plant-Insect Co-Diversification: Figs and Fig-Pollinating Wasps, Astrid Craud, Nina Ronsted, Bhanumas Chantarasuwan, Lien Siang Chou, Wendy L. Clement, Arnaud Couloux, Benjamin Cousins, Gwenaelle Genson, Rhett D. Harrison, Paul E. Hanson, Martine Hossaert-McKey, Roula Jabbour-Zahab, Emmanuelle Jousselin, Carole Kerdelhue, Finn Kiellberg, Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde, John Lee Thompson Peebles Jr. '13, Yan-Qiong Peng, Rodrigo Augusto Santinelo Pereira, Tselil Schramm '12, Rosichon Ubaidillah, Simon van Noort, George D. Weiblen, Da-Rong Yang, Anak Yodpinyanee '12, Ran Libeskind-Hadas, James M. Cook, Jean-Yves Rasplus, and Vincent Savolainen
An Incidence Estimation Model for Multi-Stage Diseases with Differential Mortality, Alyssa W. Dray '10 and Talithia Williams
Splitting Fields and Periods of Fibonacci Sequences Modulo Primes, Sanjai Gupta, Parousia Rockstroh '08, and Francis E. Su
Methods for Estimating Peak Physiological Performance and Correlating Performance Measures, Austen W. Head, Johanna S. Hardin, and Stephen C. Adolph
The Mitochondrial Genome of Paraminabea Aldersladei (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Octocorallia) Supports Intramolecular Recombination as the Primary Mechanism of Gene Rearrangement in Octocoral Mitochondrial Genomes, Catherine S. McFadden and Stephanie A. Brockman
Cost Estimation Certification for Managers and Engineers, Donald S. Remer, Benjamin W. Ryan, and Brandyn Carlson '11
Black Hole Thermalization, D0 Brane Dynamics, and Emergent Spacetime, Paul L. Riggins '12 and Vatche Sahakian
Escherichia coli Lacking RpoS Are Rare in Natural Populations of Non-Pathogens, Emily Snyder '11, David M. Gordon, and Daniel M. Stoebel
Submissions from 2011
Combinatorics of Two-Toned Tilings, Arthur T. Benjamin, Phyllis Chinn, Jacob N. Scott '11, and Greg Simay
The Combinatorialization of Linear Recurrences, Arthur T. Benjamin, Halcyon Derks, and Jennifer J. Quinn
Third and Fourth Binomial Coefficients, Arthur T. Benjamin and Jacob N. Scott '11
Evidence of the Harmonic Faraday Instability in Ultrasonic Atomization Experiments with a Deep, Inviscid Fluid, Andrew P. Higginbotham '09, Aaron Guillen '11, Nathan C. Jones '10, Thomas D. Donnelly, and Andrew J. Bernoff
Toric Symmetry Of CP3, Dagan Karp, Dhruv Ranganathan, Paul Riggins '12, and Ursula Whitcher
A New Framework for Network Disruption, Susan E. Martonosi, Doug Altner, Michael Ernst, Elizabeth Ferme, Kira Langsjoen, Danika Lindsay, Sean S. Plott '08, and Andrew S. Ronan
Characteristics of Optimal Solutions to the Sensor Location Problem, David R. Morrison '08 and Susan E. Martonosi
The Cophylogeny Reconstruction Problem is NP-Complete, Yaniv J. Ovadia '10, Daniel Fielder '11, Chris Conow, and Ran Libeskind-Hadas
A Census of Vertices by Generations in Regular Tessellations of the Plane, Alice Paul '12 and Nicholas Pippenger
Effect of Substrate Composition and Alignment on Corneal Cell Phenotype, Donna Phu '09, Lindsay S. Wray '08, Robert V. Warren '10, Richard C. Haskell, and Elizabeth J. Orwin
Submissions from 2010
Sums of Evenly Spaced Binomial Coefficients, Arthur T. Benjamin, Bob Chen '10, and Kimberly Kindred
Combinatorially Composing Chebyshev Polynomials, Arthur T. Benjamin and Daniel Walton '07
Voting in Agreeable Societies, Deborah E. Berg '06, Serguei Norine, Francis E. Su, Robin Thomas, and Paul Wollan
Learning to Create Jazz Melodies Using Deep Belief Nets, Greg Bickerman '10, Sam Bosley, Peter Swire, and Robert M. Keller
Existence of Solutions for a Semilinear Wave Equation With Non-Monotone Nonlinearity, Alfonso Castro and Benjamin Preskill '09
Reduced Electronic Spaces for Modeling Donor/Acceptor Interactions, Robert J. Cave; Stephen T. Edwards '06; John A, Kouzelos '07; and Marshall D. Newton
Two-Player Envy-Free Multi-Cake Division, John Cloutier '03, Kathryn L. Nyman, and Francis E. Su
Jane: A New Tool for the Cophylogeny Reconstruction Problem, Chris Conow, Daniel Fielder '11, Yaniv J. Ovadia '10, and Ran Libeskind-Hadas
Chemoselective Reactions of Citral: Green Syntheses of Natural Perfumes for the Undergraduate Organic Laboratory, Anna D. Cunningham '11, Eun Y. Ham '12, and David A. Vosburg
Estimating Incidence of Vision-Reducing Cataract in Africa, Susan Lewallen, Talithia Williams, Alyssa W. Dray '10, Brian C. Stock, Wanjiku Mathenge, Joseph Oye, John Nkurikiye, Kahaki Kimani, Andreas Müller, and Paul Courtright
Green, Enzymatic Syntheses of Divanillin and Diapocynin for the Organic, Biochemistry, or Advanced General Chemistry Laboratory, Rachel T. Nishimura '09, Chiara H. Giammanco '10, and David A. Vosburg
Large Deviations and Moments for the Euler Characteristic of a Random Surface, Nicholas Pippenger and Kevin Fleming '08
Economic Survey of the Monetary Value Placed on Human Life by Government Agencies in the United States of America, John F. Silny '05, Robert F. Little '06, and Donald S. Remer
Two-step, Stereoselective Synthesis of Linalyl Oxides by Asymmetric Allylic O-alkylation, Kanny K. Wan '11, Jonathan P. Litz '09, and David A. Vosburg
A Green, Enantioselective Synthesis of Warfarin for the Undergraduate Organic Laboratory, Terence C. Wong '09, Camille M. Sultana '10, and David A. Vosburg
Generation of Nanoparticles of Controlled Size using Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Oscillators in Solution, Ian K. Wright '09, Andrew P. Higginbotham '09, Shenda M. Baker, and Thomas D. Donnelly
Submissions from 2009
Compression Theorems for Periodic Tilings and Consequences, Arthur T. Benjamin, Alex K. Eustis '06, and Mark A. Shattuck
Counting on Chebyshev Polynomials, Arthur T. Benjamin and Daniel Walton '07
Voting, the Symmetric Group, and Representation Theory, Zajj Daugherty '05, Alexander K. Eustis '06, Gregory Minton '08, and Michael E. Orrison
Mathematical Model Creation for Cancer Chemo-Immunotherapy, Lisette G. de Pillis, K Renee Fister, Weiqing Gu, Craig Collins, Michael Daub, David Gross '08, James Moore '07, and Benjamin Preskill '09
D3 Branes in a Melvin Universe: A new realm for gravitational holography, Julian E. Freed-Brown '10, Vedika Khemani '10, and Vatche Sahakian
Generation of Mie Size Microdroplet Aerosols with Applications in Laser-Driven Fusion Experiments, Andrew P. Higginbotham '09, O. Semonin '06, S. Bruce '08, C. Chan '08, M. Maindi '07, Thomas D. Donnelly, M. Maurer, W. Bang, I. Churina, J. Osterholz, I. Kim, A. C. Bernstein, and T. Ditmire
Asymptotic Dynamics of Attractive-Repulsive Swarms, Andrew J. Leverentz '08, Chad M. Topaz, and Andrew J. Bernoff
Molecular Systematics of the Speciose Indo-Pacific Soft Coral Genus, Sinularia (Anthozoa: Octocorallia)., Catherine S. McFadden, Leen P. van Ofwegen, Yehuda Benayahu, Phil Alderslade, and Elizabeth J. Beckman
A Concise, Biomimetic Total Synthesis of (+)-Davanone, Karen C. Morrison '08, Jonathan P. Litz '09, Kathryn P. Scherpelz '07, Paul D. Dossa '06, and David A. Vosburg
Project and Engineering Management Certification, Donald S. Remer and Michael A. Martin '09
Submissions from 2008
Estimating Maximum Performance: Effects of Intraindividual Variation, Stephen C. Adolph and Trevor Pickering '05
The 99th Fibonacci Identity, Arthur T. Benjamin, Alex K. Eustis '06, and Sean S. Plott '08
A Combinatorial Approach to Fibonomial Coefficients, Arthur T. Benjamin and Sean S. Plott '08
Tiling Proofs of Recent Sum Identities Involving Pell Numbers, Arthur T. Benjamin, Sean S. Plott '08, and James A. Sellers
Competitive Analysis of Online Traffic Grooming in WDM Rings, Karyn Benson, Benjamin Birnbaum, Esteban Molina-Estolano '06, and Ran Libeskind-Hadas
Traveling Waves and Shocks in a Viscoelastic Generalization of Burgers' Equation, Victor Camacho '07, Robert D. Guy, and Jon T. Jacobsen
Optimal Control of Mixed Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy of Tumors, Lisette G. de Pillis, K Renee Fister, Weiqing Gu, Tiffany Head '06, Kenny Maples '06, Todd Neal, Anand Murugan, and Kenji Kozai '08
The Shapley Value of Phylogenetic Trees, Claus-Jochen Haake, Akemi Kashiwada '05, and Francis E. Su
Borda Meets Pascal, Marie K. Jameson, Gregory Minton '08, and Michael E. Orrison
New Mechanism for Nonlocality from String Theory: UV-IR Quantum entanglement and its imprints on the CMB, Gregory Minton '08 and Vatche Sahakian
An Update on Cost and Scale-Up Factors, International Inflation and Location Factors, Donald S. Remer, Steve Lin '06, Nancy Yu '07, and Karen Hsin '06
A Model for Rolling Swarms of Locusts, Chad M. Topaz, Andrew J. Bernoff, Sheldon Logan '06, and Wyatt Toolson '07
Submissions from 2007
Domain Relaxation in Langmuir Films, James C. Alexander, Andrew J. Bernoff, Elizabeth K. Mann, J. Adin Mann Jr., Jacob R. Wintersmith '06, and Lu Zou
Solution to Problem 1751, A Combinatorial Identity, Arthur T. Benjamin and Andrew Carman '09
Infinitely Many Radial Solutions for a Sub-Super Critical Dirichlet Boundary Value Problem in a Ball, Alfonso Castro, John Kwon, and Chee Meng Tan '07
Seeking Bang-Bang Solutions of Mixed Immuno-Chemotherapy of Tumors, Lisette G. de Pillis, K Renee Fister, Weiqing Gu, Craig Collins, Michael Daub, David Gross '08, James Moore '07, and Benjamin Preskill '09
Chemotherapy for Tumors: An Analysis of the Dynamics and a Study of Quadratic and Linear Optimal Controls, Lisette G. de Pillis, Weiqing Gu, K Renee Fister, Tiffany Head '06, Kenny Maples '06, Anand Murugan, Todd Neal, and Kenji Yoshida '08
Approximations of Continuous Newton's Method: An Extension of Cayley's Problem, Jon T. Jacobsen, Owen Lewis '05, and Bradley Tennis '06
Blues for Gary: Design Abstractions for a Jazz Improvisation Assistant, Robert M. Keller, Martin Hunt '08, Stephen Jones '07, David Morrison '08, and Aaron Wolin '07
A Fixed Point Theorem for the Infinite-Dimensional Simplex, Douglas Rizzolo '08 and Francis E. Su
Estimating Winning Probabilities in Backgammon Races, Andrew M. Ross, Arthur T. Benjamin, and Michael Munson '94
The LSB Theorem Implies the KKM Lemma, Gwen Spencer '05 and Francis E. Su
Determination of Interphase Line Tension in Langmuir Films, Jacob R. Wintersmith '06, Lu Zou, Andrew J. Bernoff, James C. Alexander, and J. Adin Mann Jr.
Submissions from 2006
Dead Heat: The 2006 Public Choice Society Election, Steven J. Brams, Michael W. Hansen '07, and Michael E. Orrison Jr.
Virtual Topologies for Multicasting with Multiple Originators in WDM Networks, Ian Ferrel '04, Adrian Mettler '04, Edward Miller '03, and Ran Libeskind-Hadas
Tunneling through Weak Interactions: Comparison of Through-Space-, H-Bond-, and Through-Bond-Mediated Tunneling, Westin Kurlancheek '03 and Robert J. Cave
Phylogenetic Relationships Within the Tropical Soft Coral Genera Sarcophyton and Lobophytum (Anthozoa, Octocorallia), Catherine S. McFadden, Philip Alderslade, Leen P. van Ofwegen, Holly Johnsen, and Alice Rusmevichientong
Complete DNA Sequence of the Mitochondrial Genome of the Sea-Slug, Aplysia Californica: Conservation of the Gene Order in Euthyneura, Catherine S. McFadden, Bjarne Knudsen, Andrea B. Kohn, Ben Nahir, and Leonid L. Moroz
Theoretical Investigation of the Electronic Coupling Element in bis-Ruthenium Porphyrin Dimers, Sean Pheasant '03; John A, Kouzelos '07; Hal Van Ryswyk; and Robert J. Cave
Erratum: The Structure of Alkali Halide Dimers: A Critical Test of Ionic Models and New Ab Initio Results, T. Törring, S. Biermann, J. Hoeft, Richard J. Mawhorter, Robert J. Cave, and C. Szemenyei
Submissions from 2005
Gambelia Wislizenii (Long-nosed Leopard Lizard). Arboreal behavior., Stephen C. Adolph and Sean P. Fogarty '06
Lower Bounds for Simplicial Covers and Triangulations of Cubes, Adam Bliss '03 and Francis E. Su
A Comparison of Through-Space and Through-Bond Coupling for Tunneling in Alkane Chains, Emily Cukier '03 and Robert J. Cave
Using Ultrasonic Atomization to Produce an Aerosol of Micron-scale Particles, Thomas D. Donnelly, J. Hogan '03, A. Mugler '04, M. Schubmehl '02, N. Schommer '04, Andrew J. Bernoff, S. Dasnurkar, and T. Ditmire
Two-Dimensional Self-Assembly in Diblock Copolymers, Anette E. Hosoi, Dmitriy Kogan '03, Caitlin E. Devereaux '02, Andrew J. Bernoff, and Shenda M. Baker
Harmonic Generation in Thin Films and Multilayers, William S. Kolthammer '04, Dustin Barnard '03, Nicole Carson, Aaron D. Edens '00, Nathan A. Miller '01, and Peter N. Saeta
A Theoretical Investigation of Charge Transfer in Several Substituted Acridinium Ions, Jason Lappe '00, Robert J. Cave, Marshall D. Newton, and I.V. Rostov
A Constructive Proof of Ky Fan's Generalization of Tucker's Lemma, Timothy Prescott '02 and Francis E. Su
Submissions from 2004
A (not so) Complex Solution to a² + b² = cⁿ, Arnold M. Adelberg, Arthur T. Benjamin, and David I. Rudel '99
An Experimental Study of Micron-scale Droplet Aerosols Produced via Ultrasonic Atomization, Thomas D. Donnelly, J. Hogan '03, A. Mugler '04, N. Schommer '04, M. Schubmehl '02, Andrew J. Bernoff, and B. Forrest '02
Examples of Cayley 4-Manifolds, Weiqing Gu and Christopher Pries '03
Optimal Virtual Topologies for One-to-Many Communication in WDM Paths and Rings, Jeff R.K. Hartline '01, Ran Libeskind-Hadas, Kurt M. Dresner '02, Ethan W. Drucker '02, and Katrina J. Ray '02
Molecular Evidence for the Hybrid Origin of Species in the Soft Coral Genus Alcyonium (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Octocorallia), Catherine S. McFadden and M. Breton Hutchinson