The Humanistic Mathematics Network Newsletter (HMNN) was founded by Alvin White in the summer of 1987. The Newsletter was later renamed The Humanistic Mathematics Network Journal (HMNJ). The last issue of the HMNJ was published in 2004. This is the open access digital archive of the full run of the HMNN/HMNJ (1987-2004).
This journal does not accept new content. A related current journal is the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics.
Image credit: “Enamelled tiles mosaic on the ceiling of the pavilion” by Pentocelo licensed under CC-BY 3.0
Final Issue: Issue 27 (2004)
Please note that this was the final issue of HMNJ, and it was only published online. An archive of that original publication is available here.Full Issue
Front Matter
From the Editor, Issue 27, 2004
Alvin White
Is Mathematics Education Taking a Step Backward?
Frances Kuwahara Chinn
Using Humanistic Content and Teaching Methods to Motivate Students and Counteract Negative Perceptions of Mathematics
Roger Haglund
Tesselland: A Mathematical Oddment
Martin Glover
Popular Cultural Portrayals of Those Who Do Mathematics
Carmen M. Latterell and Janelle L. Wilson
Bridging to Infinity
Mike Pinter
A Linear Perspective to Art
Sarah Littler
Mathematics, the Liberal Arts, and Slavish Devotions
J. D. Phillips
What Are Mathematical Problems?
Emam Hoosain
Humanistic Mathematics: Personal Evaluation and Excavations
Stephen I. Brown
A Brief Look at Mathematics and Theology
Philip J. Davis
Humanistic Mathematics As Mathematics for All
Michael N. Fried
Innumeracy and Its Perils, Numeracy and Its Promises
Ramakrishnan Menon
Base And Subbase in a Number System
Walter S. Sizer
From Art and Architecture to Mathematics: From Intuition to Insight; From Decoration to Demonstration
John Pottage
Are You a Quantitative or Qualitative Runner?: 5.13 Miles and Rosemary-Lilac Shampoo
Shelly Sheats Harkness
Book Review
Book Review: Fermat's Enigma by Simon Singh
Matthew Becker