Senior Theses from 2009
Chinese American Christianity: How the Ethnic-Specific Church Interacts with the Processes of Migration and Americanization, Joshua D. Lo
Seven Days, Andrew Smyth
Natural Resources as a Source of Conflict in the Middle East, Alanna C. Torres
Serving the Storyline of the Novel: The Powerful Role of the Feudal Servant-Narrator, Stephanie Turner
Senior Theses from 2008
La Mujer Guerrillera en Recuerdo y Texto: Nicaragua y El Salvador, Berta Avila
Educación Ambiental Bilingüe, Kirsten Brewer
It's Important for Me to Get Good Light. Or "Things Which are Happening", Elizabeth Ferguson
German Banks in the Global Economy: Global Pressures and Public Sector Banking, Jason A. Gorn
Representaciones de Figuras Feministas en la Muestra Despierta!, Kathryn Lane
Senior Theses from 2007
Memento Mori, Aaron Berman