Senior Theses from 2020
Rights, Water, and Guardians: How Rights of Nature Movements are Reshaping our Current Environmental Ethics and What These Policies Need to be Successful, Megan Schmiesing
The Women of the Bauhaus Weaving Workshop: Anni Albers' and Gunta Stölzl's Impact, Sophia Silane
The Weaponization of Poverty: An Investigation Into United States Military Recruitment Practices In High Schools Of Low-Income Communities In The Inland Empire, Michael Springer-Gould
Senior Theses from 2019
Campaigning on an Environmental Justice Platform: Irmalinda Osuna for Upland City Council, District 3, Jenny Bekenstein
Women in the Wage Economy: A New Gendered Division of Labor Amongst the Inuit, Hannah Buehler
The Sea Turtle as a Marketing Symbol for the Anti-Plastics Movement, Hannah Chiu
The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on College Students’ Experiences, Shaafi A. Farooqi
A Ghetto Presidency: Bobi Wine & the Role of Digital and Urban Spaces in Ugandan Power Relations, Kalanzi Kajubi
Un-containing and Institutional Erasure of Memory: A Platform Proposal for the Claremont Colleges, Sophia Rizzolo
Mapping Land Use Around the San Francisco Bay: A Look at Environmental Justice through S. F. Bay Conservation and Development Commission’s Permitting History, Aviva R. Wolf-Jacobs
Senior Theses from 2018
The Educational Opportunity Structure and Stratification of College Counseling at Southern California Public High Schools, Adriana Ceron
1.5/2nd Generation Vietnamese-Americans and Their Health Beliefs and Attitudes, Theresa Dang
Indigenous-led Resistance to Environmental Destruction: Methods of Anishinaabe Land Defense against Enbridge's Line 3, Charlotte Degener Hughes
Photographic Representation and the Syrian Refugee Crisis: A Case Study at the Claremont Colleges, Emma Tasini
Sustainability-Efficiency Paradox: The Efficacy of State Energy Plans in Building a More Sustainable Energy Future, Austin Zimmerman
Senior Theses from 2017
Democracy in the Dark: An Energy Democracy Model Centering Property and People, Feby Boediarto
Stand Clear of the Closing Doors, Please: Transit Equity, Social Exclusion, and the New York City Subway, Taylor Novick-Finder
The District's Stepchild: The Total Erasure of Low-Income Latinx Students' Needs at Continuation High Schools, Gabriela R. Ornelas
The Experiences of Teachers at Southern California Continuation High Schools: Exposing the Barriers within Alternative Education, Gabriela R. Ornelas
Drowning in Rising Seas: Navigating Multiple Knowledge Systems and Responding to Climate Change in the Maldives, Rachel Hannah Spiegel
Treble in the Environment: Incorporating Music into Environmental Education, Shinara Sunderlal
The Media, the War on Terror, and the Public Sphere, Amanda Tapp
Senior Theses from 2016
Dualism, Physicalism, and Professional or Alternative Health Seeking: A Gendered Perspective, Taylor M. Caldwell
What a Waste: Segregation and Sanitation in Brooklyn, New York in the post-WWII Era, Amanda T. Chang
Exploration of Curvature Through Physical Materials, Lucinda-Joi Chu-Ketterer
Locating Gendered Resistance: Interethnic Conflict, Environmental Disaster, and Feminist Leadership in Sri Lanka, Allison A. Donine
When Society Becomes the Criminal: An Exploration of Society’s Responsibilities to the Wrongfully Convicted, Amelia A. Haselkorn
The Price is Right: Investigating Net Metering Policies for Rooftop Solar in California, Jesse Honig
Parting the Green Curtain: Tracing Environmental Inequality in Portland, Oregon, Lindsay E. McCord
“Becoming Ioway: Using Auto-Ethnography to Understand the Fourteen Ioways’ Journey of Colonization, Spirituality and Traditions Through Tribal Dance Exhibitions, Sarita R. Mc Gowan
Off the Road: Exploring Postcolonial Themes in the American Road Movie, Andy Wright
Off The Road: Imperialism And Exploration in the American Road Movie, Andy Wright
Faith in a Changing Planet: The Role of Religious Leaders in the Fight for a Livable Climate, Morissa Zuckerman
Senior Theses from 2015
Soft Power Played on the Hardwood: United States Diplomacy through Basketball, Joseph Bertka Eyen
Roots Versus Wells: Grassroots Activism Against Fracking in New York and California, Shannon J. Leap
The State of Sachets: Ghana’s Private Sector Solution to a Public Infrastructure Problem, Robert J. Little
“A Give and A Take”: Lived Experiences in a Real Sharing Economy, Lauren F. Phipps
Senior Theses from 2014
Characterizing a Novel Monoclonal AMPA Receptor 1/2/3 Antibody in the Hippocampus and Prefrontal Cortex of Rat, Monkey, and Human, Sebastian Aguiar
“It’s Like We Are Free”: An Analysis of Soccer-Based Programming in a California Prison, Lillian S. Barrett-O'Keefe
Cultivating Human-Nature Relationships: The Role of Parents and Primary Caregivers in Development of Environmental Identity, Anne E. Bremer
Missing Voices, Hidden Fields: The Gendered Struggles of Female Farmworkers, Keiko A. Budech
A Mother's Paradox: Choosing a Birthing Method in the 21st Century, Jenae Franklin
Fossil Fuel Divestment: The Power and Promise of a Student Movement for Climate Justice, Jessica Grady-Benson
Making the Desert Bloom: Landscape Photography and Identity in the Owens Valley American West, Kaily A. Heitz
Funny Pages: Comic Strips and the American Family, 1930-1960, Dahnya Nicole Hernandez
The Marauder’s Son: An Exploration of the Classical Story Ballet and Children’s Literature, Emily H. Kleeman
El sacrificio, la perfección, y el aislamiento: la imagen de la madre española en el contexto socio-histórico y literario, Samantha E. Morse
A Study of the Implementation of Restorative Justice at a Public High School in Southern California, Brian Robbins
Evaluating the Potential Risks and Rewards in the Implementation of a REDD+ Policy in Uganda, Sage Schaftel
Let's Not Eat Alone: A Search for Food Security Justice, Emma Shorr
The Effects of Adherence to Asian Values and Extraversion on Cardiovascular Reactivity: A Comparison Between Asian and European Americans, Lindsay K. Yamaoka
Senior Theses from 2013
Infant Perceptions of Mixed-Race Faces: An Exploration of the Hypodescent Rule in 8.5 Month-Old Infants, Sophie Beiers
Decolonizing Ecology Through Rerooting Epistemologies, Lauren M. Bitter
Living in Place On the Globe: Analyzing Narrative and Opinion Responses of Sixteen Tropical Interviewees to Understand Environmental Realities, Aleksandra Bril
Buscando la Identidad Nacional Española en la Novela Castilla, Amy Brownstein
'Clean Energy' At What Cost?, Rachel E. Conrad
Fertile Lands and Bodies: Connecting the Green Revolution, Pesticides, and Women’s Reproductive Health, Sarah M.K. Cycon
Designing Affordable Housing for Adaptability: Principles, Practices, & Application, Micaela R. Danko
Co-Management and the Fight for Rural Water Justice: Learning from Costa Rican ASADAS, Kristin B. Dobbin
Altering the Urban Frontier: Gentrification and Public Parks in New York City, Sarah E. Evers
Infants’ Responses to Affect in Music and Speech, Daniel K. Feinberg
Currents of Change: An Urban and Environmental History of the Anacostia River and Near Southeast Waterfront in Washington, D.C., Emily C. Haynes
Fruitful Communities: Evaluating the History and Impacts of TreePeople’s Fruit Tree Program, Kayla B. Imhoff
Dreading He Knew Not What: Masculinities, Structural Spaces, Law and the Gothic in The Castle of Otranto, Pride and Prejudice, and Wuthering Heights, Samantha E. Morse
From Farm to Fork to Landfill: Food Waste and Consumption in America, Mariel Nunley
Landscapes to Learnscapes: Exploring Schoolyard-based Education, Emily I. Palena and Caroline T. Spurgin
The Political Landscape of Hydraulic Fracturing: Methods of Community Response in Central Arkansas, Alyssa M. Solis
Wasteland to Wonderland:Sustainable Brownfield Redevelopment Projects in Low-Income Areas of Los Angeles, Rachel L. Warburton
Cultivating Resistance: Food Justice in the Criminal Justice System, Caitlin M. Watkins
Senior Theses from 2012
Protecting the Last Tree: Environmental Education in the United States, 1990-2012, Liza R. Baskir
Iraq, Reconsidered, Joshua J. Brewer
Sediment Removal from the San Gabriel Mountains, Mary C. Ferguson
The Effect of Mainstream Media on Body Image and Stress Reactivity in Latina Females, Madison L. Noble
Exploring German and American Modes of Pedagogical and Institutional Sustainability: Forging a Way into the Future, Lindon N. Pronto
Our Thirsty World: Contextualized Responses to the World Water Crisis, Eliana Rieders
San Antonio High School Food Justice Program: A Handbook and Evaluation of Edible Education, Katherine B. Tenneson
Senior Theses from 2011
The Idea of the Public Library in the United States: Why is it Important?, Ruth Bernstein
Mythic Narratives: The Chronicling of Conceptual Art, Ana A. Iwataki
The Quantum Dialectic, Logan Kelley
”Tag, You’re It!”: Using Social Media “Tags” to Help Solve the Problem of Church Classification in Sociology of Religion, Steven Losco
Contesting Hegemony?: Postcolonial Struggles for Justice in Aguinda v. Texaco, Inc., Samuel Pashall
Senior Theses from 2010
El Sistema de Educación en Ecuador y Las Aspiraciones que Las Madres Ecuatorianas Tienen para Sus Hijos, Gina Conway
Attack of the Fallen! Cinematic Portrayals of Fallen Angels in Post 9/11 Science Fiction Film, Jessica Fitting
Se Vosea en Costa Rica, Elizabeth Horta
Senior Theses from 2009
Humans, Elizabeth Ferguson
Chinese American Christianity: How the Ethnic-Specific Church Interacts with the Processes of Migration and Americanization, Joshua D. Lo
Seven Days, Andrew Smyth