Graduation Year


Document Type

Campus Only Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Environmental Analysis

Reader 1

Melinda Herrold-Menzies

Reader 2

Nicholas Kacher

Rights Information

© 2024 Jada Higgins


Regenerative agriculture has recently emerged as a framework with significant promise to revolutionize agricultural production. Throughout history, multiple regime shifts in agriculture have yielded methods and practices that have led to the augmentation in production necessary for supporting Earth’s increasing population. At the same time, Earth’s innate processes have been disrupted, making a transition to restorative practices necessary. Careful agricultural policy implementation in areas like San Joaquin Valley is critical due to the vast landscape the area supports with its produce. This also makes the area a prime location for larger projects designed to show the rest of the country that better practices are possible and even advantageous. Companies and governments have frequently collaborated on domestic and international projects through multi-stakeholder partnerships to ensure the actualization of a common goal. Despite their positive results, scholarly research on the potential impact of these collaborations within agriculture, particularly in the field of Regenerative Agriculture remains limited. This thesis attempts to conceptualize the possibility for these multi-level ventures to break down harmful agricultural practices in SJV by incentivizing sustainable ones. This piece will offer recommendations for moving forward with a partial or full transition to regenerative agriculture in San Joaquin Valley.

This thesis is restricted to the Claremont Colleges current faculty, students, and staff.
