Submissions from 2010
Mixed Operators in Compressed Sensing, Matthew A. Herman and Deanna Needell
Understanding the Backus–Smith Puzzle: It's the (nominal) Exchange Rate, Stupid, Gregory Hess and Kwanho Shin
Transparency and Representationalist Theories of Consciousness, Amy Kind
An Extraordinary Example of Photokarren in a Sandstone Cave, Cueva Charles Brewer, Chimantá Plateau, Venezuela: Biogeomorphology on a Small Scale, Joyce Lundberg, Donald A. McFarlane, and Charles Brewer-Carias
A Geographic Information Systems Approach to the 19th Century Excavation of Brixham Cavern, Devon, England, Donald A. McFarlane, Joyce Lundberg, and Warren Roberts
A Unique Population of Cave Bears (Carnivora: Ursidae) from the Middle Pleistocene of Kents Cavern, England, Based on Dental Morphometrics, Donald A. McFarlane, Martin Sabol, and Joyce Lundberg
Virtual Sirkap, Daniel Michon and Yehuda E. Kalay
Pengelly's Legacy Reconsidered: A GIS Approach to Spatial Analysis of Palaeontological and Archaeological Collections from Kents Cavern, England, Sorin Mihai, Joyce Lundberg, Donald A. McFarlane, and Barry Chandler
Randomized Kaczmarz Solver for Noisy Linear Systems, Deanna Needell
CoSaMP: Iterative Signal Recovery from Incomplete and Inaccurate Samples, Deanna Needell and Joel A. Tropp
Signal Recovery from Inaccurate and Incomplete Measurements via Regularized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, Deanna Needell and Roman Vershynin
Agnosia: Tactile, Catherine L. Reed
Body Perception, Catherine L. Reed
Implied Body Action Directs Spatial Attention, Catherine L. Reed, Will M. Gervais, Paula M. Beall, and Ralph J. Roberts Jr.
Distribution of Peripheral Vision for a Driving Simulator Functional Field of View Task, Catherine L. Reed and George D. Park '17
Grab it! Biased Attention in Functional Hand and Tool Space, Catherine L. Reed, Ralph J. Roberts Jr., John P. Garza, and Ryan Betz
The Meanings of Parent-Adolescent Relationship Quality Among Chinese American and Filipino American Adolescents, Stephen T. Russell, Lisa J. Crockett, and Stacey N. Doan
India: Rising Power or a Mere Revolution of Rising Expectations?, Aseema Sinha and Jon P. Dorschner
Can Weak Substitution be Rehabilitated?, V. Kerry Smith, Mary F. Evans, H. Spencer Banzhaf, and Christine Poulos
Talking about internal states in mother–child reminiscing influences children's self-representations: A cross-cultural study, Qi Wang, Stacey N. Doan, and Qingfang Song
Submissions from 2009
Gender-Biased Behavior at Work: What Can Surveys Tell Us About the Link Between Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination?, Heather Antecol, Vanessa E. Barcus, and Deborah Cobb-Clark
Racial Harassment, Job Satisfaction, and Intentions to Remain in the Military, Heather Antecol and Deborah Cobb-Clark
Fragmentation, Sven W. Arndt
The Implications of Integration for Globalization, Sven W. Arndt, Patrick Crowley, and David G. Mayes
Estimating the Macroeconomic Consequence of 9/11, S. Brock Blomberg and Gregory Hess
Terrorism and the Returns to Oil, S. Brock Blomberg, Gregory Hess, and J. Hunter Jackson '10
Where Have All the Heroes Gone? A Rational-Choice Perspective on Heroism, S. Brock Blomberg, Gregory Hess, and Yaron Raviv
Implementing Visual Strategies During Play Groups: The Promising Effects on Social Communication Skills for Children with Autism, Marjorie H. Charlop and Alissa L. Greenberg '11
Regulation with Direct Benefits of Information Disclosure and Imperfect Monitoring, Mary F. Evans, Scott M. Gilpatric, and Lirong Liu
Hybrid Allocation Mechanisms for Publicly Provided Goods, Mary F. Evans, Christian A. Vossler, and Nicholas E. Flores
Diophantine Approximation on a Circle, Lenny Fukshansky
Effective Structure Theorems for Symplectic Spaces via Height, Lenny Fukshansky
Integral Orthogonal Bases Of Small Height For Real Polynomial Spaces, Lenny Fukshansky
Math in the Grocery Aisle: From Stacking Oranges to Constructing Error-correcting Codes, Lenny Fukshansky
On Heights of Algebraic Numbers, Lenny Fukshansky
On Similarity Classes of Well-Rounded Sublattices of Z², Lenny Fukshansky
On the Frobenius Coin-Exchange Problem, Lenny Fukshansky
Points of Small Height Missing a Union of Varieties, Lenny Fukshansky
Search Bounds for Zeros of Polynomials Over the Algebraic Closure of Q, Lenny Fukshansky
On Minimal Lattice Spherical Configurations in Three Dimensions, Lenny Fukshansky and Sinai Robins
Paul Redding, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying so much about Meaning and Love Hegel’s Metaphysics and Kant’s Epistemic Modesty, James Kreines
Bats and Bell Holes: The Microclimatic Impact of Bat Roosting, Using a Case Study from Runaway Bay Caves, Jamaica, Joyce Lundberg and Donald A. McFarlane
A Note on the Thermal Ecology and Foraging Behaviour of the Egyptian Fruit Bat, Rousettus Aegyptiacus, at Mt. Elgon, Kenya, Donald A. McFarlane and Joyce Lundberg
An Undescribed Gecko (Gekkonidae: Cyrtodactylus) from Deer Cave, Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak, with Comments on the Distribution of Bornean Cave Geckos, Donald A. McFarlane, Joyce Lundberg, and Keith Christenson
Noisy Signal Recovery via Iterative Reweighted L1-Minimization, Deanna Needell
Topics in Compressed Sensing, Deanna Needell
Haptic Exploration, Catherine L. Reed and Roberta L. Klatzky
Integrated Magnetic and Global Positioning Satellite Mapping of the Firestone Reserve, Costa Rica, Warren Roberts, Donald A. McFarlane, and Keith Christenson
Political Cycles, Political Institutions, and Public Expenditure in India, 1980–2000, Aseema Sinha and Lawrence Sáez
Bridging the Gap between the Field and the Lab: Environmental Goods, Policy Maker Input, and Consequentiality, Christian A. Vossler and Mary F. Evans
Submissions from 2008
Identity and Racial Harassment, Heather Antecol and Deborah Cobb-Clark
Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in Local Consumer Markets: Exploiting the Army's Procedures for Matching Personnel to Duty Locations, Heather Antecol and Deborah Cobb-Clark
Sexual Orientation Wage Gap: The Role of Occupational Sorting and Human Capital, Heather Antecol, Anneke Jong, and Michael Steinberger
All in the Family: Why Non-Democratic Leaders Have More Children, Dustin Beckett '04 and Gregory Hess
International Terrorism: Causes, Consequences and Cures, Graham Bird, S. Brock Blomberg, and Gregory Hess
Managerial Incentives for Compliance with Environmental Information Disclosure Programs, Mary F. Evans, Scott M. Gilpatric, Michael McKee, and Christian A. Vossler
Complementarity and the Measurement of Individual Risk Tradeoffs: Accounting for Quantity and Quality of Life Effects, Mary F. Evans and V. Kerry Smith
Mahler's Measure, Lehmer's Conjecture, and Some Connections - I, Lenny Fukshansky
Mahler's Measure, Lehmer's Conjecture, and Some Connections - II, Lenny Fukshansky
On Distribution of Well-Rounded Sublattices of Z², Lenny Fukshansky
On Distribution of Well-Rounded Sublattices of Z², Lenny Fukshansky
On Siegel's Lemma, Lenny Fukshansky
On Tarski Plank Problem and its Discrete Analogues, Lenny Fukshansky
Siegel’s Lemma Outside of a Union of Varieties, Lenny Fukshansky
Small Zeros of Quadratic Forms over the Algebraic Closure of Q, Lenny Fukshansky
Frobenius Number, Covering Radius, and Well-Rounded Lattices, Lenny Fukshansky and Sinai Robins
Book Chapter: The Lexus and the Olive Branch: Globalization, Democratization and Terrorism, Gregory Hess and S. Brock Blomberg
From (No) Butter to Guns? Understanding the Economic Role in Terrorism, Gregory Hess and S. Brock Blomberg
Kant on the Laws of Nature: Laws, Necessitation, and the Limitation of Our Knowledge, James Kreines
Metaphysics without Pre-Critical Monism: Hegel on Lower-Level Natural Kinds and the Structure of Reality, James Kreines
The Logic of Life: Hegel’s Philosophical Defense of Teleological Explanation of Living Beings, James Kreines
The Gender of Madrasa Teaching, Nita Kumar
The Space of the Child, Nita Kumar
Acquisition of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and Its Relationship with Word Production Varies for Individual Children with Autism, Debra Berry Malmberg '07 and Marjorie H. Charlop
A Preliminary Investigation into Hayne Estimates of Poison Dart Frog (Anura: Dendrobatidae) Densities in Recovering Tropical Forest Habitats, Southwestern Costa Rica, Donald A. McFarlane and Jennifer R.B. Miller '07
CoSaMP: Iterative Signal Recovery From Incomplete and Inaccurate Samples, Deanna Needell and J. A. Tropp
Greedy Signal Recovery Review, Deanna Needell, Joel A. Tropp, and Roman Vershynin
Uniform Uncertainty Principle and Signal Recovery via Regularized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, Deanna Needell and Roman Vershynin
Rapid Facial Reactions to Emotional Facial Expressions in Typically Developing Children and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Catherine L. Reed, Paula M. Beall, Eric J. Moody, Daniel N. McIntosh, and Susan L. Hepburn
Walking Reveals Trunk Orientation Bias for Visual Attention, Catherine L. Reed, Jefferson D. Grubb, Stefan Bate, John P. Garza, and Ralph J. Roberts Jr.
Comments on Lederman and Maloney’s ‘In Search of the Missing Resource Curse’, Cameron Shelton
The Aging Population and the Size of the Welfare State: Is There a Puzzle?, Cameron A. Shelton
The Persistent Problem: Inequality, Difference, and the Challenge of Development, Aseema Sinha, John Echeverri-Gent, Leslie Elliott Armijo, Marc Blecher, Daniel Brumberg, Valerie Bunce, Kiren A. Chaudhry, John W. Harbeson, Evelyne Huber, Bronwyn Leebaw, Susanne Hoeber Rudolph, Loren Ryter, and Susan L. Woodward
Family Secrets: Incest in Jorge Isaacs’s María, Lee Joan Skinner
Submissions from 2007
Minimal Numerical-Radius Extensions of Operators, Asuman Güven Aksoy and Bruce L. Chalmers
Fixed Points of Uniformly Lipschitzian Mappings in Metric Trees, Asuman Güven Aksoy and Mohamed A. Khamsi
Does Single Parenthood Increase the Probability of Teenage Promiscuity, Substance Use, and Crime?, Heather Antecol and Kelly Bedard
Doha Development Round: Reaching Beyond Trade Liberalization, Sven W. Arndt
Super-Specialization and the Gains from Trade, Sven W. Arndt
Trade, Production Networks and the Exchange Rate, Sven W. Arndt and Alex Huemer '99
The Power of Leading Subtly: Alan Greenspan, Rhetorical Leadership, and Monetary Policy, Michelle C. Bligh and Gregory Hess
Assessing the State of Tennessee’s Environment, Mary F. Evans
Effective Structure Theorems for Quadratic Spaces via Height, Lenny Fukshansky
Effective Theorems for Quadratic Spaces via Height, Lenny Fukshansky
Hilbert's 10th Problem, Heights, and Search Bounds for Rational Points on Varieties, Parts I and II, Lenny Fukshansky
On Distribution of Integral Well-Rounded Lattices in Dimension Two, Lenny Fukshansky
On Effective Witt Decomposition and the Cartan–Dieudonné Theorem, Lenny Fukshansky
On the Distribution of Integral Well-rounded Lattices in Dimension Two, Part II, Lenny Fukshansky
On Zeta Function of Well-rounded Lattices, Lenny Fukshansky
Sphere Packing, Lattices, and Epstein Zeta Function, Lenny Fukshansky