Submissions from 1982
Book Review: Perspective on Inflation, Sven W. Arndt
Issues in U.S. Economic Relations with Western Europe, Sven W. Arndt
Teaching Autistic Children to Use Extra-Stimulus Prompts, Laura Schreibman, Marjorie H. Charlop, and Robert L. Koegel
Submissions from 1981
Book Review: Economic Structure and Stabilization Policy: The Princeton Series of 1979, Sven W. Arndt
S+ versus S− Fading in Prompting Procedures with Autistic Children, Laura Schreibman and Marjorie H. Charlop
Submissions from 1980
The Charlop-Atwell Scale of Motor Coordination: A Quick and Easy Assessment of Young Children, Marjorie H. Charlop and Constance W. Atwell
Submissions from 1978
Asset Markets, External Finance and Macroeconomic Policy, Sven W. Arndt
Submissions from 1973
Policy Choices in an Open Economy: Some Dynamic Considerations, Sven W. Arndt
Submissions from 1972
Poverty in a Dichotomized Economy, Sven W. Arndt
Submissions from 1971
Domestic Distortions and Trade Policy, Sven W. Arndt
Submissions from 1969
The Eigenvalue Set of a Class of Equimodular Matrices, Gerald L. Bradley
Submissions from 1968
International Short Term Capital Movements: A Distributed Lag Model of Speculation in Foreign Exchange, Sven W. Arndt