
Abstract / Synopsis

The emphasis on traditional hand-drawn compass and straight-edge geometrical constructions has been reduced in the core narrative of most current curricula. In response to this trend, this paper presents a virtual toolkit for producing precision geometrical figures within the popular note-taking app, Notability. These graphical procedures employ the app's stylus-based input and shape tools (for lines, circles and squares) to offer a modern take on classical geometrical construction. These procedures are adaptations of familiar textbook methods, necessary because the app's circle-drawing tool behaves differently from a standard compass. Beyond the familiar canon of elementary Euclidean constructions, such as angle bisectors and perpendiculars, these tools are also used to sketch examples of sangaku diagrams from original 19th-century Japanese temple geometry problems. That such precision figures can be created within a popular tablet app is a rallying call to geometers; the art and craft of traditional manual constructions need not go extinct and can continue to be nurtured in this age of digital paper.



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