Volume 6 Issue 1 (January 2016): Special Issue on The Nature and Experience of Mathematical Beauty
Front Matter
Editorial: Not just in the eye of the beholder
Mark Huber and Gizem Karaali
The Nature and Experience of Mathematical Beauty
Manya Raman-Sundström, Lars-Daniel Öhman, and Nathalie Sinclair
Explanatory Proofs and Beautiful Proofs
Marc Lange
Mathematical Proofs: The Beautiful and The Explanatory
Marcus Giaquinto
A Beautiful Proof by Induction
Lars-Daniel Öhman
A Short Walk can be Beautiful
Jonathan M. Borwein
Kaleidoscopes, Chessboards, and Symmetry
Tricia M. Brown
Surprise and the Aesthetic Experience of University Students: A Design Experiment
Ofer Marmur and Boris Koichu
Wabi-Sabi Mathematics
Jean-Francois Maheux
The World of Mathematics
The Importance of Surprise in Mathematical Beauty
V. Rani Satyam
Jay Leno and Abstract Algebra
Adam Glesser and Martin Bonsangue
Teaching Calculus with Infinitesimals
Rebecca Vinsonhaler
Book Review
The Allure of Mathematics or Book Review: Seduced by Logic: Émilie Du Châtelet, Mary Somerville, and the Newtonian Revolution, by Robyn Arianrhod
Elizabeth A. Lamprecht
Poetry Folder
Pension Building, Washington DC
E Laura Golberg
Pythagoras plays his lyre
Sarah Glaz
Adversus Mathematicos
Christopher Norris
Three Euclidean Poems
Jordie Albiston
Newton's Law of Cooling
Caleb J. Emmons
A Desirable Middle
Susan Sechrist
Salade Producto
Vincent J. Matsko
WANTED: Journalists of Humanistic Mathematics
Mark Huber and Gizem Karaali