
Journal of the Language Association of Eastern Africa

Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

This page provides details on typesetting and layout requirements pertaining to final manuscript submission to Journal of the Language Association of Eastern Africa.

The linked Word Template can be downloaded, and your paper can be written directly into this document. This will minimize the amount of copy editing that is necessary at later stages.

Formatting Requirements

Final manuscripts should be submitted electronically as both a PDF and a Word file.  Original submissions may be in only PDF.

Anonymization: To ensure blind peer review, please only list the title and abstract on the submitted manuscript file. The names of all authors, affiliations, contact details, biography (optional) and the corresponding author details must be completed online as part of the submission process but should not be added to the submitted files until after editorial acceptance.

Abstract: Articles must have the main text prefaced by an abstract of no more than 250 words summarizing the main arguments and conclusions of the article.

Abbreviations/Glosses Glossing should generally follow the Leipzig Glossing Rules, with departures clearly explained in a footnote. Likewise, provide explanation of abbreviations used in the manuscript.

No Title Page: identifying information is part of submission process. As the submission site will prompt, title-page-type information is solicited by prompts as part of the submission process (e.g. identifying information including the names of all authors, affiliations, and contact information), so no title page is necessary.

Section Headers: If the manuscript is divided into sections, use numbering following the model below, up to two levels of heading:

1. (Major heading) (text) 1.1 (Sub-heading). (text) 1. 2 (Sub-heading). (text) 2. (Major heading) (text)

Please number pages in the upper right-hand corner. Authors must use a Unicode-compliant font, several of which are available for no cost at the following website https://sil.org. Recent versions of Word contain a Unicode-complaint Times New Roman font.

References: List all and only those references explicitly cited in the article. For each reference include (a) the full name of author(s); (b) the date of publication; (c) for books, place of publication and name of publisher; (d) for articles, volume number for journals and page numbers for both journals articles and papers in collections. When citing references in the text, give only the last name of the author(s) followed by the date of publication in parentheses, e.g. Welmers (1968). Do not use footnotes for simple citation of references.

Please be sure to note the JLAEA ethics statement .