Graduation Year


Document Type

Campus Only Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



Reader 1

Jennifer Groscup

Reader 2

Jennifer Ma

Rights Information

© 2024 Prekshi Lohia


Biases in the hiring process has remained a pervasive issue which has affected the American workforce, especially women. Whilst most of the literature on this issue focuses on hiring biases against women in general, there remains a significant gap in understanding the nuanced experiences of women of colour, specifically of South Asian women. The proposed study aims to bridge that gap by investigating how hiring managers perceive and evaluate candidates from different gender-ethnic groups and the specific impact of these evaluations on South Asian women. Using a 2 (Female, Male) x 3 (East Asian, South Asian, White) within groups design, participants will be asked to look at a job description and six resumes of potential candidates, after which they will be asked to rate each resume on the quality and likelihood that they would hire the candidate. They will then be asked to make a choice between the six candidates and provide reasoning for their choice. Lastly, participants will be asked to fill out basic demographic information including age, gender, and ethnicity. It is hypothesized that of all candidates, South Asian women will receive the least favourable ratings, and will be the least likely to be hired. The outcomes of this study may be instrumental in providing data concerning the hiring biases against South Asian women in the hiring process. Furthermore, the findings could serve as valuable insights to inform and guide hiring managers and companies on strategies to combat this particular form of discrimination, ultimately working towards enhancing workforce equity.

This thesis is restricted to the Claremont Colleges current faculty, students, and staff.
