Submissions from 2010
Research on the Corporate Financing of Chinese Small-and-Medium Enterprises During Financial Crisis Period, Tianxia Li and Weiqing Gu
Sex, Mixability, and Modularity, Adi Livnat, Christos Papadimitriou, Nicholas Pippenger, and Marcus W. Feldman
"Toward Integration: From Quantitative Biology to Mathbio-Biomath?", Pat Marsteller, Lisette G. de Pillis, Ann Findley, Karl Joplin, John Pelesko, Karen Nelson, Katerina Thompson, David Usher, and Joseph Watkins
The Hypercube of Resistors, Asymptotic Expansions, and Preferential Arrangements, Nicholas Pippenger
Large Deviations and Moments for the Euler Characteristic of a Random Surface, Nicholas Pippenger and Kevin Fleming '08
Effective Collaborations to Support Transformative Research, Jeffrey G. Ryan and Lisette G. de Pillis
Teaching Research: Encouraging Discoveries, Francis E. Su
Submissions from 2009
Some Properties of Algebras of Real-valued Measurable Functions, Hassan Azadi, Melvin Henriksen, and Ehsan Momtahan
Ta Da! (A Magical Math Pop Quiz), Arthur T. Benjamin
Ted Talk: Arthur Benjamin's Formula for Changing Math Education, Arthur T. Benjamin
Compression Theorems for Periodic Tilings and Consequences, Arthur T. Benjamin, Alex K. Eustis '06, and Mark A. Shattuck
Counting on Chebyshev Polynomials, Arthur T. Benjamin and Daniel Walton '07
A Semilinear Wave Equation with Smooth Data and No Resonance Having No Continuous Solution, Jose F. Caicedo and Alfonso Castro
Voting, the Symmetric Group, and Representation Theory, Zajj Daugherty '05, Alexander K. Eustis '06, Gregory Minton '08, and Michael E. Orrison
Mathematical Model Creation for Cancer Chemo-Immunotherapy, Lisette G. de Pillis, K Renee Fister, Weiqing Gu, Craig Collins, Michael Daub, David Gross '08, James Moore '07, and Benjamin Preskill '09
Asymptotic Dynamics of Attractive-Repulsive Swarms, Andrew J. Leverentz '08, Chad M. Topaz, and Andrew J. Bernoff
A preliminary mathematical model of skin dendritic cell trafficking and induction of T cell immunity, Amy H. Lin Erickson, Alison Wise, Stephen Fleming, Margaret Baird, Zabeen Lateef, Annette Molinaro, Miranda Teboh-Ewungkem, and Lisette G. de Pillis
Stability of Traveling Waves in Thin Liquid Films Driven by Gravity and Surfactant, Ellen Peterson, Michael Shearer, Thomas P. Witelski, and Rachel Levy
Attribute estimation and testing quasi-symmetry, Nicholas Pippenger and Krzysztof Majewski
Sum Rules and Universality in Electron-modulated Acoustic Phonon Interaction in a Free-standing Semiconductor Plate, Shigeyasu Uno, Darryl H. Yong, and Nobuya Mori
Gaseous Hole Closing in a Polymer Langmuir Monolayer, Lu Zou, Andrew J. Bernoff, J. Adin Mann Jr., James C. Alexander, and Elizabeth K. Mann
Submissions from 2008
Uniqueness of Large Radial Solutions and Existence of Nonradial Solutions for a Superlinear Dirichlet Problem in Annulii, Hugo Aduén, Alfonso Castro, and Jorge Cossio
The 99th Fibonacci Identity, Arthur T. Benjamin, Alex K. Eustis '06, and Sean S. Plott '08
A Combinatorial Approach to Fibonomial Coefficients, Arthur T. Benjamin and Sean S. Plott '08
Tiling Proofs of Recent Sum Identities Involving Pell Numbers, Arthur T. Benjamin, Sean S. Plott '08, and James A. Sellers
Tiling Proofs of Recent Sum Identities Involving Pell Numbers, Arthur T. Benjamin, Sean S. Plott, and James A. Sellers
An Alternate Approach to Alternating Sums: A Method to DIE for, Arthur T. Benjamin and Jennifer J. Quinn
Paint it Black -- A Combinatorial Yawp, Arthur T. Benjamin, Jennifer J. Quinn, James A. Sellers, and Mark A. Shattuck
Mathematics in the Mountains: The Park City Mathematics Institute, Andrew J. Bernoff
Traveling Waves and Shocks in a Viscoelastic Generalization of Burgers' Equation, Victor Camacho '07, Robert D. Guy, and Jon T. Jacobsen
The Art of Teaching Mathematics, Garikai Campbell, Jon T. Jacobsen, Aimee S A Johnson, and Michael E. Orrison Jr.
Are Engineering Schools Masculine and Authoriarian? The Mission Statements Say Yes, Emmeline G. de Pillis and Lisette G. de Pillis
Optimal Control of Mixed Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy of Tumors, Lisette G. de Pillis, K Renee Fister, Weiqing Gu, Tiffany Head '06, Kenny Maples '06, Todd Neal, Anand Murugan, and Kenji Kozai '08
Distribution of the Number of Encryptions in Revocation Schemes for Stateless Receivers, Christopher Eagle, Zhicheng Gao, Mohamed Omar, Daniel Panario, and Bruce Richmond
The Shapley Value of Phylogenetic Trees, Claus-Jochen Haake, Akemi Kashiwada '05, and Francis E. Su
Borda Meets Pascal, Marie K. Jameson, Gregory Minton '08, and Michael E. Orrison
The Cooperating and Competitive Strategy Research of Tianjin Port, Tianxia Li and Weiqing Gu
Systematic mistakes are likely in bounded optimal decision-making systems, Nicholas Pippenger and Adi Livnat
Fault Tolerance in Cellular Automata at High Fault Rates, Nicholas Pippenger and Mark McCann
A Model for Rolling Swarms of Locusts, Chad M. Topaz, Andrew J. Bernoff, Sheldon Logan '06, and Wyatt Toolson '07
Mathematics of Voting, Darryl H. Yong
Imagine Math Day: Encouraging Secondary School Students and Teachers to Engage in Authentic Mathematical Discovery, Darryl H. Yong and Michael E. Orrison Jr.
Submissions from 2007
Domain Relaxation in Langmuir Films, James C. Alexander, Andrew J. Bernoff, Elizabeth K. Mann, J. Adin Mann Jr., Jacob R. Wintersmith '06, and Lu Zou
Ways in which C(X) mod a Prime Ideal Can be a Valuation Domain; Something Old and Something New, Bikram Banerjee and Melvin Henriksen
The Probability of Relatively Prime Polynomials, Arthur T. Benjamin and Curtis D. Bennet
The Probability of Relatively Prime Polynomials, Arthur T. Benjamin and Curtis D. Bennett
Fibonacci Deteminants - A Combinatorial Approach, Arthur T. Benjamin, Naiomi T. Cameron, and Jennifer J. Quinn
Solution to Problem 1751, A Combinatorial Identity, Arthur T. Benjamin and Andrew Carman '09
A Combinatorial Proof of Vandermonde's Determinant, Arthur T. Benjamin and Gregory P. Dresden
A Combinatorial Solution to Intertwined Recurrences, Arthur T. Benjamin and Michael D. Hirschhorn
Recounting Determinants for a Class of Hessenberg Matrices, Arthur T. Benjamin and Mark A. Shattuck
Positive Solutions for Classes of Multiparameter Elliptic Semipositone Problems, Scott Caldwell, Alfonso Castro, Ratnasingham Shivaji, and Sumalee Unsurangsie
Infinitely Many Radial Solutions for a Sub-Super Critical Dirichlet Boundary Value Problem in a Ball, Alfonso Castro, John Kwon, and Chee Meng Tan '07
Seeking Bang-Bang Solutions of Mixed Immuno-Chemotherapy of Tumors, Lisette G. de Pillis, K Renee Fister, Weiqing Gu, Craig Collins, Michael Daub, David Gross '08, James Moore '07, and Benjamin Preskill '09
Chemotherapy for Tumors: An Analysis of the Dynamics and a Study of Quadratic and Linear Optimal Controls, Lisette G. de Pillis, Weiqing Gu, K Renee Fister, Tiffany Head '06, Kenny Maples '06, Anand Murugan, Todd Neal, and Kenji Yoshida '08
Teaching Time Savers: Is Homework Grading on Your Nerves?, Lisette G. de Pillis and Michael E. Orrison Jr.
Comment on: A Validated Mathematical Model of Cell-Mediated Immune Response to Tumor Growth, Lisette G. de Pillis, Ami E. Radunskaya, and Charles L. Wiseman
Turing Patterns on Growing Spheres: The Exponential Case, Julijana Gjorgjieva and Jon T. Jacobsen
Removing Sets from Connected Spaces While Preserving Connectedness, Melvin Henriksen and Amir Nikou
SP-Scattered Spaces: A New Generalization of Scattered Spaces, Melvin Henriksen, Robert M. Raphael, and R. G. Woods
As Flat As Possible, Jon T. Jacobsen
Approximations of Continuous Newton's Method: An Extension of Cayley's Problem, Jon T. Jacobsen, Owen Lewis '05, and Bradley Tennis '06
Automated Review of Prerequisite Material for Intermediate-Level Undergraduate Mathematics, Rachel Levy, Michael Shearer, and Padraic Taylor
Gravity-driven Thin Liquid Films with Insoluble Surfactant: Smooth Traveling Waves, Rachel Levy, Michael Shearer, and Thomas P. Witelski
Teaching Time Savers: The Exam Practically Wrote Itself!, Michael E. Orrison Jr.
A Fixed Point Theorem for the Infinite-Dimensional Simplex, Douglas Rizzolo '08 and Francis E. Su
Estimating Winning Probabilities in Backgammon Races, Andrew M. Ross, Arthur T. Benjamin, and Michael Munson '94
The LSB Theorem Implies the KKM Lemma, Gwen Spencer '05 and Francis E. Su
Applying Risk Assessment to Secure the Containerized Supply Chain, Maarten van de Voort, Henry H. Willis, David S. Ortiz, and Susan E. Martonosi
Determination of Interphase Line Tension in Langmuir Films, Jacob R. Wintersmith '06, Lu Zou, Andrew J. Bernoff, James C. Alexander, and J. Adin Mann Jr.
Submissions from 2006
The Maximal Regular Ideal of Some Commutative Rings, Emad Abu Osba, Melvin Henriksen, Osama Alkam, and Frank A. Smith
Hole Dynamics in Polymer Langmuir Films, James C. Alexander, Andrew J. Bernoff, Elizabeth K. Mann, J. Adin Mann Jr., and Lu Zou
Double Birthday Magic Square, Arthur T. Benjamin
Self-Avoiding Walks and Fibonacci Numbers, Arthur T. Benjamin
Revisiting Fibonacci and Related Sequences, Arthur T. Benjamin and Jennifer J. Quinn
Summing Cubes by Counting Rectangles, Arthur T. Benjamin, Jennifer J. Quinn, and Calyssa Wurtz
Combinatorial Interpretations of Spanning Tree Identities, Arthur T. Benjamin and Carl R. Yerger
Mean Field Effects for Counterpropagating Traveling Wave Solutions of Reaction-Diffusion Systems, Andrew J. Bernoff, R. Kuske, B. J. Matkowsky, and V. Volpert
Dead Heat: The 2006 Public Choice Society Election, Steven J. Brams, Michael W. Hansen '07, and Michael E. Orrison Jr.
Mixed Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy of Tumors: Modeling Applications and Biological Interpretations, Lisette G. de Pillis, Weiqing Gu, and Ami E. Radunskaya
Spatial Tumor-Immune Modeling, Lisette G. de Pillis, D G. Mallet, and Ami E. Radunskaya
Some Promising Approaches to Tumor-Immune Modeling, Lisette G. de Pillis and Ami E. Radunskaya
Communicating Applied Mathematics: Four Examples, Daniel E. Finkel, Christopher Kuster, Matthew Lasater, Rachel Levy, Jill P. Reese, and Ilse C. F. Ipsen
Residue Class Rings of Real-Analytic and Entire Functions, Marek Golasiński and Melvin Henriksen
Optimal Therapy Regimens for Treatment-Resistant Mutations of HIV, Weiqing Gu and Helen Moore
The Local Gromov–Witten Invariants of Configurations of Rational Curves, Dagan Karp, Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu, and Marcos Mariño
Spectral Analysis of the Supreme Court, Brian L. Lawson, Michael E. Orrison, and David T. Uminsky
An Optimal Brain Can Be Composed of Conflicting Agents, Adi Livnat and Nicholas Pippenger
A Cellular Automata Model of Tumor–Immune System Interactions, D G. Mallet and Lisette G. de Pillis
How Effective Is Security Screening of Airline Passengers?, Susan E. Martonosi and Arnold Barnett
The Linear Complexity of a Graph, David L. Neel and Michael E. Orrison Jr.
Asymptotics of Largest Components in Combinatorial Structures, Mohamed Omar, Daniel Panario, Bruce Richmond, and Jacki Whitely
Reflections Acting Efficiently on a Building, Michael E. Orrison
Teaching Time Savers: A Recommendation for Recommendations, Michael E. Orrison Jr.
Teaching Time Savers: Some Advice on Giving Advice, Michael E. Orrison Jr.
Teaching Time Savers: Style Points, Michael E. Orrison Jr.
The Linking Probability of Deep Spider-Web Networks, Nicholas Pippenger
Topological characteristics of random triangulated surfaces, Nicholas Pippenger and Kristin Schleich
A Framework for Inclusive Teaching in STEM Disciplines, Lois Reddick, Wayne Jacobson, Angela Linse, and Darryl Yong
The Motion of a Thin Liquid Film Driven by Surfactant and Gravity, Michael Shearer and Rachel Levy