Submissions from 1994
Parallel Algorithms for Routing in Nonblocking Networks, Geng Lin and Nicholas Pippenger
Advection of a Passive Scalar by a Vortex Couple in the Small-diffusion Limit, Joseph F. Lingevitch and Andrew J. Bernoff
Optical Properties of Human Uterus at 630 nm, Steen J. Madsen, Bruce J. Tromberg, Yona Tadir, Pius Wyss, Lars O. Svaasand, and Richard C. Haskell
Symmetry in Self-Correcting Cellular Automata, Nicholas Pippenger
On Random Knots, Nicholas Pippenger, Yuanan Diao, and De Witt Sumners
Juggling Networks, Nicholas J. Pippenger
Fault-Tolerant Circuit-Switching Networks, Nicholas Pippenger and Geng Lin
Frequency-Domain Photon Migration in Turbid Media, Bruce J. Tromberg, Steen J. Madsen, Curtis Chapman, Lars O. Svaasand, and Richard C. Haskell
Submissions from 1993
Uniqueness and stability of nonnegative solutions for semipositone problems in a ball, Ismael Ali, Alfonso Castro, and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Optimal Leapfrogging, Joel Auslander, Arthur T. Benjamin, and Daniel S. Wilkerson
Optimal Blackjack Strategy with "Lucky Bucks", Arthur T. Benjamin and Eric Huggins '91
A Bifurcation Theorem and Applications, Alfonso Castro and Jorge Cossio
The Lazer Mckenna Conjecture for Radial Solutions in the RN Ball, Alfonso Castro and Sudhasree Gadam
Existence Results for Classes of Sublinear Semipositone Problems, Alfonso Castro, J. B. Garner, and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Topologies and Cotopologies Generated by Sets of Functions, Alan Dow, Melvin Henriksen, Ralph Kopperman, and R. G. Woods
There Are Too Many B.A.D. Mathematicians, Melvin Henriksen
Semiprime f-Rings That Are Subdirect Products of Valuation Domains, Melvin Henriksen and Suzanne Larson
An Elementary Approach to Some Analytic Asymptotics, Nicholas Pippenger
Submissions from 1992
Optimization in Chemical Kinetics, Arthur T. Benjamin and Gordon J. Hogenson '92
Another Way of Counting Nᴺ, Arthur T. Benjamin and Fritz Juhnke
Polynomial Hash Functions Are Reliable, M. Dietzfelbinger, J. Gil, Y. Matias, and Nicholas Pippenger
What They Didn’t Tell Me About Calculus and the Computer, Melvin Henriksen
Almost Discrete SV-Spaces, Melvin Henriksen and R. G. Wilson
When Is C(X)/P a Valuation Ring for Every Prime Ideal P?, Melvin Henriksen and Richard G. Wilson
The Asymptotic Optimality of Spider-Web Networks, Nicholas Pippenger
An Elementary Approach to some Analytic Asymptotics, Nicholas J. Pippenger
Submissions from 1991
Spiral Wave Solutions for Reaction-Diffusion Equations in a Fast Reaction/Slow Diffusion Limit, Andrew J. Bernoff
Spaces With a Pretty Base, Melvin Henriksen
A General Theory of Structure Spaces with Applications to Spaces of Prime Ideals, Melvin Henriksen and Ralph Kopperman
When is Every Order Ideal a Ring Ideal?, Melvin Henriksen, Suzanne Larson, and Frank A. Smith
Stochastic Orderings Induced by Star-Shaped Functions, Henry A. Krieger
On a Lower Bound for the Redundancy of Reliable Networks with Noisy Gates, Nicholas Pippenger
Selection Networks, Nicholas Pippenger
The Blocking Probability of Spider-Web Networks, Nicholas Pippenger
The Expected Capacity of Concentrators, Nicholas Pippenger
Modulated, Frequency-locked, and Chaotic Cross-waves, William B. Underhill, Seth Lichter, and Andrew J. Bernoff
Submissions from 1990
Spanwise Modal Competition in Cross-waves, Hassan Ayanle, Andrew J. Bernoff, and Seth Lichter
Parallel Selection, Yossi Azar and Nicholas Pippenger
Graphs, Maneuvers, and Turnpikes, Arthur T. Benjamin
Ordered Ultraconnected Rings, Melvin Henriksen and Frank A. Smith
Faster Circuits and Shorter Formulas for Multiple Addition, Multiplication and Symmetric Boolean Functions, Michael Paterson, Uri Zwick, and Nicholas Pippenger
Faster Circuits and Shorter Formulae for Multiple Addition, Multiplcation and Symmetric Boolean Functions, Michael S. Patterson, Nicholas J. Pippenger, and Uri Zwick
Selection Networks, Nicholas J. Pippenger
Submissions from 1989
Turnpike Structures for Optimal Maneuvers, Arthur T. Benjamin
Viscous Cross-waves: An Analytical Treatment, Andrew J. Bernoff, L. P. Kwok, and Seth Lichter
Continuum Model of Thin-Film Deposition and Growth, Andrew J. Bernoff and Seth Lichter
Radially Symmetric Solutions to a Superlinear Dirichlet Problem in a Ball with Jumping Nonlinearities, Alfonso Castro and Alexandra Kurepa
Nonnegative Solutions for a Class of Radially Symmetric Nonpositone Problems, Alfonso Castro and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Nonnegative Solutions to a Semilinear Dirichlet Problem in a Ball Are Positive and Radially Symmetric, Alfonso Castro and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Review: J.R. Porter and R.G. Woods, Extensions and Absolutes of Hausdorff Spaces (New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1987), Melvin Henriksen
Rings of Continuous Functions from an Algebraic Point of View, Melvin Henriksen
F-Spaces and Substonean Spaces General Topology as a Tool in Functional Analysis, Melvin Henriksen and R. G. Woods
Invariance of Complexity Measures for Networks with Unreliable Gates, Nicholas Pippenger
Knots in Random Walks, Nicholas Pippenger
Random Sequential Absorption on Graphs, Nicholas Pippenger
Asymptotic Behavior of the Chromatic Index for Hypergraphs, Nicholas Pippenger and Joel Spencer
Asymptotic Behavior of the Chromatic Index for Hypergraphs, Nicholas Pippenger and Joel H. Spencer
Submissions from 1988
Slowly Varying Fully Nonlinear Wavetrains in the Ginzburg-Landau Equation, Andrew J. Bernoff
Multiple Solutions for a Dirichlet Problem with Jumping Nonlinearities II, Alfonso Castro and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Nonnegative Solutions for a Class of Nonpositone Problems, Alfonso Castro and Ratnasingham Shivaji
A Semilinear Wave Equation with Nonmonotone Nonlinearity, Alfonso Castro and Sumalee Unsurangsie
The Space of Minimal Prime Ideals of C(x) Need not be Basically Disconnected, Alan Dow, Melvin Henriksen, Ralph Kopperman, and J. Vermeer
Fault Tolerance in Networks of Bounded Degree, Cynthia Dwork, David Peleg, Nicholas Pippenger, and Eli Upfal
Wide-Sense Nonblocking Networks, Paul Feldman, Joel Friedman, and Nicholas Pippenger
Locally Finite Families, Completely Separated Sets and Remote Points, Melvin Henriksen and Thomas J. Peters
Stability of Steady Cross-waves: Theory and Experiment, Seth Lichter and Andrew J. Bernoff
Reliable Computation by Formulas in the Presence of Noise, Nicholas Pippenger
Submissions from 1987
Wavenumber Selection of Convection Rolls in a Box, Wayne Arter, Andrew J. Bernoff, and A. C. Newell
The Bisection Method: Which Root?, Arthur T. Benjamin
Infinitely Many Radially Symmetric Solutions to a Superlinear Dirichlet Problem in a Ball, Alfonso Castro and Alexandra Kurepa
Expanding Graphs Contain All Small Trees, Joel Friedman and Nicholas Pippenger
Ordered Products of Topological Groups, Melvin Henriksen, Ralph Kopperman, and Frank A. Smith
Quasi F-Covers of Tychonoff Spaces, Melvin Henriksen, J. Vermeer, and R. G. Woods
Sorting and Selecting in Rounds, Nicholas Pippenger
The Complexity of Computations by Networks, Nicholas Pippenger
Submissions from 1986
Addendum to: Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to Nonlinear Dissipative Wave Equations, Alfonso Castro and Parviz Khajeh-Khalili
Alphabetic Minimax Trees of Degree at Most t*, D. Coppersmith, Maria M. Klawe, and Nicholas Pippenger
Positioning of Emergency Facilities in an Obstructed Traffic Grid, Jeff Cronk '86, Duff Howell '86, Keith Saints '87, and Henry A. Krieger
Iterative Solutions of Systems of Linear Equations Whose Coefficient Matrix Is Positive Real, Jane M. Day and Melvin Henriksen
Fault Tolerance in Networks of Bounded Degree, Cynthia Dwork, David Peleg, Nicholas Pippenger, and Eli Upfal
Non-Blocking Networks, Paul Feldman, Joel Friedman, and Nicholas Pippenger
Interpolating a Topographical Map of the Ocean Floor, David Ho '86, Kurt Overly '86, Lee Short '87, and Henry A. Krieger
Reliable Computation in the Presence of Noise, Nicholas Pippenger
Submissions from 1985
On the Steepest Descent for Nonpotential Locally Lipschitzian Vector Fields, Alfonso Castro
Bounded-Depth, Polynomial-Size Circuits for Symmetric Functions, Ronald Fagin, Maria M. Klawe, Nicholas Pippenger, and Larry Stockmeyer
Some Graph-Colouring Theorems with Applications to Generalized Connection Networks, David G. Kirkpatrick, Maria M. Klawe, and Nicholas Pippenger
On Networks of Noisy Gates, Nicholas J. Pippenger
Submissions from 1984
Uniqueness of Positive Solutions for a Class of Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, Alfonso Castro and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Bounding Fan-out in Logical Networks, H. James Hoover, Maria M. Klawe, and Nicholas Pippenger
On Monotone Formulae with Restricted Depth, Maria M. Klawe, Wolfgang J. Paul, Nicholas J. Pippenger, and Mihalis Yannakakis
A New Look at Bergstrom’s Theorem on Convergence in Distribution for Sums of Dependent Random Variables, Henry A. Krieger
Parallel Communication with Limited Buffers, Nicholas J. Pippenger
Submissions from 1983
Parallel Computation for Well-Endowed Rings and Space-Bounded Probabilistic Machines, Allan Borodin, Stephen Cook, and Nicholas Pippenger
Gauge Functions and the Divisor Chain Condition, Melvin Henriksen
On Determinism Versus Non-Determinism And Related Problems, Wolfgang J. Paul, Nicholas Pippenger, Endre Szemeredi, and William T. Trotter
Submissions from 1982
Reduction Methods Via Minimax, Alfonso Castro
On Multiple Solutions Of Nonlinear Elliptic Equations With Odd Nonlinearities, Alfonso Castro and J. V. A. Gonçalves
Results on Periodic Solutions of Parabolic Equations Suggested by Elliptic Theory, Alfonso Castro and A. C. Lazer
Some Properties of Positive Derivations on f-Rings, Melvin Henriksen and Frank A. Smith
Sums of z-Ideals and Semiprime Ideals, Melvin Henriksen and Frank A. Smith