Senior Theses from 2017
Pedagogies of Solidarity: Feminist Poetry Written by Arab American Women Post September 11, 2001, Alicia Hurteau
The Limits of Accessibility Under the Affordable Care Act, Nimrah H. Imam
[REBELUTION 17]: Gender Bender, Francesca Louise Inocentes
Nuclear Risk and Rationality: Reevaluating Rational Decision Making through the Lens of Tohoku’s Nuclear Evacuees, Kayon K. James
Fashion and Court-Building in the Sixteenth-Century Florentine Ducal Court: Politics, Agency, and Paleopathology in the Wardrobes of Eleonora di Toledo and Giovanna d'Austria, Leah Rachel Jeffers
Communities of Resistance: Welfare Queens and the Infrapolitics of Black Hair Tutorials on Youtube, ReAndra Johnson
The Genetically Modified Labeling Legislation Fight and It's Consolidation of Power, Maithili Joshi
Daughter, Wife, Mother: Women as Emblems of Indian Authenticity Throughout the Diaspora, Saloni Kaur Kalkat
A Choreographic Exploration of Race and Gender Representation in Film and Dance, Sharon M. Keenan
Evolving Art: Modifying Context Free Art with a Genetic Algorithm, Marina Kent
The "Great Background" in Hardy and Lawrence, Rochelle H. Kim
The Effect of Oxidative Stress on Myometrial miRNA Expression, Abby Kissane
Compensating Against Turnover: Managers' Talent Retention Decisions in Major League Baseball Under a Budget Constraint, Emma Knoesen
Adapting Skazki: How American Authors Reinvent Russian Fairy Tales, Sarah Krasner
A Divided Media: Filtered Rhetoric and the Rise of Donald Trump, Sarah Krasner
People Want To Know Who We Are: Contestations Over National Identity Through Film, Monika Lee
Do Mother and Father Know Best?: California's Policies on Parental Consent for Sex Education, Jennifer Lehr
Writing Out Your Feelings: Linguistics, Creativity, & Mood Disorders, Alexandra Levin
Spoken Resistance: Slam Poetry Performance as a Diasporic Response to Discursive Violence, Harriet Lindeman
A Postmodern Love Affair: Los Angeles and Neo-Noir, Shinmin Amanda Loh
Culture as a Tool of Exclusion: An Analysis of Mathieu Kassovitz's La Haine, Abigail MacCumber
The Changing Geography of Poverty in the U.S. and Its Effect on Food Insecurity: A Closer Look at the Real “O.C.”, Mallory Mackey
How "Costly" is Healthcare for the Elderly?, Ruchika Majumdar
Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate and the Consequential Pricing of Provençal Wines, Gweneth Marter
Shakespeare and Black Masculinity in Antebellum America: Slave Revolts and Construction of Revolutionary Blackness, Elisabeth Mayer
Disparities of (In)Justice: An Examination of the Asylum Adjudication System in the U.S., Meagan L. McIntyre
Spacializing Mexicanness: The (Re)Production of Racial and Cultural Meaning in Los Angeles' Olvera Street, Rebecca Millberg
Re-Calling the Past: Poetry as Preservation of Black Female Histories, Rachel Miller-Haughton
Analyzing the Discourse: How Khomeini and Khamenei Shape the Role of Women in Iran, Jessie Modlin
Social Cohesion as a Gateway: Examining France's Efforts in Building Equitable Education Access for Marginalized Immigrants, Cherish Molezion
Negotiating Mexican Citizenship: Examining Implications of a Narco-State and Rebellions in Contemporary Mexico, Nereida Guadalupe Montes
The Value of Waste: The Cycle of Products and Byproducts in Nepal’s Eastern Hills, Emily Moore
Desert To Sea: White Fantasies, Red Rivers, and The Salton Sea, Isobel Morrison
Perceived Organizational Support and Help Seeking Behaviors in Employees with Generalized Anxiety Disorders, Quinn Morrison
Repensando los Sistemas de Salud Interculturales y Comunitarios en Chile desde la Metáfora del Tejido Social, Kathleen Muenzen
#Comparison: An Examination of Social Comparison Orientation on Instagram as It Relates to Self-Esteem and State Anxiety, Alice C. Mullin
Self-esteem and Social Anxiety in Children with Communication Impairments, Rebekah I. Novom
Imposing Existence: Moral Implications & Economic Deterrents, Lara O'Connor
The Intersections of Art Therapy and Exposure Therapy in Contemporary Art Practices, Robin Ossentjuk
Rovotlif: A Constructed Language, Sarah Otterstrom
Are you Feeling Me?: The Role of Attention in Physiological Empathetic Responses, Gabriela Paganini
Who Will Be Successful in The Gig Economy: Adaptability, Generations, Gender, Marriage, and Children, Lianne Parker
Choreographing Diaspora: The Queer Gesture and Racialized Excess of Mohammad Khordadian, Tara Partow
Masculinity on Women in Japan: Gender Fluidity Explored Through Literature and Performance, Jessica M. Perreira
Solving for a Bellman Function, Elena Pinsker
A Second Child? No, Thank You! The Impact of Chinese Family Planning Policies on Fertility Decisions, Yinghan Qi
Dueling Dualities: The Power of Architecture in American Gothic Literature, Caroline Quinn
How to Survive Autism: a Family Memoir, Bridgette Ramirez
Walking in The City: Koji Nakano’s Reimagining and Re-Sounding of The Tale Of Genji, Isabella Ramos
The Dancer vs. The Adjudicator: Devadasi Resistance in the 19th-Century Court, Meghana Ravikumar
Billy the Elephant: Life In Captivity Is No Life At All, Kathryn Read-Fisher
One Size Fits No One: The Dramatic Truth About Size Discrimination in the Performing Arts, Kathryn Read-Fisher
Women in Fairy Tales: The Pursuit of a Modern-Day Heroine, Jessica Rice
A Meditation on Meditation: Exploring Perceptions of Mindfulness and Meditation in the Claremont Community, Gina L.K. Robertson
The Rise of the Far Right: Explaining Popularity and Potential Influence, Vanessa Rosato
Letting in the Night: The Moon, the Madwoman, and the Irrational Feminine in Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea, Sophia Rosenthal
Voices of Ancient Women: Stories and Essays on Persephone and Medusa, Isabelle George Rosett
The Islands of the Sun and the Moon: Indigenous Community- Owned Tourism Development in Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, Hannah Sands
The Un-American American: Edgar Allan Poe and the Problem of National Genre, Star Schneider
Addressing Sexuality: Organizations in Undefined Space, Clare A. Schuett-Hall
The Role of Touch in Mitigating Withdrawal Symptoms and Increasing Attachment Outcomes in Opioid Exposed Infants, Emma Scrimshaw-Hall
Not So EZ: Evaluating the Effect of California Enterprise Zones on Resident Welfare, Mia Lynne Lax Shackelford
The "Postmodern Geographies" of Frank Gehry's Los Angeles, Katherine Shearer
Inside the Tent: An In-Depth Analysis on Refugee Camps Through a Science, Technology, and Society Perspective, Sonia Shenoi
A Critical Race Theory Intervention into the Cultural Defense Debate, Phoebe Shen
U.K. Welfare Conditionality: Helping or Hurting the Poor?, Emily Shon
Remixing Overwatch: A Case Study in Fan Interactions with Video Game Sound, Etelle Shur
Nationalism and Education in the Neoliberal Revision of Mexican Historical Narratives, Kristen Sibbald
El Cómic y Lo Cómico: Cómo Pablo Picasso Denuncia a Francisco Franco con 18 Imágenes, Sydney Sibelius
Technological Disruption in Entertainment: Navigating the Film Industry's Dynamic Relationship to the Consumer, Samantha Mea Simon
Primality Testing, Mia Siracusa
Trauma and Recovery: A Confessional Process, Mia Siracusa
Introducing STS Scholarship to the Gun Policy Debate in United States Society, Caroline Skinner
U wot m8?: American and British Attitudes toward Regional British Accents, Alison Smith
Disruptions of Normalcy: Subverting Discomfort and Expanding Social Perceptions of Art Through Process-based Experiences, Ariana Steiner
Get Out of My Hair, Sabra Stratton
La Narrativa de la Epidemia: un Análisis del VIH/sida a Través de los Mecanismos Discursivos de la Enfermedad, Ariana Stuart
Do it for the #Likes: Adolescent Risk Taking as Predicted by Instagram Use, Helen Tan
A Change of Two Cities: A Comparative Case Study on Gentrification, Raemi Thomas
"The End at the Beginning" : Spiral Logic in Keri Hulme's The Bone People, Megan Thurman
An Investigation into the Most Effective Therapy for Female Victims of Sex Trafficking, Alexandra Tomback
Personal Narratives Changing Student Understandings of Community-based Academic Programs, Isabel Verhille
An Application and Analysis of Recursive Sudvidision Schemes, Cecilia Villatoro
The Soundscape of the Self, Cassidy Villeneuve
From India to the U.S.: What Determines Nurse Migration Flow?, Mingchun Wang
A Comparison of Democracies: How Democratic Rhetoric and Values Have Changed from Ancient Athens to the Modern United States, Alexandra Wattis
Mobilizing for Abortion Rights in Hostile Political Climates, Morgan Weidner
American Mom, Maria Weiss
Female Superiority in Social Cognition: Can Pretend Play Help the Boys Catch Up?, Maria Weiss
Native Speakers' Attitudes toward Regional Varieties of Arabic, Emilie Wilk