Senior Theses from 2018
Digesting the Disaster: Understanding the Boom of Refugee Food Entrepreneurship in the Face of Increasing Xenophobia, Sonia De Mello
Evolution of Campus Carry Policy in the South, Katherine DePalma
"The Essence of Greekness": The Parthenon Marbles and the Construction of Cultural Identity, Alice Doyle
Set Up to Fail? Redesigning Legal Self-Help Centers in an Adversarial Justice System, Sarah Dupree
Houses of the People: Rural Education and Post-Revolutionary Constructions of Citizenship in Mexico 1917-1940, Madeleine Edwards
Excitable Boys: Male Dominance and Female Sexuality in Aphra Behn's The Rover and Thomas Middleton's A Chaste Maid in Cheapside, Jennifer Ekholm
The Roles of Silence in Virginia Woolf's Between the Acts, Elizabeth F. Epprecht
The Circuit Breaker: Recommendations to Combat Sex Trafficking Between Seattle and Portland, Theresa Faltesek Gibbons
The Differential Impacts of a Restorative Justice Approach Versus a Retributive Approach in School Discipline, Mariah Farris
Automatically Fixing Syntax Errors with PEST, a Python Tool for Beginners, Michelle Feng
Casting, Danielle Ferrer
Schools Uniting Neighborhoods: Sustainability and Racial Equity in a Community Schools Initiative, Rachel Geller
The Pretty and The Deadly, Merritt Gohn
Why are HPV Vaccination Rates So Low?, Kimaya Gokhale
Beauty is in the eye of she who holds it, Justina Goldbeck
What is MLE, who speaks it, and is it safe?, Justina Goldbeck
Why Weight? Zines as Effective Health Communication Tools Against Fat Phobia, Evelyn Gonzalez
The Tourist Destination from Hell: An Exploration of the Multi-Jurisdictional Set-Up of Vista Point Parking Lot, Genna Gores
Sally: Understanding Cabaret and the Politics of Female Agency, Amy Griffin
The Song of Monteverdi, Amy Griffin
Listen to Me, Karla M. Guerra
Everyone Knows I Had an Abortion: Fighting Abortion Stigma Through Narrative Collection and Mutual Aid, Sabrina Gunter
The Right Side of Climate Change: Understanding California Republicans' Support for Cap-and-Trade, Asha Gupta
Sustainable End-of-Life Management for Photovoltaic Waste in California, Taylor Haas
A Western Interconnection Regional System Operator: Benefits and Barriers, Siena Hacker
A Lesson in Learning: Improving Learning Outcomes in India Via Pedagogical Innovation, Rhea Handa
Four Square: A Short Animation based on The Struggles of Growing Up with a Bounded Racial Identity, Audrey Hector
Field Guide, Madeline Helland
Syncretic Souvenirs: An Investigation of Two Modern Indian Manuscripts, Madeline Helland
An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Approach to the Perpetration of Sexual Violence, Emma Linnea Helms
The Minority Anti-Hero: Race and Behavioral Justification in Power, Claudia Hernandez
“An Awakening of Critical Consciousness: Unfurlings of (Re)Memory, Resistance and Resiliency”, Prisma L. Herrera
Royalty Free: An Exhibition of User-Made Objects from The Sims, Mary Jac Heuman
History, Power, and Meaning: Refusing Heaven and Jack Gilbert's Poetic Career, Clarity Huddleston
Identity Formation: Exploring Personal and Shared Narratives of a Black Woman Through Movement, Cynthia Irobunda
The Effect of Mood on Persuasion: The Role of Music and Dance in Mood Induction, Cynthia Irobunda
Making America White Again: Twitter, the Alt-Right, and Colorblindness in Trump America, Natalie Marguerite Johnson
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose: France’s Front National from 1984 to 2017, Ashleigh Jones
"THIS SACRED LAND IS OUR SHIELD": Deploying the Sacred in Indigenous Art and Activism, Charlotte Jones
A Question of Power: Reinstating Political Agency in the Postcolonial Novel, Sarah Juarez
Asking for it: Perceptions of Sexual Assault in the United States and France, Rachel Kaiser
The Use of the Elaboration Likelihood Model and Attitude Change in Personality Disorder Patients, Jillian Kaplan
Silent Discos: The Quietest Claremont Party Ever, Rainie Kaplan
Tracing Formal and Informal Institutions in Southern Yemen, Rosemary Kepple
Are We Worse Off With The Internet? An Analysis of Social Media, Krista Knighton
Competing Scales of Environmental Governance: The Contested Terrain of Extractive Development in the Methow Valley, Washington, Natalie Knops
The Kindness Factor: Disrupting the Structural Injustices of America's Criminal Justice System, Kelly Kwan
All in the Family: The Role of Sibling Relationships as Surrogate Attachment Figures, Tiffany Lagerstrom
When Malbec became Argentine: An Analysis of the Quality Wine Revolution in Mendoza, Dominique Lee
Currency Sovereignty in the Future: Cryptocurrency Policy in the US and China, Lily Lisle
Like Me: Generation Z, Instagram, and Self-Branding Practices, Emily Longley
Antifa? More Like Antifun! A Qualitative Analysis of the Modern Antifa Movement and the Politics of Fascism, Isabella Mann
Choose to Avoid Tragedy, Zora Martin
When Politics Rule Policy: The Role of Discursive Politics in Wisconsin's Photo Identification Law, Rachel Matthews
Facing the World: The Unapparent Merits of Makeup, Ishbel A. McCann
Un Monde De Différence: Une Exploration Entre Les Industries Viticoles Français et Autrichienne, Ellie McDonald
Stagnant Nuclear Energy Policy in France: An Issue of Environmental Justice, Emma McElroy
"What Will Become of L.A.?": A History of Street Vendor Criminalization in Los Angeles, Bryn McKillop
Analyzing and Improving Surety Bond Underwriting Efficiency Using System Dynamics, Savannah Mellberg
“To Bring All Ethiopians Together”: Apolitical Sport, Diaspora Politics, And Mythico-Histories, Lina Mihret
Adolescent Political Development, Rachel Miller
I Didn't Grieve Wrong: Using the Graphic Novel For Personal Healing and Public Awareness, Holly Mitchell
Improving Immersive Reality Workflows and the Harvey Mudd Clinic Process, Holly Mitchell
Into the Wild: Factors Mediating the Positive Outcomes of Wilderness Based Therapy, Layla Moehring
Does Childcare Accessibility Encourage Entrepreneurship? A Case Study of France, Charlotte Moore
Choreographing Conflict: Inspiring Change Through Visual and Physical Representations, Rachel Nayer
How are Unpopular Policies Made Popular? Obfuscatory Rhetoric in Civil Asset Forfeiture Policy Positions, Rachel Neuberg
Understanding the Impact of Family Body Criticism on Thin-Ideal Internalization and Eating Attitudes in Asian American Women, Kristin Nishimura
Green Looks Good on You: The Rhetoric and Moral Identity of Conscious Consumption Blogs, Abigail O'Brien
California as a “Blue-Print’ For Progressive Immigration Reform?: Uncovering Racial Liberalism to Expose Reconfigured Anti-Migrant Hegemony, Edith Jaicel Ortega
Reducing Problem Behavior in Children with Autism by Implementing Relaxation Exercise Interventions at the Onset of Precursor Behavior, Jessica Padover
Videogames as Reconstructionist Sites of Understanding the Affordable Housing Crisis, Francesca Palamara
Verve Variations: The Effect of Class Structure on Racialized Difference in Perceptions of ADHD, Martha Parker
State-Financed Merger and Acquisition Activity in Germany as a Catalyst for Robust Chinese Patent Law Enforcement, Bridget Áine Payne
The New Greek Tragedy: Discordance between Greece and the European Union in the Mediterranean Refugee Crisis, Bridget Pranzatelli
Designing For The Continued Survival Of Wildlife: A Case Study On Wildlife Habitat Design In Australia's Alice Springs Desert Park, Maia M. Presti
An American Myth in the (Re)Making: The Timeless Fantasy Appeal of 'The King and I', Lina Purtscher
Evolving Standards of Abuse: The Economic Justification Of The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau’s Federal Payday Loan Regulations, Hannah Quackenbush
(In)Secure Communities: Assessing the Impacts of Secure Communities on Immigrant Participation in Los Angeles Health Clinics, Grace Reckers
Pacing Your Fears: Narrative Adaptation in the Age of Binge Culture, Samantha Richards
The Construction of Truth in Fiction: An Analysis of the Faux Footage Genre in Television, Samantha Richards
Net Metering: A Case Study of Arizona and California, Mary-Catherine Riley
Aspirations of Objectivity: Systemic Illusions of Justice in the Biased Courtroom, Meagan B. Roderique
Llevo Resilencia en la Frente: The Influence of Community on the Thriving of Latinas in College, Clarisse Salazar
CRISPR Genetic Editing: Paths for Christian Acceptance and Analysis of In Vivo and In Vitro Efficiency, Mandeep Sandhu
The Economic Impact of Non-Dairy Alternative Milk Beverages on the United States Dairy Industry, Ernica Sanon
Pieces: A Critical Look at Life with Pediatric Cancer Through Clay, Marissa Schow
Voices of Women: The Impact of Women's Political Reservations on Female Child Mortality in India, Kohsheen Sharma
On Trauma, or, How To Bear Witness to the Quiet Violence of Dreams, Keely Shinners
Fear of Change: Autonomous Vehicle Technology and the Automobile as a Cultural Artifact, Alexis Shoemaker