Submissions from 2010
Envisioning a Quantitative Studies Center: A Liberal Arts Perspective, Gizem Karaali, Philip I. Choi, Sara Owsley Sood, and Eric B. Grosfils
Life After Wolfram|Alpha: What You (and Your Students) Need to Know, Gizem Karaali and Bruce Yoshiwara
Interview: J. Donald Hughes, Char Miller and Mark Cioc
Interview: William H. McNeill, Char Miller and Mark Cioc
National Forest Management and Private Land Development: Historical, Political, and Planning Considerations, Martin Nie and Char Miller
Team Research at the Biology–Mathematics Interface: Project Management Perspectives, Ami E. Radunskaya, John G. Milton, Arthur H. Lee, Lisette G. de Pillis, and Diana F. Bartlett
Weighted Model-Based Clustering for Remote Sensing Image Analysis, Joseph W. Richards, Johanna S. Hardin, and Eric B. Grosfils
Wayne Steinmetz Chemistry Education Resources, Wayne E. Steinmetz
Sphagnum Moss Disperses Spores with Vortex Rings, Dwight L. Whitaker and Joan Edwards
Kinematic Evidence for Superfast Locomotory Muscle in Two Species of Teneriffiid Mites, Grace C. Wu, Jonathan C. Wright, Dwight L. Whitaker, and Anna N. Ahn
Submissions from 2009
Predicting the Drug Release Kinetics of Matrix Tablets, Boris Baeumer, Lipika Chatterjee, Peter Hinow, Thomas Rades, Ami E. Radunskaya, and Ian Tucker
Truncated Toeplitz Operators: Spatial Isomorphism, Unitary Equivalence, and Similarity, Joseph A. Cima, Stephan Ramon Garcia, William T. Ross, and Warren R. Wogen
Every Graph Has an Embedding in S³ Containing No Non-Hyperbolic Knot, Erica Flapan and Hugh Howards
Microbial Dissolution of Clay Minerals as a Source of Iron and Silica in Marine Sediments, Robert Gaines and John S. Vorhies '05
Hermitian-Symmetric Inequalities in Hilbert Space, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: Hankel and Toeplitz Transforms on H¹: Continuity, Compactness and Fredholm Properties, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: Spectra of Toeplitz Operators and Compositions of Muckenhoupt Weights with Blaschke Products, Stephan Ramon Garcia
The Norm and Modulus of a Foguel Operator, Stephan Ramon Garcia
A Non-Linear Extremal Problem on the Hardy Space, Stephan Ramon Garcia and William T. Ross
Complex Symmetric Partial Isometries, Stephan Ramon Garcia and Warren R. Wogen
A Note on Oligonucleotide Expression Values Not Being Normally Distributed, Johanna S. Hardin and Jason Wilson
Book Review: An Invitation to Quantum Groups and Duality: From Hopf Algebras to Multiplicative Unitaries and Beyond, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Geometric Combinatorics, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Linear Algebra: A Geometric Approach, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: On the Study and Difficulties of Mathematics, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Symmetries and Laplacians: Introduction to Harmonic Analysis, Group Representations and Applications, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: The Geometry and Topology of Coxeter Groups, Gizem Karaali
Review: A Class of Solutions to the Quantum Colored Yang-Baxter Equation, Gizem Karaali
Review: Dynamical Yang-Baxter Maps with an Invariance Condition, Gizem Karaali
Review: Graded Structure and Hopf Structures in Parabosonic Algebra. an Alternative Approach to Bosonisation, Gizem Karaali
Review: On Quantum Yang-Baxter Coherent Algebra Sheaves, Gizem Karaali
Review: Set-Theoretic Solutions of the Yang-Baxter Equation, Graphs and Computations, Gizem Karaali
Review: Solutions for the Constant Quantum Yang-Baxter Equation from Lie (Super)Algebras, Gizem Karaali
A Different Pencil Too Good to be Ignored? A First Look at Wolfram|Alpha, Gizem Karaali and Bruce Yoshiwara
James Eights, Char Miller
The Once and Future Forest Service: Land-Management Policies and Politics in Contemporary America, Char Miller
Interview: Alfred Cosby, Char Miller and Mark Cioc
Interview: John Opie, Char Miller and Mark Cioc
Interview: Susan Flader, Char Miller and Mark Cioc
Submissions from 2008
Mathematicians Playing a Role in Math Education: What We Learned at the IME/MIME Workshop, Anna Bargagliotti, Rama Chidambaram, and Gizem Karaali
Spanning Sets for Möbius Vertex Algebras Satisfying Arbitrary Difference Conditions, Geoffrey Buhl and Gizem Karaali
Variational Principles for Symmetric Bilinear Forms, Jeffrey Danciger, Stephan Ramon Garcia, and Mihai Putinar
Intrinsic linking and knotting are arbitrarily complex, Erica Flapan, Blake Mellor, and Ramin Naimi
The Y-Triangle Move Does Not Preserve Intrinsic Knottedness, Erica Flapan and Ramin Naimi
Cambrian Burgess Shale–type Deposits Share a Common Mode of Fossilization, Robert Gaines, Derek E.G. Briggs, and Yuanlong Zhao
Aluthge Transforms of Complex Symmetric Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Approximate Antilinear Eigenvalue Problems and Related Inequalities, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: Hypercyclic Pairs of Coanalytic Toeplitz Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: On Rank-One Perturbations of Normal Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: Shift-Type Invariant Subspaces of Contractions, Stephan Ramon Garcia
The Eigenstructure of Complex Symmetric Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Interpolation and Complex Symmetry, Stephan Ramon Garcia and Mihai Putinar
Book Review: A (Terse) Introduction to Linear Algebra, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras 2: Tubes and Concealed Algebras of Euclidean Type, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras 3: Representation-Infinite Tilted Algebras, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Geometric Algebra for Physicists, Gizem Karaali
On Hopf Algebras and Their Generalizations, Gizem Karaali
Review: Degenerate Series Representations of the q-deformed Algebra soq′(r,s), Gizem Karaali
Review: Lie Structure in Semiprime Superalgebras with Superinvolution, Gizem Karaali
Review: Some Remarks on Quantized Lie Superalgebras of Classical Type, Gizem Karaali
Word Problems: Reflections on Embedding Quantitative Literacy in a Calculus Course, Gizem Karaali
Statistical Analysis, John Kloke and Johanna S. Hardin
A Dynamic Analysis of the Stability of a Network of Induction Generators, Ami E. Radunskaya, Robert Williamson, and Robert Yinger
Choreographing Hypermasculinity in Egypt, Iran, and Uzbekistan, Anthony Shay
Choreographing the Other: The Serbian State Folk Dance Ensemble, Gypsies, Muslims and Albanians, Anthony Shay
Dance and Human Rights in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, Anthony Shay
Microstratigraphy, Trilobite Biostratinomy, and Depositional Environment of the "Lower Cambrian" Ruin Wash Lagerstätte, Pioche Formation, Nevada, Mark Webster, Robert Gaines, and Nigel C. Hughes
Chronica prophetica, Kenneth Baxter Wolf
Chronicon, Isidore of Seville, c. 616, Kenneth Baxter Wolf
'Convivencia' in Medieval Spain: A Brief History of an Idea, Kenneth Baxter Wolf
Life of St. Zita of Lucca, Kenneth Baxter Wolf
Review: Sidney Griffith, the Church in the Shadow of the Mosque: Christians and Muslims in the World of Islam (Princeton, 2008), Kenneth Baxter Wolf
Sentencia-Estatuto de Toledo, 1449, Kenneth Baxter Wolf
The Life of Raymond "The Palmer", Kenneth Baxter Wolf
The life of San Isidro of Madrid, Kenneth Baxter Wolf
Submissions from 2007
A Topological Characterization of Knots and Links Arising from Site-Specific Recombination, Dorothy Buck and Erica Flapan
Predicting Knot or Catenane Type of Site-Specific Recombination Products, Dorothy Buck and Erica Flapan
Electromechanical Resonators from Graphene Sheets, J. Scott Bunch, Arend M. Van der Zande, Scott S. Verbridge, Ian W. Frank, David M. Tanenbaum, Jeevak M. Parpia, Harold G. Craighead, and Paul L. McEuen
Comment on: A Validated Mathematical Model of Cell-Mediated Immune Response to Tumor Growth, Lisette G. de Pillis, Ami E. Radunskaya, and Charles L. Wiseman
CommentPress: New (Social) Structures for New (Networked) Texts, Kathleen Fitzpatrick
'It's Our Job to Know Stuff': The Epistemology of CSI, Kathleen Fitzpatrick
The Pleasure of the Blog: The Early Novel, the Serial, and the Narrative Archive, Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Untitled Peer Response to "ThoughtMesh" by Jon Ippolito and Craig Dietrich, Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Chapter 2. A Knot Theoretic Approach to Molecular Chirality, Erica Flapan
A Model of DNA Knotting and Linking, Erica Flapan and Dorothy Buck
Mechanical Properties of Suspended Graphene Sheets, I. W. Frank, David M. Tanenbaum, A. M. Van der Zande, and P. L. McEuen
Means of Unitaries, Conjugations, and the Friedrichs Operator, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: An Intertwining Property for Positive Toeplitz Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: Certain Shifts on Banach Spaces of Formal Power Series, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: On a Class of Reflexive Toeplitz Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Complex Symmetric Operators and Applications II, Stephan Ramon Garcia and Mihai Putinar
Book Review: DNA Microarrays and Related Genomics Techniques: Design, Analysis, and Interpretation of Experiments, Johanna S. Hardin
A Robust Measure of Correlation between Two Genes on a Microarray, Johanna S. Hardin, Aya Mitani '06, Leanne Hicks, and Brian VanKoten
Book Review: Invariant Subspaces of Matrices with Applications, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Mathematics and Culture IV, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Mathematics and Culture V, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Modern Geometric Structures and Fields, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Projective and Cayley-Klein Geometries, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Spaces of Constant Curvature, Gizem Karaali