Submissions from 2010
The Ethico-politics of Dedisciplinary Practices, Joseph D. Parker
Introduction: Interdisciplinarity and Social Justice, Joseph D. Parker and Ranu Samantrai
Interdisciplinarity and Social Justice, Joseph D. Parker, Ranu Samantrai, and Mary Romero
Leading Knowledge Workers, Craig L. Pearce
New Forms of Management: Shared and Distributed Leadership in Organizations, Craig L. Pearce, Julia Elisabeth Hoch, Hans Jeppe Jeppesen, and Jürgen Wegge
Is the Most Effective Team Leadership Shared? The Impact of Shared Leadership, Age Diversity, and Coordination on Team Performance, Craig L. Pearce, Julia Elisabeth Hoch, and Linda Welzel
The Drucker Difference, Craig L. Pearce, Joseph A. Maciariello, and Hideki Yamawaki
Promoting Work Motivation in Organizations: Should Employee Involvement in Organizational Leadership Become a New Tool in the Organizational Psychologist’s Kit?, Craig L. Pearce, Jürgen Wegge, Hans Jeppe Jeppesen, Wolfgang G. Weber, Silvia A. Silva, Alexander Pundt, Thomas Jonsson, Sandra Wolf, Christina L. Wassenaar, Christine Unterrainer, and Annika Piecha
The Hypercube of Resistors, Asymptotic Expansions, and Preferential Arrangements, Nicholas Pippenger
Theories of Computability, Nicholas Pippenger
Large Deviations and Moments for the Euler Characteristic of a Random Surface, Nicholas Pippenger and Kevin Fleming '08
Number Theory: A Lively Introduction with Proofs, Applications, and Stories, James Pommersheim, Tim K. Marks, and Erica Flapan
Team Research at the Biology–Mathematics Interface: Project Management Perspectives, Ami E. Radunskaya, John G. Milton, Arthur H. Lee, Lisette G. de Pillis, and Diana F. Bartlett
Agnosia: Tactile, Catherine L. Reed
Body Perception, Catherine L. Reed
Implied Body Action Directs Spatial Attention, Catherine L. Reed, Will M. Gervais, Paula M. Beall, and Ralph J. Roberts Jr.
Distribution of Peripheral Vision for a Driving Simulator Functional Field of View Task, Catherine L. Reed and George D. Park '17
Grab it! Biased Attention in Functional Hand and Tool Space, Catherine L. Reed, Ralph J. Roberts Jr., John P. Garza, and Ryan Betz
Weighted Model-Based Clustering for Remote Sensing Image Analysis, Joseph W. Richards, Johanna S. Hardin, and Eric B. Grosfils
The Meanings of Parent-Adolescent Relationship Quality Among Chinese American and Filipino American Adolescents, Stephen T. Russell, Lisa J. Crockett, and Stacey N. Doan
Effective Collaborations to Support Transformative Research, Jeffrey G. Ryan and Lisette G. de Pillis
From Surface Operators to Non-Abelian Volume Operators in Puff Field Theory, Vatche Sahakian
Influence of a Nationwide Social Marketing Campaign on Adolescent Drug Use, Lawrence M. Scheier and Jerry L. Grenard
Resident Perceptions of Urban Alleys and Alley Greening, Mona Seymour, Jennifer Wolch, Kim D. Reynolds, and Hilary Bradbury Huang
Economic Survey of the Monetary Value Placed on Human Life by Government Agencies in the United States of America, John F. Silny '05, Robert F. Little '06, and Donald S. Remer
India: Rising Power or a Mere Revolution of Rising Expectations?, Aseema Sinha and Jon P. Dorschner
Can Weak Substitution be Rehabilitated?, V. Kerry Smith, Mary F. Evans, H. Spencer Banzhaf, and Christine Poulos
Implicit Cognition and Addiction: A Tool for Explaining Paradoxical Behavior, Alan W. Stacy and Reinout W. Wiers
Comparative Environmental Politics: Beyond an Enclave Approach, Paul F. Steinberg
Wayne Steinmetz Chemistry Education Resources, Wayne E. Steinmetz
The Effect of Mobile Element IS10 on Experimental Regulatory Evolution in Escherichia coli, Daniel M. Stoebel and Charles J. Dorman
Waste and Yet Want Not, Daniel M. Stoebel and Daniel E. Dykhuizen
Teaching Research: Encouraging Discoveries, Francis E. Su
La Competitivita del Commercio Della Diaspora, Corey Tazzara
Empowering Leadership: An Examination of Mediating Mechanisms within a Hierarchical Structure, Robert P. Vecchio, Joseph E. Justin, and Craig L. Pearce
Leibniz and the Wind Machines, Andre Wakefield
Review: Karin Hartbecke, Zwischen Fürstenwillkür und Menschheitswohl: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz als Bibliothekar, Andre Wakefield
Review: Michael C. Carhart, The Science of Culture in Enlightenment Germany, Andre Wakefield
Talking about internal states in mother–child reminiscing influences children's self-representations: A cross-cultural study, Qi Wang, Stacey N. Doan, and Qingfang Song
Two-step, Stereoselective Synthesis of Linalyl Oxides by Asymmetric Allylic O-alkylation, Kanny K. Wan '11, Jonathan P. Litz '09, and David A. Vosburg
Shared Leadership Meets Virtual Teams: A Match Made in Cyberspace, Christina L. Wassenaar, Craig L. Pearce, Julia Elisabeth Hoch, and Jürgen Wegge
Sphagnum Moss Disperses Spores with Vortex Rings, Dwight L. Whitaker and Joan Edwards
Impulsivity, Impulsive and Reflective Processes and the Development of Alcohol Use and Misuse in Adolescents and Young Adults, Reinout W. Wiers, Susan L. Ames, Wilhelm Hofmann, Marvin Krank, and Alan W. Stacy
Are Alcohol Expectancies Associations? Comment on Moss and Albery (2009), Reinout W. Wiers and Alan W. Stacy
Scriptures, Vincent L. Wimbush
The Work We Make Scriptures Do For Us: An Argument For Signifying (On) Scriptures As Intellectual Project, Vincent L. Wimbush
The Forgotten and the Future: Reclaiming Back Alleys for a Sustainable City, Jennifer Wolch, Joshua P. Newell, Mona Seymour, Hilary Bradbury Huang, Kim D. Reynolds, and Jennifer Mapes
Proximity and Perceived Safety as Determinants of Urban Trail Use: Findings from a Three-City Study, Jennifer Wolch, Zaria Tatalovich, Donna Spruijt-Metz, Jason Byrne, Michael Jerrett, Chih-Ping Chou, Susan Weaver, Lili Wang, William Fulton, and Kim D. Reynolds
Sureños Gangs and Mexican Cartel Use of Social Networking Sites, Sarah Womer and Robert J. Bunker
A Green, Enantioselective Synthesis of Warfarin for the Undergraduate Organic Laboratory, Terence C. Wong '09, Camille M. Sultana '10, and David A. Vosburg
Developmental Patterns in Decision-Making Autonomy Across Middle Childhood and Adolescence: European American Parents’ Perspectives, Laura Wray-Lake, Ann C. Crouter, and Susan M. McHale
Examining Trends in Adolescent Environmental Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors Across Three Decades, Laura Wray-Lake, Constance A. Flanagan, and D. Wayne Osgood
Exploring the Changing Meaning of Work for American High School Seniors From 1976 to 2005, Laura Wray-Lake, Amy K. Syvertsen, Laine Briddell, D. Wayne Osgood, and Constance A. Flanagan
Generation of Nanoparticles of Controlled Size using Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Oscillators in Solution, Ian K. Wright '09, Andrew P. Higginbotham '09, Shenda M. Baker, and Thomas D. Donnelly
Kinematic Evidence for Superfast Locomotory Muscle in Two Species of Teneriffiid Mites, Grace C. Wu, Jonathan C. Wright, Dwight L. Whitaker, and Anna N. Ahn
Kinematic Evidence for Superfast Locomotory Muscle in Two Species of Teneriffiid Mites, Grace C. Wu, Jonathan C. Wright, Dwight L. Whitaker, and Anna N. Ahn
Submissions from 2009
Gender-Biased Behavior at Work: What Can Surveys Tell Us About the Link Between Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination?, Heather Antecol, Vanessa E. Barcus, and Deborah Cobb-Clark
Racial Harassment, Job Satisfaction, and Intentions to Remain in the Military, Heather Antecol and Deborah Cobb-Clark
Book Review. Memory and Vision: Arts, Cultures, and Lives of Plains Indian People by Emma Hansen, Bill Anthes
Fragmentation, Sven W. Arndt
The Implications of Integration for Globalization, Sven W. Arndt, Patrick Crowley, and David G. Mayes
Some Properties of Algebras of Real-valued Measurable Functions, Hassan Azadi, Melvin Henriksen, and Ehsan Momtahan
Predicting the Drug Release Kinetics of Matrix Tablets, Boris Baeumer, Lipika Chatterjee, Peter Hinow, Thomas Rades, Ami E. Radunskaya, and Ian Tucker
Ta Da! (A Magical Math Pop Quiz), Arthur T. Benjamin
Ted Talk: Arthur Benjamin's Formula for Changing Math Education, Arthur T. Benjamin
Compression Theorems for Periodic Tilings and Consequences, Arthur T. Benjamin, Alex K. Eustis '06, and Mark A. Shattuck
Counting on Chebyshev Polynomials, Arthur T. Benjamin and Daniel Walton '07
Daily Stressors in the Lives of Sri Lankan Youth: a Mixed Methods Approach to Assessment in a Context of War and Natural Disaster, Dale E. Berger, Kenneth E. Miller, and Gaithri A. Fernando
Personality Theories of Leadership, Michelle C. Bligh
Charismatic Leadership, Michelle C. Bligh and Jeffrey C. Kohles
Romance of Leadership, Michelle C. Bligh and Jeffrey C. Kohles
The Enduring Allure of Charisma: How Barack Obama Won the Historic 2008 Presidential Election, Michelle C. Bligh and Jeffrey C. Kohles
Emerging from Ethical Scandal: Can Corruption Really Have a Happy Ending?, Michelle C. Bligh and Wendy O'Connell
Estimating the Macroeconomic Consequence of 9/11, S. Brock Blomberg and Gregory Hess
Terrorism and the Returns to Oil, S. Brock Blomberg, Gregory Hess, and J. Hunter Jackson '10
Where Have All the Heroes Gone? A Rational-Choice Perspective on Heroism, S. Brock Blomberg, Gregory Hess, and Yaron Raviv
Applications of Knot Theory (Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics), Dorothy Buck and Erica Flapan
Reconceptualizing the 2006 QDR Threat Categories, Robert J. Bunker
Violent Non-state Actors in 2030: Suggested Dutch Armed Forces Response, Robert J. Bunker
Domestic Radical Islamic Insurgency by Ones and Twos and the Politics of Self-Delusion, Robert J. Bunker and Hakim Hazim
A Semilinear Wave Equation with Smooth Data and No Resonance Having No Continuous Solution, Jose F. Caicedo and Alfonso Castro
Inducing Chirality with Circularly Polarized Light, Robert J. Cave
Implementing Visual Strategies During Play Groups: The Promising Effects on Social Communication Skills for Children with Autism, Marjorie H. Charlop and Alissa L. Greenberg '11
Truncated Toeplitz Operators: Spatial Isomorphism, Unitary Equivalence, and Similarity, Joseph A. Cima, Stephan Ramon Garcia, William T. Ross, and Warren R. Wogen
Self-Organized Criticality in Sheared Suspensions, L. Corté, Sharon J. Gerbode, W. Man, and D. J. Pine
Drucker on Marketing: An Interview with Peter Drucker, Jenny Darroch
A Tribute to Peter Drucker: Editors’ Introduction to the Special Issue, Jenny Darroch, George Day, and Stan Slater
Voting, the Symmetric Group, and Representation Theory, Zajj Daugherty '05, Alexander K. Eustis '06, Gregory Minton '08, and Michael E. Orrison
Mathematical Model Creation for Cancer Chemo-Immunotherapy, Lisette G. de Pillis, K Renee Fister, Weiqing Gu, Craig Collins, Michael Daub, David Gross '08, James Moore '07, and Benjamin Preskill '09
A Practitioner's Guide for Gathering Credible Evidence, Stewart I. Donaldson
In Search of the Blueprint for an Evidence–Based Global Society, Stewart I. Donaldson
What Counts as Credible Evidence in Applied Research and Evaluation Practice?, Stewart I. Donaldson, Christina A. Christie, and Melvin M. Mark
Reasons for Urban Trail Use Predict Levels of Trail-Related Physical Activity, Genevieve Dunton, Donna Spruijt-Metz, Jennifer Wolch, Chih-Ping Chou, Michael Jerrett, Jason Byrne, Susan Weaver, and Kim D. Reynolds
Consistent Derivations of Spring Rates for Helical Springs, Clive L. Dym
Engineering Design: A Project-Based Introduction, Clive L. Dym, Patrick Little, Elizabeth J. Orwin, and Erik Spjut
Regulation with Direct Benefits of Information Disclosure and Imperfect Monitoring, Mary F. Evans, Scott M. Gilpatric, and Lirong Liu
Hybrid Allocation Mechanisms for Publicly Provided Goods, Mary F. Evans, Christian A. Vossler, and Nicholas E. Flores
Notes on Memetics, Paul Faulstich