Senior Theses from 2020
Impact Of Family Separation And Length Of Time Spent In A Detention Center On Latino Immigrants' Trauma, Myranda Alonso
Assuming We Cause the World to End, Emma Ambler
Awareness, Empathy, and Intention: Creating Constructive + Responsive Structures of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Safa Arshadullah
Autonomy, Liberty, Paternalism and its Implications for Elderly Populations, Alexandra Bacall
Neuroscience of Stress & Addiction: A Digitally Animated Video on How these Brain Systems Interact and Influence Each Other from Early Life Stress to Withdrawal, Claire Bacon-Brenes
The impact of DACA on the Labor Force: An Analysis on Non-Native Wage Growth, Chantal Balta
Passe Pas: Rethinking the Passport, Miriam E. Bankier
Remembering in Future Generations: American Holocaust Museums and Memorials, Miriam E. Bankier
Language Transfer Between English and German: A Phonetics-Based Study of Interactions Between Speakers' Native and Second-Language Vowel Systems, Emelia BensonMeyer
Unaccepted Streets in Bayview Hunters Point: Addressing Spatial Injustice Through Public Open Space, Clare Blackwell
(Re)Producing the Neoliberal Subject: Child-Rearing Advice Literature Following "The Great Risk Shift", Sophie Boczek
EU-Russian Energy Market Relations in the Wake of the Ukrainian Crisis, Anezka Boyle
A Competitive Education: How Charter Schools Include and Exclude, Talia M. Bromberg
Examining the Role Gender Plays in the Probability of Retirement, Anastasia Bryan-Ajania
Changing Perceptions of the Carceral Space through Photography: The Tehachapi Project by JR, Alexi Butts
Language, Memory, Place: Building on Disappearance, Alexi Butts
Failed Osseointegration of Bone-Level Implants at the Sites of Endodontically Failed Mandibular First Molars: A Retrospective Case-Study, Julia Canfield
Merde, Merde, Merde: The Testing Effect, Foreign Language Anxiety, and Their Impact on Foreign Language Learning, Priya Canzius
Responsibility, Obstacles, and Place: How Small Business Owners Navigate Environmental Sustainability, Zoe Cardwell-Copenhefer
Sacred Flame: Meditative Mysticism in the Works of Georges de La Tour, Elizabeth Carleton
Measuring the Impact of Elite College Spending, Bergen Carloss
Becoming "Nimble": Accelerating Tech Innovation in Change-Resistant Organizations, Ana Cherry
Decay and Dissipation: Finding Energy Level Jumps in a Harmonic Oscillator System using Fortran and Fourier Analysis, Clara Chilton
Impact of 90's Technology Boom on Energy Consumption by State, Sabrina Chung
Black Girlhood, School Discipline, and the Afterlife of Slavery, Abigail Clarke
The Role of State Banking and Finance in the Economic Development in Texas, 1905-1910, Juliana Clark
The Necessity and Detriment of Shame as Presented in John Calvin's Institutes, Tova Cohen
Childhood Obesity in California: The Impact of School Lunch Options and Physical Education Standards in Public Elementary Schools, Audrey Connell
Eye-Tracking to Improve the Reading Experience, Alia Curtis
@KarlNarcs: A Comedic Critique on the Digital Age, Evelyn Davis
Embodied Narratives: An Exploration of Ritual, Violence, and Brutality Through Jean Genet's "The Thief's Journal", Erin Delany
The Business of 19th Century American Landscape Paintings: A Case Study of the Connection Between Art History and Economics, Claire Di Meglio
Altered Speech: A case-study of identity-driven speech in a Dissociative Identity Disorder system, Sarah Domin
Bodies Re-Inscribed: Reclaiming the Body Through Memory Engaged and Collaborative Tattooing., sabrina drescher
Empathy and Worthiness: The Modern Victims' Rights Movement and the Growth of Mass Incarceration, Samantha Dresner
The Inhibitory Role of Indole in Tryptophan Synthase & its Significance in Treatment for Resistant Tuberculosis in Francophone Countries, Kara Dunne-Dombrink
Ča̱na̱na’n (Be Awake): Native College Students Speaking their Indigenous Languages & Indigenous Language Pedagogy in Higher Education, Carolann Duro
Will You Get the Job? The Influence of Age Appearance, Gender, and Role on Hiring Decisions, Romi Elyashar
Using Facial Attribute Recognition Libraries to Examine Gender and Racial Bias in Top-grossing Online Fashion Retailers, Molly Ferguson
The Effects of Deportation in Undocumented and Mixed-Status Families, guadalupe flores
Evaluación de la educación bilingüe para los niños mexico-americanos que viven en los Estados Unidos, Ella Fludzinski
Enhancing Aerial Circus Training Practices using a Synthesis of Traditional Coaching, Laban Movement Analysis, and Alexander Technique Frameworks, Lauren Froehlich
The Effects of Nerve Mobilization Exercises on Muscle Performance: A Pilot Study, Lauren Froehlich
A Sermon Writ In High Heaven: Astrology and Interpretation in Moby-Dick, Amanda Gallop
The Path to Pregnancy: Fertility Services and Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Olivia H. Gilbert
Hard to Stomach: The Cultural Politics of Milk in the American 2010s, Margaret Gill
Traumatized Characters in Traumatized Environments: A Look at Repression and Horror, Rebecca L. Goldman
Performing Power: Katherine Dunham and Alvin Ailey's Cold War Choreographies, Julia Gottlieb
Islam and the French Republic: Approaches to Laïcité in the Era of Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy, Jennifer C. Grady
Desire for Authenticity: An Examination of the No-Makeup Makeup Trend in Social Media, Olivia Greene
Winning Moves: Mathematical strategies behind certain games and their philosophical implications, Sarah E. Groh
The Continued Legacy of German Naturalness Contextualized Within a Fraught History and Issues of Inclusion, Eleanor Grosse
Understanding Terror: A Religiopolitical Analysis of the Rise of ISIS and the Establishment of a Caliphate, Alexandra Hansen
“They F*cking Own This Sh*t. They're Running It”: Are Music Fandoms Organizations?, Jacqueline Haughton
Felony Disenfranchisement: How Amendment Four Passed in the Sunshine State, Delaney Hewitt
Beyond Bob Dylan: A Critical Discussion of American Protest Music and its Redefinitions, Sabina Hills-Villalobos
Stationary Distribution of Recombination on 4x4 Grid Graph as it Relates to Gerrymandering, Camryn Hollarsmith
Governing Bodies: Relationships to Care at the Claremont Colleges, Zoe Hollinger
Laos’ De-Dollarization as an Exemplification for Cambodia, 1997-2017, Sreileak Hour
Building An Asset Browser For Paramount Animation Based On User-Centered Design In Qt and MongoDB, Huize Huang
Personalized Reproductive Care: Doulas Past and Present, Alexandra Hunter
The Inheritance of Recipe as Communal Resistance, Eliamani Ismail
Knot Theory: Quandle Module Quivers, Karma Istanbouli
Food Rescue: A Handheld Scanner App, Kayley James
Therapeutic Alternatives to Current Opioid Analgesics: Selectivity for Kappa over Mu Receptor in Nalfurafine Analog, RTI-4356-8, Amelia Jenkins
Effects of a Growth Mindset Intervention on Math Test Performance, Alexa Johnson
Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Financial Performance: Empirical Evidence from U.S. Listed Industrial Companies, Emma Johnson
Migration and Women’s Relationships to the Land and Food in Myanmar, Allison Joseph
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Hate Crime Legislation on Deterring Bias Incidents, Alison Kali Jue
The Impact of California Senate Bill 826 on Employee Perspectives and Stock Performance on California Tech Firms, Kimberly M. Kaneshina
Foster Rhodes Jackson and the Visual Conquest of the West, Eve Kaufman
An Asset Browser for Feature Animation, Anisha Kaul
Do Generous Maternity Leave Policies Affect the Demand for Female Labor? An Exploration of France, Quinn N. Kemlage
Understanding Immersion and Language Zooming in French L2 Learners, Emily Khouw
Bearing Life and Living Resistance: Women’s Health and Political Determinants in Occupied Palestine, Sophia Knowlton-Latkin
Audre Lorde & the Ontology of Desire, Lauren Koenig
Black Resistance: Interpretive Agency Enacted Against Mutable Violence, Meera Kolluri
Wedded to Change and Tradition: Conservative Jewish Same-Sex Weddings and Ritual Change, Logan Kramer
"With a Cadence Not Like Theirs:" Monster Theory and the Problematics of "Hosting" in Toni Morrison's Beloved, Catherine Leon
Synthesis and Reactivity of a New Platinum(II) Complex, Maria Lew
Grieving the Eternal Present: The Pressures of Being a Person (with Words), Rowen Light-Wills
Hear For You: Engaging With Vocal Authority And Vulnerability Through Podcasting, Rowen Light-Wills
Anti-Party, Pro-Politics: The Gilets Jaunes’ Challenge to French Representative Democracy, Anna Liss-Roy
Anti-Party, Pro-Politics: The Gilets Jaunes' Challenge to Western Representative Democracy, Anna Liss-Roy
Post-traumatic growth mediates the relationship between self-compassion based person-centered therapy and recidivism, Sophia Lobo
The antibiofilm effects of curcumin in Bacillus subtilis, Ashweetha Louis
A Novel Multi-Disciplinary Approach for Understanding and Promoting Emotion Regulation Flexibility, Luena Maillard
Impact of Parental Income on Children's Play in India, Annika Mammen
"We Deserve Support and Liberation Instead": Analyzing New York City's Legal Responses to Sex Work 1994-2020, Eleanor Mammen
The Effect of México’s Transition from Neoliberalism to Populism on Environmental Policy, Christina Marshall