Content Posted in 2013
Teaching the Complex Numbers: What History and Philosophy of Mathematics Suggest, Emily R. Grosholz
"Teach Me O My God": The Journal of Hiram Bingham (1815-1816), Char Miller
Team Research at the Biology–Mathematics Interface: Project Management Perspectives, Ami E. Radunskaya, John G. Milton, Arthur H. Lee, Lisette G. de Pillis, and Diana F. Bartlett
Technical and Economic Feasability of a Prototype 4 kW Cogeneration Package, Donald S. Remer, Tamar L. di Franco, and Richard A. Johnson
Technology and Polity: The Dynamics and Dilemmas of Managed Change, Rudi Volti
Technology and Transit Terrorism: Trends and Possibilities, Robert J. Bunker
Teenage Delinquency: The Role of Child Support Payments and Father’s Visitation, Heather Antecol and Kelly Bedard
Teenage Dream, Katie L. Grip
Term Familiarity to Indicate Perceived and Actual Difficulty of Text in Medical Digital Libraries, Gondy Leroy and James E. Endicott
Terrorism and the Economics of Trust, S. Brock Blomberg, Gregory Hess, and Daniel YJ Tan
Terrorism and the Returns to Oil, S. Brock Blomberg, Gregory Hess, and J. Hunter Jackson '10
Terrorism, since 1945, Robert J. Bunker
Terrorist Laser Employment Against Civil Aviation: Issues, Concerns, and Potential Incidents, Robert J. Bunker
Terrorists and Laser Weapons Use: An Emergent Threat, Robert J. Bunker
Thailand's Hidden Labor Force: Solutions to Improve the Situation of Burmese Migrant Workers, Manassinee Moottatarn
The 19th Century Excavation of Kent's Cavern, England, Donald A. McFarlane and Joyce Lundberg
The 6/8 Beat Goes On: Persian Popular Music from Bazm-e Qajariyyeh to Beverly Hills Garden Parties, Anthony Shay
The Aesthetics of Sympathy: George Eliot's representations of the visual arts, Tara D. Contractor
The Aftermath of Organizational Corruption: Employee Attributions and Emotional Reactions, Kathie L. Pelletier '09 and Michelle C. Bligh
The Aging Population and the Size of the Welfare State: Is There a Puzzle?, Cameron A. Shelton
The American Colonization of Liberia & the Origins of Africa's First Republic, Aaron Outland
The Archive of Restoration Culture, 1997-2002, Richard Bushman
The Ascetic Impulse in Early Christianity: Some Current Methodological Challenges, Vincent L. Wimbush
The Association of Psychosocial Factors on HIV/AIDS Disease Progression, Melissa Margolis
The Asymptotic Optimality of Spider-Web Networks, Nicholas Pippenger
The Backward Shift on Dirichlet-type Spaces, Stephan Ramon Garcia
The Balancing Act: A Mormon Historian Reflects on His Biography of Joseph Smith, Richard Bushman
The Battle To Authenticate 'The Gospel of Thomas', Lisa Haygood
The Beautiful Corpse: Violence against Women in Fashion Photography, Susan C. Bryant
The Beauty Standard Trade-Off: How Ebony, Essence, and Jet Magazine Represent African American/Black Female Beauty in Advertising in 1968, 1988, and 2008, Jerrika M. Anderson Edwards
The Bible as Read by African Americans, Vincent L. Wimbush
The Bisection Method: Which Root?, Arthur T. Benjamin
The Blocking Probability of Spider-Web Networks, Nicholas Pippenger
The Bollywood Item Number: From Mujra to Modern Day Ramifications, Avantika Saraogi
The Book of Mormon and the American Revolution, Richard Bushman
The Book of Mormon in Early Mormon History, Richard Bushman
The Bound Chronicles, Natalie M. Cannon
The Brave New World of Open Access & Creative Commons: a Humanistic Experiment in Mathematical Publishing, Gizem Karaali
The Case Against Redistribution: F.A. Hayek on Social Justice, Matthew T. Wissa
The Case for Aquaponics: an Environmentally and Economically Superior Method of Food Production, Peter A. Fankuchen
The Challenge of a Siberian Bluegrass (Poa) Phylogeny, Marina V. Olonova
The Challenge of Police and Judicial Reform in Mexico and the Promise of Civil Engagement, Hector Villanueva
The Change in Impact of Education Debt on Graduates' Home Equity Post 2008 Recession, Zoe Gall
The Changing Role of the Speed of Processing Construct in the Cognitive Psychology of Human Aging, Alan Hartley
The Character of Joseph Smith, Richard Bushman
The Character of Joseph Smith: Insights from His Holographs, Richard Bushman
The Charlop-Atwell Scale of Motor Coordination: A Quick and Easy Assessment of Young Children, Marjorie H. Charlop and Constance W. Atwell
The Charter School Movement: The Impact of School Form on Performance, Jeremy B. Wolff
The Cognitive Ecology of Problem Solving, Alan Hartley
The Colonization of the Mormon Mind, Richard Bushman
The Colors of Math, Gizem Karaali
The Combinatorialization of Linear Recurrences, Arthur T. Benjamin, Halcyon Derks, and Jennifer J. Quinn
The Complexity of Computations by Networks, Nicholas Pippenger
The Complexity of Monotone Boolean Functions, Nicholas Pippenger
The Concrete River: Industry, Race, and Green Justice on the Banks of the Los Angeles River, Carolyn M. Angius
The Confort Grinn, Kristen Bradford
The Consequences of Mental Illness on Labor Market Decisions, Vanessa Lanuza
The Contributions of Evolutionary Divergence and Phenotypic Plasticity to Geographic Variation in the Western Fence Lizard, Sceloporus Occidentalis, Christine R. Buckley, Duncan J. Irschick, and Stephen C. Adolph
The Contributions of Fiscal and Monetary Stimulus Policies to the Economic Recovery Process of Recessions in the United States, Amanda M. Hiatt
The Cost of Doing a Cost Estimate, Donald S. Remer and Harry R. Buchanan
The Cost of Expression of Escherichia coli lac Operon Proteins Is in the Process, Not in the Products, Daniel M. Stoebel, Antony M. Dean, and Daniel E. Dykhuizen
The Cultural Ecology of Leadership: An Analysis of Popular Leadership Books, Michelle C. Bligh and James R. Meindl
The Culture Concept and the Individualism-Collectivism Debate: Dominant and Alternative Attributions for Class in the United States, Claudia Strauss
The Death of the Flying Wing : The Real Reasons Behind the 1949 Cancellation of Northrop Aircraft's RB-49, Francis J. Baker
The Decline of the Car Enthusiasts: Implications for Undergraduate Engineering Education, Mary P. Cardenas
The Declining Natural Fish Stock: A Proposed Solution to Public Fear and Perceptions of Genetically Modified Fish, Morgan Beltz
The Developmental Roots of Social Responsibility in Childhood and Adolescence, Laura Wray-Lake and Amy K. Syvertsen
The Distribution of Robust Distances, Johanna S. Hardin and David M. Rocke
The Drivers of Corporate Headquarter Relocations and the Effects of the Announcements on Stock Market Returns, Daniyal Shahid
The Dynamics of an Optimally Controlled Tumor Model: A Case Study, Lisette G. de Pillis and Ami E. Radunskaya
The Dynamics of an Optimally Controlled Tumor Model: A Case Study, Lisette G. de Pillis and Ami E. Radunskaya
The Early Decision Option in College Admission and Its Impact on Student Diversity, Heather Antecol and Janet Kiholm Smith
The Early History of Cleanliness in America, Richard Bushman and Claudia Bushman
The Economic Crisis and ESDP: Friends or Foes?, Amelia Adams
The Effective Application of Microfinance to Alleviate Poverty in the Indigenous Populations of Peru and Bolivia, Alexandra Eleni Bartlett
The Effectiveness of ASEAN under External Pressure: Cases of Myanmar's Accession and the South China Sea Disputes, Timothy Rotolo
The Effectiveness of Resistance Exercises in the Management of Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, Amanda E. Bard
The Effect of Cholesterol on Small-Molecule Diffusion Through Liver Cell Membranes, Dail Chapman
The Effect of Corporate Sustainability Reporting on Firm Valuation, Brian D. Bartlett
The Effect of Excise Taxes on Cigarette Smuggling: An Instrumental Variable Approach, Tim Burke
The Effect of Heavy and Light Rail Transportation Systems on Car Ownership, Kyle RL Jenkins
The Effect of Mobile Element IS10 on Experimental Regulatory Evolution in Escherichia coli, Daniel M. Stoebel and Charles J. Dorman
The Effect of Negative Media on Political Campaigns: Hillary Clinton, Margaret Thatcher, Rachel Vinson
The Effect of Oral Contraceptives on Women's Labor Force Participation Rates, Jackie E. Yamanaka
The Effect of Organized Sports on Academic Achievement and Youth Development, Nicole Franklin
The Effect of Pre-College Activity Participation on College Leadership, Jessica H. Dang
The Effect of the Domain Topology on the Number of Minimal Nodal Solutions of an Elliptic Equation at Critical Growth in a Symmetric Domain, Alfonso Castro and Mónica Clapp
The Effect of the Establishment of the Day Clearing Branch on Trading Costs: A Look at the NYSE In 1920, Samuel W. Wong
The Effects of Adolescent Heavy Drinking on the Timing and Stability of Cohabitation and Marriage, Lela Rankin Williams, Laura Wray-Lake, Eric Loken, and Jennifer L. Maggs
The Effects of Delay on Neonatal Retention of Habituated Headturning, Philip R. Zelazo, Michael J. Weiss, Marguerite Randolph, Irina U. Swain, and David S. Moore
The Effects of Echolalia on Acquisition and Generalization of Receptive Labeling in Autistic Children, Marjorie H. Charlop
The Effects of Exchange Traded Funds on Emerging Market Equities, James R. McNab
The Effects of Linguistic Features and Evaluation Perspective on Perceived Difficulty of Medical Text, Gondy Leroy, Stephen Helmreich, and James Cowie
The Effects of Ownership on Bank Performance: A Study of Commercial Banks in China, Yancan Li
The Effects of Peer Modeling on Acquisition and Generalization in Autistic Children, Marjorie H. Charlop, Laura Schreibman, and Adeline S. Tryon
The Effects of Thermal Stress on Balanus glandula, Breanna E. Walker
The Effect that Hurricanes have on Unemployment in Coastal Counties in the United States, Charles Brown
The Efficiency of Human Capital Allocation In English Professional Soccer Via The Transfer Market System, Harrison C. Doyle
The Eigenstructure of Complex Symmetric Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia
The Emerald Ash Borer, Emily Bryant
The Energetic Demand of Low Tide Stress on Balanus glandula Under Varying Thermal Conditions, Alicia M. Hendrix
The Eternal Newcomer: Chinese Indonesian Identity from Indonesia to the United States, Gregory S. Urban
The Ethics of College Admissions, Lauren E. Phillips
The EU as a Democracy Promoter: Can the EU Use Albania’s Ambitions for Membership to Strengthen Democracy in the Balkans?, Joana Allamani
The European Union in the Quartet: Acceptance and Influence in the Middle East Peace Process, Cassandra V. Emmons
The Evolution of the Music Industry in the Post-Internet Era, Ashraf El Gamal
The Existence of State Dependence and Switching Costs in the Transition From MySpace to Facebook, Taryn M. Ohashi
The Expanding Role of Pharmacists: From Autonomous Apothecaries to Patient Care Team Players, Hannah C. Whittemore
The Explicit Finite Difference Method: Option Pricing Under Stochastic Volatility, Jacob M. Roth
The External Effects of U.S. Disinflation, Sven W. Arndt
The Failure of a Constitution: The Changing Role of Ethnicity in Party Politics and State Formation in Nepal, Joan M. Pradhan
The Fermion–Boson Transformation in Fractional Quantum Hall Systems, John J. Quinn, Arkadiusz Wojs, Jennifer J. Quinn, and Arthur T. Benjamin
The Fibonacci Numbers -- Exposed More Discretely, Arthur T. Benjamin and Jennifer J. Quinn
The Finiteness Theorem for Symmetries of Knots and 3-Manifolds with Non-Trivial Characteristic Decompositions, Erica Flapan
The Flora of Greater San Quintín, Baja California, Mexico (2005–2010), Sula E. Vanderplank
The Fullerton Tapes, Javed Jasani
The Future of Chollywood: The Imminent Rise of China's Film Industry, Kathryn S. Yao
The Future of War, Robert J. Bunker
The Future Soldier System: An Energy Perspective, Robert J. Bunker
The Game of Bridge as an Exercise in Working Memory and Reasoning, Louise Clarkson-Smith and Alan Hartley
The Gender Wage Gap across Male-Dominated, Female-Dominated, and Gender-Neutral Occupations, Erin J. Olesen
The Genus Prolixandromyces (Laboulbeniales) in the Old World Prolixandromyces (Laboulbeniales), Alex Weir
The 'Grand Bargain' of the 21st Century: Assessing the Adequacies and Inadequacies of the Liberal Intergovernmental Theory of European Integration in Explaining the Treaty of Lisbon, Daniel S. Christensen
The Grand Paris Express: An Analysis of Social and Political Trends towards Mass Transit Planning in the Île-de-France Region, Charlotte M. Leasia
The Graphic Nature of Gaussian Periods, William Duke, Stephan Ramon Garcia, and Bob Lutz '13
The Graphic Nature of the Symmetric Group, J.L. Brumbaugh '13, Madeleine Bulkow '14, Luis Alberto Garcia '14, Stephan Ramon Garcia, Matt Michal '15, and Andrew P. Turner '14
The Greatest Good, Char Miller and Rebecca Staebler
The Great Fermentation: A Study of the Social and Economic Evolution of the American Brewing Industry, David A. Link
The Great Migration: Charter School Satisfaction Among African American Parents, Monica Almond
The "Great Moderation" in a Dual Exchange Rate Regime, Sven W. Arndt
The Greening of Gifford Pinchot, Char Miller
The Growing Mexican Cartel and Vigilante War in Cyberspace: Information Offensives and Counter-Offensives, Robert J. Bunker
The Idea of the Public Library in the United States: Why is it Important?, Ruth Bernstein
The Impact of a Math or Science Background on K-12 Teacher Earnings, Kelsey J. Gross
The Impact of Directionality in Predications on Text Mining, Gondy Leroy, Marcelo Fiszman, and Thomas C. Rindflesch
The Impact of Geographic Proximity to Silicon Valley on the Success of New Ventures, Alexandra N. Sloves
The Impact of Microeconomic Policies on European Unemployment, Sven W. Arndt
The Impact of Participatory Notes on the Indian Rupee Exchange Rate, Rohan Kothari
The Impact of Prior Performance on Leadership Appointment in a Merger of Equals, David A. Hirsch
The Impact of the Great Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami on the Japanese Electricity Industry, Misato Suzuki
The Impact of the Security Transaction Taxes on Stock Prices and Stock Liquidity; Evidence from the NYSE, Vedika Agarwal
The Impact of US Political Pressure on the RMB Exchange Rate, Wenjie Zhang
The Impact of Voter Initiatives on Economic Activity, S. Brock Blomberg, Gregory Hess, and Akila Weerapana
The Impact of Wildlife Conservation Nonprofits: An Examination of Environmentalism and Organizational Culture in the United States and Ecuador, Sophie Brooks Ames
The Impact on Poverty when Empowering Women Politically, Rossana Huerta
The Implications of Integration for Globalization, Sven W. Arndt, Patrick Crowley, and David G. Mayes
The Importance of Self- and Shared Leadership in Team Based Knowledge Work: A Meso-Level Model of Leadership Dynamics, Michelle C. Bligh, Craig L. Pearce, and Jeffrey C. Kohles
The IMS New Researchers' Survival Guide, Naomi Altman, David Banks, Janis Hardwick, Kathryn Roeder, Peter Craigmile, Johanna S. Hardin, and Mayetri Gupta
The Indian Premier League: What are the factors that determine player value?, Damini Y. Marwaha
The Inducibility of Graphs, Nicholas Pippenger and Martin Charles Golumbic
The Influence of 1064-nm Light on χ² Gratings at 790/395 nm in Tm-doped Fibers, Peter N. Saeta, D. M. Krol, and D. J. DiGiovanni
The Influence of School-Based Natural Mentoring Relationships on School Attachment and Subsequent Adolescent Risk Behaviors, David S. Black, Jerry L. Grenard, Steve Sussman, and Louise A. Rohrbach
The Influence of Text Characteristics on Perceived and Actual Difficulty of Health Information, Gondy Leroy, Stephen Helmreich, and James Cowie
The Information Content of Elections and Varieties of the Partisan Political Business Cycle, Cameron A. Shelton
The Inner Joseph Smith, Richard Bushman
The Interaction of a Point Vortex with a Boundary Layer Leading to Eruption, Oliver V. Atassi, Seth Lichter, and Andrew J. Bernoff
The Interaction of a Point Vortex with a Wall-bounded Vortex Layer, Oliver V. Atassi, Andrew J. Bernoff, and Seth Lichter
The Interaction of Intense Laser Pulses with Atomic Clusters, T. Ditmire, Thomas D. Donnelly, A. M. Rubenchik, R. W. Falcone, and M. D. Perry
The International iPad Index: Price Variants across Countries and Associated Population Factors, Laura A. Renfroe
The Invention and Impacts of Hell’s Atmosphere: A Study of the Influence of Sartrean Themes in Two Plays by Alfonso Sastre, Hope W. Simpson
The Irish Goodbye, James David Taylor
The Issue of Cyprus in the EU Accession of Turkey, Melike Baştürk
The Jeweled Armor of Tillandsia—Multifaceted or Elongated Trichomes Provide Photoprotection, Simon Pierce
The Juncaceae-Cyperaceae Interface: A Combined Plastid Sequence Analysis, Eleanor Jones, David A. Simpson, Trevor R. Hodkinson, Mark W. Chase, and John A. N. Parnell
The Kosovo War: NATO’s Opportunity, Sead Osmani
'The ladies, they need to change': The Nutrition Transition among Urban, Affluent Women in India, Anne T. Demarest
The Lamanite View of Book of Mormon History, Richard Bushman
The Large M Limit of Non-Commutative Open Strings at Strong Coupling, Vatche Sahakian
The Lasting Impression of a President on the Supreme Court: FDR’s Judicial Legacy, Courtney K. Searls
The Late Pleistocene Hutias (Geocapromys Brownii) of Red Hills Fissure, Jamaica, Donald A. McFarlane and Jerome Blake
The Late Pleistoscene Hutias (Geocapromys Brownii) of Red Hills Fissure, Jamaica, Donald A. McFarlane and Jerome Blake
The Law and Economics of Monopsony in the NFL: An Analysis of the NFL Rookie Draft and Countervailing Force, Benjamin D. Pyle
The Lazer Mckenna Conjecture for Radial Solutions in the RN Ball, Alfonso Castro and Sudhasree Gadam
The Liouville-Bratu-Gelfand Problem for Radial Operators, Jon T. Jacobsen and Klaus Schmitt
The Little, Narrow, Prison of Language: The Rhetoric of Revelation, Richard Bushman
The Local Gromov–Witten Invariants of Configurations of Rational Curves, Dagan Karp, Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu, and Marcos Mariño
The Long Arm of Expectancies: Adolescent Alcohol Expectancies Predict Adult Alcohol Use, Megan E. Patrick, Laura Wray-Lake, Andrea K. Finlay, and Jennifer L. Maggs
The Long-Run Costs of Moderate Inflation, Gregory Hess and Charles S. Morris
The Long-Term Impact of University Budget Cuts: A Mathematical Model, Emmeline G. de Pillis and Lisette G. de Pillis
The LSB Theorem Implies the KKM Lemma, Gwen Spencer '05 and Francis E. Su
The Macroeconomic Consequences of Terrorism, S. Brock Blomberg, Gregory Hess, and Athanasios Orphanides
The Major-Axis Effect: Axes of Bilateral Symmetry or Loci of Neural Interactions?, Alan Hartley
The Making of a Missionary: Hiram Bingham's Odyssey, Char Miller
The Male Dancer in the Middle East and Central Asia, Anthony Shay
The Many Faces of the Modern in Banaras, Nita Kumar
The Mexican Cartel Debate: As Viewed Through Five Divergent Fields of Security Studies, Robert J. Bunker
The Minimum Number of Edges in Graphs with Prescribed Paths, Nicholas Pippenger
The Modern Day Corporation: A Philosophical Analysis of How Corporations Behave and How They Should Behave, Daniel Shane
The Motivators and Benefits of Sharing Knowledge to a KMS Repository in an Omani Organization, Kamla Al-Busaidi '05, Lorne Olfman, Terry Ryan, and Gondy Leroy
The Multiple Scale Transport Equation in One Space Dimension, Lisette G. de Pillis
The Multiple Scale Wave Equation, Lisette G. de Pillis and Ami E. Radunskaya
The Multiple-Scale Wave Equation, Lisette G. de Pillis and Ami E. Radunskaya
The Necessity for Increased Regulation of Proxy Advisory Firms, Jack Suster
The New Gunpowder Revolution, Robert J. Bunker
The Norm and Modulus of a Foguel Operator, Stephan Ramon Garcia
The North Korea Problem: US policy toward North Korea from 2001-2013, Mary E. Mildenberg
The (No) Work and (No) Leisure World of Women in Assi, Banaras, Nita Kumar
The Occurrence of Autistic Children's Self-Stimulation as a Function of Familiar Versus Unfamiliar Stimulus Conditions, Mark A. Runco, Marjorie H. Charlop, and Laura Schreibman
The Older Adult as Computer User, Alan Hartley, Joellen T. Hartley, and Shirley A. Johnson
The Once and Future Forest Service: Land-Management Policies and Politics in Contemporary America, Char Miller
The Opt-Out Revolution: Recent Trends in Female Labor Supply, Heather Antecol
Theoretical Investigation of the Electronic Coupling Element in bis-Ruthenium Porphyrin Dimers, Sean Pheasant '03; John A, Kouzelos '07; Hal Van Ryswyk; and Robert J. Cave
Theoretical Investigation of the Ground and Excited States of Coumarin 151 and Coumarin 120, Robert J. Cave, Kieron Burke, and Edward W. Castner Jr.
Theories of Charter School Action: The Realities Behind the Rhetoric, Anne Rynearson
Theories of Computability, Nicholas Pippenger
The Paleoredox Setting of Burgess Shale-type Deposits, Robert Gaines and Mary L. Droser
The Path to Innovation and Efficiency in Higher Education, Jordan Stein
The Persistence of Snowball, Shanel Wu
The Phases of 2D NCOS, Vatche Sahakian
The Phenomenology of Koan Meditation in Zen Buddhism, Jerry L. Grenard
The Philosophy of Sex and the Morality of Homosexual Conduct, Kyle C. Hansen
The Pitfalls of Monogamy, Kristen Bradford
The Pivotal Decade: American Forestry in the 1870s, Char Miller
The PixTalk Communication System a Smartphone Application and Companion Website for the Improvement of Communication Skills of Children with Autism, Gondy Leroy and Gianluca De Leo
The Place of the Eighteenth Century in American Agricultural History, Richard Bushman
The Political Landscape of Hydraulic Fracturing: Methods of Community Response in Central Arkansas, Alyssa M. Solis
The Political Production of a Language, Tony Crowley
The Political Will of the Bundesbank in the European Monetary Integration Process, Julia M. Markham-Cameron
The Portrayal of Harlem Globetrotters' Owner Abe Saperstein: A Historical Investigation of Modern Perspectives, Peter Richman
The Power of Leading Subtly: Alan Greenspan, Rhetorical Leadership, and Monetary Policy, Michelle C. Bligh and Gregory Hess
The Practical PEV: Removing Barriers to Plug-In Electric Vehicle Charging and Ownership, Stephen Parry
The Predictive Failure of the Baba, Hendry and Starr Model of M1, Gregory Hess, Christopher S. Jones, and Richard D. Porter
The Preface as Criticism: T. S. Eliot on Nightwood, James Morrison
The price discounts of Chinese cross-listed companies and their variation across sectors, Tom Guo
The Probability of Relatively Prime Polynomials, Arthur T. Benjamin and Curtis D. Bennet
The Projected Al Qaeda Use of Body Cavity Suicide Bombs Against High Value Targets, Robert J. Bunker
The Pros and Cons of North American Monetary Integration, Sven W. Arndt
The Prussians are Coming! The Prussians are Coming!, Char Miller
The Quest for Education, Richard Bushman
The (Real)ity of Representation on MTV’s 16 and Pregnant: Reproducing and resisting controlling images of deviant motherhood., Denise Tupper
The Realization of Monotone Boolean Functions, Nicholas J. Pippenger
There Be Dragons, Jacqueline M. Bell
There Be Dragons (installation shot), Jacqueline M. Bell
The Relationship Between Comprehensive Budgeting and Party Polarization in the U.S. Congress, Anna Eames
The Relationship between Decision Making Deficits and Drug Addiction: A Neurobiological Approach, Alex R. Johnson
The Relationship of Consumer Personality and Company Branding Among Market Leaders in the Sports News Media Industry, Alex F. Smith
The Residential Real-Estate Industry in India: Investigating Evidence for an Asset Bubble, Nikhita Narendran
The Rise and Fall of Civility in America: The Genteel Republic, Richard Bushman
The Rise and Fall of Record Labels, Ilan Bielas
The Rise and Promise of Applied Psychology in the 21st Century, Stewart I. Donaldson and Dale E. Berger
The Rise of Urban Texas, Char Miller and David R. Johnson
Thermal and Photo-Initiated Reactions of H₂ with Germanosilicate Optical Fibers, Benjamin I. Greene, D. M. Krol, S. G. Kosinski, P. J. Lemaire, and Peter N. Saeta
Thermal selection in Sceloporus occidentalis during exercise recovery, Morgan A. Halley
The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Sympathizing with Rape Victims, Alexis Barab
The Role of Interest and Inflation Rates in Present Worth Analysis for Eleven Industrialized Countries of the Free World, Donald S. Remer and Charles Gastineau
The Role of Interest and Inflation Rates in Present-Worth Analysis in the United States, Donald S. Remer and Saleem A. Ganiy '83
The Role of Islamic Banking in Economic Growth, Katherine Johnson
The Role of Leadership in Employee Performance, Joshua Ho
The Role of Local Government in the Conservation of Rare Species, Daniel Press, Daniel F. Doak, and Paul F. Steinberg
The Role of Self-Esteem and Anxiety in Decision Making for Self versus Others in Relationships, Laura Wray-Lake and Eric R. Stone
The Role of Strategic Conversations with Stakeholders in the Formation of Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy, Morgan P. Miles, Linda S. Munilla, and Jenny Darroch
The Role of U.S. Infrastructure Investment in Strategic Asset Allocation, Michael A. Cahill
The Roles of Axes of Symmetry in Orientation Illusions, Alan Hartley
The Rule of Law and U.S. Direct Investment Abroad, Elizabeth J. Petit
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and The Publicity Effect, Jared E. Bernstein
The Schoenus Spikelet: a Rhipidium? A Floral Ontogenetic Answer, Alexander Vrijdaghs, Paul Goetghebeur, Erik Smets, and Pieter Caris
The Scholar and Her Servants: Further Thoughts on Postcolonialism and Education, Nita Kumar
The Search, Dominique Ovalle
"These Are Preying Grounds" - How the Tulalip Tribes of Washington State are Fighting Violence Against Native American Women, Rosemary O. McClure
The Secret History of Mormonism, Richard Bushman
The Shapley Value of Phylogenetic Trees, Claus-Jochen Haake, Akemi Kashiwada '05, and Francis E. Su
The Silhouettes of Autism, Chloe J. Dobbert
The Size and Composition of Government Expenditure, Cameron A. Shelton
The Social Dimensions of Rationality, Richard Bushman
The Species-Genus Relationship in Antillean Bat Communities, Donald A. McFarlane
The Spiritual Significance of ¿Plata O Plomo?, Pamela L. Bunker and Robert J. Bunker
The Stable 4-dimensional Geometry of the Real Grassmann Manifolds, Weiqing Gu
The State of the Art of Present Worth Analysis of Cash Flow Distributions, Donald S. Remer, Jerome C. Tu, Dean E. Carson '82, and Saleem A. Ganiy '83
The Stories of Environmental Ethicists in Word and Image, Camille Robins
The Structure of Major League Baseball Contracts: A Proposed Change, Scott Witte
The Sun Through My Hair: A Response to (Un)Romantic Imaginations of Asian/American Women, Sara Myung-Su Chun
The Synthesizer: Modernist and Technological Transformations in Film Sound and Contemporary Music, Dusin J. Green
The Taste of Mathematics: Caroline Herschel at 31, Laura Long
The Tax Exclusion for Employer-Sponsored Insurance and the Debate Over the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Kathryn Lorish
The Temporal Links between Conflict and Economic Activity, S. Brock Blomberg and Gregory Hess
The Terrorist: Soldier of the Future?, Robert J. Bunker
The Tofflerian Paradox, Robert J. Bunker
The Transition to Fourth Epoch War, Robert J. Bunker
The Tricycle Gang, William P. Yandell
The “Twice-Looted” Archives: Giving Voice to the Long-Silenced Witnesses of World War II, Jessica S. Rosenthal
The Ugly Truth: Insurgencies are Brutal, Robert J. Bunker
The Uncovered Interest Rate Parity at the Turn of the 20th Century, Orlan Davies
The Unstable Ground of Low Hierarchies, Joshua Dinsmore
The USA in the World Trading System, Sven W. Arndt
The U.S. Corporate Tax System: Shortcomings and Alternatives, Brian Downs
The Use of Anti-CD3 Treatment and Genetic Screening to Delay Further Beta Cell Destruction in Type 1 Diabetes, Natasha Uday Pabrai
The Use of Financial Statements to Predict the Stock Market Effects of Systemic Crises, Mohammad Yahia Almakrami
The Use of Real Options in Biotechnology Capital Budgeting: Theory and Practice, Max Brennan
The Use of Rhetoric in Anti-Suffrage and Anti-Feminist Publications, Artour Aslanian
The Use of Tape Recordings in Teaching Local History, Ruth Bates Rickett
The U.S. Strategic Imperative Must Shift From Iraq/Afghanistan to Mexico/The Americas and the Stabilization of Europe, Robert J. Bunker
The Validity of Tests of Creative Thinking In Seven Year Old Children, Doris M. Rotter, Lois Langland, and Dale E. Berger
The Vascular Flora of the Owens Peak Eastern Watershed, Southern Sierra Nevada, California, Naomi S. Fraga
The Vault of Heaven, Elisabeth Joung
The Vicious Cycle: Fundraising and Perceived Viability in U.S. Presidential Primaries, Cameron A. Shelton and James J. Feigenbaum
The Villa of Andrea Doria in Genoa: Architecture, Gardens, and Suburban Setting, George Gorse
The Visionary World of Joseph Smith, Richard Bushman
The War on Tobacco: The Impact of Advertising Bans on Tobacco Consumption, Iman Naqvi
The Wealth Effects of the 2010-2011 Arab Uprisings: A Market Model Event Study, Rachit Khaitan
The Wiseman, James William Sobieski
The Word Made Flesh, Tyler S. Lamon
"The World Creeps In": Hiram Bingham III and the Decline in Missionary Fervor, Char Miller
The Wrong Solution to Fair Value Accounting: Does the Relaxation of Fair Value Accounting Improve Financial Reporting for Banks?, John C. Suttle Jr.
The Y-Triangle Move Does Not Preserve Intrinsic Knottedness, Erica Flapan and Ramin Naimi
Thinking Like a Conservationist, Char Miller
Third Generation Gang Studies: An Introduction, John P. Sullivan and Robert J. Bunker
Thirty-Year Trends in U.S. Adolescents' Civic Engagement: A Story of Changing Participation and Educational Differences, Amy K. Syvertsen, Laura Wray-Lake, Constance A. Flanagan, D. Wayne Osgood, and Laine Briddell
Three Poems: The Lorenz Transformations, Rotating the Strange Attractor to Find the Principal Components, The Sieve of Eratosthenes, Robin Chapman
Three Questions about Complex Symmetric Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Three Squares A Day, Suzanne U. Gibbs
Three Squares A Day, Suzanne U. Gibbs
Three, Thirteen, Thirteen, Aisha Agee and Michael Franklin
Thrice Bitten: Late Quaternary Mammal Extinctions in the Continental and Insular New World, Clare Flemming, Ross D. E. MacPhee, and Donald A. McFarlane
Tiki Kitsch, American Appropriation, and the Disappearance of the Pacific Islander Body, Daniel McMullin
Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Investigation of the Ground and Excited States of Coumarins 102, 152, 153, and 343, Robert J. Cave and Edward W. Castner Jr.
Tiny Gallery Corner Shot, Katie L. Grip
To Act and Not Be Acted Upon: Embeddedness, Conformity, and Bad State-Building in Bosnia, Kurt Hepler
Tobin in Europe: A Case for the Financial Transaction Tax, Stephanie I. Schneider
Today you will be with me in Paradise., Dominique Ovalle
Toeplitz Operators on Locally Compact Abelian Groups, Henry A. Krieger and C.A. Schaffner
Toeplitz Operators on Locally Compact Abelian Groups, Henry A. Krieger
“To Live Confidently, Courageously, and Hopefully": Challenging Patriarchy and Sexual Violence at Scripps College, Gavin M. Odabashian
Too Much Reinforcement, Too Little Behavior: Assessing Task Interspersal Procedures in Conjunction with Different Reinforcement Schedules with Autistic Children, Marjorie H. Charlop, Patricia Kurtz, and Janice P. Milstein
Topological Rubber Gloves, Erica Flapan
Topological Symmetry Groups of Complete Graphs in the 3-Sphere, Erica Flapan, Ramin Naimi, and Harry Tamvakis
Topological Symmetry Groups of Graphs Embedded in the 3-Sphere, Erica Flapan, Ramin Naimi, James Pommersheim, and Harry Tamvakis
Topological Symmetry Groups of Graphs in 3-Manifolds, Erica Flapan and Harry Tamvakis
Topological Symmetry Groups of K4r+3, Dwayne Chambers '12, Erica Flapan, and John D. O'Brien
Topological Techniques to Detect Chirality, Erica Flapan
Torture, Beheadings, and Narcocultos, Pamela L. Bunker, Lisa J. Campbell, and Robert J. Bunker
"Toward Integration: From Quantitative Biology to Mathbio-Biomath?", Pat Marsteller, Lisette G. de Pillis, Ann Findley, Karl Joplin, John Pelesko, Karen Nelson, Katerina Thompson, David Usher, and Joseph Watkins
Towards a “Cloud Curriculum” in Art and Science?, Roger Malina
Towards a Comprehensive Survey of C3 and C4 Photosynthetic Pathways in Cyperaceae, Jeremy J. Bruhl and Karen L. Wilson
Towards Re-Thinking Ecology: Investigating the Influence of Behavioral Economics on Ecological Thought, Ned Weidner
Traces of Earthly Things, Kristin Frost
Trade and Financial Interdependence in the World Economy, Sven W. Arndt and Lawrence Bouton
Trade Diversion and Production Sharing, Sven W. Arndt
Trade-Off Between Memory for Verbal Items and Their Visual Attributes, Leah L. Light, Dale E. Berger, and Marlene Bardales
Trade Problems and Trade Policies, Sven W. Arndt
Trade, Production Networks and the Exchange Rate, Sven W. Arndt and Alex Huemer '99
Trade, Technical Change, and Welfare, Sven W. Arndt
Tradition. Passio. Poesis. Retreat: Comments around “The Gallery”, Daniel B. Lipson
Training Parents to Use the Natural Language Paradigm to Increase Their Autistic Children's Speech, Karen E. Laski, Marjorie H. Charlop, and Laura Schreibman
Transcribing Spacetime Data into Matrices, Vatche Sahakian
Transfer Spending in the English Premier League Transfer Market: Are Elite Premier League Teams Spending Excessively?, Michael C. Franklin
Transformational Leadership in an Era of Change: An Evaluation of Theory and Literature, Jasaswi Nayudu
Transient Anomalous Diffusion in Poiseuille Flow, Marco Latini '01 and Andrew J. Bernoff
Translation as a Function of Modality: The Potential of Brief Interventions, Chudley Werch, Jerry L. Grenard, Jeanpaul Burnett, Julia A. Watkins, Steve Ames, and Edessa Jobli
Transnational Punk: The Growing Push for Global Change Through a Music-Based Subculture, Alexander Lalama
Transnational Resistance Against Large Dams: States, Social Movements, and Struggles for Democracy, Emily E. Jovais
Transpose-Free Formulations of Lanczos-Type Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems, Tony F. Chan, Lisette G. de Pillis, and Henk van der Vorst
Trash Talk: A Case Study of Waste Analysis at Pomona College, Char Miller and Bowen Close
Traveling Waves and Shocks in a Viscoelastic Generalization of Burgers' Equation, Victor Camacho '07, Robert D. Guy, and Jon T. Jacobsen
Treasure-seeking Then and Now, Richard Bushman
Trends in Pro Forma reporting during the Great Recession, Dakota W. Mivshek
Truncated Toeplitz Operators: Spatial Isomorphism, Unitary Equivalence, and Similarity, Joseph A. Cima, Stephan Ramon Garcia, William T. Ross, and Warren R. Wogen
Trying to Fix the Development in Evolutionary Developmental Psychology, David S. Moore
TTranquilo Sanlucar: Discrepancies Between Rural and Urban Communities in Francoist Spain, Brooke A. Nayden
Tunneling through Weak Interactions: Comparison of Through-Space-, H-Bond-, and Through-Bond-Mediated Tunneling, Westin Kurlancheek '03 and Robert J. Cave
Turing Patterns on Growing Spheres: The Exponential Case, Julijana Gjorgjieva and Jon T. Jacobsen
Two Epiparasitic Species of Phoradendron (Viscaceae) from Honduras: one New and for the Other a Range Extension and Host Determination, Delbert Wiens and Clyde L. Calvin
Two New Combinations in Western North American Asteraceae, David J. Keil
Two-Player Envy-Free Multi-Cake Division, John Cloutier '03, Kathryn L. Nyman, and Francis E. Su
Two Point Boundary Value Problem with Jumping Nonlinearities, Alfonso Castro
Two Remarks about Nilpotent Operators of Order Two, Stephan Ramon Garcia, Bob Lutz '13, and D. Timotin
Ultrafast Electronic Disordering During Femtosecond Laser Melting of GaAs, Peter N. Saeta, J.-K. Wang, Y. Siegal, N. Bloembergen, and E. Mazur
Ultrafast Phenomena: A Laboratory Experiment for Undergraduates, Thomas D. Donnelly and Carl Grossman
Ultrafast Spectrally Resolved Magneto-optics, L. Guidoni, E. Beaurepaire, Peter N. Saeta, and J.-Y. Bigot
Una Propuesta de Planificación para Afrontar los Efectos del Cambio Climático en el Sector Agrícola de Jalisco, México, Isabelle A. Heilman
Unarmored Fighting Vehicles, Robert J. Bunker
Uncle Sam’s Badge: Identity and Representation in the USDA Forest Service, 1905–2013, Char Miller
Unconventional Warfare Philosophers, Robert J. Bunker
Uncovering Faces: the Removal of Discolored Varnish from Tudor Portraits, Kathleen Carter
Understanding How Deciding and Relationship Confidence Predict Relationship Satisfaction, Elise M. Yoshida
Understanding Policy Change in Developing Countries: The Spheres of Influence Framework, Paul F. Steinberg
Understanding the Backus–Smith Puzzle: It's the (nominal) Exchange Rate, Stupid, Gregory Hess and Kwanho Shin
Understanding the Role of Social Capital and School Structure on Latino Academic Success, Jeremiah Gonzalez
Undivided Attention, Kristin Frost
Undocumented Youth in Texas: The Lone Star State’s Effort to Educate the Youth Falls Short, Brittney Taylor Garza
Unearthing Forgotten Treasures: Anonymous Arias with Obbligato Violoncello at the Estense Library, Modena, Alessandro Sanguineti
Unemployment Rates During the Not-So-Great Recovery: How Much is Structural versus Cyclical?, Nicole Appleton
Unevening the Odds of "Even Up", Arthur T. Benjamin and Jennifer J. Quinn
Uniform, Excellent, Common: Reflections on Standards in Language, Tony Crowley
Union Membership by Ethnicity ∩ Indigo Tinctoria ∩ Blue, Leslie Love Stone
Uniqueness and stability of nonnegative solutions for semipositone problems in a ball, Ismael Ali, Alfonso Castro, and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Uniqueness of Free Actions on Ssp3 Respecting a Knot, Michel Boileau and Erica Flapan
Uniqueness of Large Radial Solutions and Existence of Nonradial Solutions for a Superlinear Dirichlet Problem in Annulii, Hugo Aduén, Alfonso Castro, and Jorge Cossio
Uniqueness of Nonnegative Solutions for a Semipositone Problem with Concave Nonlinearity, Alfonso Castro, M. Hassanpour, and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Uniqueness of Nonnegative Solutions for Semipositone Problems on Exterior Domains, Alfonso Castro, Lakshmi Sankar, and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Uniqueness of Positive Solutions for a Class of Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, Alfonso Castro and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Uniqueness of Stable and Unstable Positive Solutions for Semipositone Problems, Alfonso Castro and Sudhasree Gadam
Uniqueness of Volume-Minimizing Submanifolds Calibrated by the First Pontryagin Form, Daniel A. Grossman and Weiqing Gu
Unitary Equivalence of a Matrix to Its Transpose, Stephan Ramon Garcia and James E. Tener '08
Unitary Equivalence to a Complex Symmetric Matrix: A Modulus Criterion, Stephan Ramon Garcia, Daniel E. Poore '11, and Madeline K. Wyse '11
Unitary Equivalence to a Complex Symmetric Matrix: Geometric Criteria, Levon Balayan '09 and Stephan Ramon Garcia
Unitary Equivalence to a Complex Symmetric Matrix: Low Dimensions, Stephan Ramon Garcia, Daniel E. Poore '11, and James E. Tener '08
Unitary Equivalence to a Truncated Toeplitz Operator: Analytic Symbols, Stephan Ramon Garcia, Daniel E. Poore '11, and William T. Ross
Unlikely Abundance All, Dominique Ovalle
Unlikely Abundance All, Dominique Ovalle
UNME, Kristen Bradford
Unravelling Tangled Graphs, Catherine Farkas, Erica Flapan, and Wynn Sullivan '10
Unrestricted Warfare: Review Essay I, Robert J. Bunker
Untitled, Kristen Bradford
Untitled, Kristen Bradford
Untitled, Patricia D. Burns
Untitled, Patricia D. Burns
Untitled, Patricia D. Burns
Untitled, Patricia D. Burns
Untitled, Patricia D. Burns
Upper Estimates for the Energy of Solutions of Nonhomogeneous Boundary Value Problems, Alfonso Castro and Mónica Clapp
Urban Culture in India: the World of the Lower Classes, Nita Kumar
U.S. Border Security Spending: Too Much, Too Late?, Robert J. Bunker
Use of Local Natural Materials in Ceramic Processes, William O. Payne
Use of "Studio" Methods in the Introductory Engineering Design Curriculum, Patrick Little and Mary P. Cardenas
Use of "Studio" Methods in the Introductory Engineering Design Curriculum, Patrick Little and Mary P. Cardenas
Using Aberrant Behaviors as Reinforcers for Autistic Children, Marjorie H. Charlop, Patricia Kurtz, and Fran Greenberg Casey
Using a Digital Library of Images for Communication: Comparison of a Card-Based System to PDA Software, Trudi Miller '08, Gondy Leroy, John Huang '05, and Serena Chuang '05
Using Cognitive Learning Theory to Design Effective On-Line Statistics Tutorials, Victoria L. Romero '07, Dale E. Berger, Michael R. Healy '04, and Christopher L. Aberson '99
Using Decision Trees to Predict Crime Reporting, Gondy Leroy and Juliette Gutierrez '13
Using Music to Increase Reading Comprehension in Children With Autism, Betty Rosenfield
Using Objects of Obsession as Token Reinforcers for Children with Autism, Marjorie H. Charlop and Linda K. Haymes
Using Obsessions as Reinforcers with and without Mild Reductive Procedures to Decrease Inappropriate Behaviors of Children with Autism, Marjorie H. Charlop and Linda K. Haymes
Using Positive Psychology Interventions to Combat Cyberbullying, Jeanne M. Kelber
Using Symbolic Knowledge in the UMLS to Disambiguate Words in Small Datasets with a Naive Bayes Classifier, Gondy Leroy and Thomas C. Rindflesch
Using Video Modeling to Teach Perspective Taking to Children with Autism, Marjorie H. Charlop and Sabrina Daneshvar '06
USSR: Nuclear Weapons, Robert J. Bunker
UTIL: A BASIC Program for Determining Optimal Cutting Scores Adjusted for Base Rates and Classification Utility, Dale E. Berger and Richard N. Tsujimoto
Validity of VO2max Equations for Aerobically Trained Males and Females, Moh H. Malek, Dale E. Berger, Terry J. Housh, Jared W. Coburn, and Travis W. Beck
Vampire Statistics and Other Mathematical Oddities, Mark L. Huber and Gizem Karaali
Variability of Bluegrass (Poa) in Siberia, Marina V. Olonova
Variance Risk Premium in GOLD VIX Market, Guanli Xiao
Variational Principles for Symmetric Bilinear Forms, Jeffrey Danciger, Stephan Ramon Garcia, and Mihai Putinar
Vascular Plants of the High Sierra San Pedro Mártir, Baja California, Mexico: an Annotated Checklist, Robert F. Thorne, Reid V. Moran, and Richard A. Minnich
Vascular Plants of the Whipple Mountains, Sarah J. De Groot
Vaudeville, Popular Entertainment and Cultural Division in the Inland Empire, 1880-1914, Mark Hauser
VBIEDs in the Mexican Criminal Insurgency, Robert J. Bunker and John P. Sullivan
Verbal and Pictorial Similarity in Recognition of Pictures, Sara Wyant '80, William P. Banks, Dale E. Berger, and Paul W. Wright
Verdurous, Adrian R. Culverson
Verdurous 1, Adrian R. Culverson
Verdurous 2, Adrian R. Culverson
Verdurous 3, Adrian R. Culverson
Verdurous 4, Adrian R. Culverson
Verdurous 5, Adrian R. Culverson
Violent Non-state Actors in 2030: Suggested Dutch Armed Forces Response, Robert J. Bunker
Visible Luminescence from Single Crystal‐Silicon Quantum Wells, Peter N. Saeta and A. C. Gallagher
Visions of Future Conflict Symposium, Robert J. Bunker
Visual Curriculum Mapping: Charting the Learner Experience, M. Sara Lowe, Char Booth, Alexandra Chappell, Sean M. Stone, and Natalie Tagge
Volume-Preserving Great Circle Flows on the 3-Sphere, Herman Gluck and Weiqing Gu
Voter Compatibility In Interval Societies, Rosalie J. Carlson
Voting and the Intertemporal Selection of Tax Rates in a Macro-Economy, Gregory Hess
Voting in Agreeable Societies, Deborah E. Berg '06, Serguei Norine, Francis E. Su, Robin Thomas, and Paul Wollan
Wandering About: Analogy, Ambiguity and Humanistic Mathematics, William M. Priestley
Was Joseph Smith a Gentleman? The Standard for Refinement in Utah, Richard Bushman
Was Roe v. Wade Enough?: The Effects of Post-Roe Policies on Low-Income Women, Elena Ginebreda-Frendel
Waste and Yet Want Not, Daniel M. Stoebel and Daniel E. Dykhuizen
Wasteland to Wonderland:Sustainable Brownfield Redevelopment Projects in Low-Income Areas of Los Angeles, Rachel L. Warburton
Water Governance in Bolivia: Policy Options for Pro-Poor Infrastructure Reform, Daniel M. Maxwell
Water Policy: The World's Most Important Resource Politicized, Ethan Gilbert
Water Riot Territory, Dominique Ovalle
Water Riot Territory, Dominique Ovalle
Weapons of Mass Disruption and Terrorism, Robert J. Bunker
WebQuests as an Integrative Experience in Introductory Environmental Engineering, Mary P. Cardenas
Weighted Model-Based Clustering for Remote Sensing Image Analysis, Joseph W. Richards, Johanna S. Hardin, and Eric B. Grosfils
Welcome message, Sara Kapadia
Welcome to the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, Mark L. Huber and Gizem Karaali
West '95 Conference and Exposition Held, Robert J. Bunker
West Indian Monkeys: New Fossils and Interpretations, Ross D. E. MacPhee, Donald A. McFarlane, O. Arredondo, and O. Jimenez Vasquez
We will Make Our own Future Text: A Proposal for an Alternate Interpretive Orientation, Vincent L. Wimbush
What Does It Take to Teach Nonmajors Effectively?, Feryal Alayont, Gizem Karaali, and Lerna Pehlivan
What Happened in the Rainier Grand's Lobby? A Question of Sources, Char Miller
What I Learned at the MAA Digital Library Workshop, Gizem Karaali
What's Best?, Arthur T. Benjamin and Matthew T. Fluet '99
What's in a Name?, Saku Aura and Gregory Hess
What's Love Got to Do with It? An Exploration of the Symposium and Plato's Love, Remy P. Pinson
What's New in Mormon History: A Response to Jan Shipps, Richard Bushman
What's OA Got to Do with Me? The CCL Open Access Policy in Action
What the Research Says About the Delivery of Educational Leadership Preparation Programs in the United States, Stacey Preis, Margaret Grogan, Whitney H. Sherman, and Danna M. Beaty
When and How Does Reconciliation Work? A Comparative Study of South Africa and Sri Lanka, Koffi Rene Yves Kouassi
When Education Matters Less: Estimating the Relative Return to Education for Computer Programmers, Amanda L. daSilva
When Europe Hits Home: How Europeanization Triggers the Conflict of Capitalism in the German System of Corporate Control, Alexander El Alaoui
When Resistance is Not Enough: The Role of Ecotage in Radical Environmentalism, Kris R. Brown
When Saturday Comes: The Boundaries of Football Rudeness, Tony Crowley
When the Romance is Over: Follower Perspectives of Aversive Leadership, Michelle C. Bligh, Jeffrey C. Kohles, Craig L. Pearce, Joseph E. (Gene) Justin, and John F. Stovall
When Topology Meets Chemistry: A Topological Look at Molecular Chirality, Erica Flapan
Where Have All the Heroes Gone? A Rational-Choice Perspective on Heroism, S. Brock Blomberg, Gregory Hess, and Yaron Raviv
Where Philosophy Meets the Road: A Case of Los Angeles, Benjamin N. Feldman
Which Weighted Composition Operators are Complex Symmetric?, Stephan Ramon Garcia and Christopher Hammond
Who is Afraid of the Canon?, Marie-Denise Shelton
Who Speaks for Israel? J Street and the Rise of the Pro-Peace Israel Lobby in America, Ari A. Davis
“Who was Colonel Hồ Ngọc Cẩn?”: Theorizing the Relationship between History and Cultural Memory, Evyn Lê Espiritu
Why Are They Dying? An Exercise in Social Analysis and the Formation of Social Policy, Rudi Volti
Why Don't I Look Like Her? The Impact of Social Media on Female Body Image, Kendyl M. Klein
Why do revolutions succeed? The role of rational choice in the Egyptian revolution., Amer Shalan
Why Korean Reunification Will Be Good, Necessary, and Different From Germany, Bernadette O. Asuelime
Why Must I Wait For Night?, Dan Taulapapa McMullin
Why the Player Never Wins in the Long Run at LA Blackjack, Arthur T. Benjamin, Michael Lauzon '00, and Christopher Moore '00
Why We Should Support Democratic Revolution in the Islamic World, Robert J. Bunker
Widows, Education and Social Change in Twentieth Century Banaras, Nita Kumar
Will Dodd-Frank and Basel III Prevent Another Recession? Curbing Leverage and Promoting Effective Risk Management Beyond Capital Requirements, Nina A. Walker
William F. Ogburn, Social Change with Respect to Culture and Original Nature, Rudi Volti
WISE: Web Interface for Statistics Education, Christopher L. Aberson '99, Dale E. Berger, Eric P. Emerson '95, and Victoria L. Romero '07
With Bells On, Kristin Frost
Woman Into The Wild: Female Thru-Hikers and Pilgrimage on the Appalachian and Pacific Crest Trails, Lucy L. Bosche
Women in Computer Science: A Pseudo-Cohort Analysis of the Technology Industry's Gender Gap, Helen Liu
Women in Physics in the United States, Megan Urry, Sheila Tobias, Kim Budil, Howard Georgi, Kristine Lang, Dongqi Li, Laurie McNeil, Peter N. Saeta, Jennifer Sokoloski, Sharon Stephenson, Aparna Venkatesan, and Yevgeniya Zastavker
Women's Advancement in Francophone West Africa: A Comparison of Mali and Senegal, Refilwe M. Moahi
Women’s Empowerment Through The Erotic, Devin Grenley
Women Writers of the French-Speaking Caribbean: An Overview, Marie-Denise Shelton
Wood Anatomy of Crossosomatales: Patterns of Wood Evolution with Relation to Phylogeny and Ecology, Sherwin Carlquist
Wood Anatomy of Family Salvadoraceae from the Indian Subcontinent with Special Reference to the Ultrastructure of the Vessel Wall, Vishakha Saxena and Sangeeta Gupta
Wood Anatomy of Gnetales in a Functional, Ecological, and Evolutionary Context, Sherwin Carlquist
Wooden Politics: Bernhard Fernow and the Quest for a National Forest Policy, 1876-1898, Char Miller
Word Problems: Reflections on Embedding Quantitative Literacy in a Calculus Course, Gizem Karaali
Working Memory Capacity Moderates the Predictive Effects of Drug-Related Associations on Substance Use, Jerry L. Grenard, Susan L. Ames, Reinout W. Wiers, Carolien Thush, Steve Sussman, and Alan W. Stacy
World Monarchies ∩ Horseshoe Crab ∩ Blue, Leslie Love Stone
Worm Moon, Kristin Frost
WPA Projects in Anaheim, CA, During the Great Depression, Laura Enomoto
Xantusia Vigilis (Desert Night Lizard) and Sceloporus Magister (Desert Spiny Lizard). Predation and Diet., Stephen C. Adolph, Marc Perkins '98, Stephen Granite '97, and Wendy Hein '97
X-Ray Generation from Metal Targets Coated with Wavelength-Scale Spheres, D. R. Symes, H. A. Sumeruk, I. V. Churina, Thomas D. Donnelly, J. Landry, and T. Ditmire
X-rays from Microstructured Targets Heated by Femtosecond Lasers, S. P. Gordon, Thomas D. Donnelly, A. Sullivan, H. Hamster, and R. W. Falcone
Yeast through the Ages: a Statistical Analysis of Genetic Changes in Aging Yeast, Alison Wise '05, Johanna S. Hardin, and Laura Hoopes
#Yo Soy 132 and Occupy: Social Movements and the Media, Elizabeth A. Crumpacker
You Are My Friend, Takeshi Kanemura
You Feel Me?, Kristen Bradford
Young People, Alcohol and Driving in Two Australian States, Wendy Loxley, Sing Kai Lo, Ross J. Homel, Dale E. Berger, and John R. Snortum
Γ to X Transport of Photoexcited Electrons in Type II GaAs/AlAs Multiple Quantum Well Structures, Peter N. Saeta, John F. Federici, R. J. Fischer, Benjamin I. Greene, L. Pfeiffer, R. C. Spitzer, and B. A. Wilson