Content Posted in 2013
1820-1831, Background, Founding, New York Period, Richard Bushman and Larry C. Porter
3D Imaging and Mechanical Modeling of Helical Buckling in Medicago truncatula Plant Roots, Jesse L. Silverberg, Roslyn D. Noar, Michael S. Packer, Maria J. Harrison, Christopher L. Henley, Itai Cohen, and Sharon J. Gerbode
90° to 360°, Holly Paronelli
A Bifurcation Theorem and Applications, Alfonso Castro and Jorge Cossio
Ab Initio Study of the Ground and Excited States of HCP and its Isomer HPC, Elisheva Goldstein, Suqian Jin, M. Robin Carrillo '92, and Robert J. Cave
A Black Woman Superintendent Tells, Margaret Grogan
A Brief Nomenclatural Review of Genera and Tribes in Theaceae, Linda M. Prince
Abstinence, Vincent L. Wimbush
Academic Achievement of Latino Students in the Lennox School District, Fabiola Ceja-Cervantes
Academic Leadership in Advancement Activities: A Dimension of the Dean's Role in American Higher Education, Frank Cortez Flores Jr.
Academic Progress: Factors That Affect a Student’s First Year Experience in College, Stephen Ward
Academic Support Experiences and Perceptions of Postsecondary Students with Disabilities: A Public and Private University Comparision, Heather T. Wizikowski
A Cautionary Tale: Reflections on Reinventing the Forest Service, Char Miller
Accessing History: The Murals of Northern Ireland, Tony Crowley
Accounting Conservatism and the Prediction of Corporate Bankruptcy, Alexander H. Perkins
Accounting for Product Recalls: How to Promote Strong Corporate Governance and Business Ethics, Kevin Amirdjanian
Accounting Scandals & Regulations: A Cost-Benefit Analysis, Andres Fuerte
A Cellular Automata Model of Tumor–Immune System Interactions, D G. Mallet and Lisette G. de Pillis
A Changing in Rural Education in China - Guizhou Forerunner College, Xiameng Xiao
A Christian Understanding of Aesthetic Agency: A Theological Framework of Resistance to Cultural Imperialism, Elise Edwards
A Classical Stage for the Old Nobility: The Strada Nuova and Sixteenth-Century Genoa, George Gorse
A *-closed Subalgebra of the Smirnov Class, Stephan Ramon Garcia
A Closer Examination of the Psycoanalytc Theory in Order to Properly Define Sigmund Freud’s Legacy, Frederic C. Levine
A Cognitive/Cultural Anthropology, Claudia Strauss and Naomi Quinn
A Combinatorial Proof of Vandermonde's Determinant, Arthur T. Benjamin and Gregory P. Dresden
A Commentary on Current Research at the Marketing and Entrepreneurship Interface, Morgan P. Miles and Jenny Darroch
A Community-Engagement-Based Design Project in Introductory Environmental Engineering, Mary P. Cardenas
A Comparative Macro-level Assessment of New Zealand's ‘National Innovation System’, Hans-Jürgen Engelbrecht and Jenny Darroch
A Comparison and Catalog of Intrinsic Tumor Growth Models, Elizabeth A. Sarapata
A Comparison of Iterative Methods for Solving Nonsymmetric Linear Systems, Lisette G. de Pillis
A Comparison of Through-Space and Through-Bond Coupling for Tunneling in Alkane Chains, Emily Cukier '03 and Robert J. Cave
A Comparison of Video Modeling with In Vivo Modeling for Teaching Children with Autism, Marjorie H. Charlop, Loc Le, and Kurt A. Freeman
A Compensation Comparison: Determinants of Compensation for Chief Executive Officers and University Presidents, Jessica Bartlett
A Constructive Proof of Ky Fan's Generalization of Tucker's Lemma, Timothy Prescott '02 and Francis E. Su
A Contested Past: Forestry Education in the United States, 1898-1998, Char Miller
Acquisition and Application of Expertise at Computer Text Editing by Younger and Older Adults, Alan Hartley and Joellen T. Hartley
Acquisition of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and Its Relationship with Word Production Varies for Individual Children with Autism, Debra Berry Malmberg '07 and Marjorie H. Charlop
A Crime Reports Analysis System to Identify Related Crimes, Chih Hao Ku '12 and Gondy Leroy
A Crucible of Conflict: Third Generation Gang Studies Revisited, John P. Sullivan and Robert J. Bunker
Adaptation and Resistance of Mapuche Health Practices within the Chilean State, Caitlin Hanavan
Addendum to: Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to Nonlinear Dissipative Wave Equations, Alfonso Castro and Parviz Khajeh-Khalili
A Delay Differential Equation Model for Tumor Growth, Ami E. Radunskaya and Minaya Villasana
A Demonstration of Dual-Task Performance without Interference in Some Older Adults, Alan Hartley, François Maquestiaux, and Nicole Silverman Butts
Adenine Uracil Guanine: An Exploration of Certainty in Science, Alicia M. Hendrix
A Different Pencil Too Good to be Ignored? A First Look at Wolfram|Alpha, Gizem Karaali and Bruce Yoshiwara
A Discrete Approach to the Poincare-Miranda Theorem, Connor Thomas Ahlbach
A Distributed Intelligence Approach to Multidisciplinarity: Encouraging Divergent Thinking in Complex Science Issues in Society., Jarod Kawasaki and Dai Toyofuku
Adjustment in an Open Economy with Two Exchange-Rate Regimes, Sven W. Arndt
Adjustment in the Process of Trade Liberalization: The U.S. and Mexico, Sven W. Arndt
A Double Edged Sword: The Effects of Participation in Sports on the African American Community, Gregory J. Wilson II
A Dressed TDDFT Treatment of the 21Ag states of Butadiene and Hexatriene, Robert J. Cave, Fan Zhang, Neepa T. Maitra, and Kieron Burke
Adult Age Differences in the Inhibition of Return of Visual Attention, Alan Hartley and James Kieley '92
Advanced Battlespace and Cybermaneuver Concepts: Implications for Force XXI, Robert J. Bunker
Advances in Pebbling, Nicholas J. Pippenger
Advection of a Passive Scalar by a Vortex Couple in the Small-diffusion Limit, Joseph F. Lingevitch and Andrew J. Bernoff
Adventures in Teaching: A Professor Goes to High School to Learn about Teaching Math, Darryl H. Yong
Adversary Weaponry to 2025, Robert J. Bunker
A Dynamic Analysis of the Stability of a Network of Induction Generators, Ami E. Radunskaya, Robert Williamson, and Robert Yinger
"A Facade of Most Exquisite Gallantry": The French Educational Reforms of the Late Nineteenth Century and their Impact on Women's Education, Willa D. Oddleifson
A Fast Parallel Algorithm for Routing in Permutation Networks, Gavriela Freund Lev, Nicholas Pippenger, and Leslie G. Valiant
Affective Decision-Making Deficits, Linked to a Dysfunctional Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex, Revealed in 10th Grade Chinese Adolescent Binge Drinkers, C. Anderson Johnson, Lin Xiao, Paula Palmer, Ping Sun, Qiong Wang, Yonglan Wei, Yong Jia, Jerry L. Grenard, Alan W. Stacy, and Antoine Bechara
Affective Decision-Making Deficits, Linked to a Dysfunctional Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex, Revealed in 10th-grade Chinese Adolescent Smokers, Lin Xiao, Antoine Bechara, Steven Cen, Jerry L. Grenard, Alan W. Stacy, Peggy E. Gallaher, Yonglan Wei, Yong Jia, and C. Anderson Johnson
Affective Decision-making Predictive of Chinese Adolescent Drinking Behaviors, Lin Xiao, Antoine Bechara, Jerry L. Grenard, Alan W. Stacy, Paula Palmer, Yonglan Wei, Yong Jia, Xiaolu Fu, and C. Anderson Johnson
A Fixed Point Theorem for the Infinite-Dimensional Simplex, Douglas Rizzolo '08 and Francis E. Su
African Americans and the Bible: Outline of An Interpretive History, Vincent L. Wimbush
Age Differences and Changes in Sprint Swimming Performances of Masters Athletes, Alan Hartley and Joellen T. Hartley
Age Differences and Similarities in the Effects of Cues and Prompts, Alan Hartley, James Kieley '92, and Elizabeth H. Slabach
Age Differences in Behavior and PET Activation Reveal Differences in Interference Resolution in Verbal Working Memory, Alan Hartley, John Jonides, Christina Marshuetz, Edward E. Smith, Patricia A. Reuter-Lorenz, and Robert A. Koeppe
Age Differences in Dual-Task Interference are Localized to Response-Generation Processes, Alan Hartley
Age Differences in the Frontal Lateralization of Verbal and Spatial Working Memory Revealed by PET, Alan Hartley, Patricia A. Reuter-Lorenz, John Jonides, Edward E. Smith, Andrea Miller, Christina Marshuetz, and Robert A. Koeppe
A Geographic Information Systems Approach to the 19th Century Excavation of Brixham Cavern, Devon, England, Donald A. McFarlane, Joyce Lundberg, and Warren Roberts
Age-related Differences and Similarities in Dual-Task Interference, Alan Hartley and Deborah M. Little
Age-Related Equivalence of Identity Suppression in the Stroop Color-Word Task, James Kieley '92 and Alan Hartley
Aggregation, Takeshi Kanemura
Aging and Heterogeneity: Genetics, Social Structure, and Personality, John M. Light, Jill S. Grigsby, and Michelle C. Bligh
A Global Perspective on Corporate Governance, Franceen T. Chua
Agricultural Development in Nepal: Analyzing the Struggle to Modernize, Madeline C. Sheldon
A Harmonic Potential Function for Lithium Sodium DiFlouride, Richard J. Mawhorter, Robert J. Cave, C.R. Pulham, S. Biermann, and T. Törring
A History of 'The History of the Language', Tony Crowley
Aiding the Mdg's: How Important is Development Assistance in Achieving the Millennium Development Goals, Nikhil Ledlie
A Late Quaternary Paleoecological Record From Caves of Southern Jamaica, West Indies, Donald A. McFarlane, Joyce Lundberg, and A.G. Fincham
A Letter to The STEAM Journal Readers, Deborah Freund
A LeVeque-type Lower Bound for Discrepancy, Francis E. Su
Algebraic Complexity Theory, Nicholas Pippenger
A Life Cycle Cost Economics Model for Automation Projects with Uniformly Varying Operating Costs, Donald S. Remer
A Liouville-Gelfand Equation for k-Hessian Operators, Jon T. Jacobsen
"All are finally fictions": Fan Fiction as Creative Empowerment Through the Re-Writing of "Reality", Anne C. Dreshfield
All Cats Are Grey in the Dark, Kristen Bradford
All in the Family: The Pinchots of Milford, Char Miller
All in the Family: Why Non-Democratic Leaders Have More Children, Dustin Beckett '04 and Gregory Hess
Allocation of Visual Attention in Younger and Older Adults, Alan Hartley, James Kieley '92, and Craig R.M. McKenzie
Allopolyploids of the Genus Elymus (Triticeae, Poaceae): a Phylogenetic Perspective, Roberta J. Mason-Gamer
A Local Inversion Principle of the Nash-Moser Type, Alfonso Castro and J. W. Neuberger
A Longitudinal Study of Success versus Failure in Contraceptive Planning, Stuart Oskamp, Burton Mindick '78, Dale E. Berger, and Elaine Motta
A Loosely-coupled Applicative Multi-Processing System, Robert M. Keller, Gary Lindstrom, and Suhas Patil
Aluthge Transforms of Complex Symmetric Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia
A Male-killing Bacterium Targets the Neural Tissue in D. melanogaster, Jennifer Martin
Amateur Hour: Nathaniel H. Egleston and Professional Forestry in Post-Civil War America, Char Miller
A Mathematical Model for Treatment-Resistant Mutations of HIV, Helen Moore and Weiqing Gu
A Mathematical Tumor Model with Immune Resistance and Drug Therapy: An Optimal Control Approach, Lisette G. de Pillis and Ami E. Radunskaya
A Mathematical Tumor Model with Immune Resistance and Drug Therapy: An Optimal Control Approach, Lisette G. de Pillis and Ami E. Radunskaya
A Math Therapy Exercise, Gary Stogsdill
American High-Style and Vernacular Cultures, Richard Bushman
American Religious Affiliation ∩ Morning Glory ∩ Blue, Leslie Love Stone
A method for generating realistic correlation matrices, Johanna S. Hardin, Stephan Ramon Garcia, and David Golan
A Minmax Principle, Index of the Critical Point, and Existence of Sign Changing Solutions to Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, Alfonso Castro, Jorge Cossio, and John M. Neuberger
Ammonia Volatilization in a Mexican Bat Cave Ecosystem, Donald A. McFarlane, Raymond C. Keeler, and Hiroshi Mizutani
A Model for Life Cycle Cost Analysis with a Learning Curve, Donald S. Remer, Saleem A. Ganiy '81, and Khalid Khan '81
A Model for Rolling Swarms of Locusts, Chad M. Topaz, Andrew J. Bernoff, Sheldon Logan '06, and Wyatt Toolson '07
A Model of Dendritic Cell Therapy for Melanoma, Lisette G. de Pillis, Angela Gallegos, and Ami E. Radunskaya
Amphicheiral Links with Odd Crossing Number, Chengzhi Liang, Kurt Mislow, and Erica Flapan
A Multiple Time-scale Computational Model of a Tumor and Its Micro Environment, Ami E. Radunskaya, Christopher DuBois, Jesse Farnham, and Eric Aaron
An Abbreviated Catalogue of the Australian Bats in the Collections of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, California, USA., Donald A. McFarlane and Kenneth E. Stager
An ab Initio Investigation of the Stabilization of Selected β-substituted Ethyl Cations and α-substituted Methyl Cations, Julia C. White, Robert J. Cave, and Ernest R. Davidson
An Alternate Approach to Alternating Sums: A Method to DIE for, Arthur T. Benjamin and Jennifer J. Quinn
An Alternative Approach to Development in Today's Least Developed Communities: The Case for the Solidarity Economy, Elizabeth M. Scanlan
Analysis of a Recurrence Arising from a Construction for Non-Blocking Networks, Nicholas Pippenger
Analysis of Time-Dependent Integrodifference Population Models, Taylor J. McAdam
Analyzing Discourse for Cultural Complexity, Claudia Strauss
Analyzing DNA Microarrays with Undergraduate Statisticians, Johanna S. Hardin, Laura Hoopes, and Ryan Murphy '06
Analyzing the Meritocratic and Functional Deficiencies of the American Political System, Maximilian K. Benard
An Analysis of Competing Stereotype Threat Theories, Joseph R. Liekweg
An Analysis of the Contract Year Phenomenon in the NBA: Do Players Perform Better or Worse, Tyler Gaffaney
An Analysis of the Film Industry's Collapsing Video Window, Evan T. Otis
An Assessment of the Use of Coal in India's Energy Future, Dhruv M. Chopra
An Awareness of What Is Missing: Four Views on the Consequences of Secularism, Rachel E. Hunt Steenblik, Heidi Zameni, Debbie Ostorga, and Nathan Greeley
An Ecologically-significant Range Extension for Hahn's Short-tailed Fruit Bat (Carolllia Subrufa) in Southwestern Costa Rica, Donald A. McFarlane and Keith Christenson
An Economic and Political Analysis of the United Kingdom's Membership in the European Union, Robert J. MacGregor
An Economic Cost Model for Using an Airplane via Lease-Back, Ownership, or Rental Arrangements “Case Study”, Mitchell L. Rieder '81, Randolph R. Wagner '81, and Donald S. Remer
An Economic Model of Terrorism, S. Brock Blomberg, Gregory Hess, and Akila Weerapana
An Electronic World Grass Flora, Steve Renvoize, Derek Clayton, Tom Cope, and Helen Williamson
An Elementary Approach to some Analytic Asymptotics, Nicholas J. Pippenger
An Empirical Analysis of Differences in Environmental Transparency Across Firms, Sean Robert Smith
An Evaluation of Policies to Resolve the Trade Deficit, Sven W. Arndt
An Evaluative Calculus Project: Applying Bloom's Taxonomy to the Calculus Classroom, Gizem Karaali
An Ever Closer Union: The European Security and Defense Policy and the Development of Hard Power Capabilities in the European Union, Daniel Stepanicich
A New Burgess Shale–Type Assemblage from the “Thin” Stephen Formation of the Southern Canadian Rockies, Jean-Bernard Caron, Robert Gaines, M. Gabriela Mángano, Michael Streng, and Allison C. Daley
A New Combination in Acmispon (Fabaceae: Loteae) for California, Luc Brouillet
A New Hypothesis for Organic Preservation of Burgess Shale Taxa in the Middle Cambrian Wheeler Formation, House Range, Utah, Robert Gaines, Martin J. Kennedy, and Mary L. Droser
A New Lie Bialgebra Structure on sl(2, 1), Gizem Karaali
A New Look at Bergstrom’s Theorem on Convergence in Distribution for Sums of Dependent Random Variables, Henry A. Krieger
A New Method of Calculating the Wing Area of Bats, B.R. Blood and Donald A. McFarlane
A New Nonexercise-based VO2(max) Equation for Aerobically Trained Females, Moh H. Malek, Terry J. Housh, Dale E. Berger, Jared W. Coburn, and Travis W. Beck
A New Non-Exercise-Based Vo(2)max Prediction Equation for Aerobically Trained Men, Moh H. Malek, Terry J. Housh, Dale E. Berger, Jared W. Coburn, and Travis W. Beck
A New Species of Genus Laboulbenia (Laboulbeniales) on Craspedophorus formosanus (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Taiwan, with a Note on Laboulbenia asiatica, Katsuyuki Terada, Meng-Hao Hsu, and Wen-Jer Wu
A New Variety of Lomatium ravenii (Apiaceae) from the Northern Great Basin and Adjacent Owyhee Region, Kimberly M. Carlson, Donald H. Mansfield, and James F. Smith
An Examination of the Breadth of the Coinsurance Effect: The Effect of Labor Leverage on Acquirer Returns, Matthew Ellis
An Examination of the Interest Rate Sensitivity of Business Development Company (BDC) Stock Returns, Timothy Park
An Existence Result for a Class of Sublinear Semipositone Systems, Alfonso Castro, C. Maya, and Ratnasingham Shivaji
An Explicit Construction of Short Monotone Formulae for the Monotone Symmetric Functions, Mark Kleiman and Nicholas Pippenger
An Extension of a Criterion for Unimodality, Jenny Alvarez, Miguel Amadis, George Boros, Dagan Karp, Victor H. Moll, and Leobardo Rosales
An Extraordinary Example of Photokarren in a Sandstone Cave, Cueva Charles Brewer, Chimantá Plateau, Venezuela: Biogeomorphology on a Small Scale, Joyce Lundberg, Donald A. McFarlane, and Charles Brewer-Carias
An Incidence Estimation Model for Multi-Stage Diseases with Differential Mortality, Alyssa W. Dray '10 and Talithia Williams
An Information-Theoretic Method in Combinatorial Theory, Nicholas Pippenger
An Integrated Social Actor and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Approach for Improved Electronic Health Record (EHR) Privacy and Confidentiality in the US National Healthcare Information Network (NHIN), Gondy Leroy, Elliot Sloane, and Steven Sheetz
An International Approach to Challenging Violence Against Women in India, Pyper Scharer
An Intrinsic Equation of Interfacial Motion for the Solidification of a Pure Hypercooled Melt, David C. Sarocka and Andrew J. Bernoff
An Inverse Function Theorem, Alfonso Castro and J. W. Neuberger
An Inverse Function Theorem via Continuous Newton’s Method, Alfonso Castro and J. W. Neuberger
An NMR Investigation of the Effect of Hydrogen Bonding on the Rates of Rotation about the C-N Bonds in Urea and Thiourea, Karl A. Haushalter, Janice Lau, and John D. Roberts
An Old Dragon in a Changing Safari: An Investigation of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in Africa and Its Implications for Beijing's Foreign Policy Goals of 'Non-Intervention’, Michele Siang-Hwa Kee
An Online Community for Teachers of Children with Autism to Support, Observe, and Evaluate Communication Enabled with Smartphones, Gianluca De Leo and Gondy Leroy
An Open Field, Char Miller
A Note on Oligonucleotide Expression Values Not Being Normally Distributed, Johanna S. Hardin and Jason Wilson
A Note on the Occurrence of a Crayback Stalagmite at Niah Caves, Borneo, Donald A. McFarlane
A Note on the Thermal Ecology and Foraging Behaviour of the Egyptian Fruit Bat, Rousettus Aegyptiacus, at Mt. Elgon, Kenya, Donald A. McFarlane and Joyce Lundberg
A (not so) Complex Solution to a² + b² = cⁿ, Arnold M. Adelberg, Arthur T. Benjamin, and David I. Rudel '99
Anti-silencing: Overcoming H-NS-mediated Repression of Transcription in Gram-negative Enteric Bacteria, Daniel M. Stoebel, Andrew Free, and Charles J. Dorman
An Undescribed Gecko (Gekkonidae: Cyrtodactylus) from Deer Cave, Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak, with Comments on the Distribution of Bornean Cave Geckos, Donald A. McFarlane, Joyce Lundberg, and Keith Christenson
An Unpublished Description of the Villa Doria in Genoa During Charles V's Entry, 1533, George Gorse
An Unusual Lava Cave from Ol Doinyo Lengai, Tanzania, Donald A. McFarlane, Joyce Lundberg, and Frederick Belton
An Update on Cost and Scale-Up Factors, International Inflation and Location Factors, Donald S. Remer, Steve Lin '06, Nancy Yu '07, and Karen Hsin '06
A Piece of Nigromante in Boyle Heights, Javier Espinoza Barajas
A Pilot Study of a Predicate-Based Vector Space Model for a Biomedical Search Engine, Myungjae Kwak '11, Gondy Leroy, and J. D. Martinez
A Poet, a Planter, and a Nation of Farmers, Richard Bushman
A Polytopal Generalization of Sperner's Lemma, Jesus A. De Loera, Elisha Peterson '00, and Francis E. Su
Apples and Oranges? Comparing Indirect Measures of Alcohol-related Cognition Predicting Alcohol Use in At-Risk Adolescents, Carolien Thush, Reinout W. Wiers, Susan L. Ames, Jerry L. Grenard, Steve Sussman, and Alan W. Stacy
Applications of Cognitive Psychology: Problem Solving, Education, and Computing, Dale E. Berger, Kathy Pezdek, and William P. Banks
Applications of Feedback in Functional Programming, Robert M. Keller and Gary Lindstrom
Applications of Fourier Analysis to Audio Signal Processing: An Investigation of Chord Detection Algorithms, Nathan Lenssen
Applications of Knot Theory (Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics), Dorothy Buck and Erica Flapan
Applying Risk Assessment to Secure the Containerized Supply Chain, Maarten van de Voort, Henry H. Willis, David S. Ortiz, and Susan E. Martonosi
Appreciative Inquiry summits and organizational knowledge creation: A social systems perspective, Emi Makino
Approaches to Positive Youth Development, Constance A. Flanagan, Amy K. Syvertsen, and Laura Wray-Lake
Approximate Antilinear Eigenvalue Problems and Related Inequalities, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Approximations of Continuous Newton's Method: An Extension of Cayley's Problem, Jon T. Jacobsen, Owen Lewis '05, and Bradley Tennis '06
A Preliminary Investigation into Hayne Estimates of Poison Dart Frog (Anura: Dendrobatidae) Densities in Recovering Tropical Forest Habitats, Southwestern Costa Rica, Donald A. McFarlane and Jennifer R.B. Miller '07
A preliminary mathematical model of skin dendritic cell trafficking and induction of T cell immunity, Amy H. Lin Erickson, Alison Wise, Stephen Fleming, Margaret Baird, Zabeen Lateef, Annette Molinaro, Miranda Teboh-Ewungkem, and Lisette G. de Pillis
A Preliminary Phylogenetic Analysis of the Grass Subfamily Pooideae (Poaceae), with Attention to Structural Features of the Plastid and Nuclear Genomes, Including an Intron Loss in GBSSI, Jerrold I Davis and Robert J. Soreng
A Primer of Swarm Equilibria, Andrew J. Bernoff and Chad M. Topaz
A Prime Strongly Positive Amphicheiral Knot Which Is Not Slice, Erica Flapan
A Procedure and a Program for the Trial-By-Trial Identification of Hypotheses in Concept Learning, Alan Hartley
Aptitude Revisited: Rethinking Math and Science Education for America's Next Century, David E. Drew
Aquatic Photovoltaic Facility, Donald S. Remer, Hwee Tong Lim '82, and Brian C. Kelly '82
Aquatic Photovoltaic Facility for Catalina Island, Donald S. Remer, Brian C. Kelly '82, and Hwee Tong Lim '82
A Question of Values: Overpopulation and Our Choice Between Procreative Rights and Security-Survival, Megan T. Latta
Arab-Israelis and the Israeli Defense Force, Catherine K. Blakelock
A Rational Solution to Cootie, Arthur T. Benjamin and Matthew T. Fluet '99
Are Engineering Schools Masculine and Authoriarian? The Mission Statements Say Yes, Emmeline G. de Pillis and Lisette G. de Pillis
A Reflection: Art and Science in a Museum Gallery, Kaileena Flores-Emnace
Are Higher Levels of Inflation Less Predictable? A State-Dependent Conditional Heteroscedasticity Approach, Allan D. Brunner and Gregory Hess
Are There Long-Term "Literal Copies" of Visually Presented Words?, Leah L. Light and Dale E. Berger
A Return to the Body: Individual Wholeness and Community Harmony, Hannah Mason
A Revision of Erythranthe montioides and Erythranthe palmeri (Phrymaceae), with Descriptions of Five New Species from California and Nevada, USA, Naomi S. Fraga
Are We Prematurely Designating Iran's Revolutionary Guards as Criminal-Soldiers?, Robert J. Bunker and Hakim Hazim
Argentina Trapped: The Intimate Link Between Short-Term Policy Orientation and Economic Volatility, Hannah F. Nooney
Aristotle on Habituation, Voluntariness, and Moral Responsibility: To What Extent is Virtue Up to Us?, Clare E. Riva
A Robust Measure of Correlation between Two Genes on a Microarray, Johanna S. Hardin, Aya Mitani '06, Leanne Hicks, and Brian VanKoten
Art and Dance: Sediments, Segments, and Movement, Avantika Saraogi
Article Are Hydrogen Bonds Unique among Weak Interactions in Their Ability to Mediate Electronic Coupling?, Emily Cukier '03, Sarah Daniels '02, Eric Vinson '01, and Robert J. Cave
Article Supplement: Gilbert Gets the Flu, Janna Raley
Art Meets Science! Get over it . . ., Stephen Nowlin
Asceticism, Vincent L. Wimbush
A Semilinear Dirichlet Problem, Alfonso Castro
A Semilinear Wave Equation with Nonmonotone Nonlinearity, Alfonso Castro and Sumalee Unsurangsie
A Semilinear Wave Equation with Smooth Data and No Resonance Having No Continuous Solution, Jose F. Caicedo and Alfonso Castro
As Flat As Possible, Jon T. Jacobsen
A Short Life: The Representation of Spanish National Identity Through the Gitano Narrative Within Manuel de Falla's La Vida Breve, Lyanne Dominguez
A Sign-Changing Solution for a Superlinear Dirichlet Problem, Alfonso Castro, Jorge Cossio, and John M. Neuberger
A Sign-Changing Solution for a Superlinear Dirichlet Problem, II, Alfonso Castro, Pavel Drabek, and John M. Neuberger
A Smart-Phone Application and a Companion Website for the Improvement of the Communication Skills of Children with Autism: Clinical Rationale, Technical Development and Preliminary Results, Gianluca De Leo, Carol Kernitzki Gonzales, Padmaja Battagiri, and Gondy Leroy
A Space-Filling, Nonregular Tetrahedron, Margaret Cagle, Joyce Frost, Christine Latulippe, and Darryl H. Yong
A Spatial Theory of Positive and Negative Campaigning, Joseph E. Harrington Jr, and Gregory Hess
Assessing Generalization of the Picture Exchange Communication System in Children with Autism, Alissa L. Greenberg '11, Melaura Andree Erickson Tomaino, and Marjorie H. Charlop
Asset Markets, External Finance and Macroeconomic Policy, Sven W. Arndt
Assimilation, Acculturation, and the Law: Solving a “Problem” Like Shar’ia, Kristina E. Benson
Associations Between Community Attachments and Adolescent Substance Use in Nationally Representative Samples, Laura Wray-Lake, Jennifer L. Maggs, Lloyd D. Johnston, Jerald G. Bachman, Patrick M. O'Malley, and John E. Schulenberg
A Statistical Analysis of Public Sector Corruption and Economic Growth, Kaycea Campbell
A Stirling Encounter with Harmonic Numbers, Arthur T. Benjamin, Gregory O. Preston '01, and Jennifer J. Quinn
A Structural Model of Drinking and Driving: Alcohol Consumption, Social Norms, and Moral Commitments, Dale E. Berger and John R. Snortum
A Study in Market Micromanagement: The Asymmetrical Effects of the 2008 Short Sale Ban on Stocks With and Without Traded Options, James W. Weyerhaeuser
A Survey of Ligand Effects Upon the Reaction Entropies of Some Transition Metal Redox Couples, Edmund L. Yee, Robert J. Cave, Kendall L. Guyer, Paul D. Tyma, and Michael J. Weaver
Asymmetric Persistence in GDP? A Deeper Look at Depth, Gregory Hess and Shigeru Iwata
Asymmetric Two-Colourings of Graphs in S³, Erica Flapan and David Linnan Li
Asymptotic Behavior of the Chromatic Index for Hypergraphs, Nicholas Pippenger and Joel Spencer
Asymptotic Behavior of the Potential and Existence of a Periodic Solution for a Second Order Differential Equation, Alfonso Castro and Chen Chang
Asymptotics of Largest Components in Combinatorial Structures, Mohamed Omar, Daniel Panario, Bruce Richmond, and Jacki Whitely
A Syntactic Parser with Semantic Filtering for Biomedical Text, Gondy Leroy, Thomas C. Rindflesch, Bisharah Libbus, Halil Kilicoglu, and Hsinchun Chen
A Systematic Approach to Subtribe Loliinae (Poaceae: Pooideae) Based on Phylogenetic Evidence, Pilar Catalán, Pedro Torrecilla, José A. López-Rodríguez, Jochen Müller, and Clive A. Stace
A Systematic Review of Barriers to Medication Adherence in the Elderly: Looking Beyond Cost and Regimen Complexity, Walid F. Gellad, Jerry L. Grenard, and Zachary A. Marcum
A Task Analysis of Algebra Word Problems, Dale E. Berger and Jeffrey M. Wilde '84
A Team Approach to Undergraduate Research in Biomathematics: Balance Control, Ami E. Radunskaya, John G. Milton, Winston Ou, and Toru Ohira
A Temperate Note on 'Holy and Unholy Spirits', Char Miller, J.R. Clammer, and T.J. Macnaught
A Test of the Theory of Optimal Taxation for the United States, 1869-1989, Gregory Hess
A Theoretical Investigation of Charge Transfer in Several Substituted Acridinium Ions, Jason Lappe '00, Robert J. Cave, Marshall D. Newton, and I.V. Rostov
A Theoretical Investigation of the Stability of HPC, Hannah S. Hong and Robert J. Cave
A Theoretical Study of Models for X2Y2 Zintl Ions, Robert J. Cave, Ernest R. Davidson, Philippe Sautet, Enric Canadell, and Odile Eisenstein
A Theoretical Study of the Electronic Coupling Element for Electron Transfer in Water, Newt E. Miller '99, Matthew C. Wander '97, and Robert J. Cave
A Time-Space Trade-Off, Nicholas Pippenger
A Topological Approach to Molecular Chirality, Erica Flapan
A Topological Approach to Molecular Chirality, Erica Flapan
A Topological Characterization of Knots and Links Arising from Site-Specific Recombination, Dorothy Buck and Erica Flapan
A Topological Rubber Glove Obtained from a Synthetic Single-Stranded DNA Molecule, Erica Flapan and Nadrian C. Seeman
A Transformative Place: Grey Towers and the Evolution of American Conservationism, V. Alaric Sample and Char Miller
A Tribute to Peter Drucker: Editors’ Introduction to the Special Issue, Jenny Darroch, George Day, and Stan Slater
Attention, Alan Hartley
Attentional and Perceptual Contributions to the Identification of Extrafoveal Stimuli: Adult Age Comparisons, Alan Hartley and Craig R.M. McKenzie
At the Creation: The National Forest Commission of 1896-97, Gerald W. Williams and Char Miller
At The Gate Of Discovery, Jan Nordgreen
Aubusson, Gallery View, Christine M. Salama
Auditing the Auditors: The Role of Accounting Firms in the 2008 Financial Crisis, Gabrielle Jamie Beer
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Technologies, Gondy Leroy and Gianluca De Leo
A Unique Population of Cave Bears (Carnivora: Ursidae) from the Middle Pleistocene of Kents Cavern, England, Based on Dental Morphometrics, Donald A. McFarlane, Martin Sabol, and Joyce Lundberg
Auras, Adele Ball
A User-Study Measuring the Effects of Lexical Simplification and Coherence Enhancement on Perceived and Actual Text Difficulty, Gondy Leroy, David Kauchak, and Obay Mouradi '13
Autistic Disorder, Marjorie H. Charlop and Laura Schreibman
Automatic and Controlled Processes and the Development of Addictive Behaviors in Adolescents: A Review and a Model, Reinout W. Wiers, Bruce D. Bartholow, Esther van den Wildenberg, Carolien Thush, Rutger C.M.E. Engels, Kenneth J. Sher, Jerry L. Grenard, Susan L. Ames, and Alan W. Stacy
A Validated Mathematical Model of Cell-Mediated Immune Response to Tumor Growth, Lisette G. de Pillis, Ami E. Radunskaya, and Charles L. Wiseman
A Validated Mathematical Model of Cell-Mediated Immune Response to Tumor Growth, Lisette G. de Pillis, Ami E. Radunskaya, and Charles L. Wiseman
A Variance-Stabilizing Transformation for Gene-Expression Microarray Data, B.P. Durbin, Johanna S. Hardin, D.M. Hawkins, and David M. Rocke
Averaging Multiple Judges to Improve Validity: Aid to Planning Cost-Effective Clinical Research, Richard N. Tsujimoto, Margaret Hamilton, and Dale E. Berger
Averaging the Assessments of Multiple Judges: Applications to Clinical Assessment and Research, Richard N. Tsujimoto, Margaret Hamilton, and Dale E. Berger
A Very Little Bit of Knowledge: Re-Evaluating the Meaning of the Heritability of IQ, David S. Moore
Avoiding Taxes On Foreign Profits: How To Fix the Games That Multinationals Play., Robert L. Daily
Axisymmetric Surface Diffusion: Dynamics and Stability of Self-Similar Pinchoff, Andrew J. Bernoff, Andrea L. Bertozzi, and Thomas P. Witelski
babesinthewood, Katie L. Grip
Baby Doll, Stephanie C. Meredith
Babydoll Arms Lantern, Katie L. Grip
Baby Doll, Detail, Stephanie C. Meredith
Baby GAAP, A Creditor's Solution to Financial Reporting, Ryan P. Irish
Back to Front View, Suzanne U. Gibbs
Back to the Garden: The Redemptive Promise of Sustainable Forestry, 1893-2000, Char Miller
Balconies, Joe Guimera
Barred Preferential Arrangements, Connor Thomas Ahlbach '13, Jeremy Usatine '14, and Nicholas Pippenger
Barriers to Internationalisation: A Study of Entrepreneurial New Ventures in New Zealand, Vivienne Shaw and Jenny Darroch
Bats and Bell Holes: The Microclimatic Impact of Bat Roosting, Using a Case Study from Runaway Bay Caves, Jamaica, Joyce Lundberg and Donald A. McFarlane
Battlefield Visualization Seminar, Robert J. Bunker
Bazi-ha-ye Nameyeshi: Iranian Women's Theatrical Plays, Anthony Shay
B Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia - A Model with Immune Response, Seema Nanda, Lisette G. de Pillis, and Ami E. Radunskaya
Bearing Likeness, Christine M. Salama
Bearing Likeness, Gallery View, Christine M. Salama
Bearing Likeness, Gallery View, Christine M. Salama
Bearing Likeness, Gallery View, Christine M. Salama
Bearing Likeness, Gallery View, Christine M. Salama
Beauty-ful Inferiority: Female Subservience in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Jeremy Chow
Begin, Takeshi Kanemura
Behavior-Setting Interactions of Autistic Children: A Behavioral Mapping Approach to Assessing Classroom Behaviors, Marjorie H. Charlop, Laura Schreibman, Jeanne Mason, and Wade Vesey
Behind the Begin, Takeshi Kanemura
Belly Dance: Orientalism―Exoticism―Self-Exoticism, Anthony Shay and Barbara Sellers-Young
Best Practices in Mathematical Modeling, Lisette G. de Pillis and Ami E. Radunskaya
Best Practices in Mathematical Modelling, Lisette G. de Pillis and Ami E. Radunskaya
Between Athens and Jerusalem: King Lear and the Morality of Tragedy, Hunter Brooks Dukes
Between Literature and Science: Inscribing Zora Neale Hurston’s Mules and Men in the Post-human Condition, Jung-Hsien Lin
, Between You and Me, Elisabeth Joung
, Between You and Me, Elisabeth Joung
, Between You and Me, Elisabeth Joung
, Between You and Me, Elisabeth Joung
, Between You and Me, Elisabeth Joung
, Between You and Me, Elisabeth Joung
Between You and Me, Elisabeth Joung
Beyond Market Orientation: The Adoption of Knowledge Management Practices and the Innovativeness of New Zealand Firms, Jenny Darroch and Rod McNaughton
Biblical-Historical Study as Liberation: Toward an Afro-Christian Hermeneutic, Vincent L. Wimbush
Bidding for Envy-Freeness: A Procedural Approach to n-Player Fair-Division Problems, Claus-Jochen Haake, Matthias G. Raith, and Francis E. Su
Bidi Bidi Bom Bom: The Audiotopias of Selena Across the Americas, Janet Muniz
Bilingual Stroop in English Speakers with Russian as a Second Language: Exploring the Model of the Bilingual Mind, Aleksandra Bril and Rebecca Green
Black Holes and Five-brane Thermodynamics, Emil Martinec and Vatche Sahakian
Black Holes and the SYM diagram. II, Emil Martinec and Vatche Sahakian
Black Holes and the SYM Phase Diagram, Miao Li, Emil Martinec, and Vatche Sahakian
Black Hole Thermalization, D0 Brane Dynamics, and Emergent Spacetime, Paul L. Riggins '12 and Vatche Sahakian
Blankets, Katie L. Grip
Bleak Houses: Doris Lessing, Margaret Drabble, and the Condition of England, Gayle Greene
Blowup and Dissipation in a Critical-Case Unstable Thin Film Equation, Thomas P. Witelski, Andrew J. Bernoff, and Andrea L. Bertozzi
Blue Ballons and White Fog, Gallery View, Stephanie C. Meredith
Blue Balloons and White Fog, Stephanie C. Meredith
Blue Balloons and White Fog, Gallery View, Stephanie C. Meredith
Blue Balloons and White Fog, Gallery View, Stephanie C. Meredith
Blue Balloons and White Fog, Gallery View, Stephanie C. Meredith
Blues for Gary: Design Abstractions for a Jazz Improvisation Assistant, Robert M. Keller, Martin Hunt '08, Stephen Jones '07, David Morrison '08, and Aaron Wolin '07
Blue Zones ∩ Mountain Blue Bird ∩ Blue, Leslie Love Stone
Blue Zones ∩ Mountain Blue Bird ∩ Blue (Detail), Leslie Love Stone
Body Cavity Bombers: The New Martyrs: A Terrorism Research Center Book, Robert J. Bunker and Christopher Flaherty
Body Size Variability and a Sangamonian Extinction Model for Amblyrhiza, a West Indian Megafaunal Rodent, Donald A. McFarlane, Ross D. E. MacPhee, and Derek C. Ford
Bones of Puffinus Lherminieri Lesson (Aves: Procellaridae) and Two Other Vertebrates from Cueva del Agua, Mona Isalnd, Puerto Rico (West Indies), Angel M. Nieves-Rivera, John M. Mylroie, and Donald A. McFarlane
Book Chapter: That Obscure Object of Desire: A Science of Language, Tony Crowley
Book Chapter: The Lexus and the Olive Branch: Globalization, Democratization and Terrorism, Gregory Hess and S. Brock Blomberg
Book Chapter: The Politics of Language, Tony Crowley
Book Chapter: The Return of the Repressed: Saussure and Swift on Language and History, Tony Crowley
Book Review: Actions and Invariants of Algebraic Groups, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Algebra, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: An Evaluation of Juvenile Diversion by Ted Palmer and Roy V. Lewis, Dale E. Berger
Book Review: An Invitation to Quantum Groups and Duality: From Hopf Algebras to Multiplicative Unitaries and Beyond, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Applied Algebra: Codes, Ciphers, and Discrete Algorithms, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Artists in the Audience, James Morrison
Book Review: A (Terse) Introduction to Linear Algebra, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Calculus: Multivariable, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Calculus: Single Variable, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Columba Stewart, Cassian the Monk, Vincent L. Wimbush
Book Review: Computers, Rigidity, and Moduli: The Large-Scale Fractal Geometry of Riemannian Moduli Space, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Conjuring Culture: Biblical Formations in Black America, Vincent L. Wimbush
Book Review: Convergence: Illicit Networks and National Secuirty in the Age of Globalization, Robert J. Bunker
Book Review: Current Issues in Economic Development: An Asian Perspective, Sven W. Arndt
Book Review: Design and Analysis of DNA Microarray Investigations, Johanna S. Hardin
Book Review: DNA Microarrays and Related Genomics Techniques: Design, Analysis, and Interpretation of Experiments, Johanna S. Hardin
Book Review: Dying for God: Martyrdom and the Making of Christianity and Judaism by Daniel Boyarin, Vincent L. Wimbush
Book Review: "Economic Integration in the Western Hemisphere" and "Western Hemisphere Economic Integration", Sven W. Arndt
Book Review: Economic Structure and Stabilization Policy: The Princeton Series of 1979, Sven W. Arndt
Book Review: Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras 1: Techniques of Representation Theory, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras 2: Tubes and Concealed Algebras of Euclidean Type, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras 3: Representation-Infinite Tilted Algebras, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Eloquent Obsessions: Writing Cultural Criticism, James Morrison
Book Review: Europe, East Asia and APEC: A Shared Global Agenda, Sven W. Arndt
Book Review: Feeding Mars: Logistics in Western Warfare from the Middle Ages to the Present, Robert J. Bunker
Book Review: Fields of Armor, Robert J. Bunker
Book Review: Foundations of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development, Jenny Darroch
Book Review: Geoffrey Galt Harpham, The Ascetic Imperative in Culture and Criticism, Vincent L. Wimbush
Book Review: Geometric Algebra for Physicists, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Geometric Combinatorics, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture, Sven W. Arndt
Book Review: Hitchcock's Notebooks, James Morrison
Book Review: International Economic Transactions: Issues in Measurement and Empirical Research, Sven W. Arndt
Book Review: Invariant Subspaces of Matrices with Applications, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Judaism and Hellenism in Antiquity: Conflict or Confluence?, Vincent L. Wimbush
Book Review: Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Representations: An Elementary Introduction, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Linear Algebra: A Geometric Approach, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: L'oeuvre romanesque de Jacques-Stephen Alexis, Marie-Denise Shelton
Book Review: Margaret M. Mitchell, Paul and the Rhetoric of Reconciliation: An Exegetical Investigation of the Language and Composition of 1 Corinthians, Vincent L. Wimbush
Book Review: Mathematics and Culture IV, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Mathematics and Culture V, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Mirrors and Reflections: The Geometry of Finite Reflection Groups, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Modeling the Composition of Government Expenditure, Cameron A. Shelton
Book Review: Modern Geometric Structures and Fields, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Musa W. Dube, ed., Other Ways of Reading: African Women and the Bible, Vincent L. Wimbush
Book Review: Neuromancer, Robert J. Bunker
Book Review: New Rules for the New Economy, Robert J. Bunker
Book Review: On the Study and Difficulties of Mathematics, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Personal Speech-Ethics in the Epistle of James, Vincent L. Wimbush
Book Review: Perspective on Inflation, Sven W. Arndt
Book Review: Projective and Cayley-Klein Geometries, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Quantum Jump: A Survival Guide for the New Renaissance, Robert J. Bunker
Book Review: Reading Renunciation: Asceticism and Scripture, Vincent L. Wimbush
Book Review: Red Army Tank Commanders: The Armored Guards, Robert J. Bunker
Book Review: Refiguring American Film Genres, James Morrison
Book Review: Routledge Handbook of Transnational Organized Crime, Robert J. Bunker
Book Review: Signal Processing: A Mathematical Approach, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Spaces of Constant Curvature, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Subversive Pleasures: Bakhtin, Cultural Criticism, and Film, James Morrison
Book Review: Symmetries and Laplacians: Introduction to Harmonic Analysis, Group Representations and Applications, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Tank Sergeant, Robert J. Bunker
Book Review: The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Algebra Word Problems, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: The Economics of the Single European Act, Sven W. Arndt
Book Review: The Geometry and Topology of Coxeter Groups, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: The Nature and Power of Mathematics, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Then the Whisper Put on Flesh: New Testament Ethics in an African American Context, Vincent L. Wimbush
Book Review: The Nuts and Bolts of Proofs, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: The Skulking Way of War: Technology and Tactics Among the New England Indians by Patrick M. Malone, Robert J. Bunker
Book Review: Thinking Mathematically, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Too Sensational: On the Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes, Sven W. Arndt
Book Review: Topics in Physical Mathematics, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Toward a North American Common Market - Problems and Prospects for a New Economic Community, Sven W. Arndt
Book Review: Unitary Reflection Groups, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Using Algebraic Geometry, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms: A Unified Approach, Gizem Karaali
Book Review: Virtual War and Magical Death: Technologies and Imaginaries for Terror and Killing, Robert J. Bunker
Book Review: Visual Linear Algebra: With Maple and Mathematica Tutorials, Gizem Karaali
Border School Training Conference Held in California, Robert J. Bunker
Borders, Exiles, Diasporas, Elazar Barkan and Marie-Denise Shelton
Borsuk-Ulam Implies Brouwer: A Direct Construction, Francis E. Su
Bottled Sky, Ioannis Michalou(di)s
Bounded-Depth, Polynomial-Size Circuits for Symmetric Functions, Ronald Fagin, Maria M. Klawe, Nicholas Pippenger, and Larry Stockmeyer
Bounding Fan-out in Logical Networks, H. James Hoover, Maria M. Klawe, and Nicholas Pippenger
Bounds on the Performance of Protocols for a Multiple-Access Broadcast Channel, Nicholas Pippenger
Brain Basis of the Placebo Effect: A Proposed Integrative Model Implicating the Rostral Anterior Cingulate, Annie Belanger
Branches of Radial Solutions for Semipositone Problems, Alfonso Castro, Sudhasree Gadam, and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Breakdown of the Slowly Varying Amplitude Approximation: Generation of Backward Traveling Second Harmonic Light, J. Z. Sanborn '01, C. Hellings '02, and Thomas D. Donnelly
Breaking Down Masculinity in Breaking Bad and the Western Genre: Performance and Disruption, Emily Morris
Brian Friel’s Modern Irish Drama: Writing the Past, Present, & Future, Brian F. McCabe
Brief Intervention for Substance Use among At-Risk Adolescents: A Pilot Study, Jerry L. Grenard, Susan L. Ames, Reinout W. Wiers, Carolien Thush, Alan W. Stacy, and Steve Sussman
Bringing Back Color, Bringing Back Emotion: Exploring Phenomenological Empathy in the Reclamation of the Female Nude in Painting, Sophia R. Forman
Bringing Political Science to Bear on Tropical Conservation, Paul F. Steinberg
British Policy Formulation for the EU, Bryce Comstock
Broad Vision: the Art & Science of Looking, Heather Barnett and John R. A. Smith
Building Bridges to Transcend Borders: Radical Transnational Feminist Praxis in Response to US Systems of Incarceration and Violence, Marian RC Miller
Buscando la Identidad Nacional Española en la Novela Castilla, Amy Brownstein
Bushido, Robert J. Bunker
Calculation of Electric Dipole Transition Moments Using Quasi-Degenerate Variational Perturbation Theory and Averaged Coupled-Pair Functional Theory, Robert J. Cave, Jenifer L. Johnson, and Mark A. Anderson
Calculation of Excitation Energies Using Quasidegenerate Variational Perturbation Theory and Multireference-Averaged Coupled-Pair Functional Theory, Mark A. Anderson and Robert J. Cave
C*-algebras Generated by Truncated Toeplitz Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia, William T. Ross, and Warren R. Wogen
California's Water Problems: How A Desert Region Gets Enough Water To Survive, Gregory Mann
California Water Management: Establishing a Framework for an Efficient Future, Gordon H. Algermissen
Cambrian Burgess Shale–type Deposits Share a Common Mode of Fossilization, Robert Gaines, Derek E.G. Briggs, and Yuanlong Zhao
Can Cities Manage Growth Through Taxation? A Study of Spatial Equilibria in California Cities, Katya A. Abazajian
Can I Trust You to Trust Me? A Theory of Trust, Monitoring, and Cooperation in Interpersonal and Intergroup Relationships, Donald L. Ferrin, Michelle C. Bligh, and Jeffrey C. Kohles
Canonizing the Colosseum: Remembering, Manipulating, and Codifying Memory in the Eternal City, Sonia M. Mehrmand
Canopy Demographics at the Firestone Reserve, Costa Rica, Gizelle M. Pera
Can Practice Overcome Age-Related Differences in the Psychological Refractory Period Effect?, François Maquestiaux, Alan Hartley, and Jean Bertsch
Cantua dendritica (Polemoniaceae), a New Species from Peru, and Two New Cantua Names, J. Mark Porter and L. Alan Prather
Carl Christ: Teacher and Athlete, Gregory Hess
Carried Interest: Beyond Mitt Romney's Tax Returns, Michelle Lee
Carry Propagation in Multiplication by Constants, Alexander Izsak and Nicholas Pippenger
Cartel Bombings in Mexico, Robert J. Bunker and John P. Sullivan
Cartel Evolution Revisited: Third Phase Cartel Potentials and Alternative Futures in Mexico, Robert J. Bunker and John P. Sullivan
Carving Out New Spaces of Resistance: An Analysis of the Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl, Joi Ward
Case Studies on the Implementation and Impact of Gender Quotas in European Legislative Bodies, Alexandra R. Weaver
Case Study: An Economic Analysis of S and L Savings Certificates and Treasury-Bill Accounts, Brian Almond and Donald S. Remer
Case Study: Josh Hamilton - Finding a Long-Term Match at the Right Price, Jeff Steitz
Case Study of the 2012 Campaign Strategies: How Campaign Strategies Promote Democracy and Enrich Participation, Emily L. McNitt
Categorization of Infant-Directed Speech, Melanie J. Spence and David S. Moore
Categorization of Infant-Directed Speech: Development from 4 to 6 Months, Melanie J. Spence and David S. Moore
Caught in a Poverty Trap? Testing for Single vs. Multiple Equilibrium Models of Growth, Cameron Shelton and Francisco R. Rodriguez
Causal Assessment in Small-N Policy Studies, Paul F. Steinberg
Cave Bats in Jamaica, Donald A. McFarlane
Cesaro Limits of Analytically Perturbed Stochastic Matrices, Jerzy Filar, Henry A. Krieger, and Zamir Sayed
Changes Across 25 Years of Statistics in Medicine, Johanna S. Hardin
Changes in Cell Morphology and the Cellular Localization of Protein Kinase Dsk1 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe in Response to Butylated Hydroxyanisole, Jacqueline T. Humphries
Changing Forms of Insurgency: Pirates, Narco Gangs and Failed States, Robert J. Bunker
Changing Influences on Family Size for Palestinian Refugee Women in Beirut, Monica Dreitcer
Changing the Order of Mathematics Test Items: Helping or Hindering Student Performance?, Kristin T. Kennedy and Allison G. Butler
Chapter 13: City Case Studies: Urban Terrorism, Robert J. Bunker and Pamela L. Bunker
Chapter 2. A Knot Theoretic Approach to Molecular Chirality, Erica Flapan
Charisma under Crisis: Presidential Leadership, Rhetoric, and Media Responses Before and After the September 11th Terrorist Attacks, Michelle C. Bligh, Jeffrey C. Kohles, and James R. Meindl
Charm Offensive Or 'Axis Of Evil'? An Analysis Of The Iranian Nuclear Program And American Responses, Kailas Menon
Chartering the Way to a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE): The Challenges for Charter Schools to Provide FAPE, Michael J. Seltzer
Charting the Language of Leadership: A Methodological Investigation of President Bush and the Crisis of 9/11, Michelle C. Bligh, Jeffrey C. Kohles, and James R. Meindl
Chemical Applications of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Paul West, John Kramer, David V. Baxter, Robert J. Cave, and John D. Baldeschwieler
Chemotherapy for Tumors: An Analysis of the Dynamics and a Study of Quadratic and Linear Optimal Controls, Lisette G. de Pillis, Weiqing Gu, K Renee Fister, Tiffany Head '06, Kenny Maples '06, Anand Murugan, Todd Neal, and Kenji Yoshida '08
Chiefly Politics: Contested Leadership in the USDA-Forest Service, Char Miller
Children Having Children: The Construction of a Pathological Black Family in News Coverage of the Underclass of the 80's and 90's, Yuliya Lantsman
“Children I Love You”: Children and Sexuality in Stephen King’s The Shining, It, and ’Salem’s Lot, Ann Mayhew
China's Soft Power Offensive in the United States: Cultural Diplomacy, Media Campaigning, and Congressional Lobbying, Kalika A. Tullock
Chinese Threat Conference, Robert J. Bunker
Chip Firing Games and Riemann-Roch Properties for Directed Graphs, Joshua Z. Gaslowitz
Choking Under Pressure on the PGA Tour, Madison Friedman
Choose Your Own Adventure: Integrating an Information Literacy Rubric into Seven (Very) Different Colleges, Natalie Tagge, Char Booth, Alexandra Chappell, M. Sara Lowe, and Sean M. Stone
Choreographing Hypermasculinity in Egypt, Iran, and Uzbekistan, Anthony Shay
Chromatic Bounds on Orbital Chromatic Roots, Dae Hyun Kim, Alexander H. Mun, and Mohamed Omar
Chromatin Assembly by DNA-translocating Motors, Karl A. Haushalter and James T. Kadonaga
Chromosome Evolution in Cyperales, Eric H. Roalson, Andrew G. McCubbin, and Richard Whitkus
Chromosome Number Changes Associated with Speciation in Sedges: a Phylogenetic Study in Carex section Ovales (Cyperaceae) Using AFLP Data, Andrew L. Hipp, Paul E. Rothrock, Anton A. Reznicek, and Paul E. Berry
Civic Engagement during the Transition to Adulthood: Developmental Opportunities and Social Policies at a Critical Juncture, Andrea K. Finlay, Laura Wray-Lake, and Constance A. Flanagan
Civic Engagement Patterns and Transitions Over 8 Years: The AmeriCorps National Study, Andrea K. Finlay, Constance A. Flanagan, and Laura Wray-Lake
Civilian Populations as Bomb Targets: A Historical and Psychological Study on the Effect of Strategic and Morale Bombing on Civilian Enemy Will to Resist, Claire Peterson
Class and Gender Politics in the Ramlila, Nita Kumar
Class and Gender Politics in the Ramlila, Nita Kumar
Classical Kloosterman Sums: Representation Theory, Magic Squares, and Ramanujan Multigraphs, Patrick S. Fleming, Stephan Ramon Garcia, and Gizem Karaali
Classification and Biogeography of New World Grasses: Anomochlooideae, Pharoideae, Ehrhartoideae, and Bambusoideae, Emmet J. Judziewicz and Lynn G. Clark
Classification and Biogeography of New World Grasses: Chloridoideae, Paul M. Peterson, J. Travis Columbus, and Susan J. Pennington
Classification and Biogeography of Panicoideae (Poaceae) in the New World, Fernando O. Zuloaga, Osvaldo Morrone, Gerrit Davidse, and Susan J. Pennington
Classification of Radial Solutions Arising in the Study of Thermal Structures with Thermal Equilibrium or no Flux at the Boundary, Alfonso Castro and Victor Padrón
'Clean Energy' At What Cost?, Rachel E. Conrad
Client Newsletter Use by New Zealand Law Firms, Art Thomas, Jenny Darroch, and Wendy Galvin
Closed Strings in Ramond-Ramond Backgrounds, Vatche Sahakian
Clustering Methods and Their Applications to Adolescent Healthcare Data, Morgan Mayer-Jochimsen
Coalitions and Cliques in the School Choice Problem, Sinan Aksoy, Alexander Adam Azzam, Chaya Coppersmith, Julie Glass, Gizem Karaali, Xueying Zhao, and Xinjing Zhu
Cognitive Anthropology, Claudia Strauss
Cognitive Mode and Asymmetry in Cerebral Functioning, Stephan Arndt '80 and Dale E. Berger
Cognitive Training Using Self-Discovery Methods, Joan W. Anderson, Alan Hartley, Rhonda Bye '82, Kent D. Harber '79, and Ophelia L. White '80
Collections Containing Articles on Presocratic Philosophy, Richard D. McKirahan
Colonialism and Language, Tony Crowley
Co-Management and the Fight for Rural Water Justice: Learning from Costa Rican ASADAS, Kristin B. Dobbin
Combatants or Non-Combatants?: Where Private Military Companies Fit in Modern, Classical and Legal Definitions, Robert J. Bunker
Combinatorial Proofs of Fermat's, Lucas's, and Wilson's Theorems, Peter G. Anderson, Arthur T. Benjamin, and Jeremy A. Rouse
Combinatorics of Two-Toned Tilings, Arthur T. Benjamin, Phyllis Chinn, Jacob N. Scott '11, and Greg Simay
Combining NLP with Evidence-Based Methods to Find Text Metrics Related to Perceived and Actual Text Difficulty, Gondy Leroy and James E. Endicott
Comedy/Cinema/Theory, James Morrison
Comment on: A Validated Mathematical Model of Cell-Mediated Immune Response to Tumor Growth, Lisette G. de Pillis, Ami E. Radunskaya, and Charles L. Wiseman
Comment on: A Validated Mathematical Model of Cell-Mediated Immune Response to Tumor Growth, Lisette G. de Pillis, Ami E. Radunskaya, and Charles L. Wiseman
Comment on Flacco, Laney, Thursby, and Willett: Exchange Rates and Trade Policy, Sven W. Arndt
Comment on James M. Wilce, "Magical Laments and Anthropological Reflections", Claudia Strauss
Comment on: “Politics and the Fed” by Allan H. Meltzer, Gregory Hess
Comments on D Branes and the Renormalization Group, Vatche Sahakian
Commonality and Diversity in Recordings of Beethoven’s Middle-Period String Quartets, Nancy November
Communal Authority and Individual Valorization in Republican Rome, Theodoros Tsirigotis
Communication Software using Pictures for use with Pocket PCs, Gondy Leroy, John Huang '05, Serena Chuang '05, and Marjorie H. Charlop
Comparative Environmental Politics: Beyond an Enclave Approach, Paul F. Steinberg
Comparative Environmental Politics: Theory, Practice, and Prospects, Paul F. Steinberg and Stacy D. VanDeever
Comparative Schematology and Pebbling with Auxiliary Pushdowns, Nicholas J. Pippenger
Comparing Consequentialist Solutions to the Nonidentity Problem, Emily K. Ott
Comparing Interest-Rate Spreads and Money Growth as Predictors of Output Growth: Granger Casuality in the Sense Granger Intended, Gregory Hess and Richard D. Porter
Comparing Random and Deterministic Time Series, Ami E. Radunskaya
Comparison of Indirect Assessments of Association As Predictors of Marijuana Use Among At-Risk Adolescents, Susan L. Ames, Jerry L. Grenard, Carolien Thush, Steve Sussman, Reinout W. Wiers, and Alan W. Stacy
Compensatory Evolution of Gene Regulation in Response to Stress by Escherichia coli Lacking RpoS, Daniel M. Stoebel, Karsten Hokamp, Michael S. Last, and Charles J. Dorman
Competency, Careers and College, David E. Drew
Complete Graphs whose Topological Symmetry Groups are Polyhedral, Erica Flapan, Blake Mellor, and Ramin Naimi
Complex Symmetric Operators and Applications, Stephan Ramon Garcia and Mihai Putinar
Complex Symmetric Operators and Applications II, Stephan Ramon Garcia and Mihai Putinar
Complex Symmetric Partial Isometries, Stephan Ramon Garcia and Warren R. Wogen
Component Processes of Executive Function—Mindfulness, Self-control, and Working Memory—and Their Relationships with Mental and Behavioral Health, David S. Black, Randye J. Semple, Pallav Pokhrel, and Jerry L. Grenard
Composite Fermions and Integer Partitions, Arthur T. Benjamin, Jennifer J. Quinn, John J. Quinn, and Arkadiusz Wojs
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, Robert J. Bunker
Compression Theorems for Periodic Tilings and Consequences, Arthur T. Benjamin, Alex K. Eustis '06, and Mark A. Shattuck
Compromising Face-to-Face Confrontation: Does the Protected Child Witness Threaten Impartial Juror Decision-Making?, Rachel K. Darby
Computational Aspects of M.C. Escher’s Ribbon Patterns, Ellen Gethner, David G. Kirkpatrick, and Nicholas Pippenger
Computational Complexity in Algebraic Function Fields, Nicholas J. Pippenger
Computational Complexity of Algebraic Functions, Nicholas Pippenger
Computer Maths: Curiosity, Art, Story! The First International Conference on Creative Mathematical Sciences Communication, Frances Rosamond
Concession to the Obsession, Julie A. Orr
Condé: The Politics of Gender and Identity, Marie-Denise Shelton
Conditional Cash Transfers and Child Health: The Case of Malawi, Ryan F. Boone
Conflictual Foreign Policy of the United States: Between Security and Human Rights, Chelsea K. Layman
Congressional Insider Trading: An Analysis of Abnormal Returns on Common Stock Purchases of U.S. Senators 1995 - 2012, Stacie K. Hettrick
Congressional Testimony: Beijing, Unrestricted Warfare, and Threat Potentials, Robert J. Bunker
Conjugation and Clark Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Conjugation, the Backward Shift, and Toeplitz Kernels, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Connecting the Contradictory with Science Art and the Aid of a Caption, Carel P. Brest van Kempen and Darryl Wheye
Consensus by Design, Policy by Default: Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity, Paul F. Steinberg
Consensus-Halving via Theorems of Borsuk-Ulam and Tucker, Forrest W. Simmons and Francis E. Su
Constructing R-matrices on Simple Lie Superalgebras, Gizem Karaali
Construction of a Radial Solution to a Superlinear Dirichlet Problem that Changes Sign Exactly Once, Alfonso Castro and Jorge Cossio
Contemporary Politics Through the Lens of the Federalist Papers, Harrison W. Kahn
Contemporary Women's Employment in Japan: The Effects of State-Mandated Gender Roles, Wars, and Japan, Inc., Megan Levonian
Contemptus Mundi Means "...Bound for the Promised Land...": Religion from the Site of Cultural Marronage, Vincent L. Wimbush
Contemptus Mundi—Redux: The Politics of an Ancient Rhetorics and Worldview, Vincent L. Wimbush
Continuum Model of Thin-Film Deposition and Growth, Andrew J. Bernoff and Seth Lichter
Control of Strong-Laser-Field Coupling to Electrons in Solid Targets with Wavelength-Scale Spheres, H. A. Sumeruk, S. Kneip, D. R. Symes, I. V. Churina, A. V. Belolipetski, Thomas D. Donnelly, and T. Ditmire
Convergence of Random Walks on the Circle Generated by an Irrational Rotation, Francis E. Su
Convergence: The Changing Missions of Police and the Military, Robert J. Bunker
Cooperative Search with Autonomous Vehicles in a 3D Aquatic Testbed, Matthew J. Keeter '11, Daniel J. Moore '11, Ryan A. Muller '11, Eric A. Nieters '11, Jennifer Flenner, Susan E. Martonosi, Andrea L. Bertozzi, Allon G. Percus, and Rachel Levy
Cooper Pair Breaking in Lead Measured by Pulsed Terahertz Spectroscopy, John F. Federici, Benjamin I. Greene, Peter N. Saeta, Douglas R. Dykaar, F. Sharifi, and R. C. Dynes
Copper Scuttle, Matthew M. Hillseth
Copper Scuttle, Matthew M. Hillseth
Copper Scuttle, Matthew M. Hillseth
Copper Scuttle, Matthew M. Hillseth
Copper Swing, Matthew M. Hillseth
Copper Swing, Matthew M. Hillseth
Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: Does it Pay to Be Good?, Harmony J. Palmer
Corporate Social Responsibility in South Africa's Mining Industry: Redressing the Legacy of Apartheid, Madeleine Busacca
Corporate Venturing and the Rent Cycle, Jenny Darroch, Morgan P. Miles, and Chris W. Paul
Correlates of Mothers' Value Messages of Compassion and Caution Over Time, Laura Wray-Lake and Constance A. Flanagan
Cost Estimation Certification for Managers and Engineers, Donald S. Remer, Benjamin W. Ryan, and Brandyn Carlson '11
Cost Scale-Up Factors for Airport Construction, Donald S. Remer and Christopher Wong '96
Counter-Demand Approaches to Narcotics Trafficking, Robert J. Bunker and Matt Begert
Countering Insurgency in Colombia: Building State Capacity to Confront the FARC and Reduce Violence, Nicholas Rowe
Counter-Optical Lasers and OPFOR, Robert J. Bunker
Counting on Continued Fractions, Arthur T. Benjamin, Francis E. Su, and Jennifer J. Quinn
Counting on Determinants, Arthur T. Benjamin and Naiomi T. Cameron
Creating AlphaBoodle: A Children's Educational iOS Application, Skyler A. Lipscomb
Creating Purpose: the Use of Stalinist and Post-Soviet Literary Trends, Jessica Noblet
Creative Writing Thesis: Poetry, Desmond Bonhomme
Creativity and the Finding and Solving of Real-World Problems, Shawn M. Okuda, Mark A. Runco, and Dale E. Berger
Creativity for Learning Biology in Higher Education, diki diki
Criminal (Cartel & Gang) Insurgencies in Mexico and the Americas: What You Need to Know, Not What You Want to Hear, Robert J. Bunker
Criminal Insurgencies in Mexico: Web and Social Media Resources, Robert J. Bunker and John P. Sullivan
Crisis and Charisma in the California Recall Election, Michelle C. Bligh, Jeffrey C. Kohles, and Rajnandini Pillai
Crisis in the Eastern Nile Basin: an Examination of the Challenges to Egyptian Hydro-Political Hegemomy and Potential Domestic Solutions, Alexandra Bergonia
Crisis Management: Challenge and Controversy in Forest Service History, Char Miller
Critical Point Theory and the Number of Solutions of a Nonlinear Dirichlet Problem, Alfonso Castro and A. C. Lazer
Crystal Silicon Quantum Layers, Peter N. Saeta and A. C. Gallagher
Cultivating Resistance: Food Justice in the Criminal Justice System, Caitlin M. Watkins
Cultural Identity, Deafness and Sign Language: A Postcolonial Approach, Steven Loughran
Cultural Immersion and Mathematics Teacher Education: Explorations in Morocco and South Africa, Kori L.H. Maxwell and Iman C. Chahine
Cultural Orientations: Migrations West, Migrations North, Richard Bushman
Cultural Relativism and Afghanistan: A Failure of Policy Not Counterinsurgency Efforts, Robert J. Bunker
Curiouser and Curiouser: Falling Standards in the Standard English Debate, Tony Crowley
Currents of Change: An Urban and Environmental History of the Anacostia River and Near Southeast Waterfront in Washington, D.C., Emily C. Haynes
Customizable and Ontology-Enhanced Medical Information Retrieval Interfaces, Gondy Leroy, K.M. Tolle, and Hsinchun Chen
Cyberspace: Malevolent Actors, Criminal Opportunities, and Strategic Competition Conference, Robert J. Bunker
D3 Branes in a Melvin Universe: A new realm for gravitational holography, Julian E. Freed-Brown '10, Vedika Khemani '10, and Vatche Sahakian
“Damning The Dams”: A Study of Cost Benefit Analysis In Large Dams Through The Lens of India's Sardar Sarovar Project, Evelyn Wong
Damsels and Heroines: The Conundrum of the Post-Feminist Disney Princess, Cassandra Stover
Dance and Non-Dance: Patterned Movement in Iran and Islam, Anthony Shay
Danger in Deviance: Colonial Imagery and the Power of Indigenous Female Sexuality in New Spain, Mariel Frechette
Danse du Ventre: A Fresh Appraisal, Leona Wood and Anthony Shay
Daughter of Egypt: Farida Fahmy and the Reda Troupe, Anthony Shay
Death Valley National Park: A History, Hal Rothman and Char Miller
Decolonizing Ecology Through Rerooting Epistemologies, Lauren M. Bitter
Deconstructing Alan: A Quantitative Assessment of the Qualitative Effect of Chairman Greenspan’s Communications, Gregory Hess
Dedication to Dr. Paul Gray, David Drew
Deep Roots: The Late Nineteenth Century Origins of American Forestry, Char Miller
Defending Against the Non-State (Criminal) Soldier: Toward a Domestic Response Network, Robert J. Bunker
Defining a Moment in History: Parent Communication with Adolescents About September 11, 2001, Tara M. Stoppa, Laura Wray-Lake, Amy K. Syvertsen, and Constance A. Flanagan
Defining Criminal-states, Robert J. Bunker and Pamela L. Bunker
Defining Preparation and Professional Development for the Future, Margaret Grogan and Richard Andrews
Degeneration, Gender, and American Identity in the Early Fiction of Edgar Rice Burroughs, James Biggs
Dehydration in Southern Toads (Anaxyrus terrestris): Metabolic Costs and Effects of Temperature Selection, Claire E. Forster
Deleuze and Film Semiotics, James Morrison
Deliberative and Spontaneous Cognitive Processes Associated with HIV Risk Behavior, Jerry L. Grenard, Susan L. Ames, and Alan W. Stacy
Depression and Medication Adherence in the Treatment of Chronic Diseases in the United States: A Meta-Analysis, Jerry L. Grenard, Brett A. Munjas, John L. Adams, Marika Suttorp, Margaret Maglione, Elizabeth A. McGlynn, and Walid F. Gellad
Depression by Age ∩ Blue Beryl ∩ Blue, Leslie Love Stone
Description or Prescription? An Analysis of the Term 'Standard English' in the Work of Two Twentieth-Century Linguists, Tony Crowley
Descriptive Anatomy and Evolutionary Patterns of Anatomical Diversification in Adenia (Passifloraceae), David J. Hearn
Design and Development of a Photodegradable Bottle Cap, Kenneth S. Chon '87, Javier H. Idrovo '89, Donald S. Remer, Kenneth Pawlek '90, and Kusha Janati '90
Design for Assembly Costs of Printed Circuit Boards, Donald S. Remer, Frederick S. Ziegler '91, Michael Bak '95, and Patrick M. Doneen
Designing Affordable Housing for Adaptability: Principles, Practices, & Application, Micaela R. Danko
Designing AlphaBoodle: An iOS App for Kids, Robin Momii
Designing User Studies in Informatics, Gondy Leroy
Determinants and Polynomial Root Structure, Lisette G. de Pillis
Determinants of Box Office Revenue: A Short-term vs. Long-term Comparison, Sean Simmons
Determinants of Caloric Intake, Ethan Harry
Determinants of Fuel Choice in New Electric Power Plants, Andrew Bergman
Determinants of Green Power Purchases: An Analysis of the EPA's Green Power Partnership, Sean C. Houseworth
Determinants of the Tournaments, Clifford A. McCarthy '94 and Arthur T. Benjamin
Determining Maintenance Cost Ratios, Donald S. Remer, Josef S. Sherif, and Harry R. Buchanan
Deterrence and Prevention of Alcohol-Impaired Driving in Australia, the United States, and Norway, Dale E. Berger, John R. Snortum, Ross J. Homel, Ragnar Hauge, and Wendy Loxley
Developing a Healthy Scepticism About Technology in Mathematics Teaching, Peter J. Rowlett
Developing a Measure of Knowledge Management Behaviors and Practices, Jenny Darroch
Developing a New Generation of Educational Leaders by Capitalizing on Partnerships, Margaret Grogan and Stewart Roberson
Developmental Patterns in Decision-Making Autonomy Across Middle Childhood and Adolescence: European American Parents’ Perspectives, Laura Wray-Lake, Ann C. Crouter, and Susan M. McHale
Development and Evaluation of a Triple Parser to Enable Visual Searching with a Biomedical Search Engine, Myungjae Kwak '11, Gondy Leroy, and Mikyung Kim
Dialectic of Celebrity Politics: Identifying Public Personalities and Political Performers in Twenty-First Century America, Molly M. Serizawa
Dicliny in Bouteloua (Poaceae: Chloridoideae): Implications for the Evolution of Dioecy, Michael S. Kinney, J. Travis Columbus, and Elizabeth A. Friar
Did Consumers Really Change Their Consumption Habits After the 2008 Recession? A Look into Consumer Expenditure Using Milton Friedman's Permanent Income Hypothesis, Avantika Saisekar
Die Selbstdarstellung des Staates durch die olympischen Spiele: München 1972 und Seoul 1988, Katherine A. Evans
Differences in Temperature Responses of Achene Types in Centaurea melitensis, Kandee L. Bain
Differential Effects of Tort Reform Across Medical Specialties, William C. Dodds
Digital Battlefield Conference, Robert J. Bunker
Digital Libraries on Handhelds for Autistic Children, Gondy Leroy, Serena Chuang '05, John Huang '05, and Marjorie H. Charlop
Direct Measurements of Island Growth and Step-Edge Barriers in Colloidal Epitaxy, Rajesh Ganapathy, Mark R. Buckley, Sharon J. Gerbode, and Itai Cohen
Direct Picosecond Measurement of Photoinduced Cooper Pair Breaking in Lead, John F. Federici, Benjamin I. Greene, Peter N. Saeta, Douglas R. Dykaar, F. Sharifi, and R. C. Dynes
Direct Visualization of a DNA Glycosylase Searching for Damage, Liwei Chen, Karl A. Haushalter, Charles M. Lieber, and Gregory L. Verdine
Disadvantages to Turkey’s EU Accession: Turkish Perspective, Madison Campbell and Elisa DeMartino
Disclosure of the Producer of Style, Yoony L. Takeuchi
Disclosure of the Producer of Style Exhibit, Yoony L. Takeuchi
Discrepancy Convergence for the Drunkard's Walk on the Sphere, Francis E. Su
Discussion: Narrow Money, Broad Money, and the Transmission of Monetary Policy, Gregory Hess
Disease Correlation Model: Application to Cataract Incidence in the Presence of Diabetes, Lydia dePillis-Lindheim
Dislocations and Vacancies in Two-Dimensional Mixed Crystals of Spheres and Dimers, Sharon J. Gerbode, Desmond C. Ong, Chekesha M. Liddell, and Itai Cohen
Disputing an Analytic Construct of Philosophical Conservatism, Daniel Carson Evans
‘Dissident’: a brief note, Tony Crowley
Distinguishing Surface and Bulk Contributions to Third-Harmonic Generation in Silicon, Peter N. Saeta and Nathan A. Miller '01
Distribution and Regional Ecology of Californian Palm Oases Interpreted from Google Earth Images, Richard A. Minnich, Ernesto Franco-Vizcaíno, and Mario Salazar-Ceseña
Distribution of the Number of Encryptions in Revocation Schemes for Stateless Receivers, Christopher Eagle, Zhicheng Gao, Mohamed Omar, Daniel Panario, and Bruce Richmond
Distribution Patterns of Great Basin Conifers: Implications of Extinction and Immigration, David A. Charlet
Divide and CONCer: Data Structuring in Applicative Multi-Processing Systems, Robert M. Keller
Divide and Defend: a New Ethical Approach to State Sponsored Terrorism, Mark R. Blumenfeld
DNA Supercoiling is Differentially Regulated by Environmental Factors and FIS in Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica, Andrew D.S. Cameron, Daniel M. Stoebel, and Charles J. Dorman
DNR-Based Curricula: The Case of Complex Numbers, Guershon Harel
Do BHA and BHT Induce Morphological Changes and DNA Double-Strand Breaks in Schizosaccharomyces pombe?, Amy V. Tran
Does the Internet Affect the Relationship Between Government Regulations and New Firm Entry Rates? Evidence from a Cross-Country Study, Emilia Perez-Orselli
Doha Development Round: Reaching Beyond Trade Liberalization, Sven W. Arndt
Do Longer Delays Matter? The Effect of Prolonging Delay in CTL Activation, Angela Gallegos and Ami E. Radunskaya
Domain Relaxation in Langmuir Films, James C. Alexander, Andrew J. Bernoff, Elizabeth K. Mann, J. Adin Mann Jr., Jacob R. Wintersmith '06, and Lu Zou
Domestic Distortions and Trade Policy, Sven W. Arndt
Domestic Radical Islamic Insurgency by Ones and Twos and the Politics of Self-Delusion, Robert J. Bunker and Hakim Hazim
Don Quijote lo Interminable: La Cuestión de los Textos Originales y las Emanaciones a Través de Formas Secundarias de Arte, Alexander J. Poyhonen
Doorway, Katie L. Grip
Do Political Contributions Purchase Regulatory Discretion in Mining Inspections?, Neil K. Malani
Do the Best Things Really Come To Those Who Wait? An Analysis of Canadian Wait Times and the Decision to Leave, Tenzin Tseky
Dragon 1, Jacqueline M. Bell
Dragon 1 (detail), Jacqueline M. Bell
Dragon 2, Jacqueline M. Bell
Dragon 2 (detail), Jacqueline M. Bell
Dragon 3, Jacqueline M. Bell
Dragon 3, Jacqueline M. Bell
Dragon 3 (detail), Jacqueline M. Bell
Drama, Roxanne Narasaki
Dr. Andrew J. Bernoff - Panel on OA Senior Theses and Undergraduate Research, Andrew J. Bernoff
DRC Global Peace Index ∩ Lesula Monkey ∩ Blue, Leslie Love Stone
Dreamboat Willie, Kristen Bradford
Dr. Gregory Hess - Panel on OA Senior Theses and Undergraduate Research, Gregory Hess
Drinking and Driving Among High-Risk Young Mexican-American Men, Dary D. Fiorentino '08, Dale E. Berger, and Juan R. Ramirez '04
Drinking and Driving: Detecting the "Dark Figure" of Compliance, John R. Snortum and Dale E. Berger
Drucker on Marketing: An Interview with Peter Drucker, Jenny Darroch
Drug Cartels, Street Gangs, and Warlords, John P. Sullivan and Robert J. Bunker
DTC Advertising and Medicalization: Understanding the Way the Pharmaceutical Industry Selectively "Informs" Consumers, Laura F. Goforth
Dual Process Interaction Model of HIV-Risk Behaviors Among Drug Offenders, Susan L. Ames, Jerry L. Grenard, and Alan W. Stacy
Dual Process Interaction Model of HIV-Risk Behaviors Among Drug Offenders, Susan L. Ames, Jerry L. Grenard, and Alan W. Stacy
Dual-Task Processing in Younger and Older Adults: Similarities and Differences Revealed by fMRI, Alan Hartley, John Jonides, and Ching-Yune C. Sylvesgter
Dynamical Quantum Groups - The Super Story, Gizem Karaali
Dynamic Generation of a Table of Contents with Consumer-Friendly Labels, Trudi Miller '08, Gondy Leroy, and Elizabeth Wood
Dynamic Palaeoredox and Exceptional Preservation in the Cambrian Spence Shale of Utah, Robert Gaines, Daniel E. Garson, Mary L. Droser, W. David Liddell, and Aaron Sappenfield
Dynamics of Optical-Field-Ionized Plasmas for X-Ray Lasers, Thomas D. Donnelly, R. W. Lee, and R. W. Falcone
Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Thin Film Rupture, Thomas P. Witelski and Andrew J. Bernoff
Early Holocene Vegetation Record from the Salton Basin, California, Roberta B. Rinehart and Donald A. McFarlane
Earnings Management and Accounting Fraud: Examining the Necessity of Regulation, Chris M. Pei
Earthly Cycles, Kristin Frost
Eat Your Heart Out, Natalie H. Hendricks
Economic Conditions and Terrorism, S. Brock Blomberg, Gregory Hess, and Akila Weerapana
Economic Conditions, Elections, and the Magnitude of Foreign Conflicts, Gregory Hess and Athanasios Orphanides
Economic Survey of the Monetary Value Placed on Human Life by Government Agencies in the United States of America, John F. Silny '05, Robert F. Little '06, and Donald S. Remer
Eduard Shevardnadze: The Modern Day Machiavel, Sam Katz
Educational Effectiveness Assessment Plan, M. Sara Lowe
Effective Collaborations to Support Transformative Research, Jeffrey G. Ryan and Lisette G. de Pillis
Effect of Auditory Numerical Information on Infants’ Looking Behavior: Contradictory Evidence, David S. Moore, Joyce Benenson, Steven J. Reznick, Michele Peterson, and Jerome Kagan
Effect of Hinge Region Phosphorylation on the Localization of tHP1 in Tetrahymena thermophila, Emily Bulley and Emily Wiley
Effects of Computer Interfaces on Computer-based Statistical Analysis, P. Wesley Schultz and Dale E. Berger
Effects of Deregulation on Retirement Savings, Colin D. Hulse
Effects of Fundamental Analysis on IPO Valuation in the United States ITS Sector, Cheryl Yu
Egypt at a Crossroads: an Analysis of Morsi's Strategies of Military Control in the Post-Revolutionary State, Emma H. MacFarlane
Elections and Political Risk: New Evidence from the 2008 Taiwanese Presidential Election, Masami Imai and Cameron Shelton
Electric Municipalization in the City of Boulder: Successful Greening or Path to Bankruptcy?, Kathryn C. Browning
Eliciting User Requirements Using Appreciative Inquiry, Carol Kernitzki Gonzales and Gondy Leroy
Eloquent Distortion: The Southern Grotesque and Ideal Femininity in the works of Flannery O'Connor, Eudora Welty, and Carson McCullers, Michelle M. Christovich
Emergence of the Fuzzy Horizon through Gravitational Collapse, Anand Murugan '07 and Vatche Sahakian
Eminent Domain: B.L. Wiggins, Forestry, and the New South at Sewanee, Char Miller
Emotions and Entertainment: Finding Private Ryan's Success, Curtis Wang
Empty but somehow full (Just passing through), Dominique Ovalle
Enabling Successful Environmental Partnerships, Meredith Reisfield
Enabling Synergy between Psychology and Natural Language Processing for e-Government: Crime Reporting and Investigative Interview System, Alicia Iriberri '06, Chih Hao Ku '12, and Gondy Leroy
Encoding Ireland: Dictionaries and Politics in Irish History, Tony Crowley
Engines of Change: China's Rise and the Chinese Auto Industry, Huston Middlesworth
En la Uva: La Lucha por Contratos Laborales en el Valle de Coachella/The Struggle for Labor Contracts in the Eastern Coachella Valley between 1965 & 1973, Lindsay Gutierrez Leal
Entre les Murs et L'exclusion: L'echec du Systeme Educatif Francais, Manon M. Zouai
Entropy Driven Crystal Formation on Highly Strained Substrates, John R. Savage, Stefan F. Hopp, Rajesh Ganapathy, Sharon J. Gerbode, Andreas Heuer, and Itai Cohen
Environmental Leadership in Developing Countries: Transnational Relations and Biodiversity Policy in Costa Rica and Bolivia, Paul F. Steinberg
Envisioning a Quantitative Studies Center: A Liberal Arts Perspective, Gizem Karaali, Philip I. Choi, Sara Owsley Sood, and Eric B. Grosfils
Epiparasitism in Phoradendron durangense and P. falcatum (Viscaceae), Clyde L. Calvin and Carol A. Wilson
Epochal Change: War Over Social and Political Organization, Robert J. Bunker
Equation, Nilanjan De
Equations of Light - The STEAM Journal Inaugural Issue, the Cover Art, Chris Brownell
Equity/Equality Issues of Gender, Race, and Class, Margaret Grogan
Eradicating Malaria: Improving a Multiple-Timestep Optimization Model of Malarial Intervention Policy, Taryn M. Ohashi
Eragrostis (Poaceae): Monophyly and Infrageneric Classification, Amanda L. Ingram and Jeff J. Doyle
Érotiques ou Pornographiques? Une Enquête du Procès du ‘Love-Shop’ 1969 Curiosités Désirables, Peyton Scott
Escherichia coli Lacking RpoS Are Rare in Natural Populations of Non-Pathogens, Emily Snyder '11, David M. Gordon, and Daniel M. Stoebel
Espousing Interactions and Fielding Reactions: Addressing Laypeople's Beliefs About Genetic Determinism, David S. Moore
Estimating Incidence of Vision-Reducing Cataract in Africa, Susan Lewallen, Talithia Williams, Alyssa W. Dray '10, Brian C. Stock, Wanjiku Mathenge, Joseph Oye, John Nkurikiye, Kahaki Kimani, Andreas Müller, and Paul Courtright
Estimating Mammalian Densities Using Automated Videography at the Firestone Reserve, Costa Rica, Emily Grace Cole
Estimating Maximum Performance: Effects of Intraindividual Variation, Stephen C. Adolph and Trevor Pickering '05
Estimation of Permeability of Disturbed Halite using Inverse Modeling, Mary P. Cardenas, C. LeCompte, and G. Cua
Ethylene Economics and Production Forecasting in a Changing Environment, Donald S. Remer and Craig Jorgens '77
E-Transcript Web Services System Supporting Dynamic Conversion Between XML and EDI, Myungjae Kwak '11, Woohyun Kang '14, Gondy Leroy, and Samir Chatterjee
Euphorbia (Subgen. Chamaesyce Sect. Anisophyllum) jaegeri, a Shrubby New Species from the Deserts of California, United States, Victor W. Steinmann and James M. André
Evaluating Online Health Information: Beyond Readability Formulas, Gondy Leroy, Stephen Helmreich, James Cowie, Trudi Miller '08, and Wei Zheng '08
Evaluation of a Juvenile Diversion Program: Using Multiple Lines of Evidence, Mark W. Lipsey, David S. Cordray, and Dale E. Berger
Evaluation of an Interactive Tutorial for Teaching Hypothesis Testing Concepts, Christopher L. Aberson '99, Dale E. Berger, Michael R. Healy '04, and Victoria L. Romero '07
Evaluation of an Interactive Tutorial for Teaching the Central Limit Theorem, Christopher L. Aberson '99, Dale E. Berger, Michael R. Healy '04, Diana J. Kyle, and Victoria L. Romero '07
Evaluation of an Interviewer as a Function of Interviewer Gaze, Reinforcement of Subject Gaze, and Interviewer Attractiveness, Chris L. Kleinke, Richard A. Staneski, and Dale E. Berger
Evaluation of Hospital-Based Outpatient Pediatric Psychology Services, Marjorie H. Charlop, John M. Parrish, Lisa R. Fenton, and Michael F. Cataldo
Evaluation of Multiple Models to Distinguish Closely Related Forms of Disease Using DNA Microarray Data: an Application to Multiple Myeloma, Johanna S. Hardin, Michael Waddell, C. David Page, Fenghuang Zhan, Bart Barlogie, John Shaughnessy, and John J. Crowley
Every Child Left Behind: The Effects of No Child Left Behind on Private School Enrollment, Julia J. Ogburn
Every Graph Has an Embedding in S³ Containing No Non-Hyperbolic Knot, Erica Flapan and Hugh Howards
Evidence for the Bypass of the Response-Selection Bottleneck in Tasks with Reflexive Responses in Younger and Older Adults, Brandi S. Seaman
Evidence for the Selective Preservation of Selective Attention in Old Age, Alan Hartley
Evidence of the Harmonic Faraday Instability in Ultrasonic Atomization Experiments with a Deep, Inviscid Fluid, Andrew P. Higginbotham '09, Aaron Guillen '11, Nathan C. Jones '10, Thomas D. Donnelly, and Andrew J. Bernoff
Evolution of Positive Solution Curves in Semipositone Problems with Concave Nonlinearities, Alfonso Castro, Sudhasree Gadam, and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Evolution of Spur-Length Diversity in Aquilegia Petals is Achieved solely through Cell-Shape Anisotropy, Joshua R. Puzey, Sharon J. Gerbode, Scott A. Hodges, Elena M. Kramer, and L. Mahadevan
Examination Stress as an Ecological Inducer of Cortisol and Psychological Responses to Stress in Undergraduate Students, Nicole Weekes, Richard Lewis, Falgooni Patel, Jared Garrison-Jakel, Dale E. Berger, and Sonia J. Lupien
Examining China's North Korea Policy During the Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping Administrations, Ju Young Lee
Examining the Link Between Knowledge Management Practices and Types of Innovation, Jenny Darroch and Rod McNaughton
Examining Trends in Adolescent Environmental Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors Across Three Decades, Laura Wray-Lake, Constance A. Flanagan, and D. Wayne Osgood
Examples of Cayley 4-Manifolds, Weiqing Gu and Christopher Pries '03
“Excellent Dumb Discourse”: Silence and Grace in Shakespeare's Tempest, Gayle Greene
Exceptions to Costa Rican Exceptionalism: National Identity, Race, and Nicaraguan Labor Migration in Costa Rica's Tourism Industry, Amy L. Hollander
Excision of Deaminated Cytosine from the Vertebrate Genome: Role of the SMUG1 uracil–DNA glycosylase, Hilde Nilsen, Karl A. Haushalter, Peter Robins, Deborah E. Barnes, Gregory L. Verdine, and Tomas Lindahl
Existence and Qualitative Properties of Solutions for Nonlinear Dirichlet Problems, Alfonso Castro, Jorge Cossio, and Carlos Vélez
Existence and Uniqueness for a Variational Hyperbolic System without Resonance, Peter W. Bates and Alfonso Castro
Existence of Many Positive Nonradial Solutions for a Superlinear Dirichlet Problem on thin Annuli, Alfonso Castro and Marcel B. Finan
Existence of Solutions for a Semilinear Wave Equation With Non-Monotone Nonlinearity, Alfonso Castro and Benjamin Preskill '09
Existence of Solutions for a Wave Equation with Non-monotone Nonlinearity and a Small Parameter, Jose F. Caicedo, Alfonso Castro, and Rodrigo Duque
Existence Results for Classes of Sublinear Semipositone Problems, Alfonso Castro, J. B. Garner, and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Existence Results for Semipositone Systems, V. Anuradha, Alfonso Castro, and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Expanding Graphs Contain All Small Trees, Joel Friedman and Nicholas Pippenger
Expected Acceptance Counts for Finite Automata with Almost Uniform Input, Nicholas J. Pippenger
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Recombination Pumped X-ray Lasers Driven by High-Intensity, Short Pulse Lasers, Thomas D. Donnelly, L. Da Silva, R. W. Lee, S. Mrowka, M. Hofer, and R. W. Falcone
Explaining the “Explained”: An Examination of the Gender-Based Education Gap in India and its Impact on the Wage Gap, Kanupriya Rungta
Exploiting Regularity in Systematic Sequences of Wavefunctions Which Approach the Full CI Limit, Robert J. Cave, Sotiris S. Xantheas, and David Feller
Exploiting the Gaps in GAAP: A Look at the Principles Versus Rules Debate, Nicholas A. Gillette
Exploring the Changing Meaning of Work for American High School Seniors From 1976 to 2005, Laura Wray-Lake, Amy K. Syvertsen, Laine Briddell, D. Wayne Osgood, and Constance A. Flanagan
Extendible Hashing—A Fast Access Method For Dynamic Files, Ronald Fagin, Jurg Nievergelt, Nicholas Pippenger, and H. Raymond Strong
Extortion and Evolution in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma, Michael J. Earnest
Extreme Barbarism, a Death Cult, and Holy Warriors in Mexico: Societal Warfare South of the Border?, Robert J. Bunker and John P. Sullivan
Fabrication and Preliminary Characterization of Hydrophobic Silica Aerogel Films for Oil Remediation Studies, Ellen Yang
Facilitative Interactions Among Native Perennial Shrubs and Native and Exotic Annuals in Recovering Coastal Sage Scrub, Courtney Elizabeth Miranda
Facing the Innevitable: A Study of the Estate Tax and Effective Planning Methods For the Middle Class, Eric A. Janicki
Fact or Fiction: The Home Advantage in Athletic Competition, Kris K. Otterholt
Factors Influencing Web Tenure in a Tropical Spider and Comparison between Forest and Non-forest Habitats, Daniella R. Barraza
Failed-State Operational Environment Concepts, Robert J. Bunker
Fallen Lichen, Robert Buelteman
Falling Apart While Awake, Crystal Erlendson
Falling Apart While Awake, Crystal Erlendson
Falling Apart While Awake, Crystal Erlendson
Falling Apart While Awake, Crystal Erlendson
Falling Apart While Awake, Crystal Erlendson
Falling Apart While Awake, Crystal Erlendson
Falling Apart While Awake, Crystal Erlendson
Falling Apart While Awake, Crystal Erlendson
Falling Apart While Awake, Crystal Erlendson
Falling Apart While Awake, Crystal Erlendson
Falling Apart While Awake, Crystal Erlendson
Falling Apart While Awake, Crystal Erlendson
Family Security in the Transition from Farm to City, 1750-1850, Richard Bushman
Fandangos and Bailes: Dancing and Dance Events in Early California, Anthony Shay
Fantasme, Rébellion, et Féminisme: Le Monde Subversif du Fandom Français de le Hallyu, Jessica Fong
Far-Infrared Light Generation at Semiconductor Surfaces and its Spectroscopic Applications, Benjamin I. Greene, Peter N. Saeta, Douglas R. Dykaar, Stefan Schmitt-Rink, and Shun Lien Chuang
Farmers in Court: Orange County, North Carolina, 1750-1776, Richard Bushman
Faster Circuits and Shorter Formulae for Multiple Addition, Multiplcation and Symmetric Boolean Functions, Michael S. Patterson, Nicholas J. Pippenger, and Uri Zwick
Fault Tolerance in Cellular Automata at Low Fault Rates, Mark McCann and Nicholas Pippenger
Fault Tolerance in Networks of Bounded Degree, Cynthia Dwork, David Peleg, Nicholas Pippenger, and Eli Upfal
Federal Regulation of Emerging Technologies and Its Implications for Transhumanist Applications of NBIC Technologies, David A. Dreshfield
Female Flights: A Contemporary Approach to Cyberfeminism, Kathryn A. Nichols
Female Political Participation in Women’s Colleges vs. Coeducational Institutions, Sara Maria Estevez Cores
Feminist and Marxist Criticism: An Argument for Alliances, Gayle Greene
Femtosecond Dynamics of Light Transmission Through Sub-Wavelength Hole Arrays in Metallic Films, A, Benabbas; V. Halté; L. Guidoni; Peter N. Saeta; J.-Y. Bigot; A. Degiron; H. J. Lezec; and T. W. Ebbesen
Femtosecond Laser-Produced Plasma X-Rays from Periodically Modulated Surface Targets, J. C. Gautheir, S. Bastiani, P. Audebert, J. P. Geindre, K. Neuman, Thomas D. Donnelly, M. Hoffer, R. W. Falcone, R. Shepherd, D. Price, and B. White
Femtosecond Spectrotemporal Magneto-Optics, J.-Y. Bigot, L. Guidoni, E. Beaurepaire, and Peter N. Saeta
Fertile Lands and Bodies: Connecting the Green Revolution, Pesticides, and Women’s Reproductive Health, Sarah M.K. Cycon
Fields Medals and Nevanlinna Prize Presented at ICM-94 in Zurich, Nicholas Pippenger, J. Lindenstrauss, L.C. Evans, A. Douady, and A. Shalev
Fifth Day of Blessing, Elisabeth Joung
Filling Preposition-based Templates to Capture Information from Medical Abstracts, Gondy Leroy and Hsinchun Chen
Film Review: Cop Land, James Morrison
Film Review: Narco Cultura – A Tale of Three Cities, John P. Sullivan, Khirin A. Bunker, and Robert J. Bunker
Film Review: The House of Mirth, James Morrison
Film Review: The Thin Red Line, James Morrison
Finding the Median, Arnold Schönhage, Mike Paterson, and Nicholas Pippenger
Finite Amplitude Convection Between Stress-Free Boundaries; Ginzburg-Landau Equations and Modulation Theory, Andrew J. Bernoff
Firefly Original Air Dates ∩ Chrysocolla ∩ Blue, Leslie Love Stone
Firsts, Katie L. Grip
Five-Dimensional (Cyber) Warfighting: Can the Army After Next Be Defeated Through Complex Concepts and Technologies?, Robert J. Bunker
Flat Plate Solar Collector Materials (and Designs with an Economic Methodology for Optimizing Collector Design), Michael L. Day '79, Donald S. Remer, and Daniel Hyatt '82
Flight Delays at RegionEx, Susan E. Martonosi and Amr Farahat
Flowers Blooming in the Garden, Elisabeth Joung
Flying Thoughts, Kristin Frost
Foggy Echoes of Daylight, Stephanie C. Meredith
Folk Practices in Punjab, Daniel Michon and H.S. Bhatti
Food Deserts in the Inland Empire: Locating Space for Urban Gardens in Ontario, California, Ashley L. McCoy
Football, Beer, and Branding: A Case Study of the Ohio State University, Aneliese I. Castro
Foraging Ontogeny in an Urban Population of Black Phoebes (Sayornis Nigricans), Jessica N. Baker
For Better or For Worse? State-Level Marital Formation and Risk Sharing, Ralph Chami and Gregory Hess
Forced Unraveling of Nucleosomes Assembled on Heterogeneous DNA Using Core Histones, NAP-1, and ACF, Gregory J. Gemmen, Ronald Sim, Karl A. Haushalter, Pu Chun Ke, James T. Kadonaga, and Douglas E. Smith
Force Protection and Suicide Bombers: The Necessity for Two Types of Canadian Military Red Teams, Robert J. Bunker
Form and Functionality of Playful Aggression in Young Adults, Catlin H. Dennis
Formation of Ocean Surface Patterns by Cetacean Fluke Oscillations, Rachel Levy and David Uminsky
Formation of the 'Great Unconformity' as a Trigger for the Cambrian Explosion, Robert Gaines and Shanan E. Peters
For Now, Takeshi Kanemura
Fossil Fuel Subsidies: Impacts and Reform Strategies, Jennifer E. Good
Four-Person Envy-Free Chore Division, Elisha Peterson '00 and Francis E. Su
Fragmentation, Sven W. Arndt
Fragmentation: New Production Patterns in the World Economy, Sven W. Arndt and Henryk Kierzkowski
France on a Pedestal: How Extensive Work-Life Policies Fail to Achieve Gender Equality for Women in the Work-Place, Cecily A. Lloyd
Franchise Relocation in the Four Major Professional Sports Leagues: An Analysis of General Trends, Mary F. Hemmelgarn
Francis Makemie: Social Development of the Colonial Chesapeake, Char Miller
Freedom and Prosperity in the American Revolution, Richard Bushman
Free Trade and Its Alternatives, Sven W. Arndt
French Lessons: F.P. Baker, American Forestry, and the 1878 Paris Universal Exposition, Char Miller
Friends, Brothers and Informants: Fieldwork Memoirs of Banaras, Nita Kumar
From Dolores Haze to Dakota Fanning: How Nabokov's Little Girl Went from Being a Victim of Sexual Assault to a Fashion Icon, Priya Shyam Srivats
From Farm to Fork to Landfill: Food Waste and Consumption in America, Mariel Nunley
From Housewife to Household Weapon: Women from the Bolivian Mines Organize Against Economic Exploitation and Political Oppression, Catherine A. Raney
From (No) Butter to Guns? Understanding the Economic Role in Terrorism, Gregory Hess and S. Brock Blomberg
From Profane to Divine: The Hegemonic Appropriation of Pagan Imagery into Eastern Christian Hymnody, Jordan Lippert
From Public Concern to Policy Effectiveness: Civic Conservation in Developing Countries, Paul F. Steinberg
From Surface Operators to Non-Abelian Volume Operators in Puff Field Theory, Vatche Sahakian
Fruitful Communities: Evaluating the History and Impacts of TreePeople’s Fruit Tree Program, Kayla B. Imhoff
Full STEAM Ahead – a Collaborative Colloquium, Hilary Dito
Funding the Black Hole: The Ineffectiveness of the Current Retirement Plan Structure and Future Solutions, Chih Yun Lee
Further Evidence That Negative Priming in the Stroop Color–Word Task is Equivalent in Older and Younger Adults, Deborah M. Little and Alan Hartley
Future Digital Advertising Trends: Finding a Balance Between Privacy and Personalization, Madison L. Shove
Future Exchange Rate Regimes for Developing East Asia: Exploring the Policy Options, Sven W. Arndt
Future Stability in the European Union: Realism, Constructivism, and Institutionalism, Maya Swisa
Gallery side view., Kristen Bradford
Gallery View, Dominique Ovalle
Gallery View, Dominique Ovalle
Gallery View, Dominique Ovalle
Gallery View, Dominique Ovalle
Gallery View, Dominique Ovalle
Gallery View, Dominique Ovalle
Gallery View, Dominique Ovalle
Gallery View, Dominique Ovalle
Gallery View # 1, Kristin Frost
Gallery View # 2, Kristin Frost
Gallery View # 3, Kristin Frost
Gallery View # 4, Kristin Frost
Gallery View # 5, Kristin Frost
Galois Theory for Minors of Finite Functions, Nicholas Pippenger
Gambelia Wislizenii (Long-nosed Leopard Lizard). Arboreal behavior., Stephen C. Adolph and Sean P. Fogarty '06
Games Mathematicians Play, Mark L. Huber and Gizem Karaali
Garbage Collection and Task Deletion in Distributed Applicative Processing Systems, Paul Hudak and Robert M. Keller
Gateway of Sucess: China’s Gaokao Test as a Representation of Modern China's Paradigm for Success, Hannah R. Gravius
Gender Disparity Among Entrepreneurs Seeking Venture Capital Funding in the U.S., Pooja Reddy
Generalization of the Mulliken-Hush Treatment for the Calculation of Electron Transfer Matrix Elements, Robert J. Cave and Marshall D. Newton
Generation of Mie Size Microdroplet Aerosols with Applications in Laser-Driven Fusion Experiments, Andrew P. Higginbotham '09, O. Semonin '06, S. Bruce '08, C. Chan '08, M. Maindi '07, Thomas D. Donnelly, M. Maurer, W. Bang, I. Churina, J. Osterholz, I. Kim, A. C. Bernstein, and T. Ditmire
Generation of Nanoparticles of Controlled Size using Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Oscillators in Solution, Ian K. Wright '09, Andrew P. Higginbotham '09, Shenda M. Baker, and Thomas D. Donnelly
Generations, Waves, and Epochs: Modes of Warfare and the RPMA, Robert J. Bunker
Genescene: Biomedical Text and Data Mining, Gondy Leroy, Hsinchun Chen, Jesse D. Martinez, Shauna Eggers, Ryan R. Falsey, Kerri L. Kislin, Zan Huang, Jiexun Li, Jie Xu, Daniel M. McDonald, and Gavin Ng
Genetic Background Affects Epistatic Interactions Between Two Beneficial Mutations, Yinhua Wang, Carolina Diaz Arenas, Daniel M. Stoebel, and Tim F. Cooper
Geneva By-Pass, Michael Brewster
Genoese Renaissance Villas: a Typological Introduction, George Gorse
Genre, Birth Cohort, and Product Perception: Responses to Background Music in Commercial Advertising, Cassidy R. Cavanah
Geologic Map of the Ganiki Planitia Quadrangle (V–14), Venus, Eric B. Grosfils, Sylvan M. Long, Elizabeth M. Venechuk, Debra M. Hurwitz, Joseph W. Richards, Brian Kastl, Dorothy E. Drury, and Johanna S. Hardin
German Export Performance, Sven W. Arndt
Getting Real about the E in STEAM, James Catterall
Gibbon's Guides: The Scholarly Reception of Ammianus Marcellinus and Procopius of Caesarea After the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Sarah J. Murtaugh
Gideon v. Strickland: Ineffective Appointed Counsel and the Right to a Fair Trial, Christopher B. Blomberg
Gifford Pinchot: A Life in Progress, Char Miller and V. Alaric Sample
Ginger Beer, Stephanie C. Meredith
Ginger Beer, Detail, Stephanie C. Meredith
Girls, Katie L. Grip
GIS Analysis of Forest Fragmentation in the Vicinity of the Firestone Reserve, Costa Rica, Kristen Bair
GIS and Introductory Environmental Engineering: A Way to Fold GIS into an Already-Existing Course, Mary P. Cardenas, David Wayne Kelley, and Warren Roberts
Glance Look Stare, Elisa L. Saether
Glassy Dislocation Dynamics in 2D Colloidal Dimer Crystals, Sharon J. Gerbode, Ugmang Agarwal, Desmond C. Ong, Chekesha M. Liddell, Fernando Escobedo, and Itai Cohen
Global Gene Expression Profiling Of Multiple Myeloma, Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance, and Normal Bone Marrow Plasma Cells, Fenghuang Zhan, Johanna S. Hardin, Bob Kordsmeier, Klaus Bumm, Mingzhong Zheng, Erming Tian, Ralph Sanderson, Yang Yang, Carla Wilson, Maurizio Zangari, Elias Anaissie, Christopher Morris, Firas Muwalla, Frits van Rhee, Athanasios Fassas, John J. Crowley, Guido Tricot, Bart Barlogie, and John Shaughnessy
Globalisation and Trade: A Symposium, Sven W. Arndt
Globalization and Economic Development, Sven W. Arndt
Globalization and the Gains from Trade, Sven W. Arndt
Globalization and the Open Economy, Sven W. Arndt
Global Production Networks and Regional Integration, Sven W. Arndt
GMO, Scott M. Jamieson
GMO, Scott M. Jamieson
Gone to Touch, Michael Brewster
Google Glass and Our Quest for Meaning, Josh Cohen
Googling to Forget: The Cognitive Processing of Internet Search, Elizabeth T. Friede
Government Policy and the Decline in U.S. Trade Competitiveness, Sven W. Arndt
Grandma Got STEM turns 100 posts old!, Rachel Levy
Grand Strategic Overview: Epochal Change and New Realities for the United States, Robert J. Bunker
Grand Strategy in U.S. Foreign Policy: The Carter, Bush, and Obama Doctrines, Sara M. Birkenthal
Grasping at Modernism in 1932: Alternative Readings of Das Blaue Licht, a Collaboration of Leni Riefenstahl and Béla Balázs, Sara Dunleavy Berge
Grass Phylogeny and Classification: Conflict of Morphology and Molecules, Bryan K. Simon
Grazing Arizona: Public Land Management in the Southwest, Char Miller
Greed, Excess, and the Evolution of Financial Capitalism: A History of Hedge Funds in the Modern Era, Robert Walters
Grenades, Robert J. Bunker
Grenades and Land Mines, Japanese, Robert J. Bunker
Growing Social Inequalities in Youth Civic Engagement? Evidence from the National Election Study, Laura Wray-Lake and Daniel Hart
Growth and Debt: Mexico and the United States in the Medium Term, Sven W. Arndt, Donald R. Lessard, and Clark W. Reynolds
Guns and Butter: The Economic Causes and Consequences of Conflict, Gregory Hess
Hain Celestial Group Net Income ∩ Lapis Lazuli ∩ Blue, Leslie Love Stone
Hain Celestial Group Net Income ∩ Lapis Lazuli ∩ Blue (Detail), Leslie Love Stone
Hairy Strings, Vatche Sahakian
Half Baked: The Federal and State Conflicts of Legalizing Medical Marijuana, Andrew K. Fevery
Hammerstein Integral Equations with Indefinite Kernel, Alfonso Castro
Hard X-ray and Hot Electron Production from Intense Laser Irradiation of Wavelength Scale Particles, Thomas D. Donnelly, M. Rust '01, I. Weiner '01, M. Allen, R. A. Smith, C. A. Steinke, S. Wilks, J. Zweiback, T. E. Cowan, and T. Ditmire
Harmonic Generation in Thin Films and Multilayers, William S. Kolthammer '04, Dustin Barnard '03, Nicole Carson, Aaron D. Edens '00, Nathan A. Miller '01, and Peter N. Saeta
Harmonics in the Library, Charles Coppin
Has Engaging in Party Coalitions Affected BSP Ideology?, Jasjeet S. Virk
Have Federal Sanctions Helped Failing Schools? The Impact of No Child Left Behind in Texas, Ernest W. Hayhurst
Have You Seen This? Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, Gizem Karaali
Health Inequality in the 21st Century: A Case Study on the “Diabetes Belt” in the Southern United States, Hannah Rapp
Health Information Text Characteristics, Gondy Leroy, Evren Eryilmaz '11, and Benjamin T. Laroya
Heart Attack Experiences Described in Weblogs: An Analysis of Sex Differences, Stephanie R. Morley
Helianthus inexpectatus (Asteraceae), a Tetraploid Perennial New Species from Southern California, David J. Keil and Mark A. Elvin
Hermitian-Symmetric Inequalities in Hilbert Space, Stephan Ramon Garcia
He Saw That It Was Good, Elisabeth Joung
Higher Dimensional Warfighting, Robert J. Bunker
High Order Harmonic Generation in Atom Clusters, Thomas D. Donnelly, T. Ditmire, K. Neuman, M. D. Perry, and R. W. Falcone
History at the Madrasas, Nita Kumar
Hitchcock: The Industry, James Morrison
Holography, a Covariant c Function, and the Geometry of the Renormalization Group, Vatche Sahakian
Holography with Ramond-Ramond Fluxes, Vatche Sahakian
Hong Kong's Economic Freedom and Income Inequality, Emmett Choy
Hostile Takeovers and Corporate Governance in India, Shrivats Khaitan
Hosting the Olympics: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Economic and Social Effects of the Olympic Games, Jordan Jose Badia-Bellinger
Hot Electron and X-ray Production from Intense Laser Irradiation of Wavelength-Scale Polystyrene Spheres, H. A. Sumeruk, S. Kneip, D. R. Symes, I. V. Churina, A. V. Belolipetski, G. Dyer, J. Landry, G. Bansal, A. C. Bernstein, Thomas D. Donnelly, A. Karmakar, A. Pukhov, and T. Ditmire
How are Language Constructions Constitutive? Strategic Uses of Conventional Discourses about Immigration, Claudia Strauss
How Consumption and Content of Documentary-Based Reality Television Influence Viewers’ Gratification Levels, Kristina Block
How Do Insurance Markets Respond to Natural Disasters?, Tiffany Kindred
How do Shareholders Use Their Say-on-Pay Votes in the United States? Evidence from 2011 and 2012, Peter Kimmey
How Many Barack Obamas Does it Take: An Analysis of the Effect of Charter Schools on Real Estate and Crime, Aananditaa Kakkar
How Men And Women Differ: Gender Differences in Communication Styles, Influence Tactics, and Leadership Styles, Karima Merchant
How Much can Guided Modes Enhance Absorption in Thin Solar Cells?, Peter N. Saeta, Vivian E. Ferry, Domenico Pacifici, Jeremy N. Munday, and Harry A. Atwater
How Muscles Function - The Work Loop Technique, Anna N. Ahn
How the Cucumber Tendril Coils and Overwinds, Sharon J. Gerbode, Joshua R. Puzey, Andrew G. McCormick, and L. Mahadevan
"How the Land Flies Like a Rug", Kristen Bradford
How the Land Lies Like a Rug, Kristen Bradford
How to Be a Good Teacher is an Undecidable Problem, Erica Flapan
How to Cook Up a Math Poem in n Easy Steps, Caleb Emmons
How to Do Incidental Teaching, Marjorie H. Charlop
How to Treat the Child with Autism, Marjorie H. Charlop and Susan E. Kelso
How You Have Fallen: Exploring the Benevolence of an Early Christian God as Seen Through a Progressively Embodied Satan, Kari J. Geiger
Humanistic Mathematics: An Oxymoron?, Gizem Karaali
Humanistic Mathematics Network Newsletter: A Bibliographic Report, Claire Skrivanos and Qingcheng Zhang
Humanitarian Aid in Question: The Case of Rice Imports to Haiti, Madeleine R. Potter
Human Motives and Cultural Models, Roy G. D'Andrade and Claudia Strauss
Hunger: Black Women Recasting the Shadows that Obscure Intellectual Tradition, Bonita M. Wilson
Hydrogen (Atom), Anna Tanczos
Hyperbolic Space for Tourists, Viktor Blåsjö
Hypergraph Capacity with Applications to Matrix Multiplication, John Lee Thompson Peebles Jr.
Idealism and Actualization. Saint-Just in Theory, Practice, and Exigency, Craig R. Schamel
Idealism and Pragmatism in U.S. Foreign Policy: The 1950s and the Unraveling of a Paradigm, Thomas C. Winter
Identification and Analysis of Contextual Factors Impacting Polytobacco Use Among Young Adult South Asians, Poonam Daryani
Identification of a New Uracil-DNA Glycosylase Family by Expression Cloning Using Synthetic Inhibitors, Karl A. Haushalter, P. Todd Stukenberg, Marc W. Kirschner, and Gregory L. Verdine
Identité Créole et Mémoire: Edwidge Danticat et Fabienne Pasquet, Marie-Denise Shelton
Identity and Intergroup Leadership: Asymmetrical Political and National Identification in Response to Uncertainty, Zachary P. Hohman '12, Michael A. Hogg, and Michelle C. Bligh
Identity Development for the Multiracial Individual, Nicole M. Lotte
Identity on Trial: the Gabrielino Tongva Quest for Federal Recognition, Alice Mirlesse
Image de la Société Dans le Roman Haïtien, Marie-Denise Shelton
Imágenes Imaginarias: La Ficción de España Bajo Francisco Franco, Joseph H. McCann IV
"I'm A Little Pony And I Just Did Something Bad:" Feminist Pedagogy and the Organizing Ethics in the Rock 'n' Roll Camp for Girls, Caitlin Sweeney
Immigration, Entrepreneurship and the Venture Start-up Process, Herbert J. Schuetze and Heather Antecol
Immigration, Integration, and Public Opinion in the European Union, Andreas Jozwiak
Implementing Green Roofs on Movie Theaters and Shopping Centers: Business Cases in Profitable Sustainability, Ryan J. Miller
Implementing Visual Strategies During Play Groups: The Promising Effects on Social Communication Skills for Children with Autism, Marjorie H. Charlop and Alissa L. Greenberg '11
Implications of Individualism and Collectivism on the Individual's Social Identity, Sarah B. Powers
Importance of Health Science Education for Personal Fitness Trainers, Moh H. Malek, David P. Nalbone, Dale E. Berger, and Jared W. Coburn
Improving Examination Performance Using Exam Analysis, Vaneta M. Condon and David E. Drew
Improving Perceived and Actual Text Difficulty for Health Information Consumers using Semi-Automated Methods, Gondy Leroy, James E. Endicott, Obay Mouradi '13, David Kauchak, and Melissa L. Just
Inclusionary Zoning: New Ways Forward, Owen Deutsch
Inclusive and Exclusive Concerns of National Identity as Determinants of French Citizens’ Attitudes Towards EU Integration, Amanda Knorr
Incorporating Pólya’s Problem Solving Method in Remedial Math, Shenglan Yuan
Increasing Autistic Children's Daily Spontaneous Speech, Marjorie H. Charlop and Jane E. Trasowech
Increasing Autistic Children's Spontaneous Verbalizations of Affection: An Assessment of Time Delay and Peer Modeling Procedures, Marjorie H. Charlop and Michele E. Walsh
Increasing Spontaneous Verbal Responding in Autistic Children Using a Time Delay Procedure, Marjorie H. Charlop, Laura Schreibman, and M.G. Thibodeau
Increasing Student Development Options in College, David E. Drew
In Defense of Frivolous Questions, Gizem Karaali
India: Subsidy State or Developmental State?, Annie Jalota
Indie Music In The Age Of The Internet, Bryan E. Reinke
Individualizing Functional Analysis to Assess Multiple and Changing Functions of Severe Behavior Problems in Children with Autism, Marjorie H. Charlop and Chris A. LaBelle '02
Individuals and Populations: How Biology's Theory and Data have Interfered with the Integration of Development and Evolution, David S. Moore
Indivisible and Inseparable: The Austro-Hungarian Army and the Question of Decline and Fall, Kyle D. Woods
Inducing Chirality with Circularly Polarized Light, Robert J. Cave
Industrial Structure, Competitiveness, and Trade, Sven W. Arndt
Infantile Autism, Laura Schreibman, Robert L. Koegel, Marjorie H. Charlop, and Andrew L. Egel
Infant Perceptions of Mixed-Race Faces: An Exploration of the Hypodescent Rule in 8.5 Month-Old Infants, Sophie Beiers
Infants’ Responses to Affect in Music and Speech, Daniel K. Feinberg
Infants' Visual Preferences in the Presence and Absence of Auditory Stimulation, David S. Moore
Infinitely Many Nonradial Solutions to a Superlinear Dirichlet Problem, Hugo Aduén and Alfonso Castro
Infinitely Many Radially Symmetric Solutions to a Superlinear Dirichlet Problem in a Ball, Alfonso Castro and Alexandra Kurepa
Infinitely Many Radial Solutions for a Sub-Super Critical Dirichlet Boundary Value Problem in a Ball, Alfonso Castro, John Kwon, and Chee Meng Tan '07
Infinitely Periodic Knots, Erica Flapan
Inflorescence Architecture and Floral Morphology of Aratitiyopea lopezii (Xyridaceae), Lisa M. Campbell and Dennis Wm. Stevenson
Influence of a Nationwide Social Marketing Campaign on Adolescent Drug Use, Lawrence M. Scheier and Jerry L. Grenard
Influence of Feminist Scholarship on My Theological Work, Vincent L. Wimbush
Influence of Motivational Interviewing on Explicit and Implicit Alcohol-related Cognition and Alcohol Use in At-Risk Adolescents, Carolien Thush, Reinout W. Wiers, Mirjam Moerbeek, Susan L. Ames, Jerry L. Grenard, Steve Sussman, and Alan W. Stacy
Influences Affecting Adolescent Smoking Behavior in China, Jerry L. Grenard, Qian Guo, Guneet Kaur Jasuja, Jennifer B. Unger, Chih-Ping Chou, Peggy E. Gallaher, Ping Sun, Paula Palmer, and C. Anderson Johnson
Information Age Army or Empty Rhetoric?, Robert J. Bunker
Information Imbalance in the Age of Technology, Isabela Osthoff-Magalhaes
Information Operations and the Conduct of Land Warfare, Robert J. Bunker
Information Theory and the Complexity of Boolean Functions, Nicholas Pippenger
Information Theory and the Complexity of Switching Networks, Nicholas J. Pippenger
Information Warfare Conference, Robert J. Bunker
Inhibition of the Ubiquitin Proteasome System Enhances Long-Term Depression in Rat Hippocampal Slices, LeeAnn N. Louie
Injuring Eternity: Reflections on Time Bought and Wasted, Matt R. Richardson
Input, Retention, and Output Factors Affecting Adult Age Differences in Visuospatial Short-Term Memory, Alan Hartley, Deborah M. Little, Nicole K. Speer '99, and John Jonides
In Response to Stones and Kozma: Absolute and Relative Declines with Age in Champion Swimming Performances, Alan Hartley and Joellen T. Hartley
In Search of Traces: Linkages of Dance and Visual and Performative Expression in the Iranian World, Anthony Shay
Inspired Constitution, Richard Bushman
Institutional Resilience Amid Political Change: The Case of Biodiversity Conservation, Paul F. Steinberg
Intangibles Related Ratios and their Relationships with Leverage, Larry Zhong
Intangibles: The Most Valuable Unrecorded Asset, Candace L. Filippelli
Integrated Magnetic and Global Positioning Satellite Mapping of the Firestone Reserve, Costa Rica, Warren Roberts, Donald A. McFarlane, and Keith Christenson
Integrating Development and Evolution in Psychology: Looking Back, Moving Forward, David S. Moore
Integrating Environmental Science into Information Technology Content to Generate Student Interest, Rondalynne McClintock '13, Yoonmi Lee '12, June Hilton '04, Brian Hilton, and Gondy Leroy
Integrating Feral Cities and Third Phase Cartels/Third Generation Gangs Research: The Rise of Criminal (Narco) City Networks and Blackfor, Robert J. Bunker and John P. Sullivan
Interacting Vortex and Vortex Layer: How Length Scale Affects Entrainment and Ejection, Oliver V. Atassi, Andrew J. Bernoff, and Seth Lichter
Interactions Between Implicit and Explicit Cognition and Working Memory Capacity in the Prediction of Alcohol Use in At-Risk Adolescents, Carolien Thush, Reinout W. Wiers, Susan L. Ames, Jerry L. Grenard, Steve Sussman, and Alan W. Stacy
Inter-Colony Comparison of Diving Behavior of an Arctic Top Predator: Implications for Warming in the Greenland Sea, Nina J. Karnovsky, Zachary W. Brown '07, Jorg Welcker, Ann M.A. Harding, Wojciech Walkusz, André Cavalcanti, Johanna S. Hardin, Alexander Kitaysky, Geir Gabrielsen, and David Grémillet
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, Robert J. Bunker
Internalized Oppression or Rational Fear: Examining Internal Group Animosity in Nadine Gordimer’s “Once Upon a Time”, Katy Keisling
International and Intranational Business Cycles, Gregory Hess and Kwanho Shin
International Collaboration of Distance Learning Universities for Online Learning in Indonesia, Diki Diki
International Short Term Capital Movements: A Distributed Lag Model of Speculation in Foreign Exchange, Sven W. Arndt
International Terrorism: Causes, Consequences and Cures, Graham Bird, S. Brock Blomberg, and Gregory Hess
Internetted Nodes and C2 Structures, Robert J. Bunker
Interpolating a Topographical Map of the Ocean Floor, David Ho '86, Kurt Overly '86, Lee Short '87, and Henry A. Krieger
Interpolation and Complex Symmetry, Stephan Ramon Garcia and Mihai Putinar
Intersections Between Family Structures, Parent-Child Bond, and Social & Academic Efficacy Among Language Brokers, Evelyn A. Duarte
Intervalley Scattering in GaAs and InP Probed by Pulsed Far‐Infrared Transmission Spectroscopy, Peter N. Saeta, John F. Federici, Benjamin I. Greene, and Douglas R. Dykaar
Interview: Alfred Cosby, Char Miller and Mark Cioc
Interview: Hal K. Rothman, Char Miller and Mark Cioc
Interview: J. Donald Hughes, Char Miller and Mark Cioc
Interview: Joel Tarr, Char Miller and Mark Cioc
Interview: John Opie, Char Miller and Mark Cioc
Interview: Roderick Nash, Char Miller and Mark Cioc
Interview: Samuel P. Hays, Char Miller and Mark Cioc
Interview: Susan Flader, Char Miller and Mark Cioc
Interview: William H. McNeill, Char Miller and Mark Cioc
In the Presence of Ghosts: A Series of Short Stories, Jessica M. Torres
Intra-industry Trade and the Open Economy, Sven W. Arndt
Intranational Business Cycles in the United States, Gregory Hess and Kwanho Shin
Intranational Macroeconomics, Gregory Hess and Eric Van Wincoop
Intrinsically n-Linked Graphs, Erica Flapan, James Pommersheim, Joel Foisy, and Ramin Naimi
Intrinsically Triple Linked Complete Graphs, Erica Flapan, Ramin Naimi, and James Pommersheim
Intrinsic Chirality, Erica Flapan
Intrinsic Chirality of 3-Connected Graphs, Erica Flapan and Nikolai Weaver
Intrinsic Chirality of Complete Graphs, Erica Flapan and Nikolai Weaver
Intrinsic Chirality of Multipartite Graphs, Erica Flapan and Will Fletcher
Intrinsic Chirality of Triple‐Layered Naphthalenophane and Related Graphs, Erica Flapan and Brian Forcum
Intrinsic Knotting and Linking of Complete Graphs, Erica Flapan
Intrinsic Linking and Knotting of Graphs in Arbitrary 3–manifolds, Erica Flapan, Hugh Howards, Don Lawrence, and Blake Mellor
Introducing the Stability Theory in Alliance Politics: The US, Japan, and South Korea, Rachel Cone
Introduction and Overview: Why Response Networks?, Robert J. Bunker
Introduction to Special Issue on The Missing Psychology in Cultural Anthropology's Key Words, Naomi Quinn and Claudia Strauss
Introduction to The New Testament: Books That Changed the World, Vincent L. Wimbush
Introduction to the Special Issue on the Romance of Leadership – In Memory of James R. Meindl, Birgit Schyns and Michelle C. Bligh
Introduction: Whither NAFTA?, Sven W. Arndt
Invariance of Complexity Measures for Networks with Unreliable Gates, Nicholas Pippenger
Investigating Young Children's Music-making Behavior: A Developmental Theory, Paul G. Morehouse
Invisibility: A Mathematical Perspective, Austin G. Gomez
Invisible City, Detail, Christine M. Salama
Iraq and the Americas: 3 GEN Gangs Lessons and Prospects, Robert J. Bunker and John P. Sullivan
Islands, Kristin Frost
iSolated INFINITE, Kelsey M. Kimmel
iSolated INFINITE, Kelsey M. Kimmel
Issues in U.S. Economic Relations with Western Europe, Sven W. Arndt
Is The Black Male College Graduate becoming an Endangered Species? A Multi-Case Analysis of the Attrition of Black Males in Higher Education, Michael Washington
Is the Dissociability of Working Memory Systems for Name Identity, Visual-Object Identity, and Spatial Location Maintained in Old Age?, Alan Hartley, Nicole K. Speer '99, John Jonides, Patricia A. Reuter-Lorenz, and Edward E. Smith
Is the Political Business Cycle for Real?, S. Brock Blomberg and Gregory Hess
Is There a Right to Healthcare? An Analysis from the Perspective of Liberty and Libertarianism, Sarah R. Robinson
Is the SAT the Root of all Evil? Reviewing the Evidence on Admission Policies and Diversity in Higher Education, Loris Fagioli
It’s Hard To Be Down When You’re Up: Interpreting Cultural Heritage Through Alternative Media, Daniel Michon and Ahmed El Antably
It's In the Bag: Balancing Notions of Need, Superficiality, and Preparedness by Carrying Objects, Bria Biesman-Simons
It's Not About the Coffee: Queer Temporalities at a Community Coffeehouse, Jodi Davis
It Takes Two to Tango: An Interdependence Analysis of the Spiraling of Perceived Trustworthiness and Cooperation in Interpersonal and Intergroup Relationships, Donald L. Ferrin, Michelle C. Bligh, and Jeffrey C. Kohles
I Want to Hold Your Hands, Elisabeth Joung
Jamaican Cave Vertebrates, Donald A. McFarlane
James Eights, Char Miller
James Eights, Albany Naturalist: New Evidence, Char Miller and Naomi Goldsmith
James Joyce and Lexicography: “I must look that word up. Upon my word I must", Tony Crowley
Jane’s Unconventional Weapons Response Handbook, John P. Sullivan, Robert J. Bunker, Ernest J. Lorelli, Howard Sequine, and Matt Begert
Javascript and Politics: How a Toy Language Took Over the World, Sean McQueen
Jewish Students Today: Radical or Conservative?, David E. Drew
John Theodore Buchholz (1888-1951) Studying Conifers in California, Especially Sequoiadendron and Sequoia (Cupressaceae) in 1936, Rudolf Schmid
Jonathan Edwards and Puritan Consciousness, Richard Bushman
Jorge Luis Borges y Roberto Arlt: El Mito de Buenos Aires y le Realidad de la Vida Porteña, Brian Baier
Joseph Smith and Abraham Lincoln, Richard Bushman
Joseph Smith in the Current Age, Richard Bushman
Joseph Smith's Family Background, Richard Bushman
Joseph Smith’s Many Histories, Richard Bushman
Joseph Smith: The Prophet, Richard Bushman and Dean C. Jessee
Judicial Campaigns and Expensive Litigation; The Evolution of the Civil Justice System, Riley Thomlison
Juggling Networks, Nicholas J. Pippenger
Just Beautiful Portrays of the Mind? The Relevance of Aesthetic Strategies on Knowledge Creation in Neuroscience, Valerie Kummer
Justifying Slavery: An Exlopration of Self-Deception Mechanisms in Proslavery Argument in the Antebellum South, Peri Tenenbaum
Just Where Do Mexican Cartel Weapons Come From?, David A. Kuhn and Robert J. Bunker
Kadi v. Commission: A Case Study of the Development of a Rights-Based Jurisprudence for the European Court of Justice, Alisa Shekhtman
Keeping aBreast with liberal arts and science through STEAM, Tanya Rivas and Gregory Knotts
Kind of Blue Artist's Statement, Leslie Love Stone
Kind of Blue (Gallery View), Leslie Love Stone
Kind of Blue (Gallery View), Leslie Love Stone
Kind of Blue (Gallery View), Leslie Love Stone
Kind of Blue (Gallery View), Leslie Love Stone
Kinetics of Bile Salt Binding to Liposomes Revealed by Carboxyfluorescein Release and Mathematical Modeling, Peter Hinow, Ami E. Radunskaya, Ian Tucker, and Lin Yang
Knots and Graphs in Chemistry, Erica Flapan
Knots in Random Walks, Nicholas Pippenger
Knotty Matrices in Knots, Weiqing Gu and Shenjun Jiang
Knowledge Management, Innovation, and Firm Performance, Jenny Darroch
K-shell Spectroscopy of Plasmas Created by Intense Laser Irradiation of Micron-scale Pyramid and Sphere Targets, S. Kneip, B. I. Cho, D. R. Symes, H. A. Sumeruk, G. Dyer, I. V. Churina, A. V. Belolipetski, A. Henig, O. Wehrhan, E Förster, Thomas D. Donnelly, and T. Ditmire
Kuroda Seiki: Setting and Transversing Artistic Boundaries in Meiji Japan, Sitie I. Djojohadikusumo
Kvetching with Comics: How 20th Century American Comics Reflect the Ashkenazi Ethos of Pride and Shame, Aliza C. Kellerman
Laboulbeniales on Semiaquatic Heteroptera. A New Species of Triceromyces (Ascomycota, Laboulbeniales) on Microvelia (Heteroptera, Veliidae) from Spain, Sergio Santamaria
Labour, Capital, and the Congress: Delhi Cloth Mills, 1928-38, Nita Kumar
Lack of Evidence for Horizontal Transfer of the lac Operon into Escherichia coli, Daniel M. Stoebel
La Crisis de Salud en Guatemala: La Biomedicina y la Medicina Maya en Conflicto, Sophia Willis-Conger
La Desnuda Rebelde y el Bodegón Subversivo: Una Reinterpretación del Arte de Olga Costa y María Izquierdo, Carly Goodkin
“La Generación Ni Ni” and the Exodus of Spanish Youth, Stephanie Lester
La Identidad Femenina Durante la Epoca Franquista: Las Novelas de Josefina Aldecoa y Carmen Martin Gaite, Elizabeth C. McGinnis
Landscapes to Learnscapes: Exploring Schoolyard-based Education, Emily I. Palena and Caroline T. Spurgin
Language and Hegemony: Principles, Morals and Pronunciation, Tony Crowley
Language in History: Theories and Texts, Tony Crowley
Languages, Families and the Plural Learning of the Nineteenth-Century Intelligentsia, Nita Kumar
Large-Amplitude Solutions to the Sivashinsky and Riley–Davis Equations for Directional Solidification, David C. Sarocka, Andrew J. Bernoff, and Louis F. Rossi
Large Firms, Entrepreneurial Marketing Processes, and the Cycle of Competitive Advantage, Morgan P. Miles and Jenny Darroch
Large Trees, Supertrees, and Diversification of the Grass Family, Trevor R. Hodkinson, Nicolas Salamin, Mark W. Chase, Yanis Bouchenak-Khelladi, Stephen A. Renvoize, and Vincent Savolainen
Laser Weapons: An Emerging Threat, Robert J. Bunker and Dan Lindsay
Latent Class Analysis of Peer Conformity: Who Is Yielding to Pressure and Why?, Paul A. Kosten, Lawrence M. Scheier, and Jerry L. Grenard
Latinos and the California GOP: A Troubled Courtship, Hannah Burak
Latitudinal and Climatic Variation in Body Size and Dorsal Scale Counts in Sceloporus Lizards: A Phylogenetic Perspective, Christopher E. Oufiero, Gabriel E.A. Gartner, Stephen C. Adolph, and Theodore Garland Jr.
Laughing Our Way To Revolution: A History and Analysis of African American Humor, Ralph S. Martin
Laying the Groundwork for a Reconception of the Superintendency from Feminist Postmodern Perspectives, Margaret Grogan
Leaders and Heroes: Modern Day Archetypes, Sophon Shadraconis
Leadership and OPFOR Networks, Robert J. Bunker
Leading Agricultural Expansion in Developing Countries: Eradicating Extreme Hunger and Poverty, Sean G. Duncan
Leading Question: The Romance Lives On: Contemporary Issues Surrounding the Romance of Leadership, Michelle C. Bligh and Birgit Schyns
Learning to Bypass the Central Bottleneck: Declining Automaticity with Advancing Age, François Maquestiaux, Maude Laguë-Beauvais, Eric Ruthruff, Alan Hartley, and Louis Bherer
Learning to Create Jazz Melodies Using Deep Belief Nets, Greg Bickerman '10, Sam Bosley, Peter Swire, and Robert M. Keller
Le Bon Comportement: How French Parenting Books and French Childen's Literature Creates a Cultural Construction of the Concept of "the Child", Aneliese I. Castro
Le Défi Théâtral Dans Antigone de Félix Morisseau-Leroy et La Tragédie Du Roi Christophe d'Aimé Césaire, Marie-Denise Shelton
Legislative Budget Cycles, Cameron A. Shelton
Le Monde Noir Dans La Littérature Dadaïste et Surréaliste, Marie-Denise Shelton
Les Enfants dans les Coins: Une Comparaison d’Autisme en France et Aux Etats Unis, Danya J. M. Rubin
Letter to the Editor: Focus on Technology, Robert J. Bunker
Letter to the Editor: Other Responses to '4th Generation', Robert J. Bunker
Letter to the Editor: Tactical Decision Games, Robert J. Bunker
Leveraged Buyouts and Value Creation: Examining the Performance of Reverse Leveraged Buyouts, Blake A. Morell
Lévy Concentration of Metric Measure Manifolds, Weiqing Gu and Zhongmin Shen
Liberated Form, Dominique Ovalle
Lie Down I think I love you, Patricia D. Burns
Lie Down I think I love you, Patricia D. Burns
Life After Wolfram|Alpha: What You (and Your Students) Need to Know, Gizem Karaali and Bruce Yoshiwara
Life and Death: Spiritual Philosophy in Anna Karenina, Jillian Avalon
Linear Stability of Source-Type Similarity Solutions of the Thin Film Equation, Andrew J. Bernoff and Thomas P. Witelski
Lines in Tropical Quadrics, Kevin O'Neill
Lingering Giant, Stephanie C. Meredith
Lingering Giants, Detail, Stephanie C. Meredith
Living Counter, Detail, Christine M. Salama
Living in Place On the Globe: Analyzing Narrative and Opinion Responses of Sixteen Tropical Interviewees to Understand Environmental Realities, Aleksandra Bril
Living in the Moment: Dispositional Mindfulness and Its Differential Relationships to Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-Being, Marika R. McClenahan
Local versus Global Search in Channel Graphs, A.H. Hunter and Nicholas Pippenger
Locating and Fractionating Working Memory Using Functional Neuroimaging: Storage, Maintenance, and Executive Functions, Alan Hartley and Nicole K. Speer '99
Locked In: Introspection, Diana Orihuela
Long-Range Planning Cost Model for Support of Future Space Missions by the NASA Deep Space Network, Donald S. Remer, Josef S. Sherif, and Harry R. Buchanan
Long-Term Effects of Self-Control on Alcohol Use and Sexual Behavior among Urban Minority Young Women, Kenneth W. Griffin, Lawrence M. Scheier, Bianca Acevedo, Jerry L. Grenard, and Gilbert J. Botvin
Los Angeles and the Owens River Aqueduct, Gordon R. Miller
Los Derechos Económicos de Las Mujeres en Chile Bajo el Gobierno de Pinochet, Karol C. Molina-Lopez
Lost in NSM Translation, Claudia Strauss
Lost Reflections, Stephanie C. Meredith
Lost Reflections, Detail, Stephanie C. Meredith
Lower Bounds for Noisy Boolean Decision Trees, William Evans and Nicholas J. Pippenger
Lower Bounds for Simplicial Covers and Triangulations of Cubes, Adam Bliss '03 and Francis E. Su
Low-Frequency Line Shapes in Guided Acoustic-Wave Brillouin Scattering, Benjamin I. Greene and Peter N. Saeta
Mad Men: The Relationship between Psychology and Religion in Chaim Potok’s The Chosen, Laura Longobardi
Magic and Skepticism in Woody Allen's Films, Lauren Jessen
Magic "Squares" Indeed, Arthur T. Benjamin and Kan Yasuda '97
Magnetostratigraphy of Cueva Del Aleman, Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico and the Species Duration of Audobon's Shearwater, Bruce C. Panuska, John M. Mylroie, Darrell Armentrout, and Donald A. McFarlane
Major Axes of Stimulus Figures Do Not Account for Dot Displacements, Alan Hartley
Making Common Cause for Conservation: The Pinchot Institute and Grey Towers National Historic Site, 1963-2013, Char Miller
Making Primarily Professional Terms More Comprehensible to the Lay Audience, Sergey Goryachev, Qing Zeng-Treitler, Catherine Arnott Smith, Allen C. Browne, Guy Divita, Alla Keselman, Gondy Leroy, and Rosa Figueroa
Making Sense of Public Opinion: American Discourses about Immigration and Social Programs, Claudia Strauss
Making Space for the Mormons, Richard Bushman
Mamluk Jerusalem: Architecturally Challenging Narratives, Andrew C. Smith
Managing Aquatic Invasive Species in the United States by Harvesting them for Human Consumption, Katherine Recinos
M and B, Elisabeth Joung
Manifest Content Without a Dreamer: A Freudian Analysis of Percival Everett’s Erasure, Irene Rose De Lilly
Marisa Ramirez - Panel on OA Senior Theses and Undergraduate Research, Marisa Ramirez
Marketing and Service Orientation of New Zealand Law Firms, Art Thomas, Jenny Darroch, and Wendy Galvin
Marriageable Age in Islam: A Study on Marriageable Age Laws and Reforms in Islamic Law, Jeremiah J. Bowden
Martin van Creveld on Men, Women and War, Robert J. Bunker
Marxism and Language, Tony Crowley
Mary’s Dilemma: A Novel Take On Jackson’s Famous Thought Experiment, Noah O. Abolafia-Rosenzweig
Mass Motorisation in Spain, Rudi Volti
Mass Shootings and Gun Control: Obama’s Road to Reform, Alexander M. Lane
Masthead | Table of Contents | About the Authors
Mat and Bowl Detail, Suzanne U. Gibbs
Mathematical Biology at an Undergraduate Liberal Arts College, Stephen C. Adolph and Lisette G. de Pillis
Mathematical Creation, Mark L. Huber and Gizem Karaali
Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching and Visualizing Differential Geometry, Nathan Pinsky
Mathematical Model Creation for Cancer Chemo-Immunotherapy, Lisette G. de Pillis, K Renee Fister, Weiqing Gu, Craig Collins, Michael Daub, David Gross '08, James Moore '07, and Benjamin Preskill '09
Mathematical Modeling of the Regulatory T Cell Effects on Renal Cell Carcinoma Treatment, Lisette G. de Pillis, Trevor Caldwell '12, Elizabeth Sarapata '13, and Heather Williams '12
Mathematicians Playing a Role in Math Education: What We Learned at the IME/MIME Workshop, Anna Bargagliotti, Rama Chidambaram, and Gizem Karaali
Mathematics in the Mountains: The Park City Mathematics Institute, Andrew J. Bernoff
Mathematics of Voting, Darryl H. Yong
Mathematics Rocks!, Mark Huber and Gizem Karaali
Math Stories: Learning and Doing Mathematics through Fiction Writing, Frederick Chen and Janna Raley
Math: That Thing You Do, Mark Huber and Gizem Karaali
Math: That Thing You Do, Mark L. Huber and Gizem Karaali
M.C. Escher Wrap Artist: Aesthetic Coloring of Ribbon Patterns, Ellen Gethner, David G. Kirkpatrick, and Nicholas J. Pippenger
Meaningfulness and Problem-solving Performance by Younger and Older Adults, Kent D. Harber '79 and Alan Hartley
Means of Unitaries, Conjugations, and the Friedrichs Operator, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Measures of Information Processing in Concept Identification, Dale E. Berger
Measuring and Comparing Business-Cycle Features, Gregory Hess and Shigeru Iwata
Media Highlights: Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, Gizem Karaali
Medical Information Access for the New Millenium: UMLS-Enhanced Semantic Parsing and Personalized Medical Agent, K.M. Tolle, Gondy Leroy, Robin Sewell, Ye Fang, Dmitri Roussinov, Zoe Stavri, and Hsinchun Chen
Medicine, Statistics, and Education: The Inextricable Link, Katharine K. Brieger '11 and Johanna S. Hardin
MedTextus: An Intelligent Web-Based Medical Meta-Search System, Bin Zhu, Gondy Leroy, Hsinchun Chen, and Yongchi Chen
MedTextus: An Ontology-enhanced Medical Portal, Gondy Leroy and Hsinchun Chen
Memorial/Double Pump Laplace II, Fiona Davies
Memory for Modality: Within Modality Discrimination Is Not Automatic, Leah L. Light and Dale E. Berger
Mental Measurement in the Magnitude Estimation of Length, Alan Hartley
Mental Measurement of Line Length: The Role of the Standard, Alan Hartley
Mental Rotation in Human Infants: A Sex Difference, David S. Moore and Scott P. Johnson
Mental Rotation of Dynamic, Three-Dimensional Stimuli by 3-Month-Old Infants, David S. Moore and Scott P. Johnson
Merging Science and Art: The Bigger Picture, Natasha Hall
Methods Used by Dr. R. K. Benjamin, and Other Mycologists, to Isolate Zygomycetes, Gerald L. Benny
Me—Ushiro, Me—Mae, Takeshi Kanemura
Mexican Cartel Essays and Notes: Strategic, Operational, and Tactical: A Small Wars Journal-El Centro Anthology, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Operational Note No. 1: Mexican Military Operations Against Los Zetas Communications Networks, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Strategic Note: Mexican Cartels (Transnational Criminal Organizations) Now Operating in Over 1,000 US Cities; Up From 195 US Cities, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Strategic Note No. 10: Fortified Town (Burgward) Strategy Implemented in Tamaulipas, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Strategic Note No. 11: Mexico’s Vietnam War? Soldier-to-Criminal Exchange Rates and Narco Battlefield Deaths in Context, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Strategic Note No. 12: The Spreading Criminal Insurgencies in Mexico: States With U.S. State Department Travel Advisories, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Strategic Note No. 13: City of Hidalgo, Texas, Fearful of Cartel Violence Potentials—Will Not Release New Police Chief’s Photo, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Strategic Note No. 2: Colombian Intelligence (Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad - DAS) Compromised by Drug Traffickers, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Strategic Note No. 3: U.S. Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime: DOA (Dead On Arrival)?, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Strategic Note No. 4: Texas Border Security: A Strategic Military Assessment, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Strategic Note No. 5: Border Corruption of US Officials by the Mexican Cartels & Cases Shown, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Strategic Note No. 6: 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment: 40% Increase in Active Gang Members from 2009 to 1.4 Million, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Strategic Note No. 7: US National Security and the Mexican Cartels: Proceso Magazine Interview with Dr. Robert J. Bunker, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Strategic Note No. 8: 230,000 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Mexico and ‘Narco-Refugee’ Potentials for the United States, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Strategic Note No. 9: Why Does Napolitano Focus on Al Qaeda Lone Wolves and Ignore the Mexican Cartels?, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Tactical Note #19: Sniper Rifle Use in Mexico, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Tactical Note #20: RPG-29 Anti-Armor Munitions, David A. Kuhn, Anikh Wadhawan, and Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Tactical Note No. 10: Claymore Anti-Personnel Mine (and Other Military Hardware) Recovered in Zacatecas, David A. Kuhn and Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Tactical Note No. 11: MG 34 Machine Guns Recovered in Nayarit—Hezbollah Arms Transfer Concerns, David A. Kuhn and Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Tactical Note No. 12: Forensics of Recovered Weapons from Piedras Negras Tactical Engagement Between Los Zetas and GATE (Grupo de Armas y Tácticas Especiales), David A. Kuhn and Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Tactical Note No. 13: Man Crucified in Michoacán, Mexico, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Tactical Note No. 14: Anti-Aircraft Mounted .50 cal. Machine Gun and Surface-to-Air Missile Recovered in 2009, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Tactical Note No. 15: IED Recovered from Trunk of Car by Police Station in Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, David A. Kuhn and Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Tactical Note No. 2: Ambush/Targeted Killing of US Law Enforcement Officer (San Antonio, Texas), Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Tactical Note No. 3: Narco Armored Vehicle Threats and Countermeasures, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Tactical Note No. 4: Cartel Military Weapons Cache Discovered Near Fronton, Texas., David A. Kuhn and Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Tactical Note No. 5: Indications & Warning (I&W): VBIED Anti-Vehicular/Anti-Personnel Ambush Capability for Los Zetas [Assumed], Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Tactical Note No. 6: Cross Border Incursion with SWAT Teams Responding: 15 Cartel/Gang Gunmen Cross into US Near Escobares, Texas, Robert J. Bunker and Sid Heal
Mexican Cartel Tactical Note No. 8: Teen Tortured, Dismembered, Beheaded by Trafficking Gang in Bethany, Oklahoma, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Tactical Note No. 9: Decapitated Adult Male with Hands and Feet Removed: Found on Side of a Dirt Road Near Marana (Pima County) Arizona, Robert J. Bunker
Mexican Cartel Tactical Notes, Robert J. Bunker
Mexico and Brazil: A Study of Political Institutions and Sustainable Economic Development, Victoria R. Santoro
Mexico's Criminal Insurgency: A Small Wars Journal-El Centro Anthology, John P. Sullivan and Robert J. Bunker
Michael Boock - Panel on OA Senior Theses and Undergraduate Research, Michael Boock
Microarray Data from a Statistician’s Point of View, Johanna S. Hardin
Microbial Dissolution of Clay Minerals as a Source of Iron and Silica in Marine Sediments, Robert Gaines and John S. Vorhies '05
Microstratigraphy, Trilobite Biostratinomy, and Depositional Environment of the "Lower Cambrian" Ruin Wash Lagerstätte, Pioche Formation, Nevada, Mark Webster, Robert Gaines, and Nigel C. Hughes
Migration for Education: Haitian University Students in the Dominican Republic, Jenny Miner
Migration Grid #26, Stanton Hunter
Miles Davis Recordings ∩ Salvia Dorrii ∩ Blue, Leslie Love Stone
Military Influence and Political Development in Turkey and Pakistan, Vishnu Narasimhan
MIS Legitimacy and the Proposition of a New Multi-dimensional Model of MIS, Gondy Leroy, Paul Benjamin Lowry, H. Wayne Anderson, Dennis C. Wilson, and Lin Lin
Mixed Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy of Tumors: Modeling Applications and Biological Interpretations, Lisette G. de Pillis, Weiqing Gu, and Ami E. Radunskaya
Mixed Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy of Tumors: Modeling, Applications and Biological Interpretations, Lisette G. de Pillis, Weiqing Gu, and Ami E. Radunskaya
Mobile Communication and Data Gathering Software for Autistic Children and Their Caregivers, Gondy Leroy and Gianluca De Leo
Mobile Learning: Designing a Socio-Technical Model to Empower Learning in Higher Education, Pimpaka Prasertsilp
Mocking Equality: Reproduction of Gender Hierarchy In Collegiate Mock Trial, Lily M. Foss
Modeling the Transport of Sediments and Hydrophobic Contaminants in the Lower Saginaw River, Mary P. Cardenas and Wilbert Lick
Models for Present-Worth Analysis of Selected Industrial Cash Flow Patterns, Brian Almond and Donald S. Remer
Model Updating by Adding Known Masses, Philip D. Cha and Lisette G. de Pillis
Model Updating by Adding Known Masses and Stiffnesses, Philip D. Cha and Lisette G. de Pillis
Moderate Dehydration Decreases Locomotor Performance of the Ghost Crab, Ocypode quadrata, Randi B. Weinstein, Robert J. Full, and Anna N. Ahn
Modern Conservative Judicial Activism in the Supreme Court and the Entrenchment of Privilege as a Rights Claim, Carmen Beatriz B. Mooradian
Modernizing Oregon's Liquor Control Commission, Andrew M. Goodman
Modified Incidental Teaching Sessions: A Procedure for Parents to Increase Spontaneous Speech in Their Children with Autism, Marjorie H. Charlop and Michael H. Carpenter '80
Modulated, Frequency-locked, and Chaotic Cross-waves, William B. Underhill, Seth Lichter, and Andrew J. Bernoff
Molecular Phylogenetics of Bromus (Poaceae: Pooideae) Based on Chloroplast and Nuclear DNA Sequence Data, Jeffery M. Saarela, Paul M. Peterson, Ryan M. Keane, Jacques Cayouette, and Sean W. Graham
Monetary Policy, Business Cycles, and the Behavior of Small Manufacturing Firms, Philip A. Brady
Monolingual Ireland's Dead and Gone, Tony Crowley
Monotone Solutions of a Nonautonomous Differential Equation for a Sedimenting Sphere, Andrew Belmonte, Jon T. Jacobsen, and Anandhan Jayaraman
Monsters From Within and Madness From Without: Manifestations of Identity Fragmentation as a Result of Postcolonialism in Filipino American Theatre, Kayla Dalsfoist
Montanita: A Modern Augmented Reality System, Sean Adler
Moore’s Paradox, Direct Doxastic Voluntarism, and Atheist Distrust, Kyle Thompson
More Than a Bath: An Examination of Japanese Bathing Culture, Adam M. Merry
Mormon Persecution in Missouri, 1833, Richard Bushman
Mortars, Robert J. Bunker
Mothers and Non-Mothers: Gendering the Discourse of Education in South Asia, Nita Kumar
Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents and Young Adults for Drug-related Problems, Jerry L. Grenard, Susan L. Ames, Mary Ann Pentz, and Steve Sussman
Motivation and Culture, Claudia Strauss
Motivation in Athletes With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder: Sq, Eq and Aq Relationships to Preferred Feedback, Julia C. Harreschou
Mr. Abe, Takeshi Kanemura
Multigraded Combinatorial Hopf Algebras and Refinements of Odd and Even Subalgebras, Samuel Hsiao and Gizem Karaali
Multilateral Counter-Insurgency Networks, John P. Sullivan and Robert J. Bunker
Multiple Solutions for a Dirichlet Problem with Jumping Nonlinearities II, Alfonso Castro and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Multiple Solutions for a Semilinear Dirichlet Problem, Alfonso Castro and Jorge Cossio
Multistate Effects in Calculations of the Electronic Coupling Element for Electron Transfer Using the Generalized Mulliken−Hush Method, Michael Rust '01, Jason Lappe '00, and Robert J. Cave
Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions, Robert J. Bunker
My Family of Women: Celebrating Blackness and Exploring Themes of Black Feminism, Denise Tupper
My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?, Vincent L. Wimbush
my mathematics, Karen Morgan Ivy
Nabokov's Third-Person Selves, James Morrison
'Naked’ CDS Regulation and its Impact On Price Discovery in the Credit Markets, Rodrigo Bravo Beneitez
Narco Armor: Improvised Armored Fighting Vehicles in Mexico, Robert J. Bunker and Byron Ramirez
National Culture and Internal Control, Rebecca E. Friedman
National Forest Management and Private Land Development: Historical, Political, and Planning Considerations, Martin Nie and Char Miller
Nationalism and Language, Tony Crowley
National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center System, Robert J. Bunker
Native Newspapers: The Emergence of the American Indian Press 1960-Present, Russell M. Page
Naturalization of Sequoiadendron giganteum (Cupressaceae) in Montane Southern California, Rudolf Schmid and Mena Schmid
Natural Language Processing and e-Government: Crime Information Extraction from Heterogeneous Data Sources, Chih Hao Ku '12, Alicia Iriberri '06, and Gondy Leroy
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Certain Homology 3-spheres to Have Smooth Zp-actions, Erica Flapan
Negotiating Gender Role Expectations: Rhetorical Leadership and Women in the US Senate, Michelle C. Bligh and Jeffrey C. Kohles
Neural Reuse as a Source of Developmental Homology, David S. Moore and Chris Moore
Neurocognitive Ageing of Storage and Executive Processes, Patricia A. Reuter-Lorenz, Christina Marshuetz, John Jonides, Edward E. Smith, Alan Hartley, and Robert A. Koeppe
Nevada Brothels by County ∩ Agama Sinaita ∩ Blue, Leslie Love Stone
New and Interesting Laboulbeniales from Brazil, Walter Rossi and Ernesto Bergonzo
New Approaches to Understanding the Mechanics of Burgess Shale-type Deposits: From the Micron Scale to the Global Picture, Robert Gaines and Mary L. Droser
New Evidence on Culture and the Gender Wage Gap: A Comparison across Ethnic Origin Groups, Heather Antecol
New Mechanism for Nonlocality from String Theory: UV-IR Quantum entanglement and its imprints on the CMB, Gregory Minton '08 and Vatche Sahakian
New Media, An Academic Perspective, Dashiel D. Escrofani
New Perspectives on the Materials Interface with the Three E's -- Energy, Environment and Economics, Donald S. Remer
New Species of Cucujomyces (Laboulbeniales) on Chilean Leiodidae, Walter Rossi and Alex Weir
Newton's Cubic Roots, Lisette G. de Pillis
New Wine in Old Wineskins? Growth, Terrorism and the Resource Curse in sub-Saharan Africa, S. Brock Blomberg, Nzinga H. Broussard, and Gregory Hess
Next, Takeshi Kanemura
NFL Betting Market: Using Adjusted Statistics to Test Market Efficiency and Build a Betting Model, James P. Donnelly
NGO Terror: Why Regimes Restrict NGOs, Blake Weber
Nomenclatural Changes for Some Grasses in California and the Muhlenbergia Clade (Poaceae), J. Travis Columbus and James P. Smith Jr.
Nomenclatural Changes for Some Grasses in California. II., James P. Smith Jr. and J. Travis Columbus
Nominal Income Targeting with the Monetary Base as Instrument: An Evaluation of McCallum's Rule, Gregory Hess, David H. Small, and Flint Brayton
"No Modern Joshua": Nationalization, Scriptures, and Race, Vincent L. Wimbush
Non-Blocking Networks, Paul Feldman, Joel Friedman, and Nicholas Pippenger
Non-farm Rural Employment in Latin America: Help Small Landowners Make the Transition, Isabel Harbaugh
Non-Lethal Defense II Conference, Robert J. Bunker
Nonlethal Technology and Fourth Epoch War: A New Paradigm of Politico-Military Force, Robert J. Bunker and T. Lindsay Moore
Nonlethal Weapons: A British Review, Robert J. Bunker
Non-Lethal Weapons Conference, Robert J. Bunker
Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, Robert J. Bunker
Nonlocal Aggregation Models: A Primer of Swarm Equilibria, Andrew J. Bernoff and Chad M. Topaz
Nonnegative Solutions for a Class of Nonpositone Problems, Alfonso Castro and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Nonnegative Solutions for a Class of Radially Symmetric Nonpositone Problems, Alfonso Castro and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Nonnegative Solutions to a Semilinear Dirichlet Problem in a Ball Are Positive and Radially Symmetric, Alfonso Castro and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Non-random Vessel Distribution in Woods: Patterns, Modes, Diversity, Correlations, Sherwin Carlquist
Non-vertical Excitation Energies for Low-lying Singlet States of Butadiene and Hexatriene, Robert J. Cave and Ernest R. Davidson
Norm Estimates of Complex Symmetric Operators Applied to Quantum Systems, Emil Prodan, Stephan Ramon Garcia, and Mihai Putinar
North American Free Trade: An assessment, Sven W. Arndt
Notes on Native Vascular Plants from Mima Mound-Vernal Pool Terrain and the Importance of Preserving Coastal Terraces in Orange County, California, Richard E. Riefner Jr., Steve Boyd, and Roy J. Shlemon
Notes to Athene: Mentoring Relationships for Women of Color, Ernestine K. Enomoto, Mary E. Gardiner, and Margaret Grogan
‘Nothing is Sure’: An Exploration of Post-War Gender Dynamics Through Hemingway’s Use of the Erotic Triangle, Julia S. Hughes
"Nothing is Sure": An Exploration of Post World War I Gender Dynamics Through Ernest Hemingway's Use of the Erotic Triangle, Julia S. Hughes
Not On Tonight, Kristen Bradford
Not-so Rugged Individualists: U.S. Americans’ Conflicting Ideas about Poverty, Claudia Strauss
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Robert J. Bunker
Number Theory: A Lively Introduction with Proofs, Applications, and Stories, James Pommersheim, Tim K. Marks, and Erica Flapan
Numerical Methods for Analyzing the Effects of Uncertainties on the Dynamics of Periodic Structures, Philip D. Cha and Lisette G. de Pillis
Office Technology and Employee Attitudes, Urs E. Gattiker, Barbara A. Gutek, and Dale E. Berger
Offshore Sourcing and Production Sharing in Preference Areas, Sven W. Arndt
Off Sunset Boulevard: Students, Homelessness and Disability in Los Angeles- IDEA, McKinney Vento and the Void in Between, Remy Krumpak
Old Faithful Eruptions ∩ Nigella Sativa ∩ Blue, Leslie Love Stone
Old Growth: A Reconstruction of Gifford Pinchot's Training of a Forester, 1914-1937, Char Miller
Olmos Park and the Creation of a Suburban Bastion, Char Miller and Heywood T. Sanders
Omni-Channel Retail and the New Age Consumer: An Empirical Analysis of Direct-to-Consumer Channel Interaction in the Retail Industry, Alec J. Dorman
On a Family of K3 Surfaces with S₄ Symmetry, Dagan Karp, Jacob Lewis, Daniel J. Moore '11, Dmitri Skjorshammer '11, and Ursula Whitcher
On a Lower Bound for the Redundancy of Reliable Networks with Noisy Gates, Nicholas Pippenger
On Another Boolean Matrix, Nicholas Pippenger
On Choosing and Bounding Probability Metrics, Alison L. Gibbs and Francis E. Su
On Contemplation in Mathematics, Frank Lucas Wolcott
On Crossbar Switching Networks, Nicholas Pippenger
On Cultural Polymathy: How Visual Thinking, Culture, and Community Create a Platform for Progress, Whitney Dail
On D0 Brane Polarization by Tidal Forces, Vatche Sahakian
On Hopf Algebras and Their Generalizations, Gizem Karaali
On Maximally Parallel Schemata, Robert M. Keller
On Monotone Formulae with Restricted Depth, Maria M. Klawe, Wolfgang J. Paul, Nicholas J. Pippenger, and Mihalis Yannakakis
On Multiple Solutions of a Nonlinear Dirichlet Problem, Alfonso Castro, Jorge Cossio, and John M. Neuberger
On Networks of Noisy Gates, Nicholas J. Pippenger
On Rearrangeable and Non-Blocking Switching Networks, Nicholas Pippenger
On Simultaneous Resource Bounds, Nicholas J. Pippenger
On the Application of Coding Theory to Hashing, Nicholas Pippenger
On the Application of Meta-Analysis in Pectus Excavatum Research, Moh H. Malek, Dale E. Berger, William D. Marelich, and Jared W. Coburn
On the Closure of the Complex Symmetric Operators: Compact Operators and Weighted Shifts, Stephan Ramon Garcia and Daniel E. Poore '11
On the Complexity of Strictly Nonblocking Concentration Networks, Nicholas Pippenger
On the Conflict-Poverty Nexus, S. Brock Blomberg, Gregory Hess, and Siddarth Thacker
On the Decomposition of Asynchronous Systems, Robert M. Keller
On the Edge: Water, Immigration, and Politics in the Southwest, Char Miller
On the Evaluation of Powers and Related Problems, Nicholas J. Pippenger
On-the-Fly Algorithms and Sequential Machines, Nicholas Pippenger
On the Hardness of Counting and Sampling Center Strings, Christina Boucher and Mohamed Omar
On the Inappropriateness of Stepwise Regression Analysis for Model Building and Testing, Moh H. Malek, Dale E. Berger, and Jared W. Coburn
On the Matrix Equation XA + AX_T = 0, Stephan Ramon Garcia and Amy L. Shoemaker '14
On the Matrix Equation XA + AX_T = 0, II, Alice Zhuo-Yu Chan '14, Luis Alberto Garcia '14, Stephan Ramon Garcia, and Amy L. Shoemaker '14
On the Norm Closure Problem for Complex Symmetric Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia and Daniel E. Poore '11
On the Number of Radially Symmetric Solutions to Dirichlet Problems with Jumping Nonlinearities of Superlinear Order, Alfonso Castro and Hendrik J. Kuiper
On the Polarization of Closed Strings by Ramond-Ramond Fluxes, Vatche Sahakian
On the Quantization of Zero-Weight Super Dynamical R-Matrices, Gizem Karaali
On the Relationship Between Misperceptions of Randomness and the Self-Serving Bias, Hye Min Shin
On the Steepest Descent for Nonpotential Locally Lipschitzian Vector Fields, Alfonso Castro
On the Vertical and Adiabatic Excitation Energies of the 21A(g), State of trans-1,3-butadiene, Jason Lappe '00 and Robert J. Cave
On Toric Symmetry of P1 x P2, Olivia D. Beckwith
On π-Hyperbolic Knots which are Determined by their 2-Fold and 4-Fold Cyclic Branched Coverings, Michel Boileau and Erica Flapan
Op-Ed: The Need For A "Half-Pivot to the Americas", Robert J. Bunker
Open Space and Free Time: Pleasure for the People of Banaras, Nita Kumar
Operational Combat Analysis of the Al Qaeda Network, Robert J. Bunker and Matt Begert
Operations Other Than War Symposium Held, Robert J. Bunker
Optical Measurements of the Core Radius of High-Δ Fibers with 1-nm Resolution, Peter N. Saeta
Optical Rectification at Semiconductor Surfaces, Shun Lien Chuang, Stefan Schmitt-Rink, Benjamin I. Greene, Peter N. Saeta, and Anthony F. J. Levi
Optical Studies of Single-Crystal C₆₀, Peter N. Saeta, Benjamin I. Greene, A. R. Kortan, N. Kopylov, and F. A. Thiel
Optimal Control of Mixed Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy of Tumors, Lisette G. de Pillis, K Renee Fister, Weiqing Gu, Tiffany Head '06, Kenny Maples '06, Todd Neal, Anand Murugan, and Kenji Kozai '08
Optimal Leapfrogging, Joel Auslander, Arthur T. Benjamin, and Daniel S. Wilkerson
Optimal Therapy Regimens for Treatment-Resistant Mutations of HIV, Weiqing Gu and Helen Moore
Optimization in Chemical Kinetics, Arthur T. Benjamin and Gordon J. Hogenson '92
Optimization of Plasmas for Recombination-Pumped Short-Wavelength Lasers, M. Murphy, C. Glasheen, F. A. Moscatelli, and Thomas D. Donnelly
Orange Grass, Suzanne U. Gibbs
Ordinary Differential Equations, Taylor McAdam
Organizational Leadership in Times of Uncertainty: Is Transformational Leadership the Answer?, Sophon Shadraconis
Organizations and Expertise in China, Rudi Volti
Organized Crime Violence in Mexico, John E. Oliphant
Our Language of Dreams, Madison K. Pathe
Outlier Detection in the Multiple Cluster Setting Using the Minimum Covariance Determinant Estimator, Johanna S. Hardin and David M. Rocke
Outlier, Or A Statistical Explanation of Fear, Erika Dyquisto
Outside Full Gallery Shot, Katie L. Grip
Overview: Defending Against Enemies of the State, Robert J. Bunker and Matt Begert
Overview of gallery from entry., Kristen Bradford
Overview of gallery opposite entry., Kristen Bradford
OxyMormon: Feminism Ain't Got No Place on the Pulpit… Or Does It?, Jennifer Johnson-Bell
Paint it Black -- A Combinatorial Yawp, Arthur T. Benjamin, Jennifer J. Quinn, James A. Sellers, and Mark A. Shattuck
Painty Panty Lantern, Katie L. Grip
Paleoecology of the Familiar Trilobite Elrathia Kingii: An Early Exaerobic Zone Inhabitant, Robert Gaines and Mary L. Droser
Paradise Maintenance Department, Daniel Taulapapa McMullin
Paradise Maintenance Department, Dan Taulapapa McMullin
Paradoxical Effects of Alcohol Information on Alcohol Outcome Expectancies, Jerry L. Grenard, Marvin D. Krank, Susan L. Ames, Tara Schoenfeld, and Alan W. Stacy
Parallel Communication with Limited Buffers, Nicholas J. Pippenger
Parallel Program Schemata and Maximal Parallelism I. Fundamental Results, Robert M. Keller
Parallel Program Schemata and Maximal Parallelism II: Construction of Closures, Robert M. Keller
Parallel Selection, Yossi Azar and Nicholas Pippenger
Parallel Traditions: State Folk Dance Ensembles and Folk Dance in "The Field", Anthony Shay
Parenting Practices and the Development of Adolescents’ Social Trust, Laura Wray-Lake and Constance A. Flanagan
Parenting Styles and Self-Esteem, Lucy C. Driscoll
Partial Test Ban Treaty, Robert J. Bunker
Particle Size Determination: An undergraduate lab in Mie scattering, I. Weiner '01, M. Rust '01, and Thomas D. Donnelly
Past as Present, Present as Past: Freedom to Read the Self and the World, Vincent L. Wimbush
Past Forward, Char Miller
Patenting Strategy of Entrepreneurial Orientated Firms in New Zealand, Jenny Darroch, Morgan P. Miles, and Tim Buisson
Patronage, Identity and Culture Change: Five Melas of Banaras, Nita Kumar
Patterns of Species Co-occurrence in the Antillean Bat Fauna, Donald A. McFarlane
Patty Hearst: A Media Heiress Caught in Media Spectacle, Anna E. Bodi
Pause, Rewind: Temporal Manipulation in Chris Ware’s Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth, Carla Mokin
PCB-Contaminated Food in the Canadian Arctic: Interactions between Environmental Policy, Cultural Values, and the Healthcare System, Katharine K. Brieger
Peaceful Verses: Political Ideology in Newspaper Poetry of the War of 1812, Sydney A. Miller
Pebbling with an Auxiliary Pushdown, Nicholas Pippenger
Peer Pressure: Social Psychology and the Political and Security Committee, Bryce Comstock
Pengelly's Legacy Reconsidered: A GIS Approach to Spatial Analysis of Palaeontological and Archaeological Collections from Kents Cavern, England, Sorin Mihai, Joyce Lundberg, Donald A. McFarlane, and Barry Chandler
Peon Mei(n), Kristen Bradford
Per Aspera Ad Astra: Wandering To The Stars of British Romanticism, Elizabeth Yeo
Perception Precedes Computation: Can Familiarity Preferences Explain Apparent Calculation by Human Babies?, David S. Moore and Laura A. Cocas
Perceptions of Rape Victims: Rape, Pregnancy, and Abortion in Akin's 'Legitimate' America, Rachel H. Weiner
Perfect Sampling of Vervaat Perpetuities, Robert Tristan Williams
Performance Changes in Champion Swimmers Aged 30 to 84 Years, Alan Hartley and Joellen T. Hartley
Performing Archive: Curtis and the "vanishing race”, Amy Borsuk '14, Beatrice Schuster '14, David J. Kim, Heather Blackmore, Jacqueline Wernimont, and Ulia Gosart
Perils of Providing Visual Health Information Overviews for Consumers with Low Health Literacy or High Stress, Gondy Leroy and Trudi Miller '08
Perpetual Jihad: Striving for a Caliphate, Hakim Hazim and Robert J. Bunker
Perpetuating PMS: What Supports the Stereotype?, Brianna Buhaly
Perspectivas Mexicanas Sobre la Política Migratoria en los Estados Unidos: Hacia un Enfoque Bilateral, Jeffrey S. Macdonald
Perspectives in an Age of Modernization & Globalization: A Comparative Study of the United States & Botswana, Tawnie G. Fotter
Persuading Consumers to Form Precise Search Engine Queries, Gondy Leroy
Phase Plane Behavior of Solitary Waves in Nonlinear Layered Media, Darryl H. Yong and Randall J. Leveque
Phenotypic Plasticity May Facilitate Invasion by Aegilops triuncialis, Andrew R. Dyer
Phenotypic Plasticity of Reproduction in Schizachyrium scoparium (Poaceae) Populations in Relation to Ecological History, Elizabeth M. Obee and James A. Quinn
Photoluminescence Properties of Silicon Quantum-Well Layers, Peter N. Saeta and A. C. Gallagher
Phylogenetic Implications of a Unique 5.8S nrDNA Insertion in Cyperaceae, Julian R. Starr, Geneviève Gravel, Anne Bruneau, and A. Muthama Muasya
Phylogenetic Relationships Among the One-Flowered, Determinate Genera of Bambuseae (Poaceae: Bambusoideae), Lynn G. Clark, Soejatmi Dransfield, Jimmy Triplett, and J. Gabriel Sánchez-Ken
Phylogenetic Relationships in Tribe Cariceae (Cyperaceae) Based on Nested Analyses of Four Molecular Data Sets, Marcia J. Waterway and Julian R. Starr
Phylogenetic Relationships of the Decumbentes Group of Paspalum, Thrasya, and Thrasyopsis (Poaceae: Panicoideae: Paniceae), Silvia S. Denham and Fernando O. Zuloaga
Phylogenetic Relationships Within the Centothecoideae + Panicoideae Clade (Poaceae) Based on ndhF and rpl16 Intron Sequences and Structural Data, J. Gabriel Sánchez-Ken and Lynn G. Clark
Phylogenetics of Andropogoneae (Poaceae: Panicoideae) Based on Nuclear Ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer and Chloroplast trnL–F Sequences, Elizabeth M. Skendzic, J. Travis Columbus, and Rosa Cerros-Tlatilpa
Phylogenetics of Chloridoideae (Gramineae): a Preliminary Study Based on Nuclear Ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer and Chloroplast trnL–F Sequences, J. Travis Columbus, Rosa Cerros-Tlatilpa, Michael S. Kinney, Maria Elena Siqueiros-Delgado, Hester L. Bell, M. Patrick Griffith, and Nancy F. Refulio-Rodriguez
Phylogeny, Adaptive Radiation, and Historical Biogeography of Bromeliaceae Inferred from ndhF Sequence Data, Thomas J. Givnish, Kendra C. Millam, Paul E. Berry, and Kenneth J. Sytsma
Phylogeny and Biogeography of Endemic Festuca (Poaceae) from New Zealand Based on Nuclear (ITS) and Chloroplast (trnL–trnF) Nucleotide Sequences, Kelvin M. Lloyd, Angela M. Hunter, David A. Orlovich, Suzanne J. Draffin, Alan V. Stewart, and William G. Lee
Phylogeny and Historical Ecology of Rhodocoma (Restionaceae) from the Cape Floristic Region, Christopher R. Hardy and H. Peter Linder
Phylogeny of Abildgaardieae (Cyperaceae) Inferred from ITS and trnL–F Data, Kioumars Ghamkhar, Adam D. Marchant, Karen L. Wilson, and Jeremy J. Bruhl
Phylogeny of Cyperaceae Based on DNA Sequence Data–a New rbcL Analysis, David A. Simpson, A. Muthama Muasya, Marccus V. Alves, Jeremy J. Bruhl, Sandra Dhooge, Mark W. Chase, Carol A. Furness, Kioumars Ghamkhar, Paul Goetghebeur, Trevor R. Hodkinson, Adam D. Marchant, Anton A. Reznicek, Roland Nieuwborg, Eric H. Roalson, Erik Smets, Julian R. Starr, William W. Thomas, Karen L. Wilson, and Xiufu Zhang
Phylogeny of Poa (Poaceae) Based on trnT–trnF Sequence Data: Major Clades and Basal Relationships, Lynn J. Gillespie, Annie Archambault, and Robert J. Soreng
Phylogeny of the Grasses (Poaceae) Revisited, Melvin R. Duvall, Jerrold I Davis, Lynn G. Clark, Jeffrey D. Noll, Douglas H. Goldman, and J. Gabriel Sánchez-Ken
Phylogeny of Triticeae (Poaceae) Based on Three Organelle Genes, Two Single-Copy Nuclear Genes, and Morphology, Ole Seberg and Gitte Petersen
Planned Obsolescence : Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy, Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Plants of the Colonet Region, Baja California, Mexico, and a Vegetation Map of Colonet Mesa, Alan B. Harper, Sula Vanderplank, Mark Dodero, Sergio Mata, and Jorge Ochoa
Plasticity of Chasmogamous and Cleistogamous Reproductive Allocation in Grasses, Gregory P. Cheplick
Poems, Paul Rosiak
Poetic Reactions, Lawrence M. Lesser
Poetry and Power: The Intersection of Poetry and Transformational Leadership, Wade M. Vaughn
Police Documentation of Drunk Driving Arrests: Jury Verdicts and Guilty Pleas as a Function of Quantity and Quality of Evidence, John R. Snortum, Paul R. Riva, Dale E. Berger, and Thomas W. Mangione
Police Evidence and Court Outcomes for Drunk Driving Cases, Dale E. Berger
Policy Approaches to Reduce Discrimination Against Minorities in Europe, Bojana Bozic
Policy Challenges in a Dual Exchange Rate Regime, Sven W. Arndt
Policy Choices in an Open Economy: Some Dynamic Considerations, Sven W. Arndt
Politics and Exchange Rate Forecasts, S. Brock Blomberg and Gregory Hess
Ponderosa Pine Revisited, J. Robert Haller and Nancy J. Vivrette
Portfolio Company Selection Criteria: Accelerators vs Venture Capitalists, Cody Chang
Portfolio Optimization Utilizing Hedge Fund Strategies in Different Market Conditions, Travis Tunnell
Positioning of Emergency Facilities in an Obstructed Traffic Grid, Jeff Cronk '86, Duff Howell '86, Keith Saints '87, and Henry A. Krieger
Positive Solution Curves of Semipositone Problems with Concave Nonlinearities, Alfonso Castro, Sudhasree Gadam, and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Positive Solutions for a Concave Semipositone Dirichlet Problem, Alfonso Castro and Ratnasingham Shivaji
Positive Solutions for a Semilinear Elliptic Problem with Critical Exponent, Ismail Ali and Alfonso Castro
Positive Solutions for Classes of Multiparameter Elliptic Semipositone Problems, Scott Caldwell, Alfonso Castro, Ratnasingham Shivaji, and Sumalee Unsurangsie
Possible T Cell Immune Response to AAV Treatment in non-Human Primates with Spinal Cord Injury, Laura Wyatt and Ephron Rosenzweig
Post Citizen United: The Lack of Political Accountability and Rise of Voter Suppression in a Time of Newly Defined Corruption, Hannah S. Fullerton
Post-Merger Psychological Contracts: Exploring a “Multiple Foci” Conceptualization, Michelle C. Bligh and Melissa K. Carsten '06
Post-speleogenetic Biogenic Modification of Gomantong Caves, Sabah, Borneo, Joyce Lundberg and Donald A. McFarlane
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the Latino Culture: A Proposed Culturally-Responsive Intervention Program for Latinas, Rochelle N. Welsh
Potential Problems in Estimating Bilinear Time-Series Models, Allan D. Brunner and Gregory Hess
Poverty in a Dichotomized Economy, Sven W. Arndt
Power and Nostalgia in Eras of Cultural Rebirth: The Timeless Allure of the Farnese Antinous, Kathleen LaManna
Pre-Angkor Khmer Religion and State, Daniel Michon
Predicting Crime Reporting with Decision Trees and the National Crime Victimization Survey, Gondy Leroy and Juliette Gutierrez '13
Predicting Knot or Catenane Type of Site-Specific Recombination Products, Dorothy Buck and Erica Flapan
Predicting Performance in the Basic Research Methods Course in Psychology, Alan Hartley and Joellen T. Hartley
Predicting/Preventing Child Abuse: Value of Utility Maximizing Cutting Scores, Richard N. Tsujimoto and Dale E. Berger
Predicting Short-Term Exchange Rates with a Hybrid PPP/UIP Model, Xiaoyan Huang
Predicting the Drug Release Kinetics of Matrix Tablets, Boris Baeumer, Lipika Chatterjee, Peter Hinow, Thomas Rades, Ami E. Radunskaya, and Ian Tucker
Prediction of Success or Failure in Birth Planning: An Approach to Prevention of Individual and Family Stress, Burton Mindick, Stuart Oskamp, and Dale E. Berger
Preference Areas and Intra-Product Specialization, Sven W. Arndt
Preliminaries to a Theory of Culture Acquisition, Claudia Strauss and Naomi Quinn
Preliminary Isozyme Evidence on the Hybrid Origin and Diploid Progenitors of Bromus pectinatus (Poaceae), Tatjana Oja
Preparing for a Rewarding Career Applying the Science of Psychology, Dale E. Berger
Presence of Mine, Kristin Frost
Presence of Mine (detail), Kristin J. Frost
Presence of Mine & Earthly Cycles, Kristin Frost
Present Worth Analysis of Capital Projects Using a Polynomial Cash Flow Model, Brian Almond and Donald S. Remer
Presidential Charismatic Leadership: Exploring the Rhetoric of Social Change, Viviane Seyranian '10 and Michelle C. Bligh
Presidential Politics: The Social Media Revolution, Alexandra P. Toohey
Press Freedom in the European Union and Candidate Countries: A New Regional Reality, Stephanie Benedict
Pretty Vacant, Yoony L. Takeuchi
Pretty Vacant, Yoony L. Takeuchi
Pretty Vacant, Yoony L. Takeuchi
Pretty Vacant, Yoony L. Takeuchi
Preventing Digital Piracy: A Change in the Business Model, Brandon T. Bak
Prevention Education Effects on Fundamental Memory Processes, Susan L. Ames, Marvin D. Krank, Jerry L. Grenard, Steve Sussman, and Alan W. Stacy
Pre-Wisconsinan Mammals From Jamaica and Models of Late Quaternary Extinction in the Greater Antilles, Ross D. E. MacPhee, Derek C. Ford, and Donald A. McFarlane
Primary Relaxation Processes at the Band Edge of SiO₂, Peter N. Saeta and Benjamin I. Greene
Probabilistic Simulations, Nicholas J. Pippenger
Probing Nonequilibrium Electron Distributions in Gold by Use of Second Harmonic Generation, K. L. Moore '99 and Thomas D. Donnelly
Probing Predispositions: The Pragmatism of a Process Perspective, David S. Moore
Process Equipment Cost, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical, Donald S. Remer and Javier H. Idrovo '89
Process Equipment, Cost Scale-up, Donald S. Remer and Lawrence H. Chai
Process Plants, Costs of Scaled-up Units, Donald S. Remer and Lawrence H. Chai
Production Networks in an Economically Integrated Region, Sven W. Arndt
Production Sharing and Regional Integration, Sven W. Arndt
Production Sharing and Singapore’s Global Competitiveness, Sven W. Arndt
Project and Engineering Management Certification, Donald S. Remer and Michael A. Martin '09
Proofs that Really Count: The Art of Combinatorial Proof, Arthur T. Benjamin and Jennifer J. Quinn
Propeller, Joel Kahn
Proving Ground: Richard Harding Davis in the American West, Char Miller
Psychological Warfare, Japanese, Robert J. Bunker
Pulmonary Function Following Surgical Repair of Pectus Excavatum: A Meta-Analysis, Moh H. Malek, Dale E. Berger, William D. Marelich, Jared W. Coburn, T. W. Beck, and T. J. Housh
Puritan, Yankee, and Father: An Intellectual Portrait of Elizur Wright, Esq. (1762 - 1845), Char Miller
Putnam, Pizza & Problem Solving, Andrew J. Bernoff and Francis E. Su
Quantitative Approaches to Sustainability Seminars, Rachel Levy
Quantum Man, Julian Voss-Andreae
Quiverfull: Conservative Christian Women and Empowerment in the Home, Juliana Denson
Quotient Sets and Diophantine Equations, Stephan Ramon Garcia, Vincent Selhorst-Jones '09, Daniel E. Poore '11, and Noah Simon '08
Quotients of Gaussian Primes, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Racializing Spaces: Harlem, Housing Discrimination, and African American Community Repression in the War on Drugs, Mary Hershewe
Radially Symmetric Solutions to a Dirichlet Problem Involving Critical Exponents, Alfonso Castro and Alexandra Kurepa
Radially Symmetric Solutions to a Superlinear Dirichlet Problem in a Ball with Jumping Nonlinearities, Alfonso Castro and Alexandra Kurepa
Radial Solutions of Quasilinear Elliptic Differential Equations, Jon T. Jacobsen and Klaus Schmitt
Radial Solutions to a Dirichlet Problem Involving Critical Exponents when N=6, Alfonso Castro and Alexandra Kurepa
Ramanujan Sums as Supercharacters, Christopher F. Fowler '12, Stephan Ramon Garcia, and Gizem Karaali
R₀ Analysis of a Spatiotemporal Model for a Stream Population, H. W. Mckenzie, Y. Jin, Jon T. Jacobsen, and M. A. Lewis
Random Approaches to Fibonacci Identities, Arthur T. Benjamin, Gregory M. Levin, Karl Mahlburg '01, and Jennifer J. Quinn
Random Walks on the Torus with Several Generators, Timothy Prescott '02 and Francis E. Su
Ranking Academic Departments: Empirical Findings and a Theoretical Perspective, David E. Drew and Ronald Karpf
Ranunculus arvensis (Ranunculaceae), an Alien Weed New to Southern California, Richard E. Riefner Jr and Steve Boyd
Rape as a Weapon of War: The Demystification of the German Wehrmacht During the Second World War, Alisse Baumgarten
Rapid, Large-Scale Production of Full-Length, Human-Like Monoclonal Antibodies, Christopher M. Warner
Rate of Change, Elizabeth Schofield
Rates of Convergence to Self-Similar Solutions of Burgers' Equation, Joel C. Miller '00 and Andrew J. Bernoff
Rawlsian Foundations for Justification and Toleration of Civil Disobedience, Christina R. Noriega
Reading Texts as Reading Ourselves: A Chapter in the History of African American Biblical Interpretation, Vincent L. Wimbush
"Read Less, Know More"?: The Effect of News Aggregators on Quality Journalism, Olivia L. Sylvester
Real Estate Market Growth in Los Angeles County and New York County, Bryanna Moore
Real-Financial Linkages Among Open Economies, Sven W. Arndt and David J. Richardson
Realism, Idealism, and U.S. Foreign Policy in the Islamic World: Why Democratic Realpolitik is Essential, Robert J. Bunker
Real Outer Functions, Stephan Ramon Garcia and Donald Sarason
Reassessment of Yucca brevifolia and Recognition of Y. jaegeriana as a Distinct Species, Lee W. Lenz
Reauthorizing No Child Left Behind: Assessing the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Aubrey A. Zimmerling
Rebel Girls: Feminist Punk for a New Generation, Rachel L. Bodansky
Rebounding From Corruption: Perceptions of Ethics Program Effectiveness in a Public Sector Organization, Kathie L. Pelletier '09 and Michelle C. Bligh
Rebranding the Aristocracy: The British Aristocracy in the Twentieth Century as Portrayed in Contemporary Nostalgic Writing, Caroline W. Anderson
Recent Progress on Truncated Toeplitz Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia and William T. Ross
Reciprocal Altruism Between Male Vampire Bats, Desmodus Rotundus, Lisa K. Denault and Donald A. McFarlane
Recognizing Graph Theoretic Properties with Polynomial Ideals, Jesus A. De Loera, Christopher J. HIllar, Peter N. Malkin, and Mohamed Omar
Reconceptualizing the 2006 QDR Threat Categories, Robert J. Bunker
Recounting Fibonacci and Lucas Identities, Arthur T. Benjamin and Jennifer J. Quinn
Recounting the Odds of an Even Derangement, Arthur T. Benjamin, Curtis D. Bennet, and Florence Newberger
Reddit Alert: The Function and Future of Reddit as a Crisis Communication Tool, Meredith O. Kertzman
Rediscovery of Monotropastrum sciaphilum (Andres) G.D.Wallace in China after 91 Years, Min Shen, Chang-Qin Zhang, and Gary D. Wallace
Red Teams and Counterterrorism Training (International and Security Affairs Series), Stephen Sloan and Robert J. Bunker
Reduced Electronic Spaces for Modeling Donor/Acceptor Interactions, Robert J. Cave; Stephen T. Edwards '06; John A, Kouzelos '07; and Marshall D. Newton
Reducing Employee Turnover in the Big Four Public Accounting Firms, Erin L. MacLean
Reducing the Effects of Adjacent Distractors by Narrowing Attention, David LaBerge '90, Vincent Brown, Marc Carter, David Bash, and Alan Hartley
Re-evaluating the American Dream for Low-Wage Chinese Workers in Los Angeles, Priscilla Hsu
Reexamining Originalism, Shane Kunselman
Reflections ~ How STEM becomes STEAM, Ruth Catchen
Reflexions, Takeshi Kanemura
Reflexions—after Takeshi & Cris 1, Takeshi Kanemura
Reflexions—Takeshi & Cris 2, Takeshi Kanemura
Reforming Affirmative Action for the Future: A Constitutional and Consequentialist Approach, Quinn Chasan
Regional Currency Arrangements in North America, Sven W. Arndt
Regioselective One-Step Synthesis and Topological Chirality of trans-3, trans-3,trans-3 and e,e,e [60]Fullerene-Cyclotriveratrylene Tris-adducts: Discussion on a Topological meso-Form, Gwénaël Rapenne, Jeanne Crassous, Lourdes E. Echegoyen, Luis Echegyoen, Erica Flapan, and François Diederich
Relations Among Complexity Measures, Nicholas Pippenger and Michael J. Fischer
Relationships Among Some Populations of Anthoxanthum alpinum and A. odoratum (Poaceae, Pooideae): a Morphological/Anatomical Approach, Manuel Pimentel and Elvira Sahuquillo
Relationships Between Physical Exercise and Cognitive Abilities in Older Adults, Louise Clarkson-Smith and Alan Hartley
Reliable Computation by Formulas in the Presence of Noise, Nicholas Pippenger
Religion and Ritual in Indian Schools: Banaras from the 1880s to the 1940s, Nita Kumar
Religious Iconography in "Twilight": Veneration and Fandom, Jacqueline E. Swaidan
Re-masculating the Vampire: Conceptions of Sexuality and the Undead from Rossetti's Proserpine to Meyer's Cullen, Emily Schuck
Remembering What It Was to Be Me: a Collection of Analyses of Themes in Joan Didion’s Nonfiction Writing, Kelsey Brown
Remember Skiyaki?, Takeshi Kanemura
Render Weight of Animation Scripts: A Framework For Identifying Performance Pain Points In Mobile Web Applications, Juan C. Medina
Rental Harmony: Sperner's Lemma in Fair Division, Francis E. Su
Requirements Engineering using Appreciative Inquiry for an Online Community of Caregivers of Children with Autism, Carol Kernitzki Gonzales, Gondy Leroy, and Gianluca De Leo
Resale Price Maintenance: The Shortcomings of Leegin, Alexander Pei
Resonant Solutions and Turning Points in an Elliptic Problem with Oscillatory Boundary Conditions, Alfonso Castro and Rosa Pardo
Restricted Dislocation Motion in Crystals of Colloidal Dimer Particles, Sharon J. Gerbode, Stephanie H. Lee, Chekesha M. Liddell, and Itai Cohen
Rethinking Insurgency: Criminality, Spirituality, and Societal Warfare in the Americas, John P. Sullivan and Robert J. Bunker
Rethinking OOTW, Robert J. Bunker
Reticent Doodle, Matthew M. Hillseth
Reticent Doodle, Matthew M. Hillseth
Reticent Doodle, Matthew M. Hillseth
Reticent Doodle, Matthew M. Hillseth
Reuniting History and Sociology Through Research on Technological Change, Rudi Volti
Revealing the Antecedents and Benefits of KMS Use: An Exploratory Study in a Petroleum Company in Oman, Kamla Al-Busaidi '05, Lorne Olfman, Terry Ryan, and Gondy Leroy
Reverse Engineering Asymmetric Warfare: Applying Space-Time, Matter-Energy and Organizational-Doctrinal Analysis to Al Qaeda Operations, Robert J. Bunker
Review: A Class of Solutions to the Quantum Colored Yang-Baxter Equation, Gizem Karaali
Review: An Intertwining Property for Positive Toeplitz Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: An Operator Approach to the Rational Solutions of the Classical Yang-Baxter Equation, Gizem Karaali
Review: Cake-Cutting Algorithms: Be Fair if You Can, Francis E. Su
Review: Certain Shifts on Banach Spaces of Formal Power Series, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: Classification of Four and Six Dimensional Drinfel'd Superdoubles, Gizem Karaali
Review: Classification of Quasi-Trigonometric Solutions of the Classical Yang-Baxter Equation, Gizem Karaali
Review: Common Cyclic Vectors for Unitary Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: Cyclicity Results for Some Antianalytic Toeplitz Operators Acting on H^p, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: Degenerate Series Representations of the q-deformed Algebra soq′(r,s), Gizem Karaali
Review: Dynamical Yang-Baxter Maps with an Invariance Condition, Gizem Karaali
Review: Embeddings of Model Subspaces of the Hardy Class: Compactness and Schatten–von Neumann Ideals, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: Graded Structure and Hopf Structures in Parabosonic Algebra. an Alternative Approach to Bosonisation, Gizem Karaali
Review: Hankel and Toeplitz Transforms on H¹: Continuity, Compactness and Fredholm Properties, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: Hypercyclic Pairs of Coanalytic Toeplitz Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: Il Trionfo Della Miseria, Gli Alberghi dei Poveri di Genova, Palermo e Napoli, George Gorse
Review: Insatiable Appetite: The Unided States and the Ecological Degradation of the Tropical World, Paul F. Steinberg
Review: Intertwining Symmetry Algebras of Quantum Superintegrable Systems, Gizem Karaali
Review: Lie Structure in Semiprime Superalgebras with Superinvolution, Gizem Karaali
Review: Lusztig Symmetries and Automorphisms of Quantum Superalgebras, Gizem Karaali
Review: Massey Products on Cycles of Projective Lines and Trigonometric Solutions of the Yang-Baxter Equations, Gizem Karaali
Review: Moi, Tituba, Sorcière...Noire de Salem, Marie-Denise Shelton
Review: Naomi Miller, Renaissance Bologna: A Study in Architectural Form and Content, George Gorse
Review: Nearly Invariant Subspaces for Backwards Shifts on Vector-Valued Hardy Spaces, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: Nontangential Limits in Pt(μ)-spaces and the Index of Invariant Subgroups, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review of Psychological Anthropology: A Reader on Self in Culture, Claudia Strauss
Review of The Cultural Dialectics of Knowledge and Desire, Claudia Strauss
Review of The Literary Mind, Claudia Strauss
Review of The Mirage of a Space Between Nature and Nurture by Evelyn Fox Keller, David S. Moore
Review: On a Class of Reflexive Toeplitz Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: On Quantum Yang-Baxter Coherent Algebra Sheaves, Gizem Karaali
Review: On Rank-One Perturbations of Normal Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: On Some Bergman Shift Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: On the Near Periodicity of Eigenvalues of Toeplitz Matrices, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: Quantization of Hamiltonian-type Lie Algebras, Gizem Karaali
Review: Set-Theoretic Solutions of the Yang-Baxter Equation, Graphs and Computations, Gizem Karaali
Review: Shift-Type Invariant Subspaces of Contractions, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: Solutions for the Constant Quantum Yang-Baxter Equation from Lie (Super)Algebras, Gizem Karaali
Review: Some Remarks on Quantized Lie Superalgebras of Classical Type, Gizem Karaali
Review: Spectra of Toeplitz Operators and Compositions of Muckenhoupt Weights with Blaschke Products, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: Stability of Bases and Frames of Reproducing Kernels in Model Spaces, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: Strategy and the Revolution in Military Affairs: From Theory to Policy, Robert J. Bunker
Review: The Dirichlet Space: A Survey, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review: The Semi-Dynamical Reflection Equation: Solutions and Structure Matrices, Gizem Karaali
Review: The Spectrum of Some Compressions of Unilateral Shifts, Stephan Ramon Garcia
Review - The Terrorist-Criminal Nexus, Robert J. Bunker
Rewarding Careers Applying Positive Psychological Science to Improve Quality of Work Life and Organizational Effectiveness, Stewart I. Donaldson and Michelle C. Bligh
Richard Doll and Alice Stewart: Reputation and the Shaping of Scientific "Truth", Gayle Greene
Ricochets and Replies: RPMA Update, Robert J. Bunker
Riding the Wave: Open Access, Digital Publishing, and the Undergraduate Thesis, Char Miller
Rigid and Nonrigid Achirality, Erica Flapan
Rigidity of Graph Symmetries in the 3-Sphere, Erica Flapan
Risk Sharing by Households within and Across Regions and Industries, Gregory Hess and Kwanho Shin
Ritual Potential: A Queer Interpretation of the Mikvah Utilizing Victor Turner's Liminality, Megan E. Everett
River Basin Management and Restoration in Germany and the United States: Two Case Studies, Abigail J. Volkmann
Rock Art Tallies: Mathematics on Stone in Western North America, James V. Rauff
Rocking the Cradle: Gifford Pinchot and the Birth of American Forestry, Char Miller
Rome's Influence on Machiavelli: In Religion and Politics, A Country's Army, and Ruling over a Newly Conquered Territory, David Dubinski
Roots and Leaves: A Story for High-Functioning Autistic Youth, Cameron H. Ruby
Roots of Polynomials: Developing p-adic Numbers and Drawing Newton Polygons, Julia J. Ogburn
Rose Street, Gallery View, Christine M. Salama
Rural Industrialization: Integrated and Sustainable Solutions for Poverty Reduction in Rural China, Igor Tischenko
Salt, Detail, Christine M. Salama
Salvation: An Exploration, Kelsey Rose Weber
Same-Sex Marriage on the Iberian Peninsula: The Church and Franco’s Competing Legacies, Noah Jennings
Sampling from the Hardcore Process, William C. Dodds
San Antonio, Texas: 1989-2011, Char Miller
Satanic Indifference and Ultimate Reality, Brian J. Reis
#SaveChuck: The Effectiveness of Fan Campaigns to Save Television Shows, Ariel E. Saland
Sawdust Memories: Pinchot and the Making of Forestry History, Char Miller
School Choice as a One-Sided Matching Problem: Cardinal Utilities and Optimization, Sinan Aksoy, Alexander Adam Azzam, Chaya Coppersmith, Julie Glass, Gizem Karaali, Xueying Zhao, and Xinjing Zhu
Second-Harmonic Efficiency and Reflectivity of GaAs During Femtosecond Melting, J.-K. Wang, Peter N. Saeta, Y. Siegal, E. Mazur, and N. Bloembergen
Sediment Transport in the Lower Saginaw River, Mary P. Cardenas, Joseph Gailani, C. Kirk Ziegler, and Wilbert Lick
Sediment Transport Model Validation in Lake Michigan, Mary P. Cardenas, David J. Schwab, Brian J. Eadie, Nathan Hawley, and Barry M. Lesht
Seeking Bang-Bang Solutions of Mixed Immuno-Chemotherapy of Tumors, Lisette G. de Pillis, K Renee Fister, Weiqing Gu, Craig Collins, Michael Daub, David Gross '08, James Moore '07, and Benjamin Preskill '09
Seeking the Greatest Good - The Conservation Legacy of Gifford Pinchot, Char Miller
Selection Networks, Nicholas J. Pippenger
Selectron Mass Reconstruction and the Resolution of the Linear Collider Detector, Sharon J. Gerbode, Heath Holguin, Troy Lau, Paul Mooser, Adam Pearlstein, Joe Rose, and Bruce Schumm
Self-Avoiding Walks and Fibonacci Numbers, Arthur T. Benjamin
Self-healing Dynamics of Surfactant Coatings on Thin Viscous Films, Stephen L. Strickland, Matthew Hin '13, M. Richard Sayanagi, Cameron Conti, Karen E. Daniels, and Rachel Levy
Self-Organized Criticality in Sheared Suspensions, L. Corté, Sharon J. Gerbode, W. Man, and D. J. Pine
Self-similar Asymptotics for Linear and Nonlinear Diffusion Equations, Thomas P. Witelski and Andrew J. Bernoff
Selling Mathematics: Service & Quality, Jon Jacobsen
"Sell or Slaughter": The Economic and Social Policies of German Reunification, Saraid L. Donnelly
Selma Karaali and Artemis Karaali, Gizem Karaali
Semilinear Equations with Discrete Spectrum, Alfonso Castro
Seniors’ Perceptions of Prescription Drug Advertisements: A Pilot Study of the Potential Impact on Informed Decision Making, Jerry L. Grenard, Visith Uy, José A. Pagán, and Dominick L. Frosch
Setting Effects on the Occurrence of Autistic Children's Immediate Echolalia, Marjorie H. Charlop
Shades, Katie L. Grip
Shadow, Kristin Frost
Shakespeare's Tempest and Eliot's Waste Land: “What the Thunder Said”, Gayle Greene
Shaping Our Energy Future: Lessons from Maine's Offshore Wind Energy Development Plans, Eben Perkins
Shaping Water Policy: Political Influences in the European Union and United States, Christopher Young
Shifting Graphs and Their Applications, Nicholas Pippenger and Leslie G. Valiant
Shipwreck II, Dominique Ovalle
Short Stories about Home, Jung-Ah J. Lee
Short Terahertz Pulses from Semiconductor Surfaces: The Importance of Bulk Difference‐Frequency Mixing, Peter N. Saeta, Benjamin I. Greene, and Shun Lien Chuang
Short-Term Stock Market Response to “Say On Pay” Failed Votes, Drew M. Beckerman
Should the Estate Tax be Abolished?, Elsa Cheng
Siblings of Individuals with Autism: Levels of Social Anxiety and Social Skills, Jessica N. Baker
Signaling Corporate Strategy in IPO Communication: A Study of Biotechnology IPOs on the NASDAQ, Hongzhi Gao, Jenny Darroch, Damien Mather, and Alan MacGregor
Signs, Socialism and Ethics: Eagleton on Language, Tony Crowley
Simultaneity Bias in Campaign Spending Games, Chloe Whang
Singularities in a Modified Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation Describing Interface Motion for Phase Transition, Andrew J. Bernoff and Andrea L. Bertozzi
Sinker Structure of Phoradendron californicum (Viscaceae) Confounds its Presumed Close Relationship to Other Acataphyllous Species, Rudolf Schmid, Clyde L. Calvin, and Carol A. Wilson
Situational Influences on the Predictive Value of Client Behavior: Implications for Bayesian Prediction, Richard N. Tsujimoto and Dale E. Berger
Six-month-olds’ Categorization of Natural Infant-directed Utterances, David S. Moore, Melanie J. Spence, and Gary S. Katz
Size Doesn't Matter: Microbial Selection Experiments Address Ecological Phenomena, Michael Feldgarden, Daniel M. Stoebel, Dustin Brisson, and Daniel E. Dykhuizen
SkillShare #18: OA: Oh!?... Awesome!, Allegra Swift and Natalie Tagge
Sloane’s Gap: Do Mathematical and Social Factors Explain the Distribution of Numbers in the OEIS?, Nicolas J.-P. Gauvrit, Jean-Paul Delahaye, and Hector Zenil
Slowly Varying Fully Nonlinear Wavetrains in the Ginzburg-Landau Equation, Andrew J. Bernoff
Small Arms, Japanese, Robert J. Bunker
Smartphones in the workplace: Changing organizational behavior, transforming the future, Thiraput Pitichat
Smartphones to Facilitate Communication and Improve Social Skills of Children with Severe Autism Spectrum Disorder: Special Education Teachers as Proxies, Gondy Leroy and Gianluca De Leo
Socialization in Context: Exploring Longitudinal Correlates of Mothers' Value Messages of Compassion and Caution, Laura Wray-Lake, Constance A. Flanagan, and Jennifer L. Maggs
Social Piracy in Colonial and Contemporary Southeast Asia, Miles T. Bird
Software Patents and Litigation Patterns: Does patent hoarding deter or incentivize litigation?, Christina E. Brandt
Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis of Cytosine-Methylated DNA Dodecamer, Caitlin A. Edmunds
Solitude, Land Torn, Eye See You, Kristin Frost
Solvent as Electron Donor: Donor/Acceptor Electronic Coupling Is a Dynamical Variable, Edward W. Castner Jr., Darcy Kennedy '00, and Robert J. Cave
Some Computational Issues in Cluster Analysis with No A Priori Metric, Dan Coleman, Xiaopeng Dong, Johanna S. Hardin, David M. Rocke, and David L. Woodruff
Some Contributions to the Sociology of Numbers, Robert Dawson
Some New Classes of Complex Symmetric Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia and Warren R. Wogen
Some Promising Approaches to Tumor-Immune Modeling, Lisette G. de Pillis and Ami E. Radunskaya
"Something old and dark has got its way": Shakespeare's Influence in the Gothic Literary Tradition, Natalie A. Hewitt
Soul-idarity Tree: Business Plan and Market Analysis, Grigoriy Gorshteyn
Spanning Sets for Möbius Vertex Algebras Satisfying Arbitrary Difference Conditions, Geoffrey Buhl and Gizem Karaali
Spanwise Modal Competition in Cross-waves, Hassan Ayanle, Andrew J. Bernoff, and Seth Lichter
Spatial and Temporal Expression of Vegetation and Atmospheric Variability from Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Analysis of Bat Guano in the Southern United States, Christopher M. Wurster, Donald A. McFarlane, and Michael I. Bird
Spatial Graphs with Local Knots, Erica Flapan, Blake Mellor, and Ramin Naimi
Spatial Isomorphisms of Algebras of Truncated Toeplitz Operators, Stephan Ramon Garcia, William T. Ross, and Warren R. Wogen
Spatial Tumor-Immune Modeling, Lisette G. de Pillis, D G. Mallet, and Ami E. Radunskaya
Spatial Tumor-Immune Modeling, Lisette G. de Pillis, D G. Mallet, and Ami E. Radunskaya
Special issue of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science: A Tribute to Peter Drucker, George Day, Stan Slater, and Jenny Darroch
Spiral Wave Solutions for Reaction-Diffusion Equations in a Fast Reaction/Slow Diffusion Limit, Andrew J. Bernoff
Splitting Fields and Periods of Fibonacci Sequences Modulo Primes, Sanjai Gupta, Parousia Rockstroh '08, and Francis E. Su
Sports Programs as a Vehicle to Empower Adolescent Girls in Muslim Countries, Carmen Lundell
Spreading the Net, Anthony Shay
Spring Simulator, Casey Chu
Squares for String Mvt 1, Jonathan Williams
SRT Division Algortihms as Dynamical Systems, Mark McCann and Nicholas J. Pippenger
Stability and Dynamics of Self-Similarity in Evolution Equations, Andrew J. Bernoff and Thomas P. Witelski
Stabilization Policy in an Economy with Two Exchange Rate Regimes, Sven W. Arndt
Stalker, James Morrison
Standard English and the Politics of Language, Tony Crowley
Started from the Bottom…and We are Still Here: An Assessment of Black Student Performance in Los Angeles and San Bernardino County, Jasmine Johnson
Start-up Craft Brewery Strategies: A Look into What Factors Correlate with Demand, Daniel Price
State Level Earned Income Tax Credit’s Effects on Race and Age: An Effective Poverty Reduction Policy, Anthony J. Barone
Statistical Analysis, John Kloke and Johanna S. Hardin
STEAM cover of the inaugural issue, Transdisciplinary inaugural cover team, Chris Brownell, Aisha Najera Chesler, Nancy Guarneros, Heather Maynard, Monika Moore, Christopher Munshaw Rodriguez, Dominique Ovalle, Tara Prescott, Meghana Rao, Natalee Salcedo, and Jesse Standlea
STEAM...Now!, John Eger
STEAM with a Capital A: Learning Frenzy, David Rufo
Steel Nuclei, Matthew M. Hillseth
Steel Nuclei, Matthew M. Hillseth
Steel Nuclei, Matthew M. Hillseth
Steel Nuclei, Matthew M. Hillseth
STEM + Art = STEAM, John Maeda
STEM the Tide: Reforming Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education in America, David E. Drew
Stereotyping a Killer: Perceptions of Guilt, Deserved Punishment and Character of Mass Murderers and Killers, Holly J. Underhill
Sterilized by the State: A Feminist Analysis of Eugenics, Forced Sterilization, and Reparations in North Carolina, Samantha E. Abril
Stimulus Variation as a Means of Enhancing Punishment Effects, Marjorie H. Charlop, Louis D. Burgio, Brian A. Iwata, and Martin T. Ivancic
Stitch In Time, Suzanne U. Gibbs
Stochastic Orderings Induced by Star-Shaped Functions, Henry A. Krieger
Stochastic Service Systems, Random Interval Graphs and Search Algorithms, Patrick Eschenfeldt '12, Ben Gross '13, and Nicholas Pippenger
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks I, Robert J. Bunker
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II, Robert J. Bunker
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, Robert J. Bunker
Strategic Defense Initiative, Robert J. Bunker
Strategic Threat: Narcos and Narcotics Overview, Robert J. Bunker
Strategy for the Blind, Robert J. Bunker
Stratigraphic and Microfacies Analysis of the Kaili Formation, a Candidate GSSP for the Cambrian Series 2-Series 3 Boundary, Robert Gaines, John A. Mering '10, Yuanlong Zhao, and Jin Peng
Strawberry Skipping Stones, Stephanie C. Meredith
Street Gangs—Future Paramilitary Groups?, Robert J. Bunker
Stripes (left) and Toothpaste Surprise: A Tale of Vengeance (right), Katie L. Grip
Strong Chromatic Index of Subset Graphs, Jennifer J. Quinn and Arthur T. Benjamin
Strong Nonnegativity and Sums of Squares on Real Varieties, Mohamed Omar and Brian Osserman
Strong X-ray Emission from High-Temperature Plasmas Produced by Intense Irradiation of Clusters, T. Ditmire, Thomas D. Donnelly, R. W. Falcone, and M. D. Perry
Structural Equation Models of Relationships Between Exercise and Cognitive Abilities, Louise Clarkson-Smith and Alan Hartley
Structurally Cosmic Apostasy: The Atheist Occult World of H.P. Lovecraft, Brian J. Reis
Structure and Specificity of the Vertebrate Anti-Mutator Uracil-DNA Glycosylase SMUG1, Jane E.A. Wibley, Timothy R. Waters, Karl A. Haushalter, Gregory L. Verdine, and Laurence H. Pearl
Structured Matrices and the Algebra of Displacement Operators, Ryan Takahashi
Studies in Gangs and Cartels, Robert J. Bunker and John P. Sullivan
Subaerial Freshwater Stromatolites in Deer Cave, Sarawak – A Unique Geobiological Cave Formation, Joyce Lundberg and Donald A. McFarlane
Subpicosecond Thomson Scattering Measurements of Optically Ionized Helium Plasmas, T. E. Glover, Thomas D. Donnelly, E. A. Lipman, A. Sullivan, and R. W. Falcone
Subsidy and Countervailing Duty Issues in the Context of North American Economic Integration, Sven W. Arndt
Substance Abuse and Insecure Attachment Styles: A Relational Study, Yasmin Borhani
Success and Failure at Dual-task Coordination by Younger and Older Adults, Alan Hartley and François Maquestiaux
Suicide Bombers, Soft Targets and Appropriate Countermeasures, Robert J. Bunker
Suicide Bombings in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Robert J. Bunker and John P. Sullivan
Summing Cubes by Counting Rectangles, Arthur T. Benjamin, Jennifer J. Quinn, and Calyssa Wurtz
Sums of Evenly Spaced Binomial Coefficients, Arthur T. Benjamin, Bob Chen '10, and Kimberly Kindred
Sunbelt Texas, Char Miller
Sun Dog, Dominique Ovalle
Sunny Side Up: Developing Community Solar Policy in the State of California, India H. Wade
Supercharacters, Exponential Sums, and the Uncertainty Principle, J.L. Brumbaugh '13, Madeleine Bulkow '14, Patrick S. Fleming, Luis Alberto Garcia '14, Stephan Ramon Garcia, Gizem Karaali, Matt Michal '15, and Andrew P. Turner '14
Supercharacters, Symmetric Functions in Noncommuting Variables, and Related Hopf Algebras, Marcelo Aguiar, Carlos André, Carolina Benedetti, Nantel Bergeron, Zhi Chen, Persi Diaconis, Anders Hendrickson, Samuel Hsiao, I. Martin Isaacs, Andrea Jedwab, Kenneth Johnson, Gizem Karaali, Aaron Lauve, Tung Le, Stephen Lewis, Huilan Li, Kay Magaard, Eric Marberg, Jean-Christophe Novelli, Amy Pang, Franco Saliola, Lenny Tevlin, Jean-Yves Thibon, Nathaniel Thiem, Vidya Venkateswaran, C. Ryan Vinroot, Ning Yan, and Mike Zabrocki
Superconcentrators of Depth 2, Nicholas Pippenger
Superintendents' Responses to the Achievement Gap: An Ethical Critique, Whitney H. Sherman and Margaret Grogan
Super Solutions of the Dynamical Yang-Baxter Equation, Gizem Karaali
Super-Specialization and the Gains from Trade, Sven W. Arndt
Sureños Gangs and Mexican Cartel Use of Social Networking Sites, Sarah Womer and Robert J. Bunker
Survival Analysis with Gene Expression Arrays, Donna K. Pauler, Johanna S. Hardin, James R. Faulkner, Michael LeBlanc, and John J. Crowley
Surviving Post-merger ‘Culture Clash’: Can Cultural Leadership Lessen the Casualties?, Michelle C. Bligh
Susan Bauer's 2003 Theory of Well-Educated Mind: Could the Classical Approach to Teaching History Work in Southern California History K12 Classrooms?, Tomasz B. Stanek
Sustainable Corporate Entrepreneurship, Morgan P. Miles, Linda S. Munilla, and Jenny Darroch
Sustainable Transportation in The City of Claremont, Schuyler Kruizenga
S+ versus S− Fading in Prompting Procedures with Autistic Children, Laura Schreibman and Marjorie H. Charlop
Sweetened Drink and Snacking Cues in Adolescents. A Study Using Ecological Momentary Assessment, Jerry L. Grenard, Alan W. Stacy, Saul Shiffman, Amanda N. Baraldi, David P. MacKinnon, Ginger Lockhart, Yasemin Kisbu-Sakarya, Sarah Boyle ABD, Yuliyana Beleva ABD, Carol Koprowski, Susan L. Ames, and Kim D. Reynolds
Swinging the Vote: Predicting the Presidential Election by State Vote Shares, William Edward Knowles II
Syllogism Solving Under Time Pressure, Gondy Leroy and Koen Lamberts
Symmetries of Knotted Hypothetical Molecular Graphs, Erica Flapan
Symmetries of Möbius Ladders, Erica Flapan
Synthesis and Assembly of Nonspherical Hollow Silica Colloids Under Confinement, Stephanie H. Lee, Sharon J. Gerbode, Bettina S. John, Angie K. Wolfgang, Fernando A. Escobedo, Itai Cohen, and Chekesha M. Liddell
Systematics of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae)—Evidence from Molecular and Anatomical Studies, Ralf Horres, Katharina Schulte, Kurt Weising, and Georg Zizka
Systematics of the Tribe Stipeae (Gramineae) Using Molecular Data, Surrey Jacobs, Randall Bayer, Joy Everett, Mirta Arriaga, Mary Barkworth, Alexandru Sabin-Badereau, Amelia Torres, Francisco Vázquez, and Neil Bagnall
Tabletop X-ray Lasers, D. C. Eder, P. Amendt, L. B. DaSilva, R. A. London, B. J. MacGowan, D. L. Matthews, B. M. Penetrante, M. D. Rosen, S. C. Silks, Thomas D. Donnelly, R. W. Falcone, and G. L. Strobel
Tablets as Powerful Tools for University Research: Teaching the Relevant Skills, Robin Canuel, Chad Crichton, and Maria Savova
Talking and Not Talking: Sexual Education and Ethics for Young Women within the Evangelical Movement in America, Kate Sargent
Talk Over Me, Naomi R. Moser
TARP and the Wall Street Reform Consumer Protection Act: An Examination of Constitutional Protection of Economic Liberties, Patricia Ingrassia
TASC - Crime Report Visualization for Investigative Analysis: A Case Study, Chih Hao Ku '12, J.H. Nguyen, and Gondy Leroy
Tax-exempt Hospitals in the Context of a Transforming Healthcare Industry: A Risk-Based Audit Approach, Steven C. Zima
Teaching Autistic Children Conversational Speech Using Video Modeling, Marjorie H. Charlop and Janice P. Milstein
Teaching Autistic Children to Use Extra-Stimulus Prompts, Laura Schreibman, Marjorie H. Charlop, and Robert L. Koegel
Teaching Research: Encouraging Discoveries, Francis E. Su
Teaching the Arts of Psychological Research, Alan Hartley, Lynn A. Fisher, and Joellen T. Hartley