Content Posted in 2012
1/2 of a Sonnet, Remy Sutherland
31P NMR of Backbone Conformation and Dynamics in DNA at Cre Binding Site in Terms of Sequence Context, Kelly A. Garton
5 Elements, Travis Novak
5 Elements, Travis Novak
A Balanced Approach to Health Information Evaluation: A Vocabulary-based Naïve Bayes Classifier and Readability Formulas, Gondy Leroy, Trudi Miller '08, Graciela Rosemblat, and Allen C. Browne
A Bass Diffusion Model Analysis: Understanding Alternative Fuel Vehicle Sales, Michael H. Shoemaker
Absence, Presence, Stephen C. Kim
Abused Women Who Kill: Juror Perspectives on Self-Defense Theories, Shahrzad Nikoo
Academic Library as Publishing Agent: showcasing student, faculty, and campus scholarship and publications, Allegra Swift
A Case For Carpooling: How Casual Carpool Can Grow Across the United States, Eric Johnson
A Case for Hulu: How Personalized Advertising Will Bring About the Future of Television, Brant B. Kersten
a Catch not Caught, Nissa Gustafson
Accelerated Culture: Exploring Time and Space in Cinema, Television and New Media in the Digital Age, Thomas J. Connelly
Accession to the European Union: Civil Society in Democratizing Turkey, Michaela Solo
A Celebration of Ceremony Among the Juaneño Band of Mission Indians, Acjachemen Nation, Julia Edith Rigby
A Cognitive Theory of Cultural Meaning, Claudia Strauss and Naomi Quinn
A Combinatorial Approach to $r$-Fibonacci Numbers, Curtis Heberle
A Correctly-Attributed Fake, Bruce Haynes
Action and Singing in Late 18th and Early 19th Century England, Robert Toft
"Adam de la Halle (fl.1280): Le jeu de Robin et Marion." Thomas Binkley, musical dir., Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, Marianne Richert Pfau
Adaptation: Is the Book Really Better Than the...Television Series?, Jane F. Eberts
Adapting to the Twenty-First Century: A Flexible NATO, Sarah Bohman
A Definition of Mathematical Beauty and Its History, Viktor Blåsjö
A Fire Simulation Model for Heterogeneous Environments Using the Level Set Method, Shin-en Lo
A.F.M., Adam P. Mason
Africa's Unresponsive Democratization: the Relationship between Regime Type and the Quality of Life in Africa, Caryn Anne Peiffer
"After the Golden Age: Romantic Pianism and Modern Performance" by Kenneth Hamilton, Robert Winter
Age and Control: The Nation, the Neighbourhood and the Home, Nita Kumar
Aggregated Versus Disaggregated Forward Looking Information: Effects on Risk Taking, Rishabh Parekh
A Guide to the Pomona College Organic Farm: An Introduction to the Farm’s History and Basic Gardening Skills and Techniques, Adam J. Long
A "Herculean" Task: The Voting Rights Act and Redistricting in Alaska, Chloe E. Cotton
A Historian Looks Back: The Calculus as Algebra and Selected Writings, Judith V. Grabiner
A Historical Review of Five of the Top Fast Food Restaurant Chains to Determine the Secrets of Their Success, Alex Leon Lichtenberg
A Historiographical Examination of Qin Shi Huang, Jonathan Wu
"A History of Pianoforte Pedaling." By David Rowland, Sandra P. Rosenblum
A History of Tourism in Barcelona: Creation and Self-Representation, Lillian Parks Reid
Aid, Marginalization and Indigenous People in Guatemala, Megan M. Fenton
A Lady at the Virginals with a Gentleman (detail)
A Laughing Bravo with a Bass Viol and a Glass
Albert Camus: A Conscientious Witness, Lauren Ballard
A Letter by the Composer about "Giovanni d'Arco" and Some Remarks on the Division of Musical Direction in Verdi's Day, Martin Chusid
A Letter to a Pretty Girl, Remy Sutherland
Alexandria and the Construction of Urban Experience, Sara L. Bacon
Alexithymia, Emotional Intelligence, and Their Relation to Word Usage in Expressive Writing, Kate M. Pluth
Algebraic Methods for Log-Linear Models, Aaron Pribadi
Algebraic Points of Small Height Missing a Union of Varieties, Lenny Fukshansky
A Life Cycle Perspective on Online Community Success, Alicia Iriberri '06 and Gondy Leroy
Alignment Between Performance and NCAA Division I Football Head Coach Compensation, Daniel K. Lee
Allegory of the Five Senses (detail)
A Lone Foreigner on the Long March: Otto Braun and the CCP-Comintern Relationship, Jeremy Cheung
A Look at the Causes of Gender Identity with the Help of Four Core Genotype Mice, Evan Serio Friedenberg
A Look Backward: PPR (1988-1997): Resume and Index, Roland Jackson
Altering the Urban Frontier: Gentrification and Public Parks in New York City, Sarah E. Evers
always puking always crying always dancing
American Forests: Nature, Culture, and Politics (Development of Western Resources), Char Miller
Analysis of Swarm Behavior in Two Dimensions, Louis Ryan
Analyzing Best Practices in the Schooling of Secondary-Level Latino Newcomer Immigrant Youth: A Comparison Study of Two Yearlong Specialized Programs, Amanda Keri Matas
An Archaeology of French Critical History, Quinn Lester
An Assessment of United States Ethanol Policy, Mark Chapin Johnson
A National Tragedy, Olivia Weissblum
An Economic Analysis of Foreign Ownership in Professional Sports: Motivation, Success, and Implications for United States Market, Alex F. Wheatley
An Economic and Psychological Analysis of Auditor Independence, Jadin T. Kusman
An Empirical Study on CEO Turnover and Compensation, Robert Miller
An End User Evaluation of Query Formulation and Results Review Tools in Three Medical Meta-Search Engines, Gondy Leroy, Shauna Eggers, Wingyan Chung, Jennifer Xu, and Hsinchun Chen
A New Commons: Considering Community-Based Co-Management for Sustainable Fisheries, Charlotte L. Dohrn
A New Graph, Eva Langston
A New Paradigm: Brazilian Catholic Eco-Justice Activism in the Neoliberal Age, Lena R. Connor
A New Solution to the Skeptical Puzzle: An Epistemic Account of Limited Polysemy, Katherine S. Broeksmit
An Examination of Cross-Country Differences in the Gender Gap in Labor Force Participation Rates, Heather Antecol
An Examination of Oxidative Passivated Surfaces on 19th Century Colt Revolver Barrels, McKenzie Allison Floyd
An Examination on Patent Infringement Awards, Victor Chien
An Inevitable Relationship: The Olympic Games & Politics, Katherine M. Bonneau
An Introduction to the Sociology of Work and Occupations, Rudi Volti
An Investigation of the Effects of Pitocin for Labor Induction and Augmentation on Breastfeeding Success, Megan J. Lewis
An Old Moon and a New Moon, Tessa Jacobs
Antidote Control Booth, Clifford Eberly
A Place Like This: An Environmental Justice History of the Owens Valley - Water in Indigenous, Colonial, and Manzanar Stories, Monica Embrey
A Policymaker's Guide to Feed-In Tariffs: Encouraging a Responsible Transition to Renewable Electricity in California, Roland P. Thayer
A Postcolonial School in a Modern World, Nita Kumar and Som Majumdar
Approval Voting in Box Societies, Patrick Eschenfeldt
Approval Voting Theory with Multiple Levels of Approval, Craig Burkhart
A Proposal to Test the Effects of Factor ECAT1 on Pluripotency, from Reprogramming to Differentiation of Human Somatic Cells, Vritti R. Goel
A Refined Saddle Point Theorem and Applications, Harris Enniss
Are Olympic Sponsorships Worth it? The Case of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games, Avery Holland
Are Tax Rates Too Volatile?, Gregory Hess
Are They Any Use? Hazards of Price-Per-Use Comparisons in e-Journal Management, Jason S. Price
Are Women Impact Players? The Effect of Female Executives on Firm Performance and Capital Structure, Alexandra M. Abramovitz
Arizona House Bill 2281 and the Politics of Knowledge in Public Schools, Alexa Teevens
Art After Hours, Rachel Brownell
Article 301 and Turkish Stability, Elizabeth White
A Shallow Parser Based on Closed-Class Words to Capture Relations in Biomedical Text, Gondy Leroy, Hsinchun Chen, and J. D. Martinez
"A Single Finger Can't Eat Okra": The Importance of Remembering the Haitian Revolution in United States History, Ashleigh P. Shoecraft
Assessing the Effect of Long-Term Growth Uncertainty on Stock Valuations, Nicholas Coady Smith
Asset Protection Through the Use of Premarital Agreements, Robert T. Rose
Assholes Talkin' Shit, Kyla M. Hansen
Assimilation via Prices or Quantities? Source of Immigrant Earnings Growth in Australia, Canada, and the United States, Heather Antecol, Peter Kuhn, and Stephen J. Trejo
A Study of Minor League Baseball Prospects and Their Expected Future Value, Jay Lyon Tymkovich
"Attractively Packaged but Unripe Fruit"; the UK's Commercialization of Musical History in the 1980s, Colin Lawson
"Aural Images of Lost Traditions: Sharps and Flats in the Sixteenth Century." By Robert Toft, Stanley Boorman
"Authenticity in Performance: Eighteenth-Century Case Studies." By Peter Le Huray, George Houle
Authenticity or Authenticities?--Performance Practice and the Mainstream, Roland Jackson
Authoring Authority: The Apostle Paul and the Prophet Joseph Smith--A Critical Comparison of Texts and Power in the Generation of Religious Community, Alonzo Huntsman
Authors and Soldiers: Reconstructing History in Postwar Japan, Kyle Grossman
Autism in France and the United States: Integrating Perspectives from Psychoanalysis to Cognitive Science, Sarah C. Stringer
Automated Pose Correction for Face Recognition, Elliot J. Godzich
Autonomy and Paternalism, Ilona K. Phipps-Morgan
Avoiding Intergenerational Discounting on Sustainability Investments, Roxie Bartholomew
A Workshop to Introduce Concepts of Moral Math, Sarah Voss
"Bach Interpretation: Articulation Marks in Primary Sources of J. S. Bach." By John Butt, Kimberly Marshall
"Bach's Continuo Group: Players and Practices in His Vocal Works." By Laurence Dreyfus, Patrick Rogers
Bach's Tempo Ordinario: A Plaine and Easie Introduction to the System, Robert Marshall
Backyard Breeze, Atilio A. Pernisco
"Baroque Music, The Library of Essays on Music Performance Practice" edited by Peter Walls and Mary Cyr, David Schulenberg
Bastardizing Black-Scholes: The Recovery of Option-Implied Probability Distributions and How They React to Corporate Take Announcement, Andrew Henry Oetting
Becoming Otherwise: Politics, Metaphysics and Power in Judith Butler and Alfred North Whitehead, Alan Van Wyk
"Beethoven on Beethoven: Playing His Piano His Way." By William S. Newman, Barry Cooper
"Beethoven the Pianist" by Tilman Skowroneck, William Kinderman
Beguiled by Bananas: A Retrospective Study of the Usage and Breadth of Patron vs. Librarian Acquired eBook Collections, Jason S. Price and John D. McDonald
Beholden to the Bear: The Political Economy of European Natural Gas Trade with Russia, Jessica Miltenberger
being-there, Atilio A. Pernisco
"Bel canto: The Teaching of the Classical Italian Song-Schools, Its Decline and Restoration" By Lucie Manén, Philip Lieson Miller
Bella vista, Natalie Dunn
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Transatlantic Efforts at a Supranational Climate Policy, Brianna Hand
Between Ruin and Restoration: An Environmental History of Israel, Daniel E. Orenstein, Alon Tal, and Char Miller
Between The Bounds of Experience and Divine Intuition: Kant’s Epistemic Limits and Hegel’s Ambitions, James Kreines
Beyond Boring Art: Humorous Critique in the Work of John Baldessari, 1966–1974, Jennie Waldow
Beyond the Color Line: Asian American Representations in the Media, Emily Wo
Big Bang vs. Gradualism, Lauren Sims
Bipolar Disorder: How Increasingly Partisan Politics in the United States Have Led to a Deterioration of the Transatlantic Alliance, Michael Powell
Bird Use of Lakes in the Claremont-Upland Area, Valerie Banschbach
Body Language: Representations of Dis/Ability in Life Writing and Improvisational Dance, Jenna N. Tico
Book Review: "Bach's Solo Violin Works: A Performer's Guide" by Jaap Schröder, Peter Walls
Book Review: Between Kant and Hegel: Lectures on German Idealism, by Dieter Henrich, James Kreines
Book Review: "Performance on Lute, Guitar and Vihuela: Historical Performance Practice and Interpretation" by Victor Anand Coelho, Daniel Zuluaga
Book Review: "Performance Practice: A Dictionary-Guide for Musicians." by Roland Jackson, Peter Holman
Book Review: "Performing Beethoven." By Robin Stowell, Eva Badura-Skoda and Paul Badura-Skoda
Book Review: "Singing in Style: A Guide to Vocal Performance Practices." by Martha Elliott., Margaret Murata
Book Review: "Studies in the Printing, Publishing and Performance of Music in the 16th Century." by Stanley Boorman, Maureen Buja
Borda Meets Pascal, Marie K. Jameson, Gregory Minton '08, and Michael E. Orrison
Bottling Success: An Exploration of Craft Beer and the Brewing Business, Anthony Mitchell Garcia
Bounds for Solid Angles of Lattices of Rank Three, Lenny Fukshansky and Sinai Robins
Bounds on Generalized Frobenius Numbers, Lenny Fukshansky and Achill Schürmann
Breadbasket, Kyla M. Hansen
Breaking Glass: Exploring the Relationship Between Kinetic Energy and Radial Fracturing in Plate Glass, Andrea Hulman
Breath Abandon, Clifford Eberly
Broken Fever: Reflections of Gay Boyhood, James Morrison
Brossard and the Performance of Jacquet de La Guerre's Céphale et Procris, Wanda R. Griffiths
Building the Kingdom: A History of Mormons in America, Claudia Bushman and Richard Bushman
Burgess Shale-Type Biotas Were not Entirely Burrowed Away, Robert Gaines, M. L. Droser, P. J. Orr, D. Garson, E. U. Hammarlund, C. Qi, and Donald Canfield
Butcher Holler, Kyla M. Hansen
Buy Global, Think Local: Direct Trade Coffee and Community Renaissance in Olympia, Washington, Maren E. Hotvedt
By Word of Mouth: Historical Performance Comes of Age, Ingrid E. Pearson
California's War Over the Bay-Delta: Historic Failures and Current Battles, Jessica J. Mao
Camel Girl, Robin Xu
Canciones del Movimiento Chicano/Songs of the Chicano Movement: The Impact of Musical Traditions on the 1960s Chicano Civil Rights Movement, Marisa B. Mendoza
Candidates, Campaigns, and Political Tides: Electoral Success in Colorado's 4th District, Megan Gwynne MacColl
Can Online Sentiment Help Predict Dow Jones Industrial Average Returns?, Aria K. Krumwiede
Can Representativeness Decrease Youth Violence in Juvenile Detention Facilities?, Ginger Silvera
Can't Be Tamed: A Feminist Analysis of Apocrypha and Other Scripture, Catherine Alison Ballard
Carbon Affect on European Oil and Steel Companies: An Empirical Analysis on the Second Phase EU ETS, Joseph Anderson
Catgirl and Other Details (1996/7, Season Unknown), Olivia Weissbaum
César Chávez and the Secularization of an American Prophet of Social Reform, Chelsee Lynn Cox
Changes in the Effects of Determinants of Earnings Inequality and Their Labor Implications in Urban China, 1988 - 2002, Maira T. Mercado
"Changing the Score: Arias, Prima donnas, and the Authority of Performance" by Hilary Poriss, Charles S. Brauner
Children and the Partition: History for Citizenship, Nita Kumar
China's Censored Leap Forward: The Communist Party's Battle with Internet Censorship in the Digital Age, Caitlin Feeney
Chinese Soft Power: Implications on US-China Relations, Jessica A. Cheng
Choreographic Politics: State Folk Dance Ensembles, Representation and Power, Anthony Shay
Choreographing Identities: Ethnicity, Folk Dance, and Festival in North America, Anthony Shay
Choreographing Modernity: Loïe Fuller and Her Influence on the Arts, Katharine Hutchins
Choreophobia: Solo Improvised Dance in the Iranian World, Anthony Shay
Christian Martyrs in Muslim Spain, Kenneth Baxter Wolf
Cities and Nature in the American West (The Urban West Series), Char Miller
City of Mosques: A Collection of Short Stories, Shoaib Alam
Civil Society, the State, and Transnational Feminism: A Case Study of Women's Organizing in Contemporary China, Shengwei Sun
"Classical and Romantic Music, the Library of Essays on Music Performance Practice" edited by David Milsom and Mary Cyr, Colin Lawson
"Clavichord Music of Johann Kuhnau and C. P. E. Bach" Joan Benson, clavichordist., E. Eugene Helm
COBRA Subsidies: A Compelling Narrative of Policy Impact on the Unemployed, Uninsured, Hannah N. Gregg
Coffee, Culture, and Capital in America: Starbucks and the Commoditization of Urban Space, Angelica M. Quicksey
Comments on Lederman and Maloney’s ‘In Search of the Missing Resource Curse’, Cameron Shelton
Communications, George Houle and Alexander Silbiger
Communications and Corrections
Complexities in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Thyroid Cancer: Discussions, Observations, Research and Public Policy, Hannah V. Gordon
Complexities of Participation: Education and Authority in Primary Care Patient-Provider Interactions in the age of the Internet, Katya A. Shackelford
Compliance wth Basel Principles: Reexamination of the relationship between the Basel Core principles (BCP) and Bank Performance, Young-Jae Lyoo
Computer/Fiction: Beyond the Literature of Exhaustion, Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Concerning Articulation on Keyboard Instruments: Aspects from the Renaissance to the Present, Sandra P. Rosenblum
Confidence Interval, Ursula Whitcher
Consequentialism about Historical Authenticity, Aron Edidin
Conserving Fish and Forests: Community Involvement and Its Limits in Resource Management On the Island of Hawai'i, Amber W. Datta
Considering Hezbollah: Analyzing the Terrorist Label, Sarah A. Fenn
Constructing Phylogenetic Trees Using Maximum Likelihood, Anna Cho
Consumer Health Concepts That Do Not Map to the UMLS: Where Do They Fit?, Alla Keselman, Catherine Arnott Smith, Qing Zeng-Treitler, Guy Divita, Hyeoneui Kim, Allen C. Browne, and Gondy Leroy
"Continuo Playing on the Lute, Archlute and Theorbo" By Nigel North, James Tyler
"Continuo Realization in Handel's Vocal Music." By Patrick J. Rogers, David Ledbetter
Conversion Theory Through the Cognitive Science of Religion Lense in a Christian-Muslim Context, Jennifer A. Garcia
Cooking up a Course: Food Education at Pomona College, Christina A. Cyr
Corinne, Camille Goering
Correspondence: February 16, 2009, Ross W. Duffin
Correspondence: February 5, 2008, Roland Jackson
Correspondence: June 23, 2010, Roland Jackson
Counting Vertices in Isohedral Tilings, John Choi
Courtroom Discussions about Children's Sexual Abuse: An Examination of Prior Conversations about Disclosures, Non-Disclosures and Perpetrator Statements to Children about Abuse, Stacia N. Stolzenberg
Covenant Nation: The Politics of Grace in Early American Literature, Justin M. Scott-Coe
Cracking the Hollywood Formula: The Secret Powers of the Superhero Franchise, Michelle Kim
Creating a Fog: Can Plain English Be Used to Mislead Investors?, Scott Collins
Culture and Leadership in Educational Institutions in India and the United States, Meyyammai Annamalai
dab shunt spoor, Jen Grabarczyk
Dancing Across Borders: The American Fascination with Exotic Dance Forms, Anthony Shay
Dandyism: Creating a Tradition for Consumption in London Society, Heidi Carlson
"Das Tempo in der Musik von Barock und Vorklassik. Die Antwort der Quellen auf ein umstrittenes Thema." By Klaus Miehling, Wolfgang Aufhagen
Death's Brother, Gayle Greene
Debating Difference: Haitian Transnationalism in Paul Gilroy’s Black Atlantic, Jamella N. Gow
Deep in the Heart of San Antonio: Land and Life in South Texas, Char Miller
Deinstitutionalization and Its Discontents: American Mental Health Policy Reform, Olga Loraine Kofman
Delivering Quality Care: The Roles and Future of Midwives in Southern California, Abigail Jones
Del suonare sopra il basso: Concerning the Realization of Early Seventeenth-Century Italian Unfigured Basses, Thérèse de Goede-Klinkhamer
Detail, reach bend shunt, Jen Grabarczyk
Detail, release dab run, Jen Grabarczyk
Detail, release dab run, Jen Grabarczyk
Detail, spoor turn spoil, Jen Grabarczyk
Detail, swoop smoke blur, Jen Grabarczyk
Detail, swoop smoke blur, Jen Grabarczyk
Detail, Untitled, Jen Grabarczyk
Detecting Covert Members of Terrorist Networks, Alice Paul
Detecting Fraud in Bankrupt Municipalities Using Benford's Law, Allyn H. Haynes
Determinism and the Case of the Contrarian, Jesse Spafford
Developing Informatics Tools and Strategies for Consumer-centered Health Communication, Catherine Arnott Smith, Alla Keselman, Qing Zeng-Treitler, Robert Logan, and Gondy Leroy
Developing Teachers' Capacities to Create Caring Relationships with Students: A Case Study of a Gandhi-Inspired Private School in India, Victoria S. Zakrzewski
'Did You Get It?' - The Effects of Understanding (or Not Understanding) a Satirical Piece of Humor, Franccesca Kazerooni
Die Frauen, Der Strafvollzug, und Der Staat: Incarceration and Ideology in Post-WWII Germany, Andrea Moody Kozak
Diophantine Approximation on a Circle, Lenny Fukshansky
Discrete Event Simulation of Elevator Systems, Sasi Bharath Desai
Discrete Variable Representation Of The Angular Variables In Quantum Three-Body Scattering, David Caballero
Divided Responsibility: NATO, the European Union, and European Defense After Cold War, Samuel Jubelirer
Does a Change in a Logo Affect the Value of the Brand? The Case of Starbucks, Brittany Isobe
Does Sexual Harassment Training Change Attitudes? A View from the Federal Level, Heather Antecol and Deborah Cobb-Clark
Does Single Parenthood Increase the Probability of Teenage Promiscuity, Substance Use, and Crime?, Heather Antecol and Kelly Bedard
Does the REIT Tale Wag the Dog? The Relationship Between Tenant Ownership and the Volatility of Retail REIT Stock Returns, Dana G. Staley
Do Facework Behaviors Matter During Conflicts Among Online Discussion Team Members?, Jesus Herman Canelon
Don't Mess with Magic, Anna K. Nieman
Don't Mess with Magic, Anna K. Nieman
Don't Mess with Magic, Anna K. Nieman
Doris Lessing: The Poetics of Change, Gayle Greene
Do Seat Belt Laws Drive Up Insurance Premiums?, George Posner
"'Doulce memoire': A Study of Performance Practices." By George Houle, James Haar
Dying in Wyoming, Alex Genty-Waksberg
Dynamic Generation of a Health Topics Overview from Consumer Health Information Documents, Trudi Miller '08 and Gondy Leroy
Early Adolescent Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Sensory Preference Differences: An Exploratory Study, Jacquelyn Shea Christensen
"Early Recordings and Musical Style: Chaning Tastes in Instrumental Performance, 1900-1950." By Robert Philip, Douglas Leedy
East Wall View, Atilio A. Pernisco
Economic and Monetary Union: A Study of Domestic Influence in the European Union from 1989-1993, Jason Grishkoff
Effective Decompositions of Quadratic Spaces, Lenny Fukshansky
Effective Structure Theorems for Quadratic Spaces and Their Isometries, Lenny Fukshansky
Effective Structure Theorems for Symplectic Spaces via Height, Lenny Fukshansky
Effective Theorems for Quadratic Spaces Over Q-bar, Lenny Fukshansky
Effective Theorems for Quadratic Spaces over the Algebraic Closure of Q, Lenny Fukshansky
Effective Theorems for Quadratic Spaces via Height, Lenny Fukshansky
Effects of a Defendant's Age and Intelligence on Juror Perceptions of a Confession, Tova A. Markowitz
Effects of Cannabidiol on MK-801-Induced Locomotor Sensitization in Mice, Sara K. Cronin
Effects of Early Round Venture Capital Syndication on IPO Exits in Europe and the United States, Rosabella M. Magat
Effects of Information and Machine Learning Algorithms on Word Sense Disambiguation with Small Datasets, Gondy Leroy and Thomas C. Rindflesch
Effects of Social Influence in Transformational Christian Worship Experiences, Maggie J. Tietz
Effects of United States Monetary Policy on the Capital Flows to the Latin America Countries, David Rene Samayoa Gordillo
El Acuerdo de Schengen y El Sistema de Dublín: Su Influencia en La Formación de La Política de Asilo en La Unión Europea, April F. Weathers
Electromyography (EMG) Biofeedback Training in Music Performance: Preventing and Reducing Musculoskeletal Pain in Musicians, Carolyn Yarbrough
Elevator Speech, Pedro Poitevin
El Sistema de Educación en Ecuador y Las Aspiraciones que Las Madres Ecuatorianas Tienen para Sus Hijos, Gina Conway
Emotion and Inhibition: Pride Versus Happiness, Emery K. Hilles
Empiricism: An Environment for Humanist Mathematics, Carl E. Behrens
Employment Equity Programs and the Job Search Outcomes of Unemployed Men and Women: Actual and Perceived Effects, Heather Antecol and Peter Kuhn
Endorsing Solidarity: Root Causes of Riots & Viable Solutions, Jonathan Sutton-Day
Enrique Granados and Modern Piano Technique, Carol A. Hess
Entrapment, Economics, and Geopolitics: The Obstacles and Conditions for Turkish EU Membership, Spencer Pearce
Entwined, Kate Kennelly
Environmental Economics: A Case Study for the Big Cottonwood Canyon Watershed, Robert Hull
Essays on Regional Economic Integration in East Asia, Teerasak Sapwarobol
Estimating the Effect of Ownership Structure on Financial and On-the-Field Efficiency in Major League Baseball, Vincent O. Schiavoni
Estimating the Macroeconomic Consequence of 9/11, S. Brock Blomberg and Gregory Hess
European Union environmental policy: the influence of EU accession on the environmental trajectory of the CEE10, Kirsten Bender
European Union Security Landscape Post-9/11: Necessary Protection or Unjustified Expansion of a Security Regime?, Colby Mangels
Euro-skepticism: a challenge to the union, Cathryn Kobe
EU's Common Foreign Policies towards Russia: Past, Present and Future, Yigit Canay
Evaluating Sixth Graders' Self-Efficacy in Response to the Use of Educational Technology, Anne V. Castagnaro
Examining the Impact of Pau Jacaré (Piptadenia gonoacantha) Growth on Soil Fertility in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest, Aleksandra Ponomareva
Examining the Role of Immigration in Crime Decline Across United States Cities, Brianna J. Losoya
Excavation, Manya Raman Sundström
Exhumándo La Memoria: La Memoria Histórica Español Tras El Cine y Los Periodicos, Jillian Kate Raftery
Exploitation via Location: Latinas in the Garment Industry, Katherine J. Woodward
Explorations of the Aldous Order on Representations of the Symmetric Group, Jack Newhouse
Exploring German and American Modes of Pedagogical and Institutional Sustainability: Forging a Way into the Future, Lindon N. Pronto
Exploring the On-line Partitioning of Posets Problem, Leah F. Rosenbaum
Fair Trade and Global Civil Society, Kathryn A. Leonnig
Fallen Idyll, Clifford Eberly
Family Support Factors in African American Families That Promote Academic Achievement for Male Middle-School Students, Osie Leon Wood Jr.
Fast Casual Dining: The Evolution of a Market Segment and Its Impact on the Fast Food Sector, Robert H. Erani
Fathers and Sons, the Bingham Family and the American Mission, Char Miller
Fearing the Uncertain: A Causal Exploration of Self-Esteem, Self-Uncertainty, and Mortality Salience, Zachary P. Hohman
Fear of Forgetting: How Societies Deal with Genocide, Emily O. S. Gelber
Female Labor Force Participation in Argentina, 1980-2003: Gendered Trends and Responses to Crisis, Natalie Butterfield
Fetuses Are People, Too?: How Images of Sonograms in Popular Culture Affect Our Conception of Fetal Personhood, Shayna L. Orent
Fifty Years of the Texas Observer, Char Miller
Film, Fashion and Fotografía: The Exoticism and Eroticism of Female Victims in Juárez, Julia T. Scheibmeir
Finding Profitability of Technical Trading Rules in Emerging Market Exchange Traded Funds, Austin P. Hallett
Finding Relationships Between Multiple-Choice Math Tests and Their Stem-Equivalent Constructed Responses, Nayla Aad Chaoui
Fiscal Shackles or Unrestrained Rhetoric: Does EU Integration Constrain Social Welfare Spending?, Ryan Merriman
Flat Earth, Clifford Eberly
Flatterland: The Play, Kym Louie
FlipGlobe: Developing an iPhone App That Turns the World Upside Down, Alex Berman
Floatovoltaics: Quantifying the Benefits of a Hydro-Solar Power Fusion, Abe McKay
Fluid Arguments: Five Centuries of Western Water Conflict, Char Miller
Food Security on Maui: Reinventing Agriculture in the Aloha State, Jade Silver
Fool's Gold, Kyla M. Hansen
For-Profit Higher Education in the United States: Turmoil in the Wake of the Financial Crisis, Kevin R. Krier
For the Love of Poetry and Mathematics: January 6, 2012, Charlotte Henderson
Fracturando La Idea de Tabú: El Cine Español Abre Nuevos Medios de Discusión, Emily Watterberg
Fragments: Selections from the Profiled Series, Ken Gonzales-Day
Framing a Blaxicana Identity: A Cultural Ethnography of Family, Race and Community in the Valley Homes, Lincoln Heights, Ohio, 1955-1960, Ana Viola Thorne
Francesco Rognoni's "Selva de varii passaggi" (1602): Fresh Details concerning Early Baroque Vocal Ornamentation, Stewart Carter
Frederick Neumann (1907-1994), multi-faceted musician and scholar, Homer Rudolf
Frederick Neumann: challenger of held opinion, Roland Jackson
Frederick Neumann's final book--an appraisal, Albert Cohen
Freedom of Speech through the Looking Glass: Reflections on the Governance of Political Discourse in China, the United States, and the European Union, Emily Alice Chesbrough
Friends, Brothers and Informants: Fieldwork Memoirs of Banaras, Nita Kumar
From a Xicanadyke Imagination: An Examination of Queer Xicanidad, Citizenship and National Identity through The L Word, The Hungry Woman, and Mosquita y Mari, Antoinette L. Myers
From Dublin to Lisbon: Ireland’s EU Reform Treaty Referendums and Their Lessons for Europe, Katelyn Walker
From PPR to PPO: New Directions, New Challenges, Roland Jackson
From Puritan to Yankee: Character and Social Order in Connecticut, 1690-1765, Richard Bushman
From Subways to the Pop Shop: Display Space in the Work of Keith Haring, Leah Pauline Rappaport
From the Attic to the Cosmos: Myth in the Art of Anselm Kiefer 1973-2007, Isabel L. Roth
From The Children to The Marriage Playground and Back Again: Filmic Readings of Edith Wharton, Kathleen Fitzpatrick
From the Frying Pan Into the Fire (and Back Again): Adventures in Subject-Based, Credit Instruction, Natalie Tagge
From the Halls of Montezuma, Kevin I. Chaney
Front Cover, Noah Sneider
Front Matter and Editors' Note, Passwords Editors
Front Matter/Table of Contents
Front Matter/Table of Contents
Front Matter/Table of Contents
Front Matter/Table of Contents
Front Matter/Table of Contents
Front Matter/Table of Contents
Front Matter/Table of Contents
Future Naval Conflict: Asymmetric Threats and Commerce Raiding, Joshua D. Bowling
Gallery Shot, Atilio A. Pernisco
Gallery shot, Atilio A. Pernisco
Gallery Shot, Atilio A. Pernisco
Gallery Shot, Atilio A. Pernisco
Gallery Shot, Atilio A. Pernisco
Gallery Shot, Atilio A. Pernisco
Gallery View, Grace Heeeun Park
Gallery View1, Grace Heeeun Park
Gallery view2, Grace Heeeun Park
Gallery View, East Gallery CGU, Jen Grabarczyk
Gallery View, East Gallery CGU, Jen Grabarczyk
Gallery View, East Gallery CGU, Jen Grabarczyk
Gallery View, East Gallery CGU, Jen Grabarczyk
Gallery View, East Gallery CGU, Jen Grabarczyk
Gallery View, East Gallery CGU, Jen Grabarczyk
Gallery View, East Gallery CGU, Jen Grabarczyk
Gallery View, East Gallery CGU, Jen Grabarczyk
Gallery View, East Gallery CGU, Jen Grabarczyk
Gallery View, East Gallery CGU, Jen Grabarczyk
Gallery View, East Gallery CGU, Jen Grabarczyk
Gallery View, East Gallery CGU, Jen Grabarczyk
Games Mathematicians Play, Mark Huber and Gizem Karaali
Gaming Your Mathematics Course: The Theory and Practice of Games for Learning, Kathleen H. Offenholley
Gender Analysis of Politics, Economics and Culture of Korean Reunification: Toward a Feminist Theological Foundation for Reunified Society, Jin Sung Cholee
Gender as an Impediment to Labor Market Success: Why Do Young Women Report Greater Harm?, Heather Antecol and Peter Kuhn
Gender-Biased Behavior at Work: What Can Surveys Tell Us About the Link Between Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination?, Heather Antecol, Vanessa E. Barcus, and Deborah Cobb-Clark
Gene Pathway Text Mining and Visualization, Gondy Leroy, Daniel M. McDonald, Hua Su, Jennifer Xu, Chun-Ju Tseng, and Hsinchun Chen
Genescene: An Ontology-enhanced Integration of Linguistic and Co-occurrence Based Relations in Biomedical Texts, Gondy Leroy and Hsinchun Chen
George Drouillard and John Colter: Heroes of the American West, Mitchell Edward Pike
Gifford Pinchot and the Making of Modern Environmentalism (Pioneers of Conservation), Char Miller
Gifford Pinchot: The Evolution of an American Conservationist (Two Essays), Char Miller
Giovanni Luca Conforti and Vocal Embellishment: From Formula to Artful Improvisation, Murray C. Bradshaw
Giving It Away: Sharing and the Future of Scholarly Communication, Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Global Impacts of Media on Tobacco Use Among Adolescents: A Comparative Analysis of the United States and China, Katherine Theresa Lesyna
"Golf Is Deceptively Simple and Endlessly Complicated": An Analysis of the PGA Tour's FedExCup as a Tournament Incentive Mechanism, Andrew T. Duckworth
Google at a Crossroad: A Case Study of Roto-Rooter, Christian Tain Lee
Gossip and the Group: A Self-Categorization Perspective, Dana Turcotte
G-PLEX PSI, Jacques Louis David
Great Recession Dying, Okun's Law Resurrected, Jane M. Brittingham
Greening the Streets: A Comparison of Sustainable Stormwater Management in Portland, Oregon and Los Angeles, California, Na'ama Schweitzer
Gromov-Witten Theory of Blowups of Toric Threefolds, Dhruv Ranganathan
Ground Work: Conservation in American Culture, Char Miller
Guitar Performance in the Nineteenth Centuries and Twentieth Centuries, Paul Sparks
Habitat Assessment of a Newly Established Breeding Pond for the Population of Western Toads, Anaxyrus boreas, at the Bernard Field Station, Erin Alison Baumler
Handcraft and Environmental Knowledge: Mapuche Women Weavers, Priscilla Pambana Gutto Bassett
Harbor Island, Joe Lloyd
Harbor Island, Joe Lloyd
Harbor Island, Joe Lloyd
Heaps Street, Kyla M. Hansen
Hegel's Critique of Pure Mechanism and the Philosophical Appeal of the Logic Project, James Kreines
Hegel’s Metaphysics: Changing the Debate, James Kreines
Heights and Effective Theory of Quadratic Forms over Global Fields, Lenny Fukshansky
Hilbert's 10th Problem, Heights, and Search Bounds for Rational Points on Varieties, Parts I and II, Lenny Fukshansky
Historical Accuracy and the IRA Over 70 Years of Cinema, Eric Scott Elliott
Historical and Regional Pronunciations in Vocal Performance, Douglas Leedy
"'Historical Performance': The Journal of Early Music America" Paul C. Echols, ed., George Houle
Hollywood Reborn: Movie Stars of the 1970s, James Morrison
Home Carbonator, Sam Ettinger and Theo DuBose
homesick, Catherine Chiang
Hongse : the Color Red, Amanda Young Shortall
How American Bandstand Created the American Teenager, Matthew Delmont
Howard Mayer Brown: A Personal Rememberance, Mark Lindley
"How Equal Temperament Ruined Harmony (and Why You Should Care)" by Ross Duffin, Rudolf Rasch
How Much Does Violence Tax Trade?, S. Brock Blomberg and Gregory Hess
How one Learned to Ornament in Late Sixteenth-Century Italy, Timothy J. McGee
How One Writes, Makes, Markets a Movie and How an Audience Reads the Movie: Two Biographical Films of Hitler as a Case Study, Nick Chi-Shu J. Yeh
How to Pick a Running Mate: Rethinking the Vice Presidential Selection Process and Criteria, Jake A. Petzold
'I Am Rooted, But I Flow': Virginia Woolf and 20th Century Thought, Emily Lauren Hanna
Icy/Hot: Norwegian and Finnish Policy toward the European Union, Mia Bennett
Identity and Racial Harassment, Heather Antecol and Deborah Cobb-Clark
Identity in Violin Playing on Records: Interpretation Profiles in Recordings of Solo Bach by Early Twentiety-Century Violinists, Dorottya Fabian and Eitan Ornoy
If I Were to Meet You Again, Rachel Grate
Immigration and Crime in Catalonia, Spain: What’s the Connection? Towards a Theory on Immigrant Crime, Rebecca Westbrook
Immigration Policy and the Skills of Immigrants to Australia, Canada, and the United States, Heather Antecol, Deborah Cobb-Clark, and Stephen J. Trejo
Impact of IT on the Role of a Community of Practice Moderator in the Coalescing Stage of Development, Farnaz Barvarz Piepkorn
Impacts and Implementation of the Basel Accords: Contrasting Argentina, Brazil, and Chile, Kristina Bergess
Implications of Land Development on Nomadic Pastoralism: Ecological Relaxation and Biosocial Diversity in Human Populations, Hannah R. Bradley
Improving America's Racial Climate by Decreasing the Use of the Race Card, Brandon Brown
Improving Health Literacy with Information Technology, Gondy Leroy
Improvisation in Sixteenth-Century Italy: Lessons from Rhetoric and Jazz, John Bass
In Bed with the Fed: The Battle Over K-12 Sex Education in the United States, Hannah Frey Lauber
Incentives for Distributed Generation in California: The Rise of Third-Party Solar Development, Joshua M. Propp
Incentivizing Biodiversity Conservation: The Ecological ICMS in Brazil, Erin Franks
Individualism and Collectivism in a Korean Population, Diana D. Ahn
Individual vs. Aggregate Decision Making – Diversification Discount, Sze Wai Yuen
In May, Atilio A. Pernisco
In Pursuit of Justice: Strengthening the International Criminal Court, Kevin Wallentine
In Search of the Eighteenth-Century “Violoncello”: Antonio Vandini and the Concertos for Viola by Tartini, Marc Vanscheeuwijck
Inside Cover, Emily Robin
Integer Knapsacks and the Frobenius Problem, Lenny Fukshansky
Integral Orthogonal Bases Of Small Height For Real Polynomial Spaces, Lenny Fukshansky
Integral Points of Small Height Outside of a Hypersurface, Lenny Fukshansky
Intentioned Network Convergence: How Social Media is Redefining, Reorganizing, and Revitalizing Social Movements in the United States, Jesse Janice Klekamp
Intergenerational Support Systems: An Exploration of Multigenerational Support Exchange, Ariela N. Litman
"Interpreting Mozart: The Performance Practice of his Piano Pieces and Other Compositions" by Eva Badura-Skoda and Paul Badura-Skoda, Andrew Willis
Interpretive Left-Hand Fingerings for Lute in Nicholas Vallet's "Le Secret des Muses" (1615), Susan G. Sandman
In The Cafetorium, Atilio A. Pernisco
In the Garden, Dan Skubi
Introduction to the Special Issue on Decision Support in Medicine, Gondy Leroy and Hsinchun Chen
Investigating the Conceptions of the Tea Party, Alex Curtis
Invoking a Past or Imposing a Present? Two Views of Performance Practice, Roland Jackson
Iraq, Reconsidered, Joshua J. Brewer
Islamophobia, Pluralism, and Multiculturalism: A Comparison between Western Europe and the United States, Thomas J. Boerigter
Island Inquiries: Nature, Culture and Environmental Management, Leah Plaisier Mortensen
Italian split-keyboard instruments with fewer than nineteen divisions to the octave, Denzil Wraight and Christopher Stembridge
It Can “spoil all the beauty”: the Duplicating of Solo Dissonances in Seventeenth-Century Thorough-bass Accompaniment, Roland Jackson
'It's Our Job to Know Stuff': The Epistemology of CSI, Kathleen Fitzpatrick
I Will Always Love You, Travis Novak
I Will Always Love You, Travis Novak
I Wrote You a Fish Once, Liz Lyon
JoAnne Growney's Poetry-With-Mathematics Blog -- An Appreciation, Gregory E. Coxson
José Bowen's Essay: A Few Afterthoughts, Roland Jackson
Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism, Richard Bushman
Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling, Richard Bushman
"J. S. Bach as Organist: His Instruments, Music and Performance Practices" George Stauffer and Ernest May, eds., Kimberly Marshall
Judges, Tammi J. Schneider
Jürgen Habermas and the Third Reich, Max Schiller
Justice and Obligation: Building on the Capability Approach, Ellen Lebow
Justified By Faith: The Upper Susquehanna Lutheran Synod and the Pennsylvania Natural Gas Fracking Controversy, Lena R. Connor
Justifying an Ethical Government Response to the Obesity Epidemic, Jacob Daniel Kass
Kant on the Laws of Nature: Laws, Necessitation, and the Limitation of Our Knowledge, James Kreines
Kathleen Melian MFA Thesis - Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Kathleen Melian MFA Thesis - Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Kathleen Melian MFA Thesis - Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Kathleen Melian MFA Thesis - Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Kathleen Melian MFA Thesis - Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Kathleen Melian MFA Thesis - Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Kathleen Melian MFA Thesis - Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Kathleen Melian MFA Thesis - Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Kathleen Melian MFA Thesis - Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Kathleen Melian MFA Thesis - Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Kathleen Melian MFA Thesis Show - Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Keyboard Fingering and Interpretation: a Comparison of Historical and Modern Approaches, Jeffrey Swinkin
Kindred Spirit or Opportunistic Ally? Polish Atlanticism in the 21st Century, Elizabeth Schmitz-Robinson
King and People in Provincial Massachusetts, Richard Bushman
Kyla Hansen, Kyla M. Hansen
Kyla Hansen MFA Thesis Statement, Kyla M. Hansen
Labor Supply Differences Between Married Heterosexual Women and Partnered Lesbians: A Semi-Parametric Decomposition Approach, Heather Antecol and Michael Steinberger
La Comercialización del Turismo Étnico en Guatemala y Marruecos, Michelle Diana Gloster
Lady Seated at a Virginal (detail)
"La Generación Ni Ni" and the Exodus of Spanish Youth: National Crisis or Functioning European Union Market?, Stephanie E. Lester
La Guerra Civil Española: Un Estudio de La Literatura Como Un Mecanismo de Recuperar La Memoria Colectiva, Lindsay R. Delp
La Influencia de Jugadores de América Latina y España en El NBA de Una Perspectiva Mercadeo y de Negocios, Michael Ethan Lee
Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Lalaland, Kathleen Melian
Language Brokering a Dynamic Phenomenon: A Qualitative Study Examining the Experiences of Latina/o Language Brokers, Adriana Esquivel
Language in History: Theories and Texts, Tony Crowley
Lapsing Into A Pool, Atilio A. Pernisco
Last words on inequality and overdotting: a review of Stephen Hefling's book, David Fuller
Latinos en La Educación: El Nuevo Valor de La Cultura Latina, Yaneli M. Ruiz
Lattices Must be Fat - No Skinny Lattice for You!, Lenny Fukshansky
La Valorisation de La Maternité en France Contemporaine et Ses Conséquences, Margaret P. Matlock
Leadership in 21st Century Education Reform: Washington, D.C. and the Case of Michelle Rhee, Crystal Adams
Leading Strings: An Economic History of America's Welfare State, Emanuel Angel Maceira
Learning from YouTube, Alexandra Juhasz and Craig Dietrich
Learning Modernity? The Technology of Education in India, Nita Kumar
Les Ambitions de Sarkozy et Le Leadership Francais dans L'Intervention en Libye de 2011, Heather Annette Siegel
Lessons from Schools: The History of Education in Banaras, Nita Kumar
L'Infirmière Française: Entre la Laïcité et La Sentimentalité, Melanie R. Williams
Living Letters, Cody Burson
Locust Dynamics: Behavioral Phase Change and Swarming, Chad M. Topaz, Maria R. D'Orsogna, Leah Edelstein-Keshet, and Andrew J. Bernoff
Logarithmic Spirals and Projective Geometry in M.C. Escher's "Path of Life III", Heidi Burgiel and Matthew Salomone
log cabin, Milia Fisher
London, dear, Jessica Stern
Lumen Essence, Brian Thomas Jones
Lynching in the West: 1850–1935, Ken Gonzales-Day
Madness & Language, Rachel Brownell
Magnetic Levitation of Liquid Helium, H. J. Maris, M. A. Weilert, Dwight L. Whitaker, and G. M. Seidel
Mahler's Measure and Lehmer's Conjecture, Lenny Fukshansky
Mahler's Measure, Lehmer's Conjecture, and Some Connections - I, Lenny Fukshansky
Mahler's Measure, Lehmer's Conjecture, and Some Connections - II, Lenny Fukshansky
Majority Voting in the EU: Beneficial or Just Equally Harmful, Elizabeth DeGori
"Makers of the Piano, 1700-1820." By Martha Novak Clinkscale, Malcolm S. Cole
Management Accountants, Risk Management, and Effective Communication, Braxton Sato
Man and Woman Sitting at the Virginal
Manufactured Morality: German-British Humanitarianism as Realpolitik Tool a Decade after the Boer and Herero Wars, Michelle Lynn Kahn
Mapping Community Mindscapes: Visualizing Social Autobiography as Political Transformation and Mobilization, Emily C. Bluck
Marriage and Consumption Insurance: What’s Love Got to Do with It?, Gregory Hess
Marston Quadrangle: Past, Present, and Proposals for a Sustainable Future, Meryl Seward
Masthead | Table of Contents | About the Authors
Mathematical Creation, Mark Huber and Gizem Karaali
Mathematics and The Hunger Games, Michael A. Lewis
Mathematics in Literature, Donald A. Preece
Math in the Grocery Aisle: From Stacking Oranges to Constructing Error-correcting Codes, Lenny Fukshansky
Math Moment, Paige S. Orland
Maximizing the Productive Use of Mobile Phone Technologies for the Public Good, Chris Temple
Mayoral Control of Public Schools: Governance as a Tool to Improve Student Achievement, Carlos A. Rivas Jr.
McGill Library Makes E-books Portable: E-reader Loan Service in a Canadian Academic Library, Maria Savova and Matthew Garsia
Measures of Social Cognition in the Laboratory and Real World: Towards Temporal Dynamics of Implicit Other-Regard, Danielle Tucci
Measuring Peer Effects in Primary Schools: Lessons Taken from Disadvantaged School Districts Across the Country, Eric L. Bean
Measuring the Impact of a Comprehensive Health and Wellness Initiative, Patrick R. Rooney
Mechanism for Burgess Shale-Type Preservation, Robert Gaines, E. U. Hammarlund, Xianguang Hou, C. Qi, Sarah E. Gabbott, Y. L. Zhao, J. Peng, and Donald Canfield
"Medieval Music, The Library of Essays on Music Performance Practice" edited by Honey Meconi and Mary Cyr, Timothy McGee
Meeting Medical Terminology Needs: The Ontology-enhanced Medical Concept Mapper, Gondy Leroy and Hsinchun Chen
Melissa Zimmermann MFA Thesis Show 2012, melissa zimmermann
Memento Mori, Aaron Berman
Mendelssohn, Berlioz, and Wagner as Conductors: The Origins of the Ideal of "Fidelity to the Composer", Jose Antonio Bowen
"Mendelssohn in Performance" by Siegwart Reichwald, David Montgomery
Mental Accounting As a Mediator of Self-Control in Consumer Decision Making, Lauren E. Yeske
Men, Women, and Sexual Harassment in the U.S. Military, Heather Antecol and Deborah Cobb-Clark
Merger Announcement Returns with Preparations, Sang-Hyun Lee
Mersenne on Vocal Diminutions, Margaret Seares
Metaphysics without Pre-Critical Monism: Hegel on Lower-Level Natural Kinds and the Structure of Reality, James Kreines
Mexican-Americans in Los Angeles: Strengthening Their Ethnic Identity Through Chivas USA, Stephanie Goldberger
Michel Blavet's Breathing Marks: A Rare Source for Musical Phrasing in Eighteenth-Century France, Lewis Emanuel Peterman
Military Civilian Relations in Post-Revolutionary Transition: The Transformation of East Asian States and the Future of Egypt, Amy E. Frazee
Mineral Resource Governance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Strategies for Development and Poverty Alleviation, Gabriela Giselle Andrade
Miss Interpreted(M.Dumas), Clifford Eberly
Missions and Missionaries in the Pacific, Char Miller
Mme. de Pompadour: Self Promotion and Social Performance through Architecture and the Decorative Arts, Kelly Elizabeth Boyd
Modern Phaethon, Kate Kennelly
Monsieur de Saint-Georges' 'Règles pour l'accompagnement': A Translation and Commentary, Sara-Anne Churchill
"Monsieur de Saint Lambert: A New Treatise on Accompaniment." Trans. and Ed. by John S. Powell, Charlotte S. Mattax
Mood and Perceived Fairness: The Context Dependency of Empathy, Greg J. Zahner
More (and Less) on Bach's Orchestra, Joshua Rifkin
Mormonism: A Very Short Introduction, Richard Bushman
Mormons in America, Claudia Bushman and Richard Bushman
Mortgage Default in Southern California: Examining Distressed Borrower's Decision Making and Market Contagion, Michael Wilkerson
Mothers of Promise: Women in the Book of Genesis, Tammi J. Schneider
Mothers, Sons, and the Gothic Family in Brown, Poe, and Wharton, Elizabeth Lain Lyon
Motivation, Trust, Leadership, and Technology: Predictors of Knowledge Sharing Behavior in the Workplace, Shabnam Ozlati
"Mozart's Symphonies: Context, Performance Practice, Reception." By Neal Zaslaw, Malcolm S. Cole
Musical Aesthetics and Creative Identification in Two Harmonielehren by John Adams and Arnold Schoenberg, Scott M. Strovas
Musical Performance at San Petronio in Bologna: a Brief History, Marc Vanscheeuwijck
Musical Venues in Vienna, Seventeenth Century to the Present, Ingeborg Harer
"Music Education and the Art of Performance in the German Baroque" by John Butt, David Schulenberg
Music for the Cimbalo Cromatico and the Split-Keyed Instruments in Seventeenth-Century Italy, Christopher Stembridge
"Music of Forty Several Parts": A Song for the Creation of Princes, Ian Woodfield
Nana Stories, Francesca Moore
National Identity and the Education of Immigrant Youth in Spain, Kathleen C. Mautner
National Identity Crisis: The Intersection of Gender Equality and Ethnic Minority Integration in Denmark, Kristiana Brix
NATO Expansion During the Cold War and After, Evan Jaroff
NATO's Role in the Global War on Terror: Is the Alliance Obsolete?, Benjamin Forster
Navigating the Diverse Dimensions of Stereotypes, with Domain Specific Deficits: Processes of Trait Judgments about Individuals with Disabilities, Christina G. Boardman
Network: The Other Cold War, Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Neural Synchrony in the Zebra Finch Brain, Sydney Pia Goings
Nevermind, Kyla M. Hansen
"New Essays on Performance Practice." By Frederick Neumann, Erich Schwandt
Ni La Tierra, Ni Las Mujeres Somos Territorio de La Conquista, Adrienne Beitcher
No Girls in the Clubhouse: A Historical Examination of the Institutional Exclusion of Women From Baseball, Rebecca A. Gularte
Nonlinear Wave Equations and Solitary Wave Solutions in Mathematical Physics, Trevor Caldwell
North Wall View, Atilio A. Pernisco
"Nudge a Mexican and She or He Will Break Out With a Story": Complicating Mexican Immigrant Masculinities through Counternarrative Storytelling, Berenice Villela
Numbers and Tempo: 1630-1800, Beverly Jerold
Occupy This: The Effect of Income Inequality on GDP Per Capita Growth Using Panel Data in the United States from 1963 to 2009, Dylan B. Lee
Oil, Oil, Everywhere: Environmental and Human Impacts of Oil Extraction in the Niger Delta, Julia Pitkin
Ominous Optimism, Jesse W. Standlea
Ominous Optimism, Jesse W. Standlea
On Distribution of Integral Well-Rounded Lattices in the Plane, Lenny Fukshansky
On Distribution of Well-Rounded Lattices in the Plane, Lenny Fukshansky
On Divided Lines: Instrumentation for Bass Parts in Corelli-era Sonatas, Peter Walls
On Effective Witt Decomposition and Cartan-Dieudonné Theorem, Lenny Fukshansky
On Effective Witt Decomposition and the Cartan–Dieudonné Theorem, Lenny Fukshansky
One People, One Nation, One Power? Re-Evaluating the Role of the Federal Plenary Power in Immigration, Alexandra R. Saslaw
On Heights of Algebraic Numbers, Lenny Fukshansky
On Minimal Lattice Spherical Configurations in Three Dimensions, Lenny Fukshansky and Sinai Robins
On Siegel's Lemma, Lenny Fukshansky
On Siegel's Lemma Outside of a Union of Varieties, Lenny Fukshansky
On Similarity Classes of Well-Rounded Sublattices of Z², Lenny Fukshansky
On Tarski Plank Problem and its Discrete Analogues, Lenny Fukshansky
On the Border: An Environmental History of San Antonio, Char Miller
On the Distribution of Integral Well-rounded Lattices in Dimension Two, Part I, Lenny Fukshansky
On the Distribution of Integral Well-rounded Lattices in Dimension Two, Part II, Lenny Fukshansky
On the Economic Effects of Policy Responsiveness: The Role of Candidate Selection for General Elections, Marco Alejandro Pérez-Mares
On the Frobenius Coin-Exchange Problem, Lenny Fukshansky
On the Frobenius Problem and its Generalization, Lenny Fukshansky
On The Occasion Of Your Graduation, Robert Dawson
On Well-Rounded Ideal Lattices, Lenny Fukshansky and Kathleen Petersen
On Well-rounded Ideal Lattices, Lenny Fukshansky
On Well-Rounded Sublattices of the Hexagonal Lattice, Lenny Fukshansky, Daniel Moore, R. Andrew Ohana, and Whitney Zeldow
On Zeta Function of Well-rounded Lattices, Lenny Fukshansky
On Zeta-function of Well-rounded Lattices in the Plane, Lenny Fukshansky
"Ornamental" Neumes and Early Notation, Timothy J. McGee
"Ornamentation and Improvisation in Mozart." By Frederick Neumann., Malcolm S. Cole
Ornamentation in Spanish Renaissance Vocal Music, Charles Jacobs
Orthogonal Siegel's Lemma, Lenny Fukshansky
Our Thirsty World: Contextualized Responses to the World Water Crisis, Eliana Rieders
Out Of The Woods: Essays in Environmental History, Char Miller and Hal Rothman
Outsiders in an Inside Game: The Effects of the Traditional Soviet Economy of Favors on Foreigners Doing Business in Contemporary Russia, Brittney A. Lenard
Outtakes, Jeff Zalesin
Overall View, Clifford Eberly
Overcoming Cognitive and Motivational Barriers to Media Literacy: A Dual-Process Approach, Erica Lynn Rosenthal
Painting is the Vampire, Clifford Eberly
Panic Attack: A Comparative Analysis of United States Bank Panics, Cameron J. Cain
Parsimony and Quantum Mechanics: An Analysis of the Copenhagen and Bohmian Interpretations, Jhenna Voorhis
Passport to Hollywood: Hollywood Films, European Directors, James Morrison
Passwords, Vol. 13, issue 1, Passwords Editors
Pathfinder in Performance Practice: Howard Mayer Brown, 1930-1993, Roland Jackson
Paul Redding, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying so much about Meaning and Love Hegel’s Metaphysics and Kant’s Epistemic Modesty, James Kreines
Pedaling the Piano: A Brief Survey from the Eighteenth Century to the Present, Sandra P. Rosenblum
Peer Leadership: An Analysis of Athlete Captains on Collegiate Sports Teams, Amanda M. Banducci
Performance Practice: A Manifestation of Our Time?, Roland Jackson
Performance Practice and Its Critics - The Debate Goes On, Roland Jackson
Performance Practice and Musical Expressivity, Roland Jackson
"Performance Practice and Technique in Marin Marais' 'Pièces de viole'." By Deborah A. Teplow, Frank Traficante
Performance Practice and the Falsobordone, Murray C. Bradshaw
"Performance Practice before 1600." Edited By Howard M. Brown and Stanley Sadie, Timothy J. McGee
Performance Practice Bibliography (1989)
Performance Practice Bibliography 1990
Performance Practice Bibliography (1991)
Performance Practice Bibliography (1992)
Performance Practice Bibliography (1993)
Performance Practice Bibliography, 1994-1995
Performance Practice Bibliography (1995-1996)
Performance Practice Bibliography (1996-1997)
Performance Practice in the Indeterminate Works of John Cage, Judith Irene Lochhead
"Performance Practice: Issues and Approaches" by Thomas Watkins, Roland Jackson
"Performance Practice: Music after 1600." By Howard M. Brown and Stanley Sadie, George Houle
"Performance Practice: Music after 1600." By Howard M. Brown and Stanley Sadie, Albert R. Rice
"Performance Practices in Classic Piano Music" By Sandra P. Rosenblum, A. Peter Brown
Performance Practice Versus Performance Analysis: Why Should Performers Study Performance, José Antonio Bowen
Performing Don DeLillo: Theatricality, Subjectivity, and the Borders of Genre, Kathleen Fitzpatrick
"Performing Messiaen’s Organ Music: 66 Masterclasses" by Jon Gillock, Vincent P. Benitez
Performing on the Trombone: A Chronological Survey, David M. Guion
Performing the Medieval Lyric: a Metrical-Accentual Approach, Roger Pensom
"Perspectives on Mozart Performance." By R. Larry Todd and Peter Williams, Malcolm S. Cole
Petrocapitalism in Iraqi Kurdistan: Leveraging Oil and Gas Firms in Post-War Iraq, Chase W. Gray
“Phantom Reverberations”: The Stadtbahn and Memory in Mary, Frances Nan
Philosophy Lullaby Chamber, Clifford Eberly
Playing by Market Rules: Anti-Doping Policy in the European Union, Kayla McCulley
Play in Place: The Role of Site-Specific Playgrounds in Community Space, Allison Nkwocha
Points of Small Height Missing a Union of Varieties, Lenny Fukshansky
Politique de La Traduction: Le Sous-Titrage de Références Liées à La Culture, Rebecca J. Marion
Polychoral performance practice and "maestro di cappella" conducting, Florian Bassani
Poor Millionaires: A History of Free Agency in Major League Baseball and the National Football League, Cameron Conley
Portamento in Romantic Opera, Deborah Kauffman
Power and Relationships in the Plays of Neil LaBute: Directing and Performing in Some Girl(s), Mary Peyton Griffith
Practicing In C Major, Atilio A. Pernisco
Problems in GPS Accuracy, Michael Thomas Vodhanel
Procession of Promises, Atilio A. Pernisco
Professional Sports and Congress: Steroid Abuse, Eric P. Yingling
Proper English: Readings in Language, History and Cultural Identity, Tony Crowley
Prose and Polarization: Environmental Literature and the Challenges to Constructive Discourse, Paige E. Costello
Protecting the Last Tree: Environmental Education in the United States, 1990-2012, Liza R. Baskir
Prove It!, Kenny W. Moran
Provincialism in Modern India: the Multiple Narratives of Education and their Pain, Nita Kumar
Public Land and Its Management: Why the Research Is Not Enough, Corinne Calhoun
Public Lands, Public Debates: A Century of Controversy, Char Miller
Publishing Opportunities @ the Library Panel Event Program
Pulling Back the Veil: The Hijab Ban and the Evolution of French Nationalism, Meghan Henkel
Putting the 'Public' Back into the Public Sector: Rethinking Potable Water Provision and Water Management Policy in Mexico City, Elena M. Davert
Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in Local Consumer Markets: Exploiting the Army's Procedures for Matching Personnel to Duty Locations, Heather Antecol and Deborah Cobb-Clark
Racial Harassment, Job Satisfaction, and Intentions to Remain in the Military, Heather Antecol and Deborah Cobb-Clark
Radon Transforms and the Finite General Linear Groups, Michael E. Orrison
Raphael's School of Athens: A Theorem in a Painting?, Robert Haas
reach bend shunt, Jen Grabarczyk
Reading between the (Ledger) Lines: Performing Mozart's Music for the Basset Clarinet, Robert Adelson
Realizing Partial Signatures around 1400: Liebert's Credo as a Test Case, Kevin N. Moll
Realizing the Continuo in Monteverdi's Lamento della ninfa and Its Implications for Early-Seventeenth-Century Italian Continuo Practice, Roland Jackson
Reason and Revelation: Averroes and the Evolution of Islamic Rationalism in Egypt, Olivia Michelle Uranga
Reflections Acting Efficiently on a Building, Michael E. Orrison
release dab run, Jen Grabarczyk
Religion and the Evolution of Democracy: A Revised Selectorate Model for the Arab Spring, Amir K. Bagherpour
Removing the Barriers to Economic Prosperity: The Case For Prioritizing Euro Adoption in Hungary, Spencer W. Mains
Representing Nationality in This Land is Mine, James Morrison
Residental Electricity Demand: An Analysis of the Current and Future United States Electricity Grid and Its Impact on Power Consumption, Miles R. Kvalheim
Responses to Missionization at Missions San Antonio, San Carlos, and Soledad, Sam A. Bennett
Revisiting the Hexagonal Lattice: On Optimal Lattice Circle Packing, Lenny Fukshansky
Revisiting the Hexagonal Lattice: On Optimal Lattice Circle Packing, Lenny Fukshansky
Revitalized Streets of San Francisco: A Study of Redevelopment and Gentrification in SoMa and the Mission, Lucy K. Phillips
(R)Evolution Grrrl Style Now: Disidentification and Evolution within Riot Grrrl Feminism, Lilly Estenson
Richard Strauss: the Don Juan Recordings, Raymond Holden
Rights of Concrete Others: Ethics of Concrete Others, Social Individuality, and Social Multiculturalism, Hochul Kwak
Rival Models to Capitalism: Can the Nordic Model Survive the New Global Economic System?, Robbie Block
River Basins of the American West: A High Country News Reader, Char Miller
Romance and Religion in College: The Predictors of Quality in College Romantic Relationships, Emma J. Jaffe
Russian Mathematical Pedagogy in Reasoning Mind, Maia Valcarce
San Antonio High School Food Justice Program: A Handbook and Evaluation of Edible Education, Katherine B. Tenneson
Sarah: Mother of Nations, Tammi J. Schneider
Sarkozy's New Diplomacy: A Reassessment of the Third Rift in Franco-American Relations, David Drake
Say It Loud: An Action Research Project Examining the Afrivisual and Africology, Looking for Alternative African American Community College Teaching Strategies, Daniel E. Mitchell
Scenes from the Life of St John the Baptist: 3. Feast of Herod (detail)
School Choice and Voucher Systems: A Comparison of the Drivers of Educational Achievement and of Private School Choice, Courtney Sibert
School Gardens: Reconnecting Children with Nature and Food, Alyssa M. Boyle
Search Bounds for Zeros of Polynomials Over the Algebraic Closure of Q, Lenny Fukshansky
Search Bounds with Respect to Height in Linear and Quadratic Spaces, Lenny Fukshansky
Searching for California's Hang Trees, Ken Gonzales-Day
Searching for Rational Points on Varieties over Global Fields, Lenny Fukshansky
Searching Stars for a Moving Hider, Jennifer Iglesias
Secret Weapon, Clifford Eberly
Sector-Switching in Transition Economies: A Case Study of Kazakhstan's Health Care Sector, Dariga Chukmaitova
Seeing Stars: Emotional Trauma in Athlete Retirement: Contexts, Intersections, and Explorations, Scott P. Tinley
Selected Writings of Hiram Bingham (1814-1869): Missionary to the Hawaiian Islands, Char Miller
Selective Immigration Policy in Australia, Canada, and the United States, Heather Antecol, Deborah Cobb-Clark, and Stephen J. Trejo
Self-determination and independence movements in Europe, Jeannine Plamondon
Serbia and Kosovo: A Resolution for Both Sides, Arielle Badger
Se Vosea en Costa Rica, Elizabeth Horta
Sexual Orientation Wage Gap: The Role of Occupational Sorting and Human Capital, Heather Antecol, Anneke Jong, and Michael Steinberger
She's Got the Power, Tim Reynolds
Should Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation Be Implemented?, Jamie J. Kim
Siegel's Lemma with Additional Conditions, Lenny Fukshansky
Signs of Belonging: Languages, Nations, and Cultures in the Old and New Europe, Tony Crowley
Simulated Associating Polymer Networks, Joris Billen
Simultaneous Diophantine Approximations and a Conjecture of Minkowski, Lenny Fukshansky
"Singing in Latin, or, Pronunciation explor'd." By Harold Copeman, Douglas Leedy
Singing Without Text, Timothy J. McGee
Size Matters: Engaging Your Users Where They Are @, John D. McDonald
Skilled Immigration to the U.S.: Policies for Sustained U.S. Research and Development Leadership, Brendan McDonald
Slammer Time: A Cost-Effective Analysis of the California State Prison System and Its Impact on Crime, Rebecca P. Manliguis
Sleep and Sleeplessness in the Victorian Novel, Jane Eyre to Dracula, Karen Beth Strovas
Small Zeros of Hermitian Forms over a Quaternion Algebra, Wai Kiu Chan and Lenny Fukshansky
Small Zeros of Hermitian Forms over Quaternion Algebras, Lenny Fukshansky
Small Zeros of Quadratic Forms over a Number Field, Lenny Fukshansky
Small Zeros of Quadratic Forms with Linear Conditions, Lenny Fukshansky
Small Zeros of Quadratic Polynomials, Lenny Fukshansky
Smoke Signals, Travis Novak
Smoke Signals, Travis Novak
Social Constructions of Teen Pregnancy: Implications for Policy and Prevention Efforts, Stephanie Jimenez
Social Entrepreneurship: The Ideal Business for Humanity and the Economy, Maya D. Horgan
Social Network: The Case of Major League Soccer and Facebook Likes, Rachel C. Bunting
Society and Technological Change, Rudi Volti
Sociopolitical Control in Urban Kenya: The Sociopolitical Control Scale in Nairobi, Mombasa, and Kisumu, Tasha A. Russman
Solar Energy Research and Development in California, Brett T. Close
Some Intranational Evidence on Output-Inflation Trade-Offs, Gregory Hess and Kwanho Shin
Some Misconceptions about the Baroque Violin, Stewart Pollens
Some Observations Concerning Baroque and Modern Vibrato, Frederick Kent Gable
Some thoughts about "last words and overdotting", Stephen E. Hefling
Some Thoughts Concerning the Effects of Tuning on Selected Musical Works (From Landini to Bach), Mark Lindley
Southern Harmony Singing: A Tradition of Shape-Note Practice, Deborah C. Loftis
South Wall View, Atilio A. Pernisco
Spatial Phases, Eric Schott
Spatial Phases, Eric Schott
Spatial Phases, Eric Schott
Spatial Phases, Eric Schott
Spatial Phases, Eric Schott
Spectacular Shadows: Djuna Barnes's Styles of Estrangement in Nightwood, Erica Nicole Bellman
Spelling Gratitude: An Aesthetic Exploration, Lily Anna Burgess
spoor turn spoil, Jen Grabarczyk
Stadium Squeeze: The Power and Politics of Housing the NFL in LA, William M. Mullen
State Intervention in the Indian Software Industry, Sonia Aggarwal
Stephen Chang Kim MFA Thesis Statement, Stephen C. Kim
Stephen Hefling's book: another view, Erich Schwandt
Stick Your Head In Gravy (1995, Autumn), Olivia Weissblum
"Stolen Time: The History of Tempo Rubato." By Richard Hudson., Barton Hudson
"Stradivari" by Stewart Pollens, Peter Walls
Strong Euro Weakening Dollar: A Potential Economic Demise, Guadalupe F. Garcia
Study of Vortex Ring Dynamics in the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation Utilizing GPU-Accelerated High-Order Compact Numerical Integrators, Ronald Meyer Caplan
Stylizing, Commodifying, and Disciplining Real Bodies: An Examination of WWE Wrestling, Isamu Horiuchi
Subverting Socialist Realism: Vasily Grossman's Marginal Heroes, Maria Karen Whittle
Supply vs. Demand: Re-Entering America's Prison Population into the Workforce, Marissa Leigh Enfield
Surreal Self Portrait, Gabrielle Kelenyi
Sustainable Urban Rail Trails: Designing the Cross Kirkland Corridor, Mia Cooledge
Switching Between Cooperation and Competition in Social Selection, August Guang
Swollen River, Natalie Dunn
swoop smoke blur, Jen Grabarczyk
Systematics, Biogeography and Leaf Anatomy and Architecture of Bursera subgen. Bursera (Burseraceae) in the Greater Antilles and the Bahamas, María Cristina Martínez-Habibe
Table of Contents/Front Matter
Taxation with Representation Ain't So Hot Either: An Empirical Analysis of Taxpayer Satisfaction, Rei Kawano
Teacher-Student Relationships in Project Based Learning: A Case Study of High Tech Middle North County, Jennifer Ray Pieratt
Technology Use in Higher Education Instruction, Sammy Elzarka
Televising Memory: The Tenth Anniversary of 9/11, Jennifer Plumlee
Tempo gradations in Purcell's sonatas, Mary Cyr
Territorialization of the European Union: Differences in Integration, Neha Jaganathan
The 2014 Brazilian World Cup: Consequences and Legacies, Elissa Josefina Ronquillo
The 5 W's of the White House Tribal Nations Conferences: 2009-2011, Elizabeth A. Shulterbrandt
The Affect of Low Tide on the Digestion of Balanus glandula, the Acorn Barnacle., Jesse Osborn
The Antebellum "Piano Girl" in the American South, Candace Bailey
The Application of (Ornamental) Strokes in English Virginalist Music: a Brief Chronological Survey, Desmond Hunter
The Art of Memory: The Murals of Northern Ireland and the Management of History, Tony Crowley
The Association between Emotional Intelligence and Sexual Risk Behavior among Undergraduate College Students in the Greater Los Angeles, Deborah E. Ortiz
The Atlas of U.S. and Canadian Environmental History, Char Miller
The Baroque Cello and Its Performance, Marc Vanscheeuwijck
"The Bartered Bride-Prodaná nevěsta: Performance Guide with Translations and Pronunciation" by Timothy Cheek, John Tyrrell
The Bible and African Americans: A Brief History, Vincent L. Wimbush
The Biomechanics of Cornus Canadensis Stamens are Ideal for Catapulting Pollen Vertically, Dwight L. Whitaker, L. A. Webster, and J. Edwards
The Bones, Susanna Ferrell
The Calculus as Algebra: J. L. Lagrange, 1736-1813, Judith V. Grabiner
The Case for Expanded Access to Investigational New Drugs, Meagan Biwer
The Changing Nature of Employment-Related Sexual Harassment: Evidence from the U.S. Federal Government, 1978 – 1994, Heather Antecol and Deborah Cobb-Clark
The Cimbalo Cromatico and Other Italian Keyboard Instruments with Ninteen or More Division to the Octave (Surviving Specimens and Documentary Evidence), Christopher Stembridge
The Cinema of Todd Haynes: All That Heaven Allows, James Morrison
"The Clarinet" by Eric Hoeprich, Colin Lawson
The Clockwork Eye: Technology, Woman, and the Decay of the Modern in Thomas Pynchon’s V., Kathleen Fitzpatrick
The Confrontation Clause: Maryland v. Craig and the Judicial Philosophies of Scalia and O'Connor, Daniela Spencer
"The Contemporary Contrabass." By Bertram Turetzky, Rodney Slatford
The Darkness is Passing, Grace Heeeun Park
The Day Without Evening: Leo Perutz, Evariste Galois, and Augustine, Andrea Albrecht
The Decentralizing Process of Mexican Independence, Michael J. Lapadot
The Democratic Deficit and the European Union's Constitutional Settlement, Jacob Ziemann
The Democratic Deficit in The European Union, Megan Campbell
The Dependent Gene: The Fallacy of "Nature vs. Nurture", David S. Moore
The Disappearing Middle Class: Implications for Politics and Public Policy, Trevor Richard Beltz
The Disordered Police State: German Cameralism as Science and Practice, Andre Wakefield
"The Early Mandolin: The Mandolino and the Neapolitan Mandoline." By James Tyler and Paul Sparks, Donald Gill
The Earning Gap of Criminality: Effects of Stigma, Length and Form of Incarceration, Matthew P. Laredo
'The Earth is Crying Out in Pains of Childbirth': Bauxite Mining and Sustainable Rural Development in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, Lena R. Connor
The Effect of Community-Level Socio-Economic Conditions on Threatening Racial Encounters, Heather Antecol and Deborah Cobb-Clark
The Effect of Executive Compensation on Firm Performance through the Dot-Com Bubble, Maxwell J. Chambers
The Effect of Mainstream Media on Body Image and Stress Reactivity in Latina Females, Madison L. Noble
The Effect of Oil Market Developments on Price Volatility and U.S.-Saudi Relations, Daniel Andrew
The Effects of Invasive Grasses on the Survival and Germination of Native Forbs, Rachel A. King
The Effects of Juror Need for Cognition: Perceptions of Trustworthiness in Expert Witness Testimony, Matthew Nicholas Armstrong
The Effects of Material Treatments on the Surface Properties of Polymeric Biomaterials, Ajoy Vase
The Effects of Moderate High Fructose Corn Syrup Consumption on Predisposition to Developing Type II Diabetes, Julia A. Nishioka
The Effects of Oil Supply Shocks on U.S. Stock Market Returns, Matthew Joseph Varghese
The Effects of Spin-Orbit Coupling on Gravitational Wave Uncertainties, C. L. Wainwright
The Effects of the Media on the Discrepancy Between GAAP and Pro Forma Earnings, Peter Schock
The Efficiency of Credit Unions, Aisling M. Scott
The Eingang in Early Beethoven, David Polan
The Emergence of the Modern Conductor, Luke Jensen
"The End of Early Music: A Period Performer's History of Music for the Twenty-First Century" by Bruce Haynes, Roland Jackson
The European Union Emission Trading Scheme, Marco Piovan
The EU, Russia, and energy security, Jonathan Jones
The Evidence Is In: Patron Driven Acquisition Promotes Collection Use, Jason S. Price and John D. McDonald
The Evolution of Political Marketing: 1952 to Present, Henry H. Handtmann
The Exhaustion of Literature: Novels, Computers, and the Threat of Obsolescence, Kathleen Fitzpatrick
The Experiences of Legally Married Same-Sex Couples in California, Erin Christine Falvey
The Expressive Pause: Punctuation, Rests, and Breathing in England 1770-1850, Robert Toft
The Expressive Pause: Punctuation, Rests, and Breathing in England, 1770-1850, Robert Toft
The Federal Judicial Vacancy Crisis: Origins and Solutions, Ryan Shaffer
The Films of Terrence Malick, James Morrison and Thomas Schur
The Frobenius Problem and the Covering Radius of a Lattice, Lenny Fukshansky
The Fulbright Program's Contemporary Relevance, Julia Catherine Starr
The Gender of Madrasa Teaching, Nita Kumar
The Gesamtkunstwerk of a Reunifying Metropolis: Berlin’s Kunsthaus Tacheles, Emma Camille Scheidt
The God-World Relationship Between Joseph Bracken, Philip Clayton, and the Open Theism, Dong-Sik Park
The Greatest Good: 100 Years Of Forestry In America, Char Miller and Rebecca Staebler
The Great Indian Affordable Housing Crisis: Determining the Price and Income Elasticities of Urban Rental Housing Demand, Megha Maniar
The Guitar and its Performance from the Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries, James Tyler
The Hegemony of English in South African Education, Kelsey E. Figone
The Heron, Catherine P. Sweatt
The Impact of a Video Game Intervention on the Cognitive Functioning, Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem, and Video Game Attitudes of Older Adults, Giovanni W. Sosa
The Impact of EU Oversight on Corporate Governance in the German Auto Industry, Jason Gorn
The Impacts of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster on Electricity Consumption: An Examination of TEPCO's Daily Load Curve, Kristina B. Stanford
The Implications of Fingering Indications in Virginalist Sources: Some Thoughts for Further Study, Desmond Hunter
The Individual Mandate, Commerce Clause, and Supreme Court: Predicting the Court's Ruling in HHS v. Florida, Nicholas Medling
The Inexplicability of Kant’s Naturzweck: Kant on Teleology, Explanation and Biology, James Kreines
The Influence of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer on Hermann Hesse, Kathryn Punsly
The Interaction of Political Capacity and Economic Growth to Attract Foreign Direct Investments at the Provincial Levels of Developing Countries, Murniz Allen Vasay Coson
"The Keyboard Sonatas of Joseph Haydn: Instruments and Performance Practice, Genres, and Styles." By László Somfai, Malcolm S. Cole
The Language and Cultural Theory Reader, Tony Crowley
"The Lauds of Saint Ursula: Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)." Thomas Binkley, dir., Early Music Institute, Indiana University School of Music., Marianne Richert Pfau
The Legal and Social Repercussions of the Media on the Sleepy Lagoon Trial and the Zoot Suit Riots, Lori Romero
The Logic of Life: Hegel’s Philosophical Defense of Teleological Explanation of Living Beings, James Kreines
The Mandolin: Its Structure and Performance (Sixteenth to Twentieth Centuries), James Tyler and Paul Sparks
The Mathematical Cultures Network Project, Brendan P. Larvor
The Misery: Land, Man, and Society in the Novels of Hanna Mina, Rio G. Fischer
The Modernization of Sanskrit Education in Banaras, Nita Kumar
The Monkey in the Looking Glass: Fairies, Folklore and Evolutionary Theory in the Search for Britain's Imperial Self, Tessa Katherine Jacobs
"The Music of Wilhelm Friedemann Bach" by David Schulenberg, David Ledbetter
The Neuroanatomical Functions of Tourette Syndrome and a Treatment Analysis, Kacie L. Curd
The Nicest Kids in Town: American Bandstand, Rock 'n' Roll, and the Struggle for Civil Rights in 1950s Philadelphia, Matthew F. Delmont
The Night I Almost Didn't Grow Up, Marion D. Cohen
"The Organ Music of J.S. Bach. Volume III: a Background." By Peter F. Williams, Kimberly Marshall
The Origins of Cauchy's Rigorous Calculus, Judith V. Grabiner
The Origins of the Italian Sovereign Debt Crisis, David M. Henningsen
Theorizing the Odds: The European Union, Online Gambling Regulation and Integration Theory, Alexis Spencer-Notabartolo
Theory Building Through Praxis Discourse: A Theory- And Practice-Informed Model of Transformative Participatory Evaluation, Michael Allen Harnar
"The Performance of 16th-Century Music: Learning from the Theorists" by Anne Smith, Kenneth Kreitner
The Performance of Fifteenth Century Italian Balli: Evidence from the Pythagorean Ratios, Jennifer Nevile
The Performance of Scriabin's Piano Music: Evidence from the Piano Rolls, Anatole Leikin
The Plight of Congolese Women: Opportunities for Sustainable Gains and Gender Parity, Jennifer Byrne
The Politics of Discourse: The Standard Language Question in British Cultural Debates, Tony Crowley
The Politics of Gender, Community, and Modernity: Essays on Education, Nita Kumar
The Politics of Language in Ireland 1366-1922: A Sourcebook, Tony Crowley
The Politics of Physical Education Reform, Ari Zyskind
The Post-Soviet Gold Rush: Examining Evangelical Activity in the Russian Federation, Mary B. Doyle
The Potential Application of Weather Derivatives to Hedge Harvest Value Risk in the Champagne Region of France, Andrew W. Yandell
The Poverty of Riches: St. Francis of Assisi Reconsidered, Kenneth Baxter Wolf
The Presidential Apology: Lessons from Tricky Dick and Slick Willy, Megan Morris
The Problem of Coming to Terms with the Past: A Post-Holocaust Theology of Remembrance, Jeremy D. Fackenthal
The Process of Inductive Learning in Spaced, Massed, Interleaved, and Desirable Difficulty Conditions, Sae Bin Park
The Proper Accounting and Valuation of Convertible Debt in the Modern Market, Ivan Gutierrez
The Proposed U.S. Missile Defense for Europe and the Old Continent's Reaction, Aleksandra Lencznarowicz
The Psychology of Giving: Factors of Philanthropic Behavior, Jennifer Ringoen
The Racial Wage Gap: The Importance of Labor Force Attachment Differences across Black, Mexican, and White Men, Heather Antecol and Kelly Bedard
The Railway and Telegraph in India: Monuments of British Rule or Symbols of Indian Nationhood?, Prashant L. Fonseka
The Refinement of America: Persons, Houses, Cities, Richard Bushman
The Relationship Between Snacking Habits and Impulsivity Levels in Adolescents, Bayley E. Clarke
The Relative Earnings of Young Mexican, Black, and White Women, Heather Antecol and Kelly Bedard
The Rise and Fall of Public Higher Education in the United States: Implications for Socioeconomic Inequality, Chantal Bao-Chau Hoang
The Role of Diction and Gesture in Italian Baroque opera, Olga Termini
The Role of Thd2 in Deposition-Related Deactylation and Chromatin Maturation, T. Alexandria Dumas
The Role of the King in the Democratic Transition in Thailand, Elizabeth A. Van Buskirk
The Role of the Lute in Sixteenth-Century Consorts: Evidence from Terzi's Intabulations, Suzanne Court
"The Rosary Cantoral: Ritual and Social Design in a Chantbook from Early Renaissance Toledo" by Lorenzo Candelaria, Kenneth Kreitner
The Sacred State: Religion, Politics and the Jerusalem Temple, Rebecca M. King
The Second Wailing Wall, Jordan Wilson-Dalzell
The Sexual Harassment of Female Active-Duty Personnel: Effects on Job Satisfaction and Intentions to Remain in the Military, Heather Antecol and Deborah Cobb-Clark
The Soft Power Dilemma: Can the European Union Sacrifice the Carrot and the Stick and Command with Soft Power Alone?, Helen Pollock
"The Sounds and Sights of Performance in Early Music: Essays in Honour of Timothy J. McGee" by Maureen Epp and Brian E. Power, Roland Jackson
The Space of the Child, Nita Kumar
The Stanford Organ: A Synthesis of Views, The Stanford Eclectic Tunings, Robert Bates, Mark Lindley, and Kimberly Marshall
The Strength of the Russian Energy Weapon in Ukraine, Anastasiya V. Galash
The Sucessful Brother: What Non-Profits Can Teach Businesses, Annastasia Kyung-Ah Lee
"The Tempo Indications of Mozart." By Jean-Pierre Marty, Thomas Bauman
The Third World War: American Hegemony in Latin America and the Overthrow of Salvador Allende, Samuel Mitchell
The Threes, Clifford Eberly
The Ties that Bind: Russian Aid to Ukraine, Kelsey L. O'Neal
The Timpani and Their Performance (Fifteenth to Twentieth Centuries): an Overview, Edmund Addison Bowles
The Trio Sonata in Pre-Corellian Prints: When Does 3 = 4?, Sandra Mangsen
The Unmaking of History: Baseball, Cold War, Underworld, Kathleen Fitzpatrick
The Unraveling of Shakespeare's Othello, Corey M. Jay
The Use of Dynamic Contexts to Improve Casual Internet Searching, Gondy Leroy
The Uses of Rubato in Music, Eighteenth to Twentieth Centuries, Sandra P. Rosenblum
The Value of a Statistical Life: How Much Would You Be Willing To Pay To Reduce Your Risk Of Death?, Inayat Chaudhry
The Vibrato Controversy, Frederick Neumann
The Violin Concerto Soloist’s Orchestral Role, from Mozart to Beethoven, Carey Campbell
The Vision of Reality as a Paradox: Salvador Dali's Creative Process from 1927 to 1939, Stefanie Saperstein
The Volume of a Sphere, Lisl Gaal and Crosby Lewy
The Wage Gap Between First- and Second-and-Higher-Generation White and Mexican Immigrants, Emma Grace McConville
The Wal-Martization of African American Religion: T.D. Jakes and Woman Thou Art Loosed, Paula L. McGee
The War on Drugs in Latin America: How Misinterpretation Led to Failed Policy, Edward Webb Schooler
The Woman Who Knew Too Much: Alice Stewart and the Secrets of Radiation, Gayle Greene
‘They Won't Work!’ - Efficacy of an Active Labor Market Policy from the Perspective of Psychology, Marco Meissner
"Thorough-Bass Accompaniment according to Johann David Heinichen." Rev. ed. by George Buelow, Philip Wade Russom
Three Mathematical Lyrics, Lawrence M. Lesser
Tibetan Buddhism and the Chinese Communist Party: Moving Forward in the 21st Century, Evan Zwisler
Time, Florin Diacu
Timelessly Present, Compassionately Impassible: A Defense of Two Classical Divine Attributes, Philip R. Olsson
To Look on Nature, George Gorse and Claire Tyler
To Supersede or Supplement: Profiling Aggregator e-Book Collections vs. Our Print Collections, Jason S. Price and John D. McDonald
Toward Understanding the Nature of Leadership in Alleviating State Fragility, Ajay Tejasvi Narasimhan
Trace Element Soil Contamination at Urban Community Gardens in Washington, DC, Adam J. Long
Trade Liberalization's Impacts on Welfare: A Comparative Analysis of Chile and Mexico, Veronica H. Pugin
Transformational Mobile Banking: An Ecosystem for the Unbanked Poor, Zachery P. Ingrasci
Travis Novak, Travis Novak
Travis Novak, Travis Novak
"Trills in the Bach Cello Suites" by Jerome Carrington, Marc Vanscheeuwijck
Tromlitz on Playing the Flute: a Résumé, Jane Bowers
T.S. Eliot's Anti-Modernism: Poetry and Tradition in the European Waste Land, John Bedecarré
"Tudor Music." By David Wulstan, John Morehen
Tune In, Turn On: The Novel, the Family, and the Plug-In Drug, Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Tuning Renaissance and Baroque Instruments: Some Guidelines, Mark Lindley
Tu ru or not Tu ru: Paired Syllables and Unequal Tonguing Patterns on Woodwinds in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Bruce Haynes
Tutti Frutti, Damaris G. Rivera
Tutti Frutti, Damaris G. Rivera
Tutti Frutti, Damaris G. Rivera
Tutti Frutti, Damaris G. Rivera
Tutti Frutti (Peggy Phelps Gallery detail), Damaris G. Rivera
Tutti Frutti (view from East Gallery), Damaris G. Rivera
Tutti Frutti Wall Piece I, Damaris G. Rivera
Tutti Frutti Wall Pieces II, Damaris G. Rivera
Tutti Frutti Wall Pieces III (detail), Damaris G. Rivera
Two and a Half Lawyers: Coolidge, Wilson, and the Legacy of Lincoln, Corbin Tognoni
Two Poems, Katrina Jacobs
Two Quick Combinatorial Proofs, Arthur T. Benjamin and Michael E. Orrison
Two-subspace Projection Method for Coherent Overdetermined Systems, Deanna Needell and Rachel Ward
Unbreakable Glass Slippers: Hegemony in Ella Enchanted, Tori Shereen Mirsadjadi
Understanding and Exploring Narcissism: Impact on Students and College Campuses, Emily J. Hudson
Understanding Immigrant Behavior in Denmark: The Immigrant Enclave and Employment Rate Paradox, Andrew Christensen
Une Éthique de La Modestie dans Les Essais de Montaigne (Towards a Modest Ethics in Montaigne's Essays), Catherine Parker Sweatt
Unexpected Turbulence: An Event Study of President Obama's June 29, 2011 Press Conference and Its Effect on Aircraft Manufacturers, Nathan A. Jiwanlal
Unhealthy Assimilation: Why Do Immigrants Converge to American Health Status Levels?, Heather Antecol and Kelly Bedard
Uniquely Solvable Puzzles and Fast Matrix Multiplication, Palmer Mebane
Uniting to Win: What Special Olympics Fandom Can Teach Us, Dana Shaker
Untitled, Stephen C. Kim
Untitled, Stephen C. Kim
Untitled, Stephen C. Kim
Untitled, Stephen C. Kim
Untitled, Stephen C. Kim
Untitled, Stephen C. Kim
Untitled, Stephen C. Kim
untitled, Grace Heeeun Park
untitled, Grace Heeeun Park
untitled, Grace Heeeun Park
untitled, Grace Heeeun Park
untitled, Grace Heeeun Park
untitled, Grace Heeeun Park
untitled, Grace Heeeun Park
untitled, Grace Heeeun Park
untitled, Brian Thomas Jones
untitled, Brian Thomas Jones
untitled, Brian Thomas Jones
untitled, Brian Thomas Jones
untitled, Brian Thomas Jones
untitled, Brian Thomas Jones
untitled, Jacques Louis David
untitled, Jacques Louis David
untitled, Jacques Louis David
untitled, Jacques Louis David
untitled, Jacques Louis David
untitled, Jacques Louis David
untitled, Jacques Louis David
untitled, Jacques Louis David
untitled, Jacques Louis David
untitled, Jacques Louis David
untitled, Jacques Louis David
untitled, Jacques Louis David
untitled, Jacques Louis David
untitled, Jacques Louis David
untitled, Jacques Louis David
Untitled, Jenna Tico
Untitled, Jen Grabarczyk
Unwitting Violations: The Threat of Innocence in Elizabeth Bowen's Novels and Short Stories, Mika Kasuga
Urban Texas: Politics and Development, Char Miller and Heywood T. Sanders
U.S. Energy Security: Reducing Dependence on Foreign Oil, Seth D. Winterroth
Using Structural Analysis to Assess Possible Formation Mechanisms of the Gneiss Domes of the Harvey Cardiff Domain, Eastern Ontario, Callie Sendek
Using Video Modeling to Teach Children with Autism to Give Verbal Compliments and Gesture Appropriately During Competitive Play, Kevin H. Macpherson
Vantage Point and Visual Imagery: Effects on Recall in Younger and Older Adults, Allison J. Midden
Verbal Scaffolding in Children's Theory of Mind, Kathline C. Gomes
Vibrato in Eighteenth Century Orchestras, Neal Zaslaw
Villanescas of the Virtuosi: Lasso and the Commedia dell'arte, Martha Farahat
Violes Esgales--Sainte Colombe, Marais, Couperin, Les Voix Humaines. Duo de Violes de Gambe, Annette Otterstedt
Violin Playing in Late Seventeenth-Century England: Baltzar, Matteis, and Purcell, Mary Cyr
Virtual into Verisimilitude: Videogames' Ability to Induce Empathy, Blake T. Bennett
Virtual Sirkap, Daniel Michon and Yehuda E. Kalay
"Vivaldi's Music for Flute and Recorder" by Federico Sardelli, Jane Bowers
Vocal Ornaments in Durante's "Arie devote" (1608), Donald Clyde Sanders
Voting Rights and Wrongs: Philosophical Justification for Universal Suffrage, Michelle Brody
Voting, the Symmetric Group, and Representation Theory, Zajj Daugherty '05, Alexander K. Eustis '06, Gregory Minton '08, and Michael E. Orrison
"Wagner in Performance." Eds. Barry Millington and Stewart Spencer, José Antonio Bowen
Waiting at Ports and Portals, Atilio A. Pernisco
War and Democracy, Gregory Hess and Athanasios Orphanides
Wars Of Words: The Politics Of Language In Ireland 1537-2004, Tony Crowley
Was the "Well-Tempered Clavier" Performable on a Fretted Clavichord?, Richard Loucks
Was the "Well-Tempered Clavier" Performable on a Fretted Clivichord?, Richard Loucks
Water and the Environment: Global Perspectives (History in Dispute, Volume 7), Char Miller
Water in the 21st-Century West: A High Country News Reader, Char Miller
Water in the West: A High Country News Reader, Char Miller
Water Reuse as Part of San Diego's Water Portfolio, Hillary P. Shipps
We Could All Be Having So Much More Fun! A Case For The History Of Mathematics In Education., Louise Anderton and David Wright
Weiser Carrots and Sticks: Motivation Beyond Money at the Shakedown Café, Julian A. Martinez
West Wall View, Atilio A. Pernisco
What Are the Conditions Necessary to Promote the Ideal Relationship Amongst Petro State, State Oil Company and International Oil Company?, Micheline Viergutz
What We Have Reason to Do: Comparing Our Moral and Rational Requirements, Sara E. Stern
When Curiosity Kills More Than the Cat: The Perils of Unchecked Scientific Inquiry, Jamie Shannon
Where Is the Best Place to Sit on a Roller Coaster? Forces, Physics, and Fun at Disneyland, Kelsey Lubetich
White Light, Tessie Whitmore
White Light, Tessie Whitmore
White Light, Tessie Whitmore
White Light, Tessie Whitmore
White Light, Tessie Whitmore
White Light, Tessie Whitmore
Who's Afraid of the Patent Trolls? Assessing the Market Impact of Landmark Patent Troll Litigation Outcomes, Xiaotong Li
Why Does Nationalist Education Fail?, Nita Kumar
Why Do Hindus and Muslims Fight? Children and History, Nita Kumar
Why Is There Interethnic Variation in the Gender Wage Gap?: The Role of Cultural Factors, Heather Antecol
Wild Horses, Samantha Leach
Willy Brandt’s Ostpolitik: The Changing Role in United States-West German Relations, an Analysis of United States Government Internal Documents, Sara A. Popovich
Wind Energy Opposition in Vermont: Perspectives on the State's Energy Future, William R. Pitkin IV
Wireless Channel Equalization in Digital Communication Systems, Sammuel Jalali
With Intent to Stage: Editing Kurt Weill's Music for the Theater, Ed Harsh
Wittgenstein and Nietzsche on the Role of Philosophy: Description, Creativity, Naturalism, and Possibility, Michael Charles Rodgers
"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Music for Solo Keyboard." Trevor Stephenson, Fortepiano, Marischka Olech-Hopcroft
Women and Technology: Reversing the Trends of Attrition and Obtaining a Balance, Gondy Leroy, Kristin M. Tolle, and Linda Perkins
Women and Video Games: Pigeonholing the Past, Allison Perry
Wooden Long Bow, Alistair Dobke
Woodwind Vibrato from the Eighteenth Century to the Present, Dwight C. Manning
Work and Leisure in the Formation of Identity: Muslim Weavers in a Hindu City, Nita Kumar
Worked Out and Built In: Developing Effective Leaders to Achieve Employee Engagement and Profitability, Harvey X. Liu
Working Title, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 10, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 11, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 12, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 13, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 14, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 15, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 16, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 17, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 18, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 19, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 2, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 20, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 21, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 22, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 3, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 4, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 5, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 6, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 7, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 8, Nathanael Thomas Little
Working Title 9, Nathanael Thomas Little
Y Comenzamos, Jordan Wilson-Dalzell
Zarathustra's Politics, Everett Alexander Heiney